CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Long Bike: 3 Hours Swim Base: 3100 Yards Swim Base: 2900 Yards Your Courage & Commitment. WU: Bike 1 hour and 30 minutes@ moderate aerobic intensity BUILD Do each rep slightly faster than the previous. WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity In fact, many athletes opt to follow a free half-iron training plan, which provides a schedule of daily workouts leading up to the race. Consider what is most important to you on race day: Do you want to do your hometown course, or travel to a destination race to make a vacation out of it? MS: 5 x 200 @ moderate aerobic intensity, RI=0:10 24 week plan for Half Ironman athletes with a weak base of fitness. 1 x (100 FS in Z2 Breathe every 3 + 20 secs rest). 2 x (50 FS in Z2 + 50 FS in Z4 + 15 sec rests). Ride on your race day bike, all in Z2. CD: Run 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Friday Typically, this means youre comfortable swimming for at least an hour, riding your bike three times a week (with a long ride of approximately 20 miles) and running three times per week (with a long run of approximately five miles). WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity MS: Run 20 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Swim Fartlek + Sprint: 2300 Yards 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity With just 12 weeks to go until event-day, this plan assumes you are currently able to swim 1400 m/yards with rests, ride for 2 hrs and run for 60 mins but not all on the same day. Some examples of post-workout recovery meals and snacks for triathletes: RELATED:The Proper Recovery Fuel for Every Type of Workout. 1 x (100 FS in Z2 + 50 FS in Z4 + 20 secs rest). CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Sunday Consume 60-90+g carb/hr (240-360 calories) from multiple carb sources such as glucose, fructose, and maltodextrin mixtures. MS: Run 22 minutes @ threshold intensity 3 x 200 @ threshold intensity, RI=0:20 1 x (100 FS in Z2 + 100 Pull in Z3 + 20 secs rest). Please read our advice and disclaimerhere. WU: 250 @ low aerobic intensity Join Outside+ to get access to exclusive content, 1,000s of training plans, and more. Theyre all half-iron races, just different branding. WU: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity 10 mins in upper Z3 + 2 mins recovery in Z1. Monday - DAY OFF Tuesday - 2hour cycle/1 hour run Wednesday - 4km swim Thursday - 1.5 hour ride/ 1.5 . CD: 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Thursday CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Saturday MS: 7 x 100 @ moderate aerobic intensity, RI=0:05 After the first event, you can fine-tune your racing strategy to hit specific time goals on the swim, bike, and run. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 To get fit enough to conquer an IRONMAN 70.3, you will need to train at least twice per week in each discipline (swim, bike and run). So how do you find the time to train for a half-iron triathlon? Tuesday WU: 250 @ low aerobic intensity MS: Run 50 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Sunday Swim Base: 3900 Yards Fartlek Run: 45 Minutes Swim Base: 4100 Yards WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity MS: 8 x 100 @ moderate aerobic intensity, RI=0:05 Swim Base: 2300 Yards WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity It features 3 swims, 3 rides, 3 runs, and a bike-run brick workout per week. 7 x 150 @ VO2max intensity, RI=1:15 Either way, you need shoes that will withstand the rigors of half-iron training miles. Deciding on which race to doespecially if its your first half-iron triathlonis no small decision. CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity. MS: 2 hours and 55 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity MS: 50 minutes @ high aerobic intensity WU: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity This has a bearing on the difficulty level you choose. Preferably on the race route. WU: Bike 1 hour and 30 minutes@ moderate aerobic intensity How Much Salt Do You Need While Training and Racing? For those not in the know, a 70.3 is a half Ironman-distance triathlon, consisting of a 1900m swim, . WU: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity For some, it can be a challenge to find an hour during the work day for a swim or three hours for a long ride on the weekend. 1 x (100 FS in Z2 + 100 Pull in Z2 + 20 secs rest). MS: Run 30 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Swim Fartlek + Sprint: 2600 Yards MS: 5 x 200 (50 easy/50 hard) easy = moderate aerobic intensity, hard = threshold intensity, RI=0:20 Phil is a recognised expert with over 20 years of experience, having featured on many endurance sports publications (below). If you cant find a half-Ironman tune-up race to participate in today, do a half-Ironman time trial on your own instead. 9 mins in upper Z3 + 2 mins recovery in Z1. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Sunday Every fourth week is an active recovery week, with less training, to help your body recover and adapt. MS: 12 x 1 minute @ VO2max intensity with 1-minute active recoveries @ recovery intensity One of your weekly runs should be a long run, where you slowly build up to a distance of around 12-miles in the final weeks before the race. Just to check your bike is working ok and to get a feel for the route. CD: 250 @ low aerobic intensity, Tuesday 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 8 x 50 @ speed intensity, RI=0:20 Click on each category below for Triathletes handpicked gear roundups and buyers guides for our editors best recommendations: Youll need a wetsuit not only for warmth, but for increased buoyancy, which leads to speed. Dont be afraid to take the time to do the necessary research. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 Foundation Run: 45 Minutes MS: Run 30 minutes @ threshold intensity, Friday 1 x (50 FS in Z2 + 150 FS in Z4 + 30 secs rest). No matter what you call itmiddle distance, long course, half-iron, 70.3 or half Ironmanfinishing a 70.3-mile triathlon is one impressive feat. 100 Kick in Z2 + 100 FS in Z2 + 15 secs rest. Steady State Bike: 1:10 As they say: the bigger your base, the faster the race! Think of this time as laying the foundations for the season ahead. MS: 4 x 100 @ moderate aerobic intensity, RI=0:05 Triathlon swimming goggles typically have more visibility and protection for open-water swimming. 3 x 200 @ threshold intensity, RI=0:30 (Beginners starting from scratch should plan a 1-2 year Ironman training plan) How Long to Train for an Ironman A beginner triathlete needs to start with 12 months of training to complete an Ironman. Swim Base: 2600 Yards CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Tempo Bike: 1:40 MS: Run 40 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity MS: 2,800 @ moderate aerobic intensity MS: Run 30 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Long Bike: 3:15 You'll need a decent base level of fitness and an understanding of working at differing levels of intensity. Tri-specific shoes will have features like quick on-and-off, drainage, and more. CD: 250 @ low aerobic intensity, Long Run: 2 Hours WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity It also takes into consideration he or she can run at least 7 miles or about an hour with relative ease, swim at least 5000 yards per week and ride at least 25-30 miles 3 times per week on the bike. MS: 3 hours and 25 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity Contents [ hide] MS: 2,400 @ moderate aerobic intensity 10 x 25 kick, RI=0:15 The build phase of training begins this week. If you use heart rate, you can use our simple heart rate training zone calculator. This includes three swims, three rides, three to five runs and a 45-minute strength and conditioning session. MS: 6 x 30 seconds @ VO2max intensity with enough active recovery to reach total workout time of 45 minutes (including warm-up and cool-down) 1 x (100 FS in Z2 + 200 Pull in Z2 + 20 secs rest). CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Steady State Bike: 1:15 Ironman 70.3 St. George is a great example of thismany choose this extremely hilly race because of the breathtaking scenery and proximity to tourist destinations like Las Vegas, Zion National Park, and the Grand Canyon. WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity Once you can swim 400 meters or yards freestyle in a pool without stopping, you can then train on your own more, or in a group. 2 x (200 Pull in Z2 + 100 FS in Z3 + 15 sec rests). 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 Plan Overview The training plan breaks down the 24-week training schedule into the following periods: CD: 250 @ low aerobic intensity, Long Run: 1:05 A steady run, mainly in Z1-Z2. But, Looking to take on an IRONMAN 140.6? MS: 8 x 1 minute @ speed intensity uphill with 2-minute active recoveries MS: 1,200 @ moderate aerobic intensity Swim Fartlek + Sprint: 2900 Yards "Ironman", to many, is synonymous with "impossible". But how do you train for a half Ironman? WU: Bike 1 hour @ moderate aerobic intensity Unless you live in a place with year-round good weather, an indoor bike trainer is an essential way to get in quality workouts when the weather is bad or the conditions are unsafe for riding outside. MS: Run 16 minutes @ threshold intensity In Joe Skipper's case, that's the hotel pool behind the finish line. CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Saturday We suggest you always know what swim youre doing, before you get in the pool. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 Average weekly training hours are 10:13 with the biggest week at 13:42 hours. Ask other triathletes, especially those with experience racing at the half-iron distance, which race (or races) theyd recommend for a first-timer. Bike 56 miles CD: 250 @ low aerobic intensity, Tuesday MS: 1,800 @ moderate aerobic intensity WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity Weve also goteasily printable training plans for our members. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity This mid-levelIronman training plan iscustom made for those who want to do more than just finish an Ironman. Check out Triathletescomprehensive, illustrated guide to buying tri gear. Success! WU: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic pace, Friday Todays smartwatches will not only track time and distance, but also help prescribe workouts, give biofeedback, track sleep, connect to your bike, and give pool and open-water swimming data. 6 x 200 @ threshold intensity, RI=0:45 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 MS: 4,225 @ maximum intensity CD: Run 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Friday CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Wednesday While racing, they can help you with pacing and properly doling out your effort. Our training plans are for athletes who dont feel the need for a personal coach, but who still want the structure and planning of an expertly-written training program. Heading out the door? WU: Run 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity MS: 5 hours and 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity Its a good time to double-check your race day logistics and strategies. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Saturday 1 x (100 FS in Z2 + 100 Pull in Z4 + 20 secs rest). WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic pace This ensures youre used to the feel and handling of your race-day bike. MS: 4 x 150 (50 build/25 descend) start @ moderate aerobic intensity, build to threshold intensity, RI=0:15 Running Hill Repeats: 34 Minutes Training for and racing a 70.3 requires lots of hydration. Running Hill Repeats: 44 Minutes CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Wednesday When you cross the finish line of an IRONMAN 70.3 or other half distance triathlon, you've accomplished something very special.. Ironman 70.3 Muncie - the ultimate triathlon adventure located in Muncie, Indiana! 5 x 150 @ VO2max intensity, RI=1:15 Swim Base: 3100 Yards CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Recovery Run: 35 Minutes Tuesday WU: Run 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity 10 x 25 kick, RI=0:15 WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity 1 x (50 Pull in Z2 + 50 Pull in Z2 + 15 secs rest). MS: 1 hour and 55 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity The longer the race, the more time an athlete needs to spend training for it. MS: 2 hours and 25 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity CD: 38 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Wednesday This training plan will help you achieve such goals in a time efficient way that still allow you to please your boss and enjoy your family. WU: 10 minutes @ recovery intensity Swim Base: 3400 Yards 4 x 50 @ speed intensity, RI=0:20 An aero helmet will simply reduce the drag as you race on your bikeassuming you can hold the proper aero position for the great majority of your race. Your 6-Month IRONMAN Training Plan By Mike Ricci, IRONMAN Updated On May 17, 2018 Leading into race-specific training, you need to make sure you're ready to train for the distance and challenge of an IRONMAN race. CD: 24 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Swim Fartlek + Sprint: 2000 Yards MS: 40 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity CD: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Long Bike: 2 Hour CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Saturday 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 4 x (4 mins in low Z4 + 60 secs recoveries in Z1). CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Long Run: 2:40 6 x 50 @ speed intensity, RI=0:20 Foundation Bike: 1:15 These aerodynamic, carbon wheels will not only allow you to ride faster, but can also increase comfortdepending on the rim depth and hub/spoke construction. CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Saturday WU: Run 5 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity Thats a wide range, and accounts for several different factors: For your first 70.3, its not typically recommended to set a time goalinstead, most coaches advise first-time athletes to focus on simply finishing. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 CD: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity 2 x (300 FS in Z2 + 50 FS in Z4 + 15 sec rests). 10 x 25 kick, RI=0:15 The plan builds up to race day and helps improve your fitness and confidence for your target event. This is a swim time trial workout. WU: Bike 1 hour and 15 minutes@ moderate aerobic intensity CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Wednesday 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 RUN | Novice IRONMAN 24 week Training Plan * = higher intensity key session E = endurance key session Microcycle 1 -GP Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday HRS # SESSIONS % VOLUME Session 1 OFF RU- 00:40 [3] * SW- 01:00 [3] * BI- 01:00 Free 8-week half-Ironman training plan This half-Ironman training planis designed for those who are able to commit to six days training per week. WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity Swim Base: 3100 Yards 20 mins in upper Z3 + 2 mins recovery in Z1. CD: 200 @ low aerobic intensity. Most 70.3 training plans require at least 10 weeks of preparation; some recommend at least 20 weeks to thoroughly prepare. WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity Run Lactate Intervals: 36 Minutes WU: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity MS: Run 1 hour and 50 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity Theres a reason they call nutrition the fourth discipline of triathlonif you dont fuel well during your race, its going to be really hard to swim, bike or run. 6 x 200 @ threshold intensity, RI=0:30 Weekly Overview: 2 swims 3 rides 3 runs 1 rest day-This training program works well with all TrainingPeaks compatible smart watches. 10 x 25 kick, RI=0:15 MS: Run 40 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Long Bike: 5:30 Swim Base: 2900 Yards CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Thursday 2 x 200 @ threshold intensity, RI=0:45 Most of your training can be done at chatting pace, but its also good to include some harder efforts. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity 1 x (50 FS in Z2 + 50 Back in Z2 + 15 secs rest). Most triathletes finish a half-iron or 70.3 triathlon between 5 and 8 hours. MS: 4 x 1 minute @ speed intensity uphill with 2-minute active recoveries MS: 4 x 100 @ moderate aerobic intensity, RI=0:05 This short training plan is suitable for Intermediate triathletes, who want to maximize potential at IRONMAN 70.3 while balancing life and training. The sooner you start, the more time you have to build up your fitness gradually. A half iron distance race is defined as: 1.2mile Swim | 56mile Bike | 13.1mile Run 1,930meter Swim | 90km Bike | 21k Run CD: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity. 4. Do not underestimate what it takes to complete a half-ironman, be well prepared by following the training programme closely and spend time blending the training into your lifestyle. MS: 2 hours and 40 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Bike Short Hill Climbs: 1:10 WU: 250 @ low aerobic intensity MS: Run 45 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Sunday To get this in a printable PDF, plus the 8-week version and the Strength & Conditioning guide, please enter your email below. Zone 4 Feels like Hard/Threshold Heart rate 87-93% of max. The free 8 and 12-week training plans on this page give you an idea of what to expect, but you may also benefit from a longer plan that starts easier and ramps-up more gradually. WU: 300 @ low aerobic intensity Like what you see? 2 x (50 Breast in Z2 + 50 Back in Z2 + 15 sec rests). 5 mins in upper Z3 + 2 mins recovery in Z1. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic pace, Swim Fartlek + Sprint: 1900 Yards CD: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Tuesday It can also mitigate the effects of stress hormones, which are elevated during exercise. WU: 200 @ low aerobic intensity WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity uch as, during the off-season, or anytime youre taking a break from racing. CD: Run 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Thursday This is a swim time trial. CD: Run 5 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Thursday CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Swim Fartlek + Sprint: 2500 Yards 7 x 50 @ speed intensity, RI=0:20 CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Sunday 10 x 25 kick, RI=0:15 WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity Week 4 - Activity Recovery Week (5 hrs 13 mins), Week 8 - Activity Recovery Week (6 hrs 11 mins). Note that you can still work in other, smaller races during your plan too! 15 mins in upper Z3 + 2 mins recovery in Z1. Which comes down to as little as $3.55 per week for unlimited training plans and ongoing certified coach support. 5 x (5 mins in Z4 + 2 min recoveries in Z2). MS: 10 x 1 minute @ speed intensity uphill with 2-minute active recoveries WU: Bike 1 hour @ moderate aerobic intensity If youre increasing your activity levels above what youre used to, youre going to need more fuel in the tank. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 To get the 8-week version of this plan and access to the Strength & Conditioning guide, please. CD: 10 minutes @ recovery intensity, Sunday The plan follows a common pattern where there is a 3-week build in training, followed by a recovery week. CD: 20 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Wednesday WU: 39 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity for age-group triathletes is 5:51 for men and 6:18 for women. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 1 x (100 FS Breathe every 5 in Z2 + 20 secs rest). Every fourth week is an active recovery week, with less training, to help your body recover and adapt. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Foundation Run: 40 Minutes MS: Run 45 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Sunday We like to break down our gear list for a half Ironman into three categories: basic, intermediate, and advanced. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Saturday MS: Run 25 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity RELATED:Our Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming. How long does it take to train for an Ironman Triathlon? MS: 4 x 100 @ moderate aerobic intensity, RI=0:05 Below, well talk about how to choose the best half-iron distance race for you. WU: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic pace CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Saturday Do most of your running at chatting pace, even if it means you must include some walking. WU: 350 @ low aerobic intensity Break up your swim workouts, into smaller chunks with regular rest periods. CD: 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity. Swim Base: 2500 Yards Typically, these are structured as follows: RELATED: Triathletes Expert Guide on How to Taper. Just to get a feel for the conditions. 12 x 25 @ speed intensity, RI=0:20 We include these workouts in our training plans too, in the lead up to race day. CD: Run 10 minutes @ moderate aerobic intensity, Friday MS: 3,000 @ moderate aerobic intensity 8 x 50 @ speed intensity, RI=0:20 The longer plans start easier and progress more gradually. Two to three weeks of planned, progressive cutbacks in training volume to allow the body to prepare for the intensity of race day. This includes two swims, two to three rides, three runs and a 45-minute strength and conditioning session. CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Bike Long Hill Climbs: 1:20 MS: 3,200 @ moderate aerobic intensity After two weeks on this plan, add roughly one-third to all times and distances. 10 x 25 drills, RI=0:10 Heres how to understand the age-groups and, who knows, maybe even qualify for the IRONMAN World Champs in, Supersapians, game changer or gadget? CD: 350 @ low aerobic intensity, Tempo Run: 1:05 Swim the maximum-intensity segment as though it were a race. Brick Workout: 1:30 10 x 25 kick, RI=0:15 Swim Base: 1850 Yards Swim Base: 4625 Yards CD: Run 10 minutes @ low aerobic intensity, Thursday There is usually one workout per day (sometimes two), with one day off each week. Including beginner, intermediate, advanced, masters (40+) and off-season PLANS, Table of Contents (click to scroll to each section), Discounted TrainingPeaks Premium (optional). The plan below has been specifically designed to help intermediate-level triathletes prepare for the 1.9km swim, 85km ride and 21.1km run of the Woburn Abbey Half-Iron, presented by tri for life (opens in new tab).
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