388) No part of Japan is more than 100 miles from the sea. 80) The 1912 Olympics was the last time that gold medals were solid gold. lost memories. short one. 753) Leonardo da Vinci was dyslexic, and he often wrote backwards. 336) All major league baseball umpires must wear black underwear while on the job (in 223) France is known as the perfume capital of the world. 866) Humming birds are the only birds that can fly backwards. 122) The Crawler, the machine that takes the Space Shuttle to the launching pad 262) The tongue of a mature Blue Whale has approximately the same mass as that of 587) 35% of the people using personal ads for dating are already married. ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT | News Services | ECU The remarkable beasts remains were dug up in Romania. Submission of your information constitutes permission for an agent to contact you with additional information about the cost and coverage details of health and auto insurance plans. 10 things you probably didn't know existed but now totally need They also only see silhouettes and are unable to focus on items just after their birth. bottle. 59) Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charles Jung. Babies are called 282) The average person has walked 100,000 miles by the time they reach the age of 1001 things you never knew existed catalog. 839) An average adult male thinks about sex every 7 seconds. See Also: Gift Catalogs, Toy Catalogs Show details. stick its tongue out. 979) Women have a slightly higher average IQ than men. made of. sun. 935) A necropsy is an autopsy on an animal. 1502. 545) The IRS employees tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear 835) The United States spends more money on its military than the next 13 countries on 9 hours ago Archie McPhee sells funny gifts, toys, novelties and gag gifts. 174) The body stores more than 99% of its calcium in the bones and teeth to help make It was used by her to relay secret and silent messages to her staff. stuff click this link!) capsaicin, the hot stuff in chilies. 569) An estimated 405,000 U.S. houses still lack indoor plumbing. 306) The average single man is one inch shorter than the average married man. 754) The Bible is the bestselling book of all time with approximately six billion books 51) Half of all identity thieves are committed by relatives, friends, or neighbors of their When will I receive my back-ordered items? The following items cannot be returned: horticulture (live plants), personalized items, liquids, face masks and sexual health items. 2019 Daily-catalog.com. 160) The planet Venus does not tilt as it goes around the Sun therefore it has ho 567) A woman's heart beats faster than a man's heart. To make shopping with us as easy as possible, we have provided step-by-step website shopping instructions below: Catalog Quick Order If you have received a catalog and know the products you want, you can shop quickly with our "Catalog Quick Order." Just click the "Catalog Quick Order" link in the top navigation, enter the Promo Code in the box . 385) The guillotine was invented in Yorkshire, England. 944) The average cow produces 40 glasses of milk each day. 357) There are over 600 types of bacteria found in the average human mouth. 493) The harmonica is the world's best-selling music instrument. and security items, plus hundreds of strange and unique collectibles. stuff click this link!) 107) Red blood cells live about 120 days, platelets 6 days and white cells less than a 620) Every year, 50,000,000 automobiles are produced in the world. Meanwhile, the 'Yup That Exists' project has over 401k followers on Instagram. 411) Iron weighs more after it rusts. Bonus fact: They dont even reach sexual maturity until they are roughly 150 years old! 554) In 1670, Dorothy Jones of Boston was granted a license to sell coffee, and so The first oranges ever imported to the West were from Southeast Asia and were tangerine-pomelo hybrids that were green in color. It was a Scottish tradition from the Middle Ages to deep fry chicken. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom more often. I was like 8. 465) Brazil has the worlds widest road. world. 965) The average bra size today is 36C. 144) Only Richard Nixon served two terms as Vice President and also was elected to sold. 366) The sun's average period of rotation is 27 days. Most of this gargantuan desert is covered in gravel, although it also has its own mountain ranges and oases. 632) The U.S. Government will not allow portraits of living persons to appear on stamps. towards them in the hope of a free can of soda. 444) 25% of a human's bones are in its feet. The machine worked by using negatively charged silicone to catch positively charged snowflakes, which created a static electric effect that was then harvested. 706) Vietnam War (1965-73) 1.2 million killed. 323) Mark Twain was born in 1835 when Haley's Comet came into view. 469) 70,000 people in the U.S. are both blind and deaf. 259) Most soccer players run 7 miles in a game. 4. other. In fact, an arrow can even be fired with a 180-degree curve to hit an object on the other side of a wall amazing, right?! 378) The largest thing a blue whale can swallow is a grapefruit. From $1.99 $ 1. Since 1996, Catalogs.com has been considered the web's catalog shopping authority. 495) Conception occurs more often in December than any other month. 201) Cat's urine glows under a black-light. 58) Dogs and cats consume almost $7 billion worth of pet food a year. This document is about 1,001 Things You Didn't Know from medicine to sex, from music to drugs, and all in between. Located in Indonesia, this lava burst so fast and in such high temperature it turns blue. meter. 891) Americans use over 16,000 tons of aspirin a year. 621) A raisin, dropped in a glass of fresh champagne, will bounce up and down private schools. 9 hours ago Visit Us iN Kingston. 30) Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th." 52) Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a Will Wight, the creator of the iconic gaming franchise, suffered a tragic house fire in 1991, where he lost everything to the flames. 266) There are more mobile phones in UK than there are people. of service. 40,000 times the power requirement of United States. If you've ever paged through a Things You Never Knew Existed catalog, that's them! It means Help Some of these products have been designed specifically for those in law enforcement, while others have been made with business owners. 402) A one kilogram packet of sugar will have approximately 5 million grains of sugar. more than gold), and californium cost $60,000,000/g. These are all real things . He now holds the Guinness World Record for the furthest distance thrown by a car! 552) About 50% of all people have their first kiss before they are 14. 807) Dark roasted coffees actually have LESS caffeine than medium roasts. 227) Less than 1% of the women in the world will ever be able to wear a diamond that is 880) Bees have five eyes. 335) Pain travels faster than 3000 feet per second. 334) The word "Laser" stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission by Things You Never Knew 88) Chimpanzees use tools more than any other animal except man. 737) Farts are highly flammable. 593) An object weighing 100 pounds on Earth would weight just 38 pounds on Mars. 314) Paper was invented early in the second century by Chinese Eunuch. 103) Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards. That is because the Vitamin A content of that much juice is high enough to make your brain swell and kill you, along with a load of nasty other symptoms! 5) There are five states in United States with no sales tax. stuff click this link!) hemisphere. 748) The letter Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of Descriptions are for informational purposes only and subject to change. stuff click this link!) 100 mph). 241) Bibliomancy is the practice by some people of opening the Bible at random and 6 years and then fall out. The longer 923) The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters. It refers to deer skins from male deer, or bucks as theyre commonly known. 467 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, PA 570-718-6961 Tuesday-Sunday: 12-6 Closed Monday, See Also: Free CatalogsVerify It Show details. can be recycled an infinite amount of times. Joseph Swan did. 984) The face of a penny can hold about thirty drops of water. any of the United States. extensive circulatory network. 351) 9 out of every 10 living things live in the ocean. 641) A B-25 bomber airplane crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on 947) The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. 74) A car traveling 100 mph would take more than 29 million years to reach the nearest 65) The earliest maps were made by the Babylonians about 2300 B.C. 162) A used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can, in 435) Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life. The original collectors catalog, no matter what you collect, Things You Never Knew Existed will help you complement your collection. 203) Sexual dysfunction is more common in people who abuse drugs and alcohol. But as a once off it's a pretty fascinating look into a practice that is falling . the list combined. Hes sung in over 5 languages on over 100 songs, and sang at the Beijing Summer Olympics opening ceremony in 2008! invented by women. 678) Racehorses can wear out new horse shoes in one race. Some of these facts are common knowledge, like never eating yellow snow, whilst some are rather unknown knowledge, like the fact that cheetahs love the smell of Calvin Klein fragrances. These wise old trees, known as Pinus longaeva, have been aged up to 5,060+ years old! your eyes get daily. 499) Americans are responsible for generating roughly 20% percent of the garbage in 885) A butterfly can look at you through 12,000 eyes. 189) Some calculators can spell out "G02HELL" after typing in 1134206, then looking at 158) Traveling at the speed of 186,000 miles per second, light take 6 hours to travel when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that Nonsense! 752) Each of the Space Shuttle's solid rocket boosters burns 5 tons of propellant per 439) A group of kangaroos is called a mob. 327) The lining of a person's stomach is replaced every 36 hours. If an item is a drop-ship item (item number begins with A), please contact us at (800) 582-5700 to process your return. Way before the internet was big for that kinda thing. 395) About 10,000,000 people have the same birthday as you. 257) The first domain name ever registered was Symbolics.com. The 'Yup That Exists' project is very popular online. 989) The common name for Tocopherol is Vitamin E. 291) If you take any number, double it, add 10, divide by 2, and subtract your original 308) Alopecia is the medical term for baldness. 504) Your pulse is the rate at which your heart beats. These huge fungi were 24 feet tall and three feet wide and covered most of the Earths surface before trees existed. 39) Believe it or not but during the average human life, you will consume 70 assorted 956) The average bra is designed to last for only 180 days of use. They also have military-inspired paraphernalia, and more unique, collectible commodities. 744) First four countries to have television: England, the U.S., the U.S.S.R., and Brazil. Association (APA) until 1973. leaves the eye, since there are no photoreceptors in this area. 393) In 1910, a football team was penalized 15 yards for an uncompleted forward pass. 967) 41% of men say they learned about sex from their friends or siblings, and 45% say 812) Bees and dogs can sense fear. We will respond within 24 hours. Things You Never Knew Existed | Collections Etc. 709) Dolphins don't automatically breath, they have to tell themselves to. The tool isn't just for stickers; use it on candle wax, soap buildup, dried . If you have submitted an order but need to cancel for whatever reason, please call our customer service department at (800) 582-5700 as soon as possible. Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon. A vertical forest. 205) There is no cure for schizophrenia, but many people can effectively manage their 240) Liquid air looks like water with a bluish tint. You must call within 60 days of purchase. It has become a practice among some modern-day archers who have proved it can be done. In India, women from poor backgrounds are being trafficked and duped into selling their skin for use in the global cosmetic surgery world for operations like penis enlargements and breast enhancements. gazing up from the arms of Mom or Dad. 419) The size of a red blood cell is 708 microns. (yes, men are in the stats). 739) If all the Coca-Cola vending machines in the U.S. were stacked one on top of each Well, its when recently deceased women and men are matched up and ritually married by their respective families to ensure they arent lonely in the afterlife. Why am I being billed for a back-ordered item(s)? Skin aging is caused By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 910) Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better. by Awesome Daily Staff. 626) The Sun's gravitational pull is so strong that even Pluto, a planet 5.9 billion 211) Annually 17 tons of gold is used to make wedding rings in the United States. 371) Most of the villains in the bible have red hair. 531) Bulls don't really get angry when they see the color red, it's really movement that
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