This is a brutal tale of a middle-aged alcoholic man named Ben Sanderson (Cage). On his second day in Las Vegas, Ben looks for Sera, introduces himself, and offers her $500 to come to his room for an hour. Yesterday, I was on the deck of my boat (at anchor), doing one of the never-ending maintenance chores that living on a boat entails, when Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd) started playing on the radio. It is sad not because of the tragic lives of its characters, but because of their goodness and their charity. Leaving Las Vegas on Pluto TV | Classics | 1hr 51 min | Nicolas Cage garnered a Best Actor Oscar for his hauntingly disturbing portrayal of a suicidal alcoholic who falls for a compassionate Las Vegas prostitute (Elisabeth Shue) in one of the year's most critically acclaimed films. Not every actor is pouring themselves into their roles like Cage is, but his knack for daring experimentation is what has made him the iconic performer we know today. [25] The film was also released on Blu-ray, HD DVD and LaserDisc.[26]. First it was "The Volcano" at Mirage. It's not a coincidence that some of the greatest artists have been manic-depressives. Shortly afterward, Sera is approached by three college students at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino. Cage and Shue make these cliches into unforgettable people. Since he was presumably still working out the kinks of this acting methodology when he was cast in Leaving Las Vegas, he bolstered his performance through extensive research on addiction encouraged by Figgis. (One could argue that the intention to have them show up on Knight Rider is closure enough. The strange thing about Leaving Las Vegas is, despite the terrible subject matter, the love story is genuinely touching. A lot of conversations. Its what makes Cages performance all the more pitiable. Their relationship is tragically asymmetrical: While Sera endures violence and abuse from customers to make money, Ben crashes for free on her sofa, drinking himself into a dreamy stupor. Whilst doing so he bumps into Sera (Elisabeth Shue), a prostitute, who Ben asks back to his motel. Related Topics: Leaving Las Vegas, Nicolas Cage, The Great Performances. When Billy, the group's sworn bachelor, finally proposes to his thirty-something (of course) girlfriend, the four head to Las Vegas with a plan to stop acting their age and relive their glory. The two stars give the best performances of their careers, in one of the best films of their careers. The manic depression so deeply welling up in Ben is so forceful nothing will stop him completing his goal. She initially rejects their offer by stating that she only "dates" one at a time but eventually acquiesces when she is offered an increased price. Everything is real to him, even if he often doesnt seem real to us. On his second day in Las Vegas, Ben looks for Sera, introduces himself, and offers her $500 to come to his room for an hour. He moves from Hollywood to Las Vegas after he has failed to keep his family or his job in the movie industry as a direct result of his drinking. [8] Cage recounted that he found the use of 16mm liberating as an actor stating in a 1995 interview with Roger Ebert: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, "As an actor, having a 16-mm. Cage received the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama and the Academy Award for Best Actor, while Shue was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama and the Academy Award for Best Actress. Usually, no action is taken until the addictive behavior starts affecting company income, insurance and morale. Through their bond, they humanize and uplift one another in a world that has all but turned its back to them. Mike Figgis based Leaving Las Vegas on a 1990 autobiographical novel by John O'Brien, who died of suicide in April 1994, shortly after finding out his novel was being used as the basis for a film. He was the floppy-haired heartthrob of the 90s, but by 2018, Grant found ways to poke fun at the very fabric of actorly charm as Phoenix Buchanan. Director Figgis filmed many scenes on the Las Vegas Strip. Sera, a prostitute, and Ben, an alcoholic, stumble together and discover in each other a respite from their unforgiving lives. That made it, to me, a fascinating subject that, alas, did not come out in the film. Until she meets Ben, that is. Follow her on Twitter @izbcho. [8][12] Filming took place over 28 days. He accepts and moves in, even if Ben is passed out unconscious on her doorstep when Sera arrives home. You can drink all you want. "[18] Ebert named the film "best of 1995" and included it in his "best of the decade" list in the number 8 spot. Perhaps Figgis's whole point, however, is the frustrating codependence of the protagonists. Leaving Las Vegas had a limited release on October 27, 1995. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Why not experiment? Nouveau shamanic is nothing other than trying to augment your imagination to get to the performance without feeling like youre faking it.. She later was nominated for an Oscar for playing Sera. Cage recounted that he found the use of 16mm liberating as an actor stating in a 1995 interview with Roger Ebert: Figgis had problems because permits were not issued for some street scenes. Nikki Cox Net worth: According to reports of some media portals, Nikki's net worth is somewhere around $5 million. Not because I dont remember the date I quit it was two weeks shy of the Twin Peaks: The Return premiere but because I literally cant remember it. Contact me | Privacy policy | Join the mailing list | Links. Its an exhilarating performance from Cage in a stumbling, deadbeat way. Thats because he creates an alternate reality for himself that is vivid and alive, helping him ground any of his off the wall quirks. Later, Sera explains to her therapist that she accepted Ben for who he was and loved him. [10], The limited budget dictated the production and Figgis ended up filming in super 16mm and composing his own score. We couldn't shut down The Strip to shoot". We learn a little about her, in closeups where she talks about her life to an invisible therapist. He plans to drink his way into oblivion with the remaining money he . Lead actress Elisabeth Shue does a reasonable job as prostitute Sera, but nothing that would constitute a seemingly . For an alcoholic, Leaving Las Vegas is nothing short of a horror movie. The strange thing about Leaving Las Vegas is, despite the terrible subject matter, the love story is genuinely touching. Their vacation is ruined, however, when an inebriated Ben breaks a glass table by the pool. Mike Figgis composed the jazz instrumentals and provided the trumpet and keyboards himself. Actor-comedian Richard Lewis (Peter)who himself is a recovering alcoholicalso remembered Cage having someone on set describing drunkenness to help him out. Elisabeth Shues performance is also excellent. [27] The soundtrack also included three jazz standards performed by Sting and excerpts of dialogue from the film. Ben eventually goes as far as to be intimate with a woman from a casino in Seras own bed a momentous betrayal. So, some substance abusers can lead lengthy careers within a company before the hammer falls. [11] Filming took place over 28 days.[12]. Hed then film himself when drunk to get an understanding of the right body language, speech, and hand gestures. The team said it has an agreement to acquire land for a new stadium in Las Vegas and plans to leave Oakland as soon as the end of the 2024 season By Lindsey Adler April 20, 2023 2:50 pm ET You put them up against a couple of trucks, with it all happening around them, and their voices become great". Leaving Las Vegas is a relentless downer -- look at it as a love story for anyone who found The Bridges of Madison County too precious -- but it's worth sticking through for its two lead. [9] He said "it was one of the most enjoyable pieces of research I've ever had to do for a part. "I'm not sure if I lost my family because of my drinking, or if I'm drinking because I lost my family," he muses. Your email address will not be published. But, be that as it may, I am not here to force my twisted soul into your life. This elegance is best seen through Bens drunken confidence as he waxes poetic to Sera (Elisabeth Shue) and others on the Vegas strip. He's also the author of 'The Binge Watcher's Guide to The Twilight Zone' (Riverdale Avenue Books). Now the turn has come for "The Fountain" at Bellagio. We think its great triumph is in the authentic portrait of manic depressive self-destruction. Sera: What's up?Ben Sanderson: I was looking for you tonight. There's a scene where Caruso leaves the titty bar, and he gives an explanation to a random extra when question. Leaving Las Vegas. Am I missing something. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. On the contrary, the social contacts at work typically tolerate, sympathize with, and even enable alcoholics and other substance abusers, because many of the other employees are also similarly (and secretly) engaged in addictive behavior of their own to varying degrees. He interviewed alcoholics and sought out their experience with Delirium Tremens, but the greatest source of inspiration came from his family friend: the proud drunk Tony Dingman. But for Cages Ben, rather than asking for help, he ties that rope into a noose so he can hang himself. In a kind of existential way. Cage once spent $276,000 on a T. Rex skull. Cage won the Oscar for his heartbreaking performance, and Shue was nominated for her role as well (the film earned additional Academy Award nods for Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay). Cookie Notice As those two hit it off, Sera invites Ben to live in her flat. His work in Leaving Las Vegas is staggering because its an unglamorous depiction of an addict at the end of their rope. In turn, Sera provides Ben the friendship he needs as he spirals into the clutches of alcoholism, depression, and existential despair. Another icon disappears from The Strip. MGM/UA reportedly spent less than $2 million marketing the film, which included TV spots and ads in industry publications. Ben instructs Sera never to ask him to stop drinking. Mike Figgis, who wrote, directed, and composed the music for this movie, is a filmmaker attracted to the far shores of behavior. Sera receives a call from Ben, who is on his deathbed. When he gets there he checks into a seedy, bargain bin motel. And dont expect many views eitherafter all, youre off course, of course. She chastises him and walks away. On the strip, Ben picks up a street-smart hooker named Sera in what might have been another excess in his self-destructive jag. [1] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film received an approval rating of 91% based on 53 reviews, with an average rating of 7.6/10. For Leaving Las Vegas, his pre-shoot research involved binge drinking in Dublin. A lot of communication in the year before we made the film. There, he meets and forms an uneasy friendship and non-interference pact with prostitute Sera. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved, was less intimidating and made him less tense. You'd think he'd get fired for coming to work drunk the first time. In his Academy Award acceptance speech, Cage said, I know its not hip to say it, but I just love acting, and I hope that therell be more encouragement for alternative movies where we can experiment and fast forward into the future of acting. That love he has for this art form is apparent in his dynamic approach to embodying a character as flawed and complicated as Ben Sanderson. The 50 greatest TV and movie detectives of all time. Finally one of the former friends takes him aside, gives him some money and says, "I think it would be best if you didn't contact me again." Leaving Las Vegas is a 1995 American drama film written and directed by Mike Figgis and based on the semi-autobiographical 1990 novel of the same name by John O'Brien. That made it, to me, a fascinating subject that, alas, did not come out in the film. That such a film gets made is a miracle: One can see how this material could have been softened and compromised, and that would have been wrong. The woman's name is Sera (Elisabeth Shue). Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Drama, Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Drama, Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published, Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Awards, Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, San Sebastin International Film Festival, Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role, Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role, "Oscars: Six Contenders on the Challenges and Rewards of Making 2021 Indies", "Leaving Las Vegas and the Writer Who Didn't Live to See It", "Cage relishes operatic role in tragic 'Leaving Las Vegas', "FILM REVIEW;Lurching Through a Life Of Alcoholic Abandon", "Viva, "Las Vegas!" Then you have Sera, who is abused physically and verbally throughout the movie. One could also argue that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.). Making a splash: A deep dive into the live-action. Ben says he will not criticize her occupation either and she thanks him. Heres an unusual Oscar winner from 1995, with Nic Cage on career best form. And he would go into these amazing diatribes and I would put that in the movie. Thats very uncommon in cinema. Halle Bailey, Melissa McCarthy, and director Rob Marshall share the tale behind making their underwater musical with a groundbreaking Disney princess. I am normally a lurker, but this movie is just awful, and I had to vent. Cage, a resourceful and daring actor, has never been better. Ben says he will not criticize her occupation either, and she thanks him. He goes to Vegas, and there on the street he meets a prostitute, who takes him in and cares for him, and he calls her his angel. As the credits begin to role, one cannot help but trouble over the argument the film extends about the futility of change. Cooper (Tom Selleck). But for Cage's Ben, rather than asking for help, he ties that rope into. Along the way, in Mike Figgis movie adaptation of John OBriens semi-autobiography, he befriends and moves in with a prostitute named Sera (Elisabeth Shue). He goes off to drink himself into steadiness, and then it seems he returns and makes obscene suggestions to the teller, but they all take place in his head. In "Leaving Las Vegas," a man loses his family and . Yet they meet for a final time when Ben is on his deathbed. Thats why when I tried to watch Nicolas Cages performance in Leaving Las Vegas after my first year of sobriety, I just couldnt. When he lets her down badly, toward the end of the movie, she goes out and does something that no hooker should do - gets herself into a motel room with a crowd of drunken college boys - and we see how she needed Ben because she desperately needed to do something good for somebody. The two agree to not judge one another, but it doesn't take long for Sera to break their pact and try to put an end to Ben's suicidal bender, which prompts Ben to sabotage their relationship. Cast : Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian SandsScreenplay : Mike FiggisRelease : October 27, 1995Director : Mike FiggisGenre : Drama, RomanceCountry : USAStream NowTim's Rating : Bang for your Buck : Leaving Las Vegas (1995) Posted by Tim Brayton Posted on Jun - 3 - 20170 Comments To live and die in L.V. Harvard College Accepts 3.41% of Applicants to Class of 2027. "[9] Shue spent time interviewing several Las Vegas prostitutes. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. What moves me the most in movies is not when something bad happens, but when characters act unselfishly. With deliberate resolve, he burns the remnants of his life and heads for Las Vegas to end it all in one final binge. Making a splash: A deep dive into the live-action Little Mermaid with a new generation's Ariel. Ben Sanderson leaves his life in Los Angeles behind and heads for Vegas. Clearly inwardly distraught, he decides to abandon everything, head out to Las Vegas, and drink himself to death. He told Film Critic: "It was just a week and a half of rehearsal. One scene after another finds the right note. Polish mobsters are after Yuri, so he ends his relationship with Sera in fear that the Poles may hurt her. For more information, please see our . To be this realistic takes a lot of guts and were pleased it worked out for him and this cult classic. He cracks jokes, spouts Latin quotes about drinking, and tries to mold himself into the romanticized depiction of dependency that made writers like Charles Bukowski famous. Despite their uplifting bond, it becomes increasingly difficult to condone Bens incompetence. Its a sense of loss we see in Bens face when his boss fires him towards the beginning of the film. The movie is not really about alcoholism. [6][7] Despite basing most of his screenplay on O'Brien's novel, Figgis spoke of a personal attachment with the novel, stating "Anything I would do would be because I had a sympathetic feeling towards it. The supermodel was supposed to play the hooker at the bar who Ben takes back to his and Seras apartment. "[20], Video cassettes and DVD of the film were distributed by MGM Home Entertainment. He can be larger than life, sure, but his emotional presence never feels fake. When he was working on Leaving Las Vegas in 1995, however, his method was likely still in its infancy. Once there, he develops a romantic relationship with a sex worker played by Elisabeth Shue and the film shifts to include her narrative perspective.
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