The Indonesian is Anthoni Salim a name that most Filipinos have not heard of. Tiglao said, his book, tells how an Indonesian magnate built up a new business empire outside his country in just 18 years dwarfing others owned by Filipino magnates and why a foreigner has been allowed to do so by Philippine authorities despite the clear constitutional restrictions on foreign control.. The group has diversified into bridge construction as well with its P18 billion project to build the Cebu-Cordova Bridge.., Tiglao said, The Indonesian Salim is even the first magnate in the country to establish a health services conglomerate with Metro Pacific Hospital Holdings, Inc. owned 60 percent by his holding firm MPIC now owning or controlling eleven of the most advanced hospital sin Metro Manila and other urban centers.. In 1992, he was named one of The Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines for Print Journalism by the Philippine Jaycees. THE United States under its Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the Philippines will have the use of two of the countrys biggest international airports for its military operations in case of a war with China, or even just to prepare for such a conflict. Writing for his Manila Times column this March 25, 2022, Tiglao charges that four independent media organizations are funded by U.S. bankrollers and are campaigning for Vice President Leni Robredo. This resulted in our loss two months later of Panatag Shoal (also called Bajo de Masinloc and Scarborough Shoal) to China. These two fact sheets are in addition to what Ellen Tordesillas, Vera Files president, wrote in her personal blog on May 5, 2019. (READ MORE: Debunking lies about Rappler), FACT 1. Authors > Rigoberto D. Tiglao Israel: America's Frankenstein, yet valuable, monster May 19, 2021 Why the US fooled the 'Bajo 3' into losing PH territory May 17, 2021 Cuisia: 'US diplomat told me Chinese would leave Panatag' May 14, 2021 Not a debate but full-blown probe of Panatag loss, anti-China drive needed May 12, 2021 Business editor and columnist of the Manila Chronicle, 1986 to 1989. Click to order the bestselling book Debunked! Disclosure: this opinion writer is not an employee of Vera Files. Hoping that the citizenry, especially business people will be able to read this book and change before its too late. These four, he says, are Vera Files, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Rappler, and MindaNews. Pangilinan is First Pacifics highest paid executive, with his compensation in 2015 amounting to $7.5 million, bigger than the $2.8 million of the firms chairman and majority owner Salim or of the other two executive directors. He previously served as Presidential Spokesperson and Chief of Staff, then ambassador to Cyprus and Greece during the administration of former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. This second part narrates how a US State Department official fooled President Aquino 3rd and his foreign secretary, Albert del Rosario, into abandoning those rich fishing grounds. . But isn't it that whoever wins also gets to define such concepts, including the kind of narratives they think the public should know while suppressing the truth or factual events, in a bid to deodorize and legitimize their political victory. Rigoberto D. Tiglao - Facebook He worked as a columnist reporter at the Sunstar Davao local newspaper in 2010. Sign in to listen to groundbreaking journalism. ), And finally, our favorite reportedly, that Maria Ressa, the founder of Rappler, reportedly knew little about the internet when she started a purely digital news organization. Thats make me wonder who was this man really is??? The book benefits from Tiglaos experience as journalist (Business Day and Far Eastern Economic Review) as he pierced through the corporate layers to see who is really behind what we think is Manuel V. Pangilinans expanding empire. Why Tiglao resigned | Sir,I was able to read your article about the reason why the Maute group needs to be crushed.I admire the way you wrote and the information that you share. Click HERE to Order Books! The fact sheet lists 15 grant-giving agencies. US Embassy Manila, 8. Mr Tiglaos arguments are based not only on make-believe, they are also based on mind-boggling ignorance. The accusations hurled by Joe Valencia against Ambassador Rigoberto Tiglao are completely untrue. Marcos himself of course is also officially the Agriculture secretary. British Embassy Manila, 7. He was twice named among Time magazines 100 most influential world leaders, and is a university professor at Columbia University, that institutions highest academic rank. *no need to check the website for updates; get them delivered to your email. This prompted Enrile to make a last stand at his headquarters in Camp Aguinaldo together with then Philippine Constabulary chief Fidel Ramos, calling on foreign correspondents to cover his bold move and asking the late Cardinal Sin to encourage supporters to form a human shield around Camp Crame. Has expanded EDCA provoked China to advance date of Taiwan invasion? 6th Floor Universal Re Bldg., 106 Paseo De Roxas cor. Old wounds need time to heal. Im sure the title of todays column has caught your attention. Advise to our current media practitioners on how to spot an abusive government? *no need to check the website for updates; get them delivered to your email. There would have been outrage if our defense officials had been honest enough to explain that what the country is really allowing the US to use as platforms for war against China to use President Rodrigo Dutertes words are two of its biggest international airports. In this new title, Tiglao delves deeper . The humility he exuded even when he was president of the countrys flag carrier and vice chairman of the University of the East still emanates from Transportation Secretary Jaime Jimmy J. Bautista, even as he occupies a very important Cabinet post., a database maintained by the PNP which documents individual crime incidents, does not even have a DUI category. (READ: The Rappler story: Independent journalism with impact. Marcos' advantage: An acquiescent press. The links to these replies of Vera Files are accessible in this article. President, Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines, 1997-1998 term. [7][8] Tiglao was head of the Manila-Rizal chapter of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Of course, he might further point out that most of the words on are in black type, which is similar to the words that appear on The New York Times, Le Monde, El Pais, Nikkei, and other websites. President Joseph Estrada created the position in February 16, 2000, but described it as only being a "temporary" position. Opinion journalists who are serious in the engagement of public thought will think twice about writing for media organization with dubious funding sources like the CIA, as Tiglao avers. [3][4][6] Governance and foreign policy analyst Steven Feldstein notes how Tiglao, along with RJ Nieto and Sass Rogando Sasot are part of the Philippines' network of digital repression. However, one of the four additional EDCA locations is an entirely civilian facility: the airport in Lal-lo in Cagayan province, officially called the Cagayan North International Airport (CNIA). For this question, theres a very enlightening March 21 article in the respectedForeign Affairsmagazine by Jessica Chen Weiss, professor for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Cornell University. Copyright 2023. He writes a regular column for the Philippine Daily Inquirer. I've realized that particularly with President Gloria Arroyo, we're out to build a nation, and "She has a real vision of creating a strong country. While hewing to the traditional precepts of fairness and objectivity, MS believes the news of the day need not be staid, overly long or dry. Rigoberto D. Tiglao (@bobitiglao) / Twitter Tiglao's track record as Philippine ambassador to Greece and Cyprus is impeccable and distinguished. It also has a major mining company, Philex Mining and Exploration, with its four oil and gas exploration subsidiaries, one of which has as its area of exploration in a disputed area in the Spratly islands. Sir Tiglao, Just finished reading your book Colossal Deception. But there are facts now indisputable that we didn't know, or were hidden from public knowledge, during the February 1986 People Power Revolt and even three decades later. Both previous constitutions specified that a president must be a resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding the election. Aquino, however, left the Philippines in 1980 to live in Boston with her husband, the late Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. Marcos, for all his brilliant mind, did not raise this legal objection to Aquino's presidential bid. What the ex-journalist and Arroyo apologist Tiglao should have done was to verify this claim and do his own legwork or, if he cant, research his way through Google. He became a widower when Edralin died of breast cancer in February 2001. Conceptualized and undertook the FOCAPs now yearly Annual Conference on the Philippines. The Malacaang Chief of Staff,[1] named after Malacaang Palace, the official residence of the president of the Philippines, also referred to as the "presidential chief of staff," was an official position under the Office of the President of the Philippines. Hoping for your favorable response,Sir. Add your comment to start the conversation. QUITE surprisingly, given the 36 years his family had been demonized by the media, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Rigoberto Tiglao. Now surely this is true in the sense that Ms Ressa isnt an expert in writing javascript or HTML codes, but we feel pretty sure that Mr Tiglao wasnt attacking her coding expertise. PHILIPPINE and US defense officials propaganda is that the sites that US military forces will be using for war mobilization under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) are military camps. He has never worked, however, as a full-time staff in the PCIJ's 28-year existence. Image by author using Google Earth Pro THE Philippine Coast Guard's (PCG) failed attempt last week to enter Ayungin Shoal also claimed by China which effectively. [5]:153 They also noted that some members of the public tend to dismiss fact-checks done by traditional journalists because of people and columnists like Tiglao, who for example tags fact-checkers like Vera Files as "a CIA-funded outfit". Tiglaos book unmasks businessman Manuel V. Pangilinan as proxy for Salim in the Philippines. Philippine diplomats were pushing for a commitment from the US to undertake talks for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that would lower or abolish tariff and non-tariff barriers on exports to the US. Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. ", "Robredo hits Tiglao for 'fake news' about Germany trip", "Robredo slams columnist for spreading rumors", "China gives 400 transistor radios to Philippines", "The omnipresent lies of Rigoberto Tiglao", "SEC affirms order to shut down Rappler - The Final Word", "Fact check: Ninoy Aquino died a Malaysian citizen? and he served as the PCIJ's treasurer in its earliest days, when it operated out of the PhP 1,000 chipped in by each of the founding members, and initial grants from The Asia Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Upgrade to Rappler+ for exclusive content and unlimited access. Robredo had already addressed this rumor as false in an interview with, Tiglao has repeatedly made the claim that receiving foreign grants and funds by Philippine media organizations is illegal and against the, In April 2019, Tiglao stated that he was "100% certain" that Senator Antonio Trillanes and journalist Ellen Tordesillas were behind the, In December 2021, Tiglao claimed that former Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, In January 2022, Tiglao called for the purging of what he called "red reporters" and, This page was last edited on 19 April 2023, at 07:14. Tiglao and his fever swamp of conspiracy theories : r/Philippines - Reddit PBBM US visit will be historic and significant. Im currently conducting research on rice policies in SE Asia and in connection with this, Ill be arriving in Manila next week. Annoyed by the restriction, he has accused the "yellows" of controlling the social media giant. There is little evidence that Chinese leaders see a closing window for action. The views in Add your comment to start the conversation. He had three children with her. I admire all information that you share which I believe they are well researched. Perea Street, Legaspi Village, 1226 Makati City Philippines. this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of It is old, discredited stuff, the apparition of the very erroneous analysis of an eccentric pseudo-academic, who announced right just a few weeks after the 2004 elections that Fernando Poe Jr. won, based on his calculations using the National Movement for Free Elections reports. I am one of your readers in your column Banat of Bulgar. It is not a matter of being an apologist. (READ: Tiglaos fake news). FREE delivery Wed, Apr 12 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. He was also previously editor-in-chief of, the former website of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. . can be accessed at Aside from these, the Palace chief of staff reviews the documents intended for the President, advocates for their strategic policies and programs, and builds bridges with "critical stakeholders" that include the Cabinet, judiciary, and lobbyists. [13] RJ Nieto served as a co-host for the political podcast and radio program Karambola sa DWIZ 882, together with Jonathan dela Cruz, Trixie Cruz Angeles, Conrad Banal and Larry Gadon from 2016 to 2020.
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