For more information about the documentation and other certification needed in shipping a container to Romania, please visit, Export Govs Romania Country Commercial Guide, Meat and milk and any items thereof from non-EU countries except for limited amounts from Andorra, Croatia, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, and small quantities of specific products from other countries. We can pick up your boxes or packages from any place in the US or Canada and ship them with the next available flight to Bucharest. Oferim servicii complete de transport containere din SUA in Romania si invers. Please check and try again. Top 10 Companii internaionale de transport maritim de containere, Top 13 Companii de mutri internaionale din Marea Britanie. With a background that includes working in virtually every aspect of the company, he has distinguished himself as an integral part of our operations with expertise in all things related to moving. Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS). Transportul se realizeaza intr-un timp record, de numai 4-5 zile. We can offer you a comprehensive shipping service to Constanta or transshipment to anywhere in Romania. Even the number of lost containers every year is staggering! Transportul aerian poate costa de 10 ori mai mult dect cel maritim. n al doilea rnd, poate fi o cerin pentru taxe i impozite (a se vedea mai jos). !COLECTAM PACHETE PENTRU CONTAINER LIVRARE SAPTAMANALAWE COLLECT PACKAGES FOR CONTAINER W Trimite pachete familiei, prietenilor si celor apropiati!! Great peoplehelping me every time i need them!!#!! Trimitem pachete US-->RO Sptmnal!!! International house moving to Romania services quick, easy and cheap. Calitatea, comunicarea si eficienta in transport pot descrie cel mai bine compania Orient! Each country determines the amount of customs duties and taxes you must pay. Cumprai bilete de avion exact n momentul potrivit n timp ce marfa dumneavoastr este transportat pe ap ctre noua cas, presupun c dumneavoastr vei zbura acolo. You should choose a freight solution based on delivery time and cost. Pentru volum mare de colete (repatrieri), preul este negociabil. Coats, fur, and leather shoes made of protected animals will need special authorization. Vrei s aflii costurile de transport a unui anumit produs sau o main din SUA? Copyright 2022 SPEED ROMANIAN TRANSPORT. For large packages we offer discounts !!! A Bill of Lading that holds records of trade goods received on board. n primul rnd, ajut la prevenirea cererilor de despgubire frauduloase de asigurare, ceea ce duce la creterea costurilor pentru toat lumea. Once the container arrives at Constanta, it can either cleared there or transportedto any customs yard using a bonded truck. i punem la dispoziie o echip format doar din specialiti. Romanian American Import Export offers a full range of customized solutions from express shipments of packages or containers dedicated exclusively to transport machines and returns. n mod sigur nimeni nu i poate oferi preuri mai mici ca ale noastre. Sarcina net de transport: 57,759 lb (26,600 kg). Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Corina D. / Sales & Logistic Manager (RO). What Types Of Goods Am I NOT Allowed To Ship To Romania? Tiberiu la +17737440248 Get your instant quote for more than 250K ocean freight ratesAlready have an account? Poti comanda produsele dorite de la branduri celebre. Gratuit venim la dumneavoastra acasa si va evaluam pachetul dandu-va cele mai bune solutii din punct de vedere financiar si al duratei de transport din America pana in Romania sau Europa. them. Cosmetics Regulation. I highly recommend them as #1 shipping company from US and I hope they'll continue to provide top services.You guys rock. Compania Orient reprezinta pentru noi un punct cheie in lantul business-ului intreprins. The shortest transit time to ship a container to Romania is the route Madrid - Constanta, with an average of 12 days. Regardless of your cargo as long as it containerized we can have it shipped to Romania. Tiberiu la +17737440248 USG Shipping is known for making air freight and ocean shipping stress-free, offering convenient air freight shipping to Romania and container shipping to Romania. n plus, preurile enumerate mai sus nu includ costul total al mutrilor din u n u. From multi-container shipments to smaller packages, we can handle whatever you need. Ship containers to Constanta Estimated transit time to send a container to Romania Vitez: n general, camioanele pot circula att de repede ct le permit condiiile de drum. Transport Maritim Datorit experienei acumulate n peste 160 de ani n sectorul transporturilor internaionale, Transmec Group este partenerul ideal pentru expediiile maritime. Opinia clientilor nostri este foarte importanta pentru noi. Containerele pot fi livrate in Romania in: Pretul estimativ pentru transportul containerelor este de 2600$ pentru cel de 20 ft si 3600$ pentru cel de 40 ft, Pentru o cotatie exacta de pret va rugam sa ne contactati, rezervat container (in cazul in care nu ai container) 20 ft sau 40 ft, transport container la locul de incarcare, portul Constanta (clientul se ocupa de procesele vamale), orice locatie din Romania unde se poate face vamuirea (clientul se ocupa de procesele vamale), la orice locatie aleasa de dumneavoastra (ne ocupam inclusiv de procesele vamale ale acestuia), optiune livrare DOOR to DOOR. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 3+ Bedroom (8750 Lbs) $3095. We will show up on time to ship your package from anywhere in the USA or Canada and send it to Romania. The crew is experienced and expiedious. Ship cars, trucks, suvs, atvs, boats, RVs, heavy equipment and more. Contacteaz-ne cu detalii privind transportul i noi v indicm costurile. Other ports include the Port ofGalati, on the Danube River. Shipping to Constanta:More than half of the imports and exports in Romania is by the sea. Over 28 employees are dedicated to providing fast and reliable services that exceed customer expectations in all counties of Romania. Aadar, asigurai-v c firma de transport are o asigurare maritim adecvat. Inclusiv noi am avut parte de experiente mai putin placute cu companiile de transport si stim cat de stresant este sa nu primesti un raspuns concret si cinstit in momentul in care astepti sa primesti sau trimiti un colet. Din fericire, am fcut-o extrem de simplu. TRANSPORT MARITIM DE COLETE SUA - ROMANIA Livrarea coletelor se face la domiciliul clientului in Romania Destinatarul va fi avizat prin SMS de sosirea pachetelor, expeditorul prin email Plecri in fiecare luna Timp de tranzit 4 sptmni de la data plecrii containerului din portul New York Pentru informatii despre transportul auto apelati nr. Sigur. Vitez: Depinde de origine i de destinaie, dar, de obicei, mai lent dect camioanele. Cu toate acestea, avnd n vedere natura industriei de transport maritim internaional, va trebui s obinei o ofert pentru preuri mai exacte. M Js Polish Deli, 7112 Calumet Ave, Hammond, IN 46324, luni vineri: 10:00-17:00, smbta: 10:00-16:00, tel. I have used them twice already to ship items to Romania, and both times the package arrived within 4-5 days. iContainers operates in 1 ports in Romania from the United States and in 1 ports in Romania from Spain for ocean freight transport. You can get an estimate of your shipping cost with our online freight calculator. Other than Constanta there is some limited service toGalati! Noi i stm mereu la dispoziie. Powdered milk for babies, food for children, and exceptional medical food (including pet food) may be allowed if they need not be prior refrigerated opening and that it is brand packaged food and the packaging has an original seal (unless in use at the time). Mai jos regsii noile centre de colectare. Most shipping insurance policies are underwritten on an all-risk basis.. You can save up to 80% of the money you would have spent on air freight by using the sea freight method of transportation. Less Container Load (LCL): Aceasta se refer la mutri sau transporturi care necesit mai puin de un container complet (fie de 20 de picioare sau 40 de picioare). Do I Need To Be Present When My Container Is Delivered? We'll get back to you soon. Aspects to consider include the amount or weight of shipments, the form of transportation, the distance the shipment must travel, the destination port, and the time of year. Please call the office 773-465-8695 and give us your home address. Datorit pandemiei, capacitatea de livrare este limitat pentru Romnia, Republica Moldova i Bulgaria, pentru celelalte ri timpul de livrare neputnd fi controlat. During the peak season, which spans from August through October, shippers and retailers are busiest. Car Shipping to Romania:There are some restrictions for shipping cars to Romania but for the most part you can ship any cars and if you are a Romanian citizen living overseas for few years, you could be eligible for free duty clearance of your car. !Surprinde-i cu cele mai frumoase cadouri din SUA.Ofera-le un zambet dulce si o imbratisare de peste ocean!! Costuri: Foarte mare pentru mutri mari, dar rezonabil dac trimitei doar cteva cutii. USG also offer shipping service to Bucharest, shipping both20ftand40ftcontainers as well asLCLcargo to Romania from anywhere in the US. Urmtorul transport pleac din New York pe. Nu am avut probleme cu niciun transport si trimit pachete prin ei in tara din 2016. Va multumim ca ati ales compania noastra, si simplul fapt ca ati ajuns pe aceasta pagina ne determina sa speram intr-o foarte buna colaborare. V mulumim pentru ncrederea acordat pn acum. suntei responsabil pentru descrcarea acestuia. For more information about the restricted and prohibited goods in Romania, please visit Visa HQs Romanian Customs page. Pentru a veni in ajutorul clientilor . Doma Centers, 1736 W Golf Rd., Mt. I admit I was skeptical of hiring a company to move my household stuff but I was so pleased with the services. Daca dvs doriti sa impachetati pachetul atunci va rugam sa folositi ambalaj de carton cu interior din polistiren sau alt material protector. Mutarea intern i internaional pe acelai continent se va face probabil n ntregime cu camionul i, de obicei, de ctre o singur companie. For more information, please refer to the nearest embassy. I. never. Containers can be checked daily with a minimal error of location. Magazin, 1502 N 25th Ave., Suite E, Melrose Park, IL 60160, luni-vineri: 10:00-17:00, tel. Companii de transport maritim n general, preferm ca oamenii s plteasc pentru FCL, deoarece acest lucru face ca logistica la ambele capete s fie mult mai simpl. din China n Romania se poate face n trei moduri, maritim, aerian i feroviar. Orient has the best services and management regarding our oversized projects. newScript.src = '//' + t; Romanian American Import Export was born in 1992 as a response to the Romanian desire to send fromChicago packages in Romaniacheaper than by other means, such as U.S. post. Acest lucru v va oferi linitea c, n cazul n care ceva se deterioreaz sau se stric n timpul mutrii, nu vei iei din buzunar. Vitez: ncet, n funcie de rute, poate dura de la cteva zile la cteva sptmni. Afla mai multe. in 1 ports in Romania from the United States and Full Container Load (FCL): Aceasta se refer la mutri sau transporturi n care pltii pentru un ntreg container de transport. Luni - Sambata: 9:00 - 18:00 Some port to the port rate for a shipping container to Romania : Relocation is always challenging especially if you are moving to another country. When shippingboxes to Romania using USPS please check ourFedExrate which is 75% discounted. Trebuie doar s completai formularul din partea de sus a acestei pagini cu cteva detalii de baz, iar noi vom ncepe s ncercm s v gsim cea mai bun rat posibil. Costuri: Pentru unele cltorii, costurile pot fi mai mici dect n cazul utilizrii unui camion. Dac livrezi la biserici, orfelinate, case de btrni, preul este de 85 ceni per pound! Pets need to be identifiable (tattoo or an electronic identification system), vaccinated against rabies, and have a health certificate. Suntem experi atunci cnd vine vorba de transporturi spre i din SUA, avnd numeroase livrri zilnice! issues. Typical Shipping Prices - How Much Does It Cost? Facei clic aici pentru lista complet a tarifelor de expediere a containerelor ctre i dinspre Statele Unite ale Americii, Facei clic aici pentru lista complet a tarifelor de transport maritim de containere din Regatul Unit, Facei clic aici pentru lista complet a tarifelor de transport maritim de containere din Canada, Facei clic aici pentru lista complet a tarifelor de transport maritim container din Australia. For more information about the restricted and prohibited goods in Romania, please visit, Application of commercial policy measures, Proper collection of import duties and taxes, Get Affordable And Flexible Movers By The Hour. With a specialized team with years of experience in this industry, USG will make sure to handle your moving to Romania hassle-free. I highly recommend Aplus Shipping! Cautam sa oferim intotdeauna clientilor siguranta unei livrari la timp. "You saved me a great deal of time and saved my family a lot of money! Declarable for all traveling outside the EU when the amount exceeds 10.000 euro or equivalent in another currency. Thank you! containere echipate pentru transportul de vehicule, mrfuri mici, mrfuri periculoase pentru transportul maritim etc. Colectam cu numai 1$/lb pachete pentru Romania cost la care se adaug 3$ pentru pe cutie. Nu ma asteptam asa de repede, pachetul a ajuns intact si a fost si super ok ca bani. The container is the safest method of shipping. Single Administrative Document (SAD). I want to take a moment to say thank you to the extremely hard working crew that handled my move. And who does not want to save money when you sendpackages or containers in Romania? Address: The best team we ever work in our 25 years existance. Required fields are marked *. Atunci cnd v mutai ntre ri, v putei confrunta i cu unele dintre aceste costuri. Transport rapid i n siguran de 100% al oricrui obiect sau articol de uz casnic, mobilier, containere de marf, mrfuri comerciale, produse alimentare, marf grea, motociclete, maini, camioane, autobuze, brci i multe altele, dar i sume considerabile de bani Ofer livrare sptmnal i livrare din u n u Ce certificari aveti in ceea ce priveste marfurile? Afla mai mult Te putem ajuta? Depozitare: De asemenea, dac nu intenionai s v mutai definitiv n strintate, merit s verificai ct cost depozitarea n ara dumneavoastr de origine. Iti asiguram transport auto pe container la preturi avantajoase si intr-un timp scurt. Tiberiu la +17737440248. Volumul intern total: 2.385 ft (67,5 m) For full functionality of this page it is necessary to enable JavaScript. First, provide worldwide coverage, on the other, a strong local presence and unique understanding of local markets and customers, knowledge gained in years of work dedicated to satisfy customers. Your email address will not be published. How Much Does It Cost To Ship A Container To Romania? Fiecare solicitare de transport din partea dumneavoastra reprezinta un ajutor catre aceste institutii. One of the countries to which we ship containers is Romania. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Oferim servicii complete de transport containere din SUA in Romania si invers. We dont guaranty being the cheapest moving and shipping company to Romania but USG assures that job gets done. Dimitrie Leonida nr.35 , Piatra Neamt. Transport Colete Sa trimiti colete celor dragi in Romania nu a fost niciodata mai simplu, rapid si ieftin. Doma Centers, 1609 A, South Randall Rd, Algonquin, IL 60102, luni joi:10:00-18:00, smbta duminica: 10:00-16:00, tel. i vom spune exact ct cost! Cnd trimitei un pachet intr-uncontainer dincolo de oceanpreul depinde de volumul i greutatea pachetului, pentru c veticumpara o anumit cantitate de spaiu n container. Login, By submitting the form, you accept our privacy policy, An error occurred sending trying to register your data. Exemple de micri: Mutaii interne n acelai ora sau ar, din Statele Unite n Canada sau Mexic, din Canada n Statele Unite, din Regatul Unit n Europa continental sau Irlanda (cu feribotul) i mutri ntre ri din Europa. Due to the large distance to be traveled, many things can go wrong. These guys packed everything up and had it loaded and delivered in no time at all. Am trimis pe 12 septembrie iar pe 1 octombrie a ajuns in Cluj acasa la parintii mei. Tiberiu la +17737440248 Iat i alte lucruri eseniale pe care trebuie s le nelegei: Alte variante comune includ containerele high-cube de 40 de picioare i de 45 de picioare, mpreun cu containerele frigorifice i cisternele pentru lichide. Toate mutrile vor implica cel puin o parte din transportul terestru, iar unele ar putea implica toate cele 3 metode. Hiring the right shipping company helping you with shipping your personal items from the US is very crucial. Costuri de ambalare: Multe, dac nu chiar toate, companii internaionale de mutare vor impune ca acetia s v mpacheteze bunurile. When you fill out our quote form, be sure to have your pick-up place, destination and the type of goods ready to go. Most shipping services for parcels from the United States to Romania take approximately 7 to 12 business days to arrive at their destination. Cu toate acestea, dac mutai bunuri ntre continente, n mod normal, nu avei de ales dect s le trimitei prin intermediul unei nave container. They are air or marine freight transportation systems. Pentru mai multe informaii v rugm utilizai informaiile de contact pentru a lua legtura cu noi. Avnd n vedere c fiecare mutare este diferit, singura modalitate de a obine un pre exact estimarea costurilor pentru mutarea ta este s obii un citat gratuit n micare. In cazul in care nu doriti sa alegeti cea mai rapida metoda de transport, transportul maritim, care este cel mai ieftin i cel mai utilizat pentru a aduce marf din China. Contacteaz-ne telefonic, prin e-mail sau completnd formularul. Super professional and very hassle free. Our goods have high value, are only oversized type, hard to manage, and we go in every corner of the glob. Some additional costs you might probably pay when shipping to Romania or other international countries include: Now that you have all of this information, all you need is a quote to get started. The shipping method to use is determined by the volume or weight of the air cargo shipping boxes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Sustinuti fiind si de varietatea ofertelor pe care vi le punem la dispozitie, suntem siguri ca veti fi fericiti odata ce ati apelat la serviciile noastre. Foarte profesionisti, preturi acceptabile, ii recomand cu siguranta! 33 !! Sea freight is less expensive, but it is frequently slow. Polexport, 5603 W 79th St, #2, Burbank, IL 60459, luni mari:10:00-19:00, vineri: 10:00-19:00, smbta: 10:00-16:00, tel. When it comes to shipping from one country to another, however, the situation is much more complex. Other than Constanta there is some limited service to. Lucrurile bune vin n pachete mici, precum i Romanian American Import Export are cel mai bun mod de a le trimite. How they're determined and calculated varies from country to country", Klaus Lydsal, vice president of operations at iContainers, I'd like to get pricing alerts, new available routes, & relevant information from iContainers (optional). With the services we provide, you can rest assured that your shipment is in good hands. Free shipping for many products! Cu toate acestea, regulile de baz ale economiei se aplic n continuare i vei plti mai mult pentru mutrile pe distane lungi i/sau pentru mutrile care implic rute de transport mai puin circulate. USG Shipping is known for making air freight and ocean shipping stress-free, offering convenient air freight shipping to Romania and container shipping to Romania. Primul lucru pe care trebuie s-l nelegem este diferena dintre o firm de mutri internaionale i o firm de expeditor de mrfuri cunoscut, de asemenea, sub denumirea de transportator comun care nu opereaz nave (NVOCC).
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