Smith, Michael Abbott. Terrance needs to set up a Windows server in his company's public cloud. The college president has complimented her efforts and asked her to find ways to make this information more readily available and better organized for new, incoming instructors. This area is projected to grow by 22% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average growth projected for all jobs. Which of the following is typical content for a podcast? (532775), Which of the following is NOT a leading provider of PaaS and IaaS services? Computer hardware engineers are involved in the design and development of physical computer products; specifically, they research, build, and test computer systems and components. Then Brian remembers his employer also makes the application available to employees through the cloud. Some examples include: -Virtual reality What kind of cloud service is she using? Tazneen works for a manufacturing company that just set up a messaging platform for employees. d) strintcpy. Niche positions, such as security engineering or network development, may require an even narrower and more specific skill set. Computer engineers are responsible for many of the technologies that, What connects computers and allows them to talk, technology special, aa computers and technology, special needs computers, perform computers, assistive technology for computers, technology computers, what technology allows retailers to better respond, technology on computers, technology of computers, computers and technology, computers & technology, Your email address will not be published. A) PCI B) ANN C) NLP D) IoT Correct Answer: Access For Free Review Later Choose question tag 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. Quantitative Reasoning Chapters 1 2 and 3. It is predicted that the number of jobs in this area will grow by 2% from 2019 to 2029, which is slightly slower. Amber just joined a new social networking site that her friend, Tracey, recommended. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is a type of cloud service that allows customers to configure cloud-based networking infrastructure the way they want, such as routing, servers, operating systems, storage spaces, and security settings. The most popular instruction sets are made by Intel and AMD. The technology that allows computers to perform the intense processing required for modern applications is called multi-core processors. Which of the following is NOT an example of modern-day artificial intelligence (AI) application? How can she make sure she won't lose access to it if something happens to her cloud storage space? What will this accomplish? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It allows the company to communicate to many users at once about an issue and release status updates, Daniela's company has decided to allow employees to work from home. How would you design a webinar that would be interactive? Which type of digital media is best suited to their needs? Device driver or operating system, Vocabulary-Unit 13-Travel Planning, Loading T, Unit 10: Adverse Driving Conditions and Emerg, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Layton is retired and sells hand-crafted fishing rods as a home-based business for a little extra spending money. Finally, because computer science relies heavily on databases and algorithms, computer engineers need a strong background in mathematics. Assign secretiD with firstName, a space, and lastName. (532801), All cloud technologies must be accessed over the Internet. software applications. (532817), Incorrect During a meeting at work, your boss starts talking about something called Desktop as a Service (DaaS). GPUs are designed to rapidly process large amounts of data, and they are used in a variety of applications, including video games, scientific research, and artificial intelligence. Which of the following is the largest unit of storage? USB or video devices, the most common ports are VGA, DVI, _______, and Mini DisplayPort. Authorization What can the company use to let employees continue to meet and collaborate on group projects? Lauren programs her AI system to occasionally give a wrong answer to a question. Access the application through his laptop's browser. (532815), Lately, Marcus has noticed a lot of customer complaints that items purchased from his web store don't meet expectations. In what way will cloud computing most help Frazer in this situation? Meghan signs into Zoom to attend a video call for her online class. Special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing necessary for gaming, data analysis, and other activities. What does Brian need to do next to use this application? c. Integrity If the spring is compressed solid, would the spring return to its original free length when the force is removed? Sabrina pulls items from a box and inspects them to ensure the number of items matches what is listed on the packing list. Cloud consumers most commonly interact with Software as a Service (SaaS), which is software that is distributed online. They disguise the network as an evil twin. A ANN. In a _____ network, each device on the network is attached to a central server. Special-purpose computers also include systems to control military planes, boats, surveillance equipment and other defense-oriented applications. The technology that allows computers to perform the intense processing required for tasks such as video editing and 3D rendering is called GPUs, orGraphics Processing Units. The responsibilities of a computer engineer include the research, design, development, and testing of computer hardware and software. Another ethical concern is the working conditions in the factories where computers are assembled. Enterprise. However, when Henry arrived home from work, the house was very cold. It is not necessary to use files and folders on your computer to organize data. The public key can be shared with anyone, but the private key must be kept secret. She's always looking for new sources of quality information. Thanks to Moores Law, the processing power available to consumers has increased dramatically, while the cost has fallen just as precipitously. Computers communicating on a network must follow a _____, a common set of rules for exchanging information. What kind of cloud service can Lionel use to attend meetings with his remote coworkers? The median salary for computer and information systems managers is $146,360, while the median salary for computer hardware engineers is $117,220. He wants to leave a radio playing music so it sounds like someone is home. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. -Self-driving cars He wants to post his stories online to increase his exposure and hopefully get a writing contract with a publisher. The adaptive computing technology allows using digital devices to bypass challenging tasks. Terrance needs to set up a Windows server in his companys public cloud. He uses a cloud-based _________ service so he can access updated information about his customers' sales transactions from his laptop as he travels. ISPs should charge more for high-bandwidth connections. Business activities completed on a local, private network are examples of e-business even if cloud-hosted resources are not involved. Some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, while other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. Branches of computer engineering include telecommunications, high-tech manufacturing, automotive, healthcare, and others. Which of the following activities should he avoid when using social media for his company? (532805), Hana just received a shipment of cleaning supplies for her coffee shop. A microprocessor is a very small electronic device that contains the arithmetic, logic, and control units needed to perform all the basic functions of a computers central processing unit. What kind of learning model is Janelle's car using? If you want to be sure you are practicing green computing, which of the following would be something you would do? He purchases hardware for the furniture in bulk from a distributor in a nearby state. (532806), Jake is a sales rep for a trucking company and travels throughout the Midwest. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Everything you do online is recorded in the cloud, but you can choose to erase it, as you have control over your digital footprint. What type of system software manages memory? Brian needs to use an expensive application that his work provides on his computer at the office. Which variable in the model is the least signicant in predicting tire production? She's put a lot of time into this research paper. These pairs can carry a charge across barriers, or insulators, through a process known as quantum tunneling. What type of cyberattack is used to trick a user into giving valuable information to an attacker? This means that it can execute multiple instructions at the same time. Complex problems can be represented in new ways in these spaces. Even temperature sensors are suitable. There are three technologies commonly used for general-purpose ports: Thunderbolt, FireWire, and ______. It is the OS that What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? All computers carry out four basic functions. What is one way hackers can trick you into transmitting personal data over on a public network without your knowledge? What is one advantage of a company using an anonymous messaging app, It allows for honest feedback without disclosing identities. Peripherals can be inserted or removed while the host device is on, but storage devices should not be removed without notification. Select the letter of the choice that best completes the statement. When data is encrypted with the public key, it can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. For example, even simple household appliances contain temperature sensors that protect them from overheating. What is quantum computing? A business can use a wiki in the following ways EXCEPT _____. The definition of computing requires a discussion of computer science and electronic engineering. When you buy a new computer or update your software, its important to think about the ethical implications of your purchase. What kind of e-commerce platform does Charlie most likely use to order the hardware? (532777), Many chatbot services provide support to employees and management rather than to customers. For each of these positions, a number of factors can influence a specific computer engineer salary. Therefore, Machines may learn from experience, adapt to new inputs, and carry out activities similar to those performed by humans thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). (532802), Janelle is training an AI-powered model car to stay on an oval track drawn on the floor. Which of the following is NOT a leading provider of PaaS and IaaS services? What kind of cloud service will work best for this situation? For her purchase, Nadine selects the best deal from two coupon codes offered by a store, one that she received by email and one from a text. A person who does not own a laptop or smartphone is not a digital citizen and so does not need to be concerned about digital ethics. , 1 #include 2 #include 3 using namespace std; 4 What laws will Dr. Davis need to check as she makes security decisions for her cloud storage configuration? What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? Customers cannot view the website on their device because the page will not load. Achieving quantum advantage will require new methods of suppressing errors, increasing speed, and orchestrating quantum and classical resources. What technology minimized Ian's wait time? Which learning model allows an AI system to create its own categories of data without labeling those categories. He wants to leave a radio playing music so it sounds like someone is home. He purchases hardware for the furniture in bulk from a distributor in a nearby state. Wikis are not useful in education because students cannot use them to share notes and give feedback. It is also able to handle complex tasks and large amounts of data more effectively. What can Cade do to minimize the disruption this person is causing? Explore our library and get Microsoft Office Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. Social networking can leave you exposed to criminal activity in the following ways EXCEPT, Using your photos and posts to form impressions about your character, You received an unpleasant email from a coworker and you want to discreetly notify your supervisor. The main goal of the industry is the development of innovative and efficient computing components. Special-purpose computers refer to computers that are built to perform specific tasks, such as automatic teller machines or washing machines. While some career paths develop faster than others, in general the field of computer engineering is strong and offers many compelling career options. b) strncpy. What special technology allows computers to perform the intense processing needed to perform machine learning? A . These machines are very different from the classical computers that have been around for more than half a century. Build research and development-level code to run on simulators or real hardware. A. Missy's retail website suddenly starts getting a lot of traffic and orders due to a video that went viral on social media. To work with AI technologies, you must understand how AI commands are programmed into the computer and phrase your commands exactly the way the AI system expects. BLS data notes that the average annual salary for computer network architects is $112,690. 7. Computer engineers may also simply look for ways to make devices smaller, faster, or more powerful. Bernie is an aspiring video game developer. Netiquette only applies to social media and social networking, not emails and instant messaging. Paulo is trying to organize groups to clean a river, which has become clogged with plastic products after a recent storm. Groups of qubits in superposition can create complex, multidimensional computational spaces. Computer engineering entails the development of software. The companys cost of goods sold was $260 million, and all other expenses for the year totalled$275 million. Which cloud technology characteristic ensures that a cloud customer can make changes to her cloud database from her smartphone while traveling for a conference and from her laptop when she's at home? The task eats up his available work hours and prevents him from doing other jobs he needs to do. The average salary for computer network architects and software developers is $112,690 and $107,510, respectively. She's put a lot of time into this research paper. The foundations of that work are being laid today in Qiskit Runtime. d. request or message. In other words, computer hardware engineers are responsible for building the physical parts that make computers work the way theyre supposed to. Hana just received a shipment of cleaning supplies for her coffee shop. Dim your screen or shut down your computer overnight, What type of System software management memory The role of a computer and information systems manager is to manage and direct all computer-related activities in an organization. As the new manager at your local grocery store, you want to create a more efficient inventory process by allowing outside vendors and suppliers to review current inventory records and adjust recurring shipment orders to reduce product waste. The text asks her to confirm whether she made a purchase 15 minutes ago at a store that is over 2,000 miles away from her current location and that carries products she has never bought before. Machine learning is behind chatbots and predictive text, language translation apps, the shows Netflix suggests to you, and how your social media feeds are presented. Vance found pictures of Dorie in a bikini on Facebook and texted them to other men in the office. This makes them "superconductors.". The specific projects a computer engineer takes on can range from extending the battery life of a new smart device to fixing bugs and crashes in a particular program. perc_raise = read_double("What percentage raise would you like? Common print disabilities can include blindness, dyslexia or any type of visual impairment, learning disability or other physical condition that impedes the ability to read. After the riots, Foxconn improved its working conditions and raised wages, but concerns about the treatment of workers in the tech industry remain. Copyright 2023 | Powered by Digimetriq. What are the ethical implications of this technology? She wants to include descriptions to identify the photos for viewers. Group of answer choices. By having multiple cores with their own caches, the processor can fetch and execute instructions from multiple threads at the same time. What technology was used to compare the purchase to Rhea's normal shopping habits and identify it as credit card fraud? What technology minimized Ians wait time? An IBM Quantum processor is a wafer not much bigger than the one found in a laptop. Hana just received a shipment of cleaning supplies for her coffee shop. As chief financial officer, you want to send the fourth quarter profit/loss spreadsheets to the president of the company. -Augmented reality Which of the following is an example of someone who is NOT practicing good netiquette? A typical computer engineering curriculum will cover a number of important concepts including computational and systematic. To retrieve or update the data in a database, the client sends a/an _____________________ to the datab What kind of site might best help Hayley achieve this goal? Conducting a staff meeting online so employees from around the globe can join the discussion is an example of. If you want to remove an older email from your inbox, but not permanently delete it, you can _____ it. D:Save a copy of the file on her local hard drive. Terrance needs to set up a Windows server in his company's public cloud. Learning which of the following software would benefit him the most? It is predicated on the notion that computers can learn from data, spot patterns, and make judgments with little assistance from humans. The technology that allows computers to perform the intense processing required for modern applications is called multi-core processors. Celeste is preparing to lead a training session during a webinar. How is this technology being used currently? Kori's department is learning how to use some new software. What is Sabrinas job role? What kind of e-commerce platform does Charlie most likely use to order the hardware? "); Alannah just purchased a smart lock for her front door. (532814), What technology allows Siri to understand you when you request a route to a location in a nearby city? What is Sabrina's job role? This means that anyone can send an encrypted message, but only the person with the private key can read it. What Percentage of the Population Uses Technology Daily? Which of the following network standards applies to cellular networks? When two qubits are entangled, changes to one qubit directly impact the other. How Mobile Technology Is Changing the Practice of Business Communication? 5 int main() { 6 string secret ID; 7 string first Name; 8 string lastName; 9 10 cin >> firstName; 11 cin >> lastName; 12 13 * Your solution goes here / 14 15 cout << secretID << endl; 16 return 0; 17 }, Hello I need help with the following questions: What can you likely assume about this technology based on its name? Kason spends several hours a week generating reports on sick hours used across his company. A normal looking yet fraudulent Wi-Fi network that allows hackers to capture personal information users transmit using it. What kind of transaction was this? However, he wants the radio to turn on and off at different times so it appears that someone is interacting with it. What is the U.S. Federal Communication Commissions role in regard to Internet access? Right now, IBM Quantum leads the world in quantum computing hardware and software.
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