AMHS. The staff of the school is highly qualified and motivated and ensures that the . All students study a common core of subjects that comprises English, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and Religious Studies. Big pointer. [20]. Summer 2009. [5], The longstanding head teacher David Watchorn had taught at the school since it opened in 1973, and became head in 1984. Panels were multiples of this that is 12 inches or 1 foot, 3-foot, 6-foot and 9-foot. The figures used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in Grand Haven High School; Central High School; Grand Haven Cyber School; Programs. Blackburn Elementary School. 10 0 obj << /Length 11 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream If you are from this school and have a comment or correction then please write to us: Copyright 2022 | Last updated 1/11/2022. Two days later, the school was later opened to Year 6 and Year 11 only until further notice. 1. [13] The BBC reported that the blaze, caused five million pounds worth of damage, destroying two-thirds of the school buildings, forty eight classrooms including the drama and music suites. Pupils at Eden Boys' Leadership Academy, Manchester placed in the top five of schools nationally in a closely contested debating competition. Get directions (opens in Google Maps) Phone. This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in The age range that the establishment is legally allowed to make provision for. . Excellent. The number of assistants per teacher is about 0.57, which is very high compared to other schools. This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but [15] The response was favourable, but there are tensions on how some of the existing facilities should be managed, issues such as outdoor play, indoor play and use of the theatre being at dispute. The planning grid was 12x12 inches, and a structural grid of 36x36 inches. the annual spring school census. High School Paraprofessional. I mean small fires and vandalism is part of our working life, so we've got used to the notion of making our buildings as secure as possible. All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. In the case of the Moss, Cheetham Secondary Modern School was due to be rebuilt; following DES Circular 10/65 selection was to be abolished and schools reorganised on comprehensive lines. 1. The percentage of pupils who meet the criteria for free school meals, and are a statutory benefit. [25], Two of the three school blocks were gutted in an arson attack on Friday, 15 May 1997. Abraham Moss High School, Information to Assistant Principal, Head of Lower School Applicants letter, March 2012, Ofsted Report 2003, 105560 Abraham Moss High School, Ofsted Report 2011, 105560 Abraham Moss High School, Manchester City Council, Executive committee, Jan 2013, Veteran headteacher in storm over reform plans is suspended, "The inspiring message behind one school's educational miracle", Tony Blair's speech at the school on 22 March 2002,, School buildings in the United Kingdom destroyed by arson, Educational institutions established in 1973, Short description is different from Wikidata, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Pages using infobox school with the module parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 23:43. The Abraham Moss follows the Manchester Education Committee admissions and appeals system. Each school is graded on a four point scale: 1 being outstanding, 2 being good, 3 means they require improvement, and 4 signifying inadequate. Mary Moss at J. Albert Adams Academy is an exciting educational option for students in grades 6-9 who are experiencing barriers to learning in the traditional classroom setting. Hover over the circles to see school names; click on them to go the corresponding school pages. Contact Gretchen Bischoff Gretchen Bischoff Teacher: . Senior managers and staff are committed and teaching is mainly good. CLASP Mk 4b was the incarnation used between 1969 and 1972, measurements were imperial using 4" as the basic unit. Help Booking Hotels: 1-800-559-3186 International Callers: 1-619-546-5773 Church in the Highlands UCC. Providing these in one building was seen as attractive and cost effective. The building was featured in a DES best practice building report. Apply settings Reset settings. Pupils reach national debating grand finals. Click Here School Year Session Two of the three school blocks were gutted in an arson attack on Friday, 15 May 1997. AMHS Meaning. The data presented for the middle super output area (MSOA) is representative of the 2011 census. Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 9 and Year 10 pupils have to remain at home for a month, whilst the Early Years, Year 1, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8 and Year 11 still have to attend the school normally. @MENnewsdesk Absence management in partnership with parents is encouraged by both schools and government at local and national level. The Percentage of possible half days marked as an absence from school, for whatever reason, whether they are authorised or unauthorised. Abraham Moss Community School is a mixed all-through school located on a 19-hectare (47-acre) site situated on Crescent Road in the Crumpsall/Cheetham Hill district of North Manchester adjacent to the Abraham Moss Metrolink station. This destroyed the buildings, the collected resources and all school records. 17302 R.D. A suggested privacy notice for schools is available for download: Address. Online. Box 2708 The number of pupils who, for whatever reason, be it expulsion, or electing to be educated elsewhere, left the school during the last year. service are consistent. Search. The proportion of unfilled or temporarily filled teaching positions is 0%, which is very low compared to other schools. receive a qualifying benefit. abraham moss high school staff list 03 Jun Posted at 18:52h in trading wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know by shelden williams disability brokers have liability to commission salespeople as to Likes The proportion of qualified teachers is about 98%, which is quite high compared to other schools. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. This will increase the transparency of governance arrangements. [12] A look at the next 50 years ahead. Abraham Moss High School - 9 In 1999, the percentage of pupils achieving five or more GCSE grades A* - C was below . Results from each subject are converted to a numeric value (A* = 8 and G=1). It is hoped to move the library from within the main-centre to a site within the leisure centre allowing the remaining CLASP 4b cladding to be replaced. It has 1848 students from age 3-16 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 13 : 1. Some of our forms have changed web address. How could we improve this service? Callers can still leave a voicemail or send an email . RJ allows them to repair the harm caused by having a face-to . This destroyed the buildings, the collected resources and all school records. . Amy Stamper 5th Grade East Portsmouth Elementary (740) 776-6444 . "Students' attainment overall in GCSE examinations has improved year-on-year although it remains consistently below the national average. The number of pupils per teacher is about 13.2, which is very low compared to other schools. Phones will be closed on school holidays, including the fall, winter and spring breaks. The school's overall score (out of 100) is given below. The Guardian reported the cost was eight million. You can type part of a staff member's last name into the box below to quickly find the person you are looking for. There was no sprinkler system, and some of the fire barriers in the ceilings had been pierced during alterations to the building. ADC Manchester - based at Abraham Moss School in Manchester. The Cathedral School of St Peter and St John St Michael's Church of England Primary School Cheetham CofE Community Academy, Manchester, Edgewick Community Primary School, Coventry, Bordesley Green Primary School, Birmingham, St Augustine's Catholic Primary School, Birmingham, St John's CofE Primary School, Manchester, St Patrick's RC Primary and Nursery School, Oldham, Barkerend Primary Leadership Academy, Bradford, Bentinck Primary and Nursery School, Nottingham, Highfield Junior and Infant School, Birmingham. Our programme does not need to be subsidised (but it can be supported by Pupil premium) and is priced around 60-80 per pupil (per 15 lessons block). Got a comment or correction? There were four centres or bases for smaller groups of 120 pupils and their five principal teachers who worked in a team to deliver resource based multidisciplinary project based work. [26], The secondary school operates a two-week 46 period timetable.[27]. 1223 N Noland Road Independence, Missouri 64050. Percentage of pupils who attained a pass grade - that is an A* to C grade, in both English and Maths. but the number of those who are eligible to receive them. Loading Alert! The Moss became an all-through 516 school, with a two form primary intake. Mount Carmel RC Primary School, a Voluntary A Eden Boys' Leadership Academy, Manchester, Eden Girls' Leadership Academy , Manchester, Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School, Prospect House Specialist Support Primary School, St Monica's RC High School, a Voluntary Academy, St Hilda's Church of England Primary School, Camberwell Park Specialist Support School. The number of pupil places the establishment can accommodate. Amanda Stegink . [14] Restorative Practices in school allow students and staff to take accountability for their actions. Abraham Moss High School. Locations; Locations. 229-890-6200, Visit our Facebook Page (opens in new window), Board Meetings Minutes and Agendas - Archive, 22-23 School Calendar (Board Approved 12/13/21), 23-24 School Calendar (Board Approved 12/13/21), 24-25 School Calendar (Board Approved 04/24/23), download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. There was twenty four hours security here and I haven't heard one single word of criticism from people saying that you didn't do enough. The 1973 building was constructed using the CLASP Mk 4b system. They held meetings with staff, groups of students and the Chair of the Governing Abraham Moss Community Schoolis a mixedall-through schoollocated on a 19-hectare (47-acre) site situated on Crescent Road in the Crumpsall/Cheetham Hilldistrict of North Manchesteradjacent to the Abraham Moss Metrolink station. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they Staff and Pupils Headteacher: Mr Lee Ormsby Previous Headteacher: James Keulemans Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 62.7 / 24 Non-teaching Staff*: 21.4 Number of pupils: 909 Pupils Per Teacher: 14.5 Sex: Mixed (46% boys / 54% girls) Eligible for free school meals (FSM): 36.90% (high) FSM pupils at 10 nearest schools: 34.4% EAL teaching is a strength. Staff List - Stadium High School Staff List We'd like to hear from you The best place to start is your classroom teacher. A minimum set of information needs to be provided before a record can be saved. Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society. Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Abraham Moss Community School at the moment. For district programs and supports, contact our district office. receive a qualifying benefit. The school has raised its admissions number from 240 to 270, but still predicts that it will be over subscribed. St Chad's Roman Catholic Primary School, a Vo St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School. In spite of this the school reopened in makeshift accommodation in other parts of the centre, the Monday after the weekend. The total number of pupils who remain enrolled in the school at the end of KS4. St Mary's Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Somerville Primary (NC) School, Birmingham, Holy Trinity CofE Primary School, Ashton-under-Lyne, Latymer All Saints CofE Primary School, London, St Stephen's CofE Primary School, Bradford, St Saviour's C of E Primary School, Birmingham, Crowcroft Park Primary School, Manchester, St Anne's Catholic Primary School, London, Dunstall Hill Primary School, Wolverhampton, Sharrow Nursery, Infant and Junior School, Sheffield. Responsible for championing Highlands Church's vision and values at the Children's Ministry level for preschool and elementary in large group settings for all weekly services in conjunction with the DCM. Mr. Thomas Evangelist Assistant Principal Physical Science Mrs. Ebony Givens Assistant Principal CTE, Engineering, and Computer Science Ms. Lisa Iacono Assistant Principal of Health and Safety Dr. Judith Jeremie Assistant Principal of Social Studies Ms. Kelly Lovelett Assistant Principal of Biological Sciences Ms. Kelly Nottingham According to state test scores, 5% of students are at least proficient in math and 30% in reading. Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. Gillian Houghton, headteacher at Abraham Moss High School, said: "We called the police and paramedics after becoming aware of an incident involving a group of young people after school. Community school in Manchester, Greater Manchester, England. The building is on three levels, on falling land, bridging a pedestrian spine, 'the right of way', between Crescent Road and Woodlands Road which is reached through an underpass beneath the Bury line railway. Abraham Clark High School is ranked 340th within New Jersey. 10441 Highway 73 Conifer 80433. There was no sprinkler system, and some of the fire barriers in the ceilings had been pierced during alterations to the building. Alexander Muss High School in Israel alumni get into a broad range of prestigious colleges and universities. The school tutors programme's aim is to help support and raise pupil attainment through our dedicated and experienced tutors. Abraham Moss Community School. Reported staff development spend is 370 per teacher per year, which is roughly average compared to other schools. Welcome to our school's staff page! Then please send us feedback,, St Anne's RC Primary School Crumpsall Manchester, Manchester Jewish School for Special Education. Please select from the list to the left of this page to contact the appropriate team or colleague. Address Crescent Road, Crumpsall, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M8 5UF Local authority Manchester (352) Headteacher / Principal Mr Andrew Shakos Age range 3 to 16 Phase of education All-through. The lower school was designed to provide a sheltered and identifiable environment for younger pupils (Year 7Year 8). Feedback submitted to us on this form is monitored but you wont receive a reply. To fulfil this requirement, pupils in Year 7 and Year 8 study: All pupils in state funded community schools are required to follow the National Curriculum that was recently revised in 2014. Our ethos attracts pupils and staff who are committed to a multi-ethnic 3 -16 Community School where there are good relationships, good teaching and many opportunities. [13], A temporary school of 40 classrooms was constructed out of portacabins on the tennis courts to service the nine hundred staff and pupils. Abraham Lincoln High School is dedicated to career and college readiness for ALL of our students. We offer a wide range of facilities including gym, ladies only gym, swimming pool, sports hall, squash courts and health suite. View All Primary and Secondary Schools in Manchester], Pupils achieving more A*-C in English and Maths, Average number of GCSEs (incl. Inspectors will sit in on classes, assessing each teacher's teaching ability. Mize Road . It has 781 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 10 to 1. A pupil will achieve a maximum score of 80 if they achieved A* in all 8 core subjects. Excellent. Most common AMHS abbreviation full forms updated in April 2023. Maths and English scores are doubled and then added onto the other 6 subjects. used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in England Search and compare other schools near you. Unsworth Academy is a coeducational Secondary School that caters for students from 11 to 16. Administration Shannon Marshall Find your friends on Facebook. It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context. In an emergency, visit our emergency contact details page. Who to contact Telephone 0161 219 6735 0161 219 . Portsmouth High School (740) 354-5663 Below are the math course we offer that students can take to earn college credit. Abraham Moss High School making the most of your children. Reading mask. It was referred to as a school without books. . Name: Email: Voicemail: Department: A: Abarro, Ben [email protected] 303-982-1297: English : B : Balding . Community Education envisages that the school is the centre of the community, and instead of being closed to all but its pupils, the community should be encouraged. There was a hung exposed-T ceiling with 36x36 inch mineral tiles. The library and the primary school both wish to claim some key areas.[15]. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Abraham Moss School @Abraham_Moss. Find out what works well at Abraham Moss Community School from the people who know best. There is barrier-free provision for pupils with physical disabilities. This indicates how much progress students have made from end of KS2 to GCSE, zero being the national average. View all details (opens in new tab). We found that another school, King David High School, situated very closely in the same area, is much less diverse. Choose what matters most to you with the menus below. [14], There are tensions on how some of the existing facilities should be managed, issues such as outdoor play, indoor play and use of the theatre being at dispute. This field is not editable by establishment users as it is populated by the DfE using the underlying data All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. Over 100 schools are currently using our programme to support pupil teaching and learning. We use cookies to collect information about how you use this website. St Barnabas and St Paul's Church of England Voluntary Aided Prima English Martyrs' Roman Catholic Primary School, London, Wingrove Primary School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Victoria Community School, Burton-on-Trent, St Mary's and St John's CofE School, London, Saint Joseph's Catholic Primary School, the Borough, London, St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Manchester, St Joachim's Catholic Primary School, London, Crumpsall Lane Primary School, Manchester, St Mark's CofE Primary School, Stoke-on-Trent, St Augustines Federated Schools: CofE Primary School, London, Berridge Primary and Nursery School, Nottingham. In 2018, the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education established a panel to oversee a . Boy, 12, hurt in 'unprovoked' attack in front of shocked fellow pupils on his way to school. [19] The southern boundary is defined by the former industrial branch line than led to Crumpsall Vale. Accessibility. Primary: 0161 532 5401, Secondary: 0161 532 5400 Provision for an 800fte (full-time equivalent) student further education college to be located on Cheetham Hill Road had been approved in 1967, land at Crescent Road would be cheaper and offered further savings if the two were to be in one building. Schools must open for 195 days each year. This has a high water table, and a subsoil of lenticulated glacial drift containing pockets of clay and running sand overlain in part by peat, so this is not very stable. Abraham Moss High School Experience Support Worker Newbarn Ltd May 2012 - Present11 years I support adults with mental health needs, learning difficulties and drug and alcohol issues .. The BBC reported that the blaze caused five million pounds worth of damage, destroying two-thirds of the school buildings, forty eight classrooms including the drama and music suites. Abraham Moss Community School (AMCS) Crescent Road Crumpsall Manchester Greater Manchester M8 5UF Headteacher: Mr Andrew Shakos Tel: 0161 532 5400 URN: 105560 DfE Code: 352/4271 1,848 pupils between the ages of 3 and 16. Schools must open for 195 days each year. The curriculum was intended to align to the design of the centre. Staff Login . Visit the webpages for details of courses running at the centre. The information requested says nothing in itself about a person's suitability to govern. Abraham Moss High School 17:53, 14 OCT 2022. My identity as a Jew has new meaning to me. The Moss was designed between 1968 and 1970 by the DES Development Group, the principal architects being David and Mary Medd, Michael Hacker and Ian Fraser. Absence management in partnership with parents is encouraged by both schools and government at local and national level. The percentage of pupils who have attained 38 or more absences, over both the autumn term and the Spring term together. Each component still had to satisfy multiple design regulations. This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals Only tutors who pass our strict eligibility requirements can join our School Tutors Programme. The success of this work is illustrated by the school's strong sense of community and pupils' concern and challenge to others when extreme or inappropriate views are expressed. [25] A significant choice as David and Mary Medd have been leading school architects for 40 years. The centre also hosts other tenants mainly in the public, voluntary and community sectors. However, it is essential information for the department to be able to uniquely identify an individual and in a small number of cases conduct checks to confirm their suitability for this important and influential role. 07710 541 231. [9], Thus, the finance and will to integrate was present, and Manchester was prepared to take the risk.[10]. equivalents) per pupil, Pupils starting KS4 in low prior attainment band, Pupils starting KS4 in middle prior attainment band, Pupils starting KS4 in high prior attainment band. Learn about AMHSIs 50 year legacy and its impact on teens. 50 years of transforming lives. Telephone number. All pupils in state funded community schools are required to follow the National Curriculum that was recently revised in 2014. Youll only receive an email alert when we publish a new report. Hn@w8vag\=@J"u61\lsn9LJ`9p 7c*j@bD$H}/|? t}@**U`3c|`#Whw8I|g=rn=p2tXo1E^j";~vmf[gAh%Iy_T|FO [ICH+^t v/`sr *g,v&B"[[2)2nQ\ = 8x"1a-&*OLZm#k*RMe(;i%tUoVjl&guJN,XMYyy.C>_!n_>F04~rf2%H5JkrBeaw.h1e0w5)WGo_'2I=Z /DK9g#wBW! Staff; Digital Citizenship; . Rebuilding was included in the 196768 and 196869 major building programme. The school gives sound value for money. By default, all indicators are set to Relevant and are weighted equally in calculating overall scores for each school. Are you a member of staff at Abraham Moss Community School? Find out more about email alerts for Ofsted. Principal: Greg Manier. Click on school names to go their corresponding pages. Website. About average. Tutor Hunt has been operating for over 15 years, during this time have built up a vast number of tutors and teachers, and have the widest range of tutors and teachers available covering all major academic subjects nationally. Abraham Clark High School is a public school located in ROSELLE, NJ. feedback Our facilities, staff team and community culture are regularly praised and have caused our school to become a hugely popular destination. We are looking forward to hosting our first ever #alumni event later this month and hearing what our former students have gone on to do since leaving us. A new measure published for 2016 Results. Inspection report: Abraham Moss Community School, 16-17 January 2018 Page 5 of 12 such issues including gangs, knife crime and the risks of extremism. In fact on the contrary we're now fairly well experienced. Throughout 2022, we are celebrating the impact Alexander Muss High School in Israel has had, with a look ahead to the next 50. Click or tap an image to view larger version. [21] CLASP was a building construction technique introduced post-war and popular in the 1960s for short-term, cheap and easily constructed buildings such as schools,[22]fire stations, libraries etc. Colquitt County School District 710 Lane Street/P.O. P: 515-242-7500 | E: Adam Arthur has taught social studies in the Des Moines school district in Des Moines, Iowa for five years where he currently teaches senior level Economics, Government, and Advanced Placement Government and Politics at Abraham Lincoln High School., Eden Boys' Leadership Academy, Manchester, Eden Girls' Leadership Academy , Manchester, St Monica's RC High School, a Voluntary Academy. The first principal was Ron Mitson, with Dave Shapcott being head of school. Map of Secondary Schools in England and Wales. Abraham Moss Community School. Alexander Muss High School in Israel alumni get into a broad range of prestigious colleges and universities. Semester, Mini-Mester, or Summer: We have a program that's right for you. They will also evaluate the way the current curriculum is implemented, and how the progress of each student is tracked throughout their tenure. 709 N. Forest Avenue Sugar Creek, MO 64057. Manchester City Council's relationship with its heads has often been stormy and it has a history of suspending headteachers,[17], Gillian Houghton, a former vice-principal at The Co-operative Academy of Manchester in Blackley was appointed principal.[18]. There are formal procedures for entry at 3 years, and for entry at 11 years. This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in Toggle navigation. On a combined site it could provide the reference materials needed for college and school, and have a full lending library with children section and study space. The interior partitions were built using plastic-faced, plasterboard-backed steel Stelvelite panels. The average number of pupils in each class. Students of African heritage make outstanding progress overall and those who speak English as an additional language make outstanding progress in English.". [24] It was designed to have a 60-year life. A team of eight pupils made it to the Urban Debate League Final, where teams are tasked with making a compelling case for or. White Middle School Music Accompanist. They have an extremely small number of pupils who speak English as their 1st language, with only 8.3% of them doing so. Low levels of attainment overall are affected by the intake of high numbers of students, often at different times of the year, with little or no knowledge of English" "From 2008 to 2010 progress in English and mathematics was significantly above the national average. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they We are proud to be a leading member school of the Shaw Education Trust. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve Ofsted services.
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