Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid's entertainment guide. The show opens 10 years after the events of Phantom. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So yes, it is in fact the ring Raoul gave Christine which the Phantom then took from her during the Masquerade scene. I don't know about all the versions of, 'The Phantom of the Opera', but in Susan Kay's, 'Phantom', the age difference is 30, since Erik was born in 1831, and Christine in 1861. Don Juan has made more than a thousand sexual conquests, but while preparing to seduce Doa Ana, he is discovered by her father, the Commander, who challenges him to a duel. The "Daroga," a retired Persian cheif of police, has followed Erik to Paris from his native land and regards it as his duty to mitigate Erik's bad behaviour. Christine Daae is the main female character in Gaston Leroux's novel The Phantom of the Opera (1911), the young singer with whom the main character Erik, the Phantom of the Opera, falls in love. He's a virgin. After all, Rossums screen presence and mature vocal performance suggest the actor has been in the business far longer than she had until that point. ), and releases them both. If we play out this conversation in other terms, it basically goes like this: Christine: "A man kidnapped me, revealed his plan to marry me, used threats to get me a lead role and killed an innocent bystander. However, by the end of the four years, she had lost her passion for singing and the music. In the stage version, he has giant cracks in his skull, wispy hair, one of his eyes is whited out, giant swollen lips, burns, cuts and generally more deformation. ", Raoul: "Oh you silly girl. Why does the Phantom let Christine and Raoul go? 6.7L Twin-Turbo V12 Gas Transmission. To his surprise, Christine is excited by his declaration and bursts into tears, locking herself in her room. The elderly gentlemen in The Phantom of the Opera is Vicomte (Count) Raoul de Chagny. Now while many call it the greatest love story in musical theatre history when we look at the piece through the eyes of Christine Daae, it's not much of a love story at all.and there's a sequel. I did not want to bring you 'Freddy Krueger Goes to the Opera!' Christine Daa applies for the position of assistant to the famed New York composer, Erik Lenoir. Who is the old man at the beginning of Phantom? In the US, in 35% of heterosexual marriages the age difference is less than one year. Families could also talk about the way the two key songs in the movie are used to illuminate different relationships and different emotions. She is forced to choose between the Phantom and Raoul, but her compassion for the Phantom moves him to free them both and allow them to flee. Much of it takes place on a stage and there's very little action -- people stand still and sing rather than move, or, well, act. Families can talk about what the Phantom loved about Christine. Giry was never Christine's caretaker in the stage musical, and her relationship to the Phantom is never fully explained. To find the maximum socially acceptable age for a partner, subtract seven from your own age, then multiply it by two. They were discovered at one of these fairs by Professor Valrius, who took them to Gothenburg and then to Paris, providing for Christine's education. By keeping your hand at the level of your eyes, you create a space between the noose and your neck, allowing you to escape and render the rope useless. But the Phantom loved the way a stalker would "love" his victim, and would have kept Christine isolated in the underground. What happens when Raoul visits Christine in her dressing room? In contrast, a wife is 2-3 years older than her husband in just 7% of cases. The film version of the musical follows the musical's script closely, but Christine's age is reduced. E.g. Then she is deserted by this man for reasons she doesn't know, has her son kidnapped and then is shot to death. Padme was queen at a very young age the make up made her look mature and older. Thank you! 43. At this stage, Anakin's crush on the girl he thinks is an angel is rather harmless and not reciprocated by Padm. Christine Daae is a young, Swedish soprano. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. Shircore, an Oscar winner in 1999 for her work on Elizabeth, based her design for the Phantom's disfigurement on a medical condition, underscoring the character's background as a misunderstood former sideshow freak. 47. The chandelier drops after "All I Ask of You" at the end of Act 1 on stage, directly after the lyric "all that the Phantom asked of you! Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Deleted Scene Would Have Made Padm Better, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Dark Star Wars Theory Claims Anakin Mind Tricked Padm Into Loving Him, Star Wars Theory: Padm Amidala Is Force Sensitive, 5 Clues Indiana Jones 5 Is A Time Travel Story, Top Gun: Maverick Finally Proved Iceman Was Right All Along, The MCU Is Nearly Unrecognizable 15 Years After It Began. It is also a name of an old game where the little lotte has too chose from three items. The third act of the Shaw play, frequently presented alone as "Don Juan in Hell" is the Shavian notion of what the main characters, Juan, Ana, and the Commander might discuss with the Devil. In the Lofficier translation of the novel, Christine's age is given as 15 years old. Follow Cooper on Twitter @MovieCooper. Indeed, 2004 was a major year for Rossum. Per the screenplay, regarding Raoul: "Although fifteen years younger than Mme. Other characters driven by hate were allowed to live out their days long past the age of 27, suggesting that hate is a stronger motivator for staying alive in Lucas' world than love. The statue speaks, warning Don Juan that he will be punished for his wickedness. Our review: Parents say ( 26 ): Kids say ( 136 ): Despite lavish settings and costumes, and sweeping camera movement, the sumptuously produced PHANTOM OF THE OPERA feels static, stuffy, and stagey. What does the Phantom do when Christine removes his mask? There's a fair amount of controversy surrounding the age difference between Padm and Anakin. Some people get killed by the Phantom and he threatens to kill Christine's fianc infront of her but he does not. The music was also spectacular, with it all being produced live by both actors on stage and musicians in an orchestra, of many instruments from woodwind to percussion! For example, in the musical, the story occurs in 1881, while the movie takes place in 1870. . Edit, In the original Leroux novel, and in most adaptations of the story, the Phantom's name is Erik. | Related:Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Deleted Scene Would Have Made Padm Better. If anything, it should be the Phantom dying on a Coney Island pier, not Christine. Michael Crawford Crawford reprised his role on Broadway in 1988, winning a Tony Award for his performance. In Attack of the Clones he is 19 and she is 24. Its never portrayed this way but shouldnt there be a significant age difference between Christine and Raoul? Andrew Lloyd Webber has written a sequel called Love Never Dies. Christine Daae is the love interest of the titular protagonist Erik (the Phantom) and also Raoul in every adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera. Without his help Raoul would never have succeeded in rescuing Christine. Unless he was an extremely impressive child, we can assume he started writing the opera in his 20s, making him at least 50 years old. However, the hole leads to a circle of mirrors planted by the Phantom and Raoul does not land a blow. Privacy Policy. Think about it, after the end of Act 1 in Phantom,where does Christine fall in love with the Phantom? Padm was born in the year 46 BBY on Naboo, and Anakin was born five years later, in the year 41 BBY. The name resonated in young Anakin's heart and soul. Okay, let's break a couple of things down here. Christine has been preyed upon, kidnapped twice, saw two people killed by the man who claims he loves her and threatened with the death of a third unless she marries an obsessive, homicidal stalker. Edit, There is only one ring, the ring Raoul gave to Christine. See our. While Skywalker was on his way to the Dark Side, Palpatine'spromise to save Amidala from death was ultimately what swayed him. However, if The Phantom wins, Christine and Gustave will remain in America with him and Raoul must return to Paris alone. I had high expectations for the musical, due to having great past experiences of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals, and it exceeded these expectations greatly, with the Phantom of the Opera becoming my personal favourite quickly! So I guess, next to that,portraying Christine as a Stockholm Syndrome victim is the better option. and our means "When will we be paid?". Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Christine describes his hands as "smelling like death" and "skeleton-like". Below is a table excerpt from the relevant U.S. Census data: The table clearly shows an age gap in which men are older than their marriage partners in a nearly 3.4 to 1 ratio across all included couples. Daniel "Danny" Fenton / Danny Phantom (voiced by David Kaufman) is the series' titular protagonist. But in the book there was no avenging mob to escape; he simply dies of a broken heart, several weeks after releasing Christine and returning the ring he had given her, which she lost as she kissed Raoul on the roof. When the Phantom presses her about Gustave, Christine confesses to the Phantom that Gustave is his son ("The Phantom Confronts Christine"). (2001) "Age preferences for mates as related to gender, own age, and involvement level", Evolution and Human Behavior 22(4):241-250, DOI: 10.1016/S1090-5138(01)00065-4, U.S. Census Bureau (2021), "Americas Families and Living Arrangements: 2021", Table FG3. The Phantom tries to apologize and console her, but when he unthinkingly mentions Christine's name, Meg becomes agitated once again. During the catacomb scene, the first time the Phantom takes Christine down to his lair, the horse he puts Christine on for some of the journey is a black and nameless stallion. Scholars of circus and sideshow history have pointed out that such a relatively mild condition would in no way have qualified someone as a circus freak. Christine became torn between her loyalty and sympathy for her mentor, Erik, and her love for her childhood friend Viscount Raoul de Chagny. . But her best known role has easily been Fiona Gallagher on Shameless, which she played from 2011 to 2019. Overall the Phantom of the Opera was excellent and is a must-see for any musical and opera fans! It's rather creepy, in a way, since by the time of the novel, she was in her twenties, and he in his fifties. According to the movie, she died of a broken heart after finding that Anakin had made his full transformation into a Sith. Edit, Don Juan Tenorio is the subject of a morality play "El Burlador De Sevilla" by Tirso De Molina (1571?-1648), written to illustrate the mistake of too much faith. Photo:Tim Martin Gleason as the Phantom and Trista Moldovan as Christine Daae (Photo by Joan Marcus). 32. After her triumphant performance, she admits to her friend, Meg Giry, that she has been tutored by her "Angel of Music", a figure that her sick father often said would help Christine after his death. The two ages, years, or dates can be entered in any order. Edit, No. Padm was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padm is five years older than him. At least fans of her voice can revisit her work in The Phantom of the Opera. Engine. Pieces of this scene are used in different spots in the movie, but some of it is cut out. What mental illness does the Phantom have? Why did Christine give the Phantom her ring? Anakin thought learning about the Dark Side could help save Padm, but . See our full terms of service. In the novel, he is simply referred to as "Daddy" or "Daddy Daa. In the 2004 movie, he is called Gustave, and in Sarah Brightman's music video version of "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again", his name is Charles. In the story she is Madame Giry's only daughter. In the theatre the ghost is the person who pays the wages. Padm's death may have been necessary for theStar Warsprequels, but how she died seems like an unfortunate misstep in the plot. Her father was a farmer who also sang in the church choir, known far and wide for his incredible talent with a . January 29, 2015 webmaster. Padm's death at the end ofRevenge of the Sithcaused quite a bit of controversy following the film. The musical contained many elements such as lighting, sound and backdrops to emulate the scene of a 19th century opera house, and they were extremely successful in this. When the Phantom tries to take the gun from her, Meg accidentally shoots Christine. In the book, however, when she sees the masked man before her in the dark tunnel, she believes that she has been snatched out of her angel's arms by the terrifying opera ghost. The scenes were tear-wrenching and thought-provoking- I must admit that I cried a lot, as the cast performed in such an emotional way and were so interconnected with each other in the moment by the piece of art that they were creating! Christine, however, always looks past that and views him with compassion as she sings, "This haunted face holds no horror for me now / It's in your soul that the true distortion lies." Edit, The music box was something the Phantom made for himself (suggested from the toy he had at the gypsy freak show). The evidence of Christine's childhood friendship with Raoul, and her studies at the Paris Conservatoire, put her age at 21 years old. You can help us help kids by Regarding the connection between one's age, gender, and attractiveness, there is some scientific research available as well, and it goes somewhat against the rule of seven. On stage, the chandelier's drop narrowly misses the "curtain call" of the cast of "Il Muto" as they jump out of the way. She believed him, and he inspired her soul back into her voice. [4][5] Nilsson, like the fictional Daa, was born in rural Sweden, and both were discovered by a well-to-do patron performing in a Swedish marketplace: Nilsson singing along to her brother's violin playing in Ljungby, Daa singing along to her father's violin playing in (fictitious) Ljimby. The Phantom seizes Raoul and forces Christine to choose between them or Raoul dies. How old is Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera? What is different between the movie and book? In fact, Rossum was barely 17 years old when Schumachers movie began filming. Why did Christine give the Phantom her ring? But how old were the stars during filming? Does Christine have the Phantom's baby? It stars Ed Harris, David Duchovny and William Fichtner. Copyright 2023 Endgame360 Inc. All Rights Reserved. The new team has a new patron -- a handsome young nobleman named Raoul (Patrick Wilson) who was once Christine's childhood sweetheart. Raoul bought it because he remembered Christine talking about it in one of her stories of the Phantom. In the novel and the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, we never learn Christine's father's first name. Mme. Don Juan later passes the tomb of Ana's father, graced by a statue of that dead commander. The Phantom Christine began to recieve voice training at a young age from a mysterious being she called "The Angel of Music". In the book. Christine became torn between her loyalty and sympathy for her mentor, Erik, and her love for her childhood friend Viscount Raoul de Chagny. In Universal's 1943 adaptation, he is disfigured when the publisher's assistant throws etching acid in his face. Another adaptation was produced in 1974 by 20th Century Fox, who moved the event to New York and significantly altered the story to be more Faustian. In 1980, when Karimloo was two, the family relocated to "a little hick town in Canada"Peterborough, two hours from Toronto. In his unmasking in the reprise of "All I Ask Of You", his black wig comes off, revealing the deformity of the skin on his head, cheek and forehead, especially his eye. Little Lotte is the name of a character in a poem called A Child's first sorrow by Andreas Munch. However, he goes by the alias of Mr. Walker after having become the Phantom. To make matters worse, the show goes out of its way to defend the Phantom's actions and portray him as a heartbroken man who gets away. However, this is a mistranslation of a passage that says her heart was "as pure as that of a 15-year-old". The scenario for Christine to return to the Phantom is ridiculous enough, but had it not been for that night, if you look at the events of Phantom, the only moment where an encounter like that could occur would be after Christine faints when seeing the wedding dress mannequin, which means the Phantom raped her while she was unconscious. Although Christine is supposed to be an ingenue, fans might not have realized the age difference between the movies stars. Raoul was Christine Daa's (protagonist) love interest and childhood friend. Why white bedsheet on wedding night quora? If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Age Difference Calculator", [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 01 May, 2023]. When it comes to marriage, the above seems to be supported by statistics from the U.S. Census. How do you work under pressure Example answer Quora? Why is the Phantom's mask on the wrong side in the posters and on the CD? After being visited by her childhood friend, Raoul, she is then visited by the jealous/possessive Phantom. How old is Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera? In the past, we've looked at shows such as Oklahoma!, Grease, Beauty & the Beast and Carousel. This act of love is far greater than any past infatuation by Raoul or himself to let a loved one go for their own happiness' sake is an immaculate act. On stage and in the novel, Christine and Raoul are in their 20's, The Phantom with no official age. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Because of the gifts of the gods, Pandora was very attractiveher name even means "all gifts". ), and releases them both. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Every year Cooper looks forward to seeing the latest blockbusters from the likes of Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, but also loves the rush to catch up on Oscar films near the end of the year. This crush didn't stop there, as Anakin was still infatuated with Padm when they crossed paths again a decade later. There are no flamenco dancers in "Don Juan" / "The Point of No Return" in the stage version as the scene is set in a banquet hall with the cast wearing traditional costumes. When the Phantom presses her about Gustave, Christine confesses to the Phantom that Gustave is his son ("The Phantom Confronts Christine"). Overheated emotions set to Andrew Lloyd Weber's purplish music are so inherently "theatrical" that the film cannot be as effective as the stage play, and the performances are more about the music than the story. How this makes sense is beyond me. if you are thirty years old, calculate 30 / 2 + 7 = 15 + 7 = 22, or an age gap of 8 years would be acceptable in this direction).
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