You need to know how many points you have, how many points your need, what is worth points, where to get them and how to get them. A high-speed Internet connection is recommended to complete the course. What tasks does an Ammunition Handler perform to process a unit's live ammunition turn-in? If you already have knowledge about a subject but have never actually taken a class, you can test through CLEP or DSST to get college credits. The day to find out you are overweight is not the day of the test. THOMAS A. WILSON Chief, Ammunition Management Office Department of the Army HEADQUARTERS, JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD 1010 Liggett Avenue, BOX 339500, MAIL STOP 1AA JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, WA 98433-9500 REPLY T0 ATTENTION OF % & ' ) * , - . (No exception). The technical certificates portion has a maximum of 50 points. This means that if you have been deployed, it can be a nice addition to your total points. So, check now and start working on losing weight if you need to. How many promotion points can a motivated soldier earn at Basic Leader Course? AMMO Handler in Action *Please click on a service to open. Completed certificates are required along with Registration Memo. Your weapons qualification score is going to be a lot like your APFT score. If recommended for promotion to SGT, the Soldier must have completed the degree since joining the Army to receive these points. Civilian education is, in my opinion, the easiest category to max out. The Army Warrior Leader Course is three weeks long and offers a chance to earn even more promotion points by graduating in the upper 10% of the class and more points for those who graduate as a member of the Commandants List. AMMO HANDLERS (CERT) (4E-F27/645-F11 (DL)_) AMMUNITION & EXPLOSIVES STORAGE SAFETY (CERT) (4E-F28/645 . certification. These courses are awarded 1 promotion point for every 4 resident course hours. Make sure your points are turned in to your S1 no later than the 8th of the month before. SIGN IN TIME IS 0830. JBLM-Lewis Installation Ammunition Management Office (IAMO) will provide Ammunition Handlers Certification Course (AHCC) training in Bldg 3201 on the following dates: 2. The way the points are broken down; 340 out of the total 800 are in this category for soldiers recommended for SGT. To access the courses, you must register for Army e-Learning. The maximum promotion points for civilian education is 75/100 for SGT/SSG. Students must register through ATRRS for course credit. Primary Zone is the standard for all soldiers. The new Army Promotion Point system has been designed to ensure that soldiers can not rack up a ton of points in this subcategory alone. POC is Mr. Thomas Wilson at 253-966-7768, e-mail is HYPERLINK "" You would be at work anyway, why not get some promotion points. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 | F $ Q f j 3Q 5Q 5Q 5Q 5Q 5Q 5Q $ S U YQ ~ " YQ ~ ~ f nQ 8$ 8$ 8$ F ~ ~ 3Q 8$ 3Q 8$ 8$ 3 5 #Ts N ^ ?4 Q Q 0 Q S4 jV 4 jV ( 5 jV ~ 5 8$ YQ YQ X Q jV > D : IMLM-PLT-I 25 FEB 2016 MEMORANDUM FOR: All Units Drawing Ammunition at JBLM-Lewis and Yakima Training Center SUBJECT: Ammunition Handlers Certification Course (AHCC) Schedule 1. People have received Certificates of Achievement for things like enduring cold weather in the field. Any single vehicle, or combination of vehicles, that meets neither the definition of Class A, or Class B, but that is either designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver, or is, used to transport hazardous materials which require the vehicle to be placarded under Hazardous. The Army Warrior Leader Course is three weeks long and offers a chance to earn even more promotion points by graduating in the upper 10% of the class and more points for those who graduate as a member of the Commandant's List. 0 Army Promotion Point Calculator - EZ Army Points, Graduate from WLC (Warrior Leader Course). Getting promoted in the United State Army is a bit complicated. Quality Standards and Continuing Education Credit. Ammo Handlers Course Booklet (Click here to view) Location. Applicable students defined in AMC-R 350-4 and AMC-R 700-77 must submit a copy of their certificate of course completion to the installation G-3, or equivalent, for verification and issuance of an Ammunition Handlers Card (AHC); AHCs will be honored at all ASPs. If it worth points like I think it is then I should make cutoff as long as it reflects on my ppw before the 8th? h+^ CJ Graduates in the top ten percent of the class earn 92 points. Mandatory class entry. Once you finish it, submit a copy of your degree and you will get 10 promotion points. Is there an updated 2020 list of these courses? The first thing? %%EOF Verifies DA Form 3151-R with correct DODIC, NSN, and lot number. That said, it IS possible to earn promotion points while at the Basic Leader Course for outstanding academic work. The program does not provide the certification exam, however it does provide courses, practice tests, and on-line books to help prepare for the actual certification exam. Under the revised system, promotion points are still used to help determine who is the most qualified to get their next higher rank and pay grade. Military Education consists of the Non Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES), Computer based courses, and Resident Military Education for a total maximum of 260/280 Army promotion points for SGT/SSG. For example, if you are a Medic in the Army and get certified in Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), you can get 10 promotion points. These are college level tests that you can use to prove competency in a subject area. Technical Certification Matrices for Promotion Points, In a continuing effort to improve the enlisted promotion, 10-promotion points for each awarded technical, The certification must be on the approved TRADOC matrix, The Army e-Learning Program is a resource that provides. A high-speed Internet connection is recommended to complete the course. So all numbers I am stating and all steps I cover are focused on the aspiring E-5 but can also be applied to those pursuing E-6. It used to be possible to max out the entire military education category with Army Correspondence Courses alone. Want 30+ Military / Veteran Discounts to use today? If you end up being the top soldier in your class, you are named distinguished honor put graduate and receive 102 points instead of 80 or 92. Description: This course satisfies mandatory certification training and refresher training requirements for personnel whose responsibilities include conducting safe ammunition handling procedures at an Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) as prescribed by DoDI 5160.68, AR 385-10, and DA PAM 385-64. Source: I teach an ammo handlers course for my bde that garrison has blessed . Bldg 6000, 10440 First Division Rd, Harmony Church Information from your device can be used to personalize your ad experience. You have to maintain your ability in these categories or get to a high level and get promoted before they expire. Students such as contractors without a CAC, Local Nationals, and non-Army personnel without a full-use CAC must receive sponsorship in the ICAM system in order to complete training in the Army Learning Management System (ALMS). The Army official site says of the Basic Leader Course, Any Soldier who would like to move up in rank is required to take this course indicating that you wont be awarded extra points simply for having met the minimum standard. In many case because they are requirements to become promoted rather than something you do above and beyond your daily military duties. Ungraded knowledge checks are distributed throughout the content to provide students with immediate feedback about their level of understanding in each topic. Packaging Configurations for HAZMAT Land Shipments 4. I did this with one of the courses that didn't show up on my ERB sometimes they have to enter it manually. Course content includes a comprehensive review of safe ammunition handling procedures, as well as technical training in identifying vehicle inspection and ammunition transportation requirements and conducting the request, receipt, turn-in, and storage of training, operational-load, and combat-load munitions. These are further broken down into maximum points for different categories. Points alone do not count. Ammo handlers issue ammo to Range OIC (E-7 or above) on DA 5515 after a through briefing ; DOC on a DA 5515 comes from unit document register(S-4) Same DA 5515 used for issue turn-in of unused ammo ; Ammo receiver not remaining on the range issue ammo to ammo handlers; 20 CONT. Login with your AKO Username & Password or CAC. It is a one time thing. It is if you put your full effort into being the best. If you are fluent in a language other than English, I highly suggest you take the proficiency test for that language. I did this with one of the courses that didn't show up on my ERB sometimes they have to enter it manually. Joe Wallace is a 13-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a former reporter for Air Force Television News. You may be permitted to earn as many as three promotion points for successfully completing such tests. A maximum of 102 points are possible under such conditions. There is a complete list of the eligible technical certificates by MOS at Civilian Education Promotion Points. If you just barely pass with a score of 60 in each category, you get a measly 40 points. This means you have some wiggle room. Most technical Certs are based on MOS. You must also pass an Army Warrior Leader Course. Nothing is clearly spelled out and there always seems to be loop holes and shortcuts that no one bothered to tell you. 7. Time in Grade = 5 months. Getting promoted isnt just about finding out what is worth Army promotion points and doing it. Previously, the OML has been used to select soldiers for promotion. Taking civilian college classes can also earn you up to a maximum of 75 promotion points. The courses are free to the soldier and their organization. Which form does the unit use as the receipt of the ammunition from the unit to the Range NCO in charge of a field training exercise? Be sure you keep your weight under control. If you have determination, you would be surprised how much further you can go. Doing badly on your PT test can really sabotage your attempts at promotion. For example, all soldiers trying to make points for promotion on March 1st must have all of their points turned in by the 8th of February. For course completion, WLC is worth 80 Army promotion points and ALC is worth 90. Military training should be the base you work off of when it comes to Army promotion points. Taking Army classes online can earn as much as 78 promotion points. References to third-party products, rates and offers may change without notice. You don't have to go through the whole course. 4. > _ & bjbjCC T )D\)D\; Ammunition Handler completes DA Form 581 based on SAAS-generated DA Form 3151-R. --- 3. This sometimes randomly produces an award. Is there any truth to this? The one thing not mentioned in that list? SGT (E-5): Time in Service = 18 months. Much of what follows is for NCO promotions but junior enlisted will find their own requirements to be similar in spirit to what is required to become an NCO. points for technical certifications to Soldiers competing for. Course content includes a comprehensive review of safe ammunition handling procedures, as well as technical training in identifying vehicle inspection and ammunition transportation requirements and conducting the request, receipt, turn-in, and storage of training, operational-load, and combat-load munitions. I am going to focus on the promotion points system for a Specialist (E-4) pursuing Sergeant (E-5). You will receive an email within 5 minutes indicating whether or not you have been registered Mandatory - 9E-F67/920-F35DL: Introduction to Ammunition (Ammo-45 DL). To get promoted to Sergeant (SGT) or Staff Sergeant (SSG), you need to gain promotion points. Ammo-108-DL Ammo Handlers (CERT) (4E-F27/645-F11 (DL)) (Course Catalog/Schedule) Register for Course (Lessons and Exam) Ungraded knowledge checks are distributed throughout the content to provide students with immediate feedback about their level of understanding in each topic. I attended the unit armorer course in 2016 however my PPW never had it but my SRB does. But, the general idea is that any kind of college education you have or can get is worth promotion points. The Defense Ammunition Center and US Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety (DACTCES) provides worldwide support with technical expertise and training for munitions, explosives safety, and hazardous materials. If you still have the DA Form 87, the certificate of training for completing the course you can take it to your S1 and see if they can add it to your SRB/ERB for points and it will appear in your PPW under military education. Every semester hour of college credit is worth one promotion point. Regulatory Guidance for HAZMAT Shipments 2. I was just shy 10 points this month. Focus on maxing out these categories. Why are some professional military education classes awarded zero points? Compares the DA Form 3151-R with the 581 TIS to ensure that the unit is turning in the same ammunition that they were issued. This is a good opportunity to earn up to 80 promotion points for typical attendance. jhA+M0-mBwPR$"~o`]C\ K}n6maaZ41tFq6; J+d>8wsxd`NWe+O. Under the revised promotion rules, that waiting list is reorganized and populated based on data from the OML, but OML is NOT used to create the promotion waiting list. hJ5k CJ *The points requirement is usually higher for those trying to get promoted using the secondary zone. Office fax number is 253-967-9832. Sign up to take the tests that sound easy to you. 26901 0 obj <> endobj To the right is a list of all of these 10 point courses. A maximum of 50-promotion points are. If you just barely pass with a score of 60 in each category, you get a measly 40 points. There are some rules soldiers quickly learn about this points system. If you have already completed some college, you simply need to turn in your official college transcripts to S1 for these courses to be added to your ERB and PPW. Make sure you check into the Army classes for promotion points. Certification for this course is valid for two years. We are also charged with the responsibility to maintain full accountability and insure all safety procedures are followed during ammunition handling processes. If you can not pass weight or tape, it will be considered a fail for your PT test. They focus on things like Word, Spreadsheet and PowerPoint. If you have questions of a specific nature consider consulting a financial professional, accountant or attorney to discuss. At least, it wasn't worth any when I was still in. The degree has to be completed while you are in the Army to count. The Army also offers tuition assistance to pay for college classes while you are Active Duty; why not got to college on the Armys dime and gain promotion points at the same time. Due to new courses constantly being added, there may be some courses available on the system that are not listed BELOW. To earn promotion points, you must successfully complete the basic leader course, also known as WLC. . h<. endstream endobj 26902 0 obj <>/Metadata 407 0 R/Outlines 413 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 26884 0 R/StructTreeRoot 416 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 26903 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 26904 0 obj <>stream Our Mission Develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in Joint operations and improve operational readiness of the Joint enterprise. Look for a very military-friendly college, submit your AARTS transcripts, and have them evaluate them. 3. Take classes online or at a local college using Tuition Assistance. Here is the the website to determine if you get promotion points or not: climbvx 9 yr. ago Fabulous! Every extra shot you make makes a big difference in points. Meet the minimum TIS (Time in Service) and TIG (Time in Grade) requirements. Use any acceptable college courses you have already taken. About Certification: 10-promotion points for each awarded technical. It could you get promoted! If you don't, go back and take the incorrect questions again. Some examples of courses are the Fuel Handlers Course, Generator Operator Course, Bus Driver Courses, and many more listed in the ATRRS Course Catalog. How Promotion Points are Awarded Ten promotion points for each awarded technical certification A maximum of 50 promotion points are authorized for technical certifications No additional promotion points are authorized for recertification Promotion points will be awarded under civilian education on the DA Form 3355
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