Homeless Set To Rule Oregon! She smiled at Frank while looking somewhat confused at the shop front. makes me feel really happy today! Maybe ask at the nearby houses or shops. I totally agree that if you are tired or in the 'middle state' as I like to call it, you can definitely see some strange things such as time travel. What do you think of time slips? lol! Aw thanks Linda! I had a few drinks, I was young, but nothing crazy and Ive never hallucinated after drinking any alcohol. Two things happened to me when I was living in Croxteth Road, Toxteth. or guitar away from the feedback coming out of the stereo. This time it worked. Picking up his pace, he reached H. Samuel the Jewelers, and tried his phone once again. But the odd thing is that Frank was in fact a former police officerhe was used to dealing in facts and definitely wasn't the type of person who would believe in the paranormal. 105 I live here, it happen to me twice once in bold street, comming up out of central train st ,looked like early 80's Index shop on bold street , OTHER time on the stair's of the bombed. A young woman in a blue silk dress stood towards the bottom of the stairs and there were two large greyhounds staring at me. thanks for reading, nell. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I needed to catch a train from Central Station which as you may know is right in the area of Bold street. yes I know who he was! Pray you never stumble into it. seems that history does tend to get involved with our ancestors! I posted it on facebook, because I liked the whole pic, and didn't make too much of the girl until other people started mentioning the strangeness of her image. When I was 20 (so about 24 years ago) I was making my way through Liverpool to see my girlfriend. It would soon become apparent that something very odd was happening. Most time travel experiences seem to take the recipient back to the 18th or 19th century. Yesterday I took a photo on my phone through a Bold Street cafe window and a girl appeared on it. Lots of photography studios were on Bold Street at one time . Puts me in mind of my fave mind-bending time-travel series, the short-lived Life On Mars (the American version). Upstairs alone in the kitchen of the flat, I was sitting enjoying the Autumnal sunshine coming through the window when I became aware of a cold breeze and the feeling that someone was walking in front of me, across the room. And yes we do really need to see the interaction between the people and times to get a picture. There was a reddish Persian rug. I lived in Liverpool for four years from 1985-1989 as a uni student and whenever I return today I always find it a fascinating place that I feel very drawn to. I had not seen her before, during or after I took the pic and she appears with two "shadows" of herself. Haunted Liverpool. Going north from that point the road dips down and then back up again, so I and the side street from which the coach emerged were basically at the same elevation, with the traffic in between below us. On a sunny day in July 1996, an off-duty policeman called Frank went shopping with his wife Carol . Bold Street Bold Street. What about going to the future, would love to see what that would be like, nothing ever happens to me when l pop I into Liverpool bold Street, do some. Anyway great read, it made me miss the Uk for some odd reason. This is new to me. Bold Street is a street in Liverpool, England. The Mysterious Bold Street Time Slip in Liverpool Mystery Haunted Places Paranormal The Mysterious Bold Street Time Slip in Liverpool UK A Thief Goes Back to 1967 A Mothercare Store or a Bank? Yet as he did, he could just about make out the streets of his hometown slowly beginning to form some semblance of normalcy. What happened next is beyond belief! Nell Rose (author) from England on December 10, 2017: Thanks Jersey, yes it certainly is! nell. Thank you for this fabulous, well written, and thought provoking article. He attempted to use his mobile phone, only to learn there was no service. Visiting the site of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, off the coast here, one late night, people were just standing in the street. thanks for reading. Just as others have experienced, Frank and Carol found out that a simple shopping trip to Bold Street can turn out to be a . Indeed both men stated that they were profoundly affected by what had happened to them on that strange, curious morning in 2006. One Saturday in July 1996, Frank and his wife Carol visited Liverpool to do some shopping. The young man was by now wholly bewildered as to what was happening and tried to piece the terrifying puzzle together. I have also come across some cases of timeslips into the future and possible slips into alternative universes. Question: If you had the older type of currency and wanted to go shopping in 50s or 60s, would you even have enough time to pay and carry your pitches out of the store before the time slip changed back to your own time? The other time was at a friend's flat in a house round the corner in Grove park. Unfortunately I didn't see anything from the 1940's 50's or 60's but I did see an empty shop. I couldn't make out the words though. The doctor called it petit mal. He immediately said, You're in the wrong place." CHRISTINE MILLER investigates this strange paranormal phenomenon. The person I asked said yes it's next door you have just walked past it. The Black Dog of Newgate: A Phantom Prisoners Revenge? I am a nurse and i remember a night staff member saying to me that I had been early this morning, had gone for a coffee in the rest room until it was time to start. Read on, and you will never doubt again. At any rate, a question worth pondering. Liverpool's Bold Street is so well known for time slips that there's a Reddit forum dedicated to discussing it, along with YouTube documentaries and Facebook pages. I've seen flying crafts over the years and had dreams that came true the next day, down to the last detail. thanks so much for reading. He said, "The red, (my red plastic Fisher 2 box metal detector), its spooking the horse!" Does it exist? Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on October 26, 2018: Nell, I have to agree with Tim Truzy. there is so much more out there for us to learn, thanks again, nell. What is a Caulbearer and Why is it Spooky? We saw a man who was dressed in seventies clothes but didn't think much about it because retro is in, but we sat there and we saw the same man with long sandy hair walk past again in exaclty the same way. Take Care. Subscribe to get Spooky Isles' free newsletter in your inbox every Friday! Thinking he had given him the slip, Sean sauntered back out and started to walk down Hanover street again. not sure about the fireplace but its certainly been chucked down peoples throat in the family over the last few days! So I just put down my lack of noticing it there before as being one of down to age and not really paying attention - I've changed :). Frank sighted a girl of about 20, dressed in the clothes of a mid-1990s girl; hipsters and a lime-coloured sleeveless top. I later went to a working mill and the noises were identical and there were lights on the machines, green for on, red for off. The others? lol! Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on August 10, 2016: Nell, I saw Grace's incredible account of her experience on Bond street before you did, but chose not to comment until after you'd had a chance to "ooh" and "ah". how fascinating! Similarly, Carlins, the name that was on the side of the van, was also a thriving business in Liverpool at one time, yet the company was long gone by 1996. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Once I had to have my mother hold my hand to stop me coming out of my body. the Duke of Cumberland stayed there? A ghost sign at the bottom end of Bold Street over a shop The Liverpool savings bank during WW2 An image of the Palatine building A comparison of the Lyceaum reading rooms from old and modern day The Boots branch on Bold Street took up what is now 3 units - Central Perk, Pop . Now, you may think that Sean was making the story up to escape from the guard. So yes I totally believe, thanks. Hopefully, it'd be with someone young and healthy with a good chance of still being alive almost 50 years in the future. Otherwise known as spontaneous time travel, time slips are a curious sub-genre of the paranormal. Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on October 24, 2018: I suspect these events are global phenomena, Nell. So far, most of the sightings have centered around the 1950s and 1960s, and this is strange in itself. We spoke to local paranormal expert Tom Slemen who recounted one of the 'timeslip' tales from Bold Street. I hadn't heard of this in Liverpool and more specifically Bold Street until a friend mentioned it just now. The strange thing about the Bold street time slips, is the actual time and place they are set. Bold Street in Liverpool is apparently a street in which a fair few people have experienced temporary slips through time into the past. It would be great, wouldn't it? So exciting! The subject of time has always intrigued us. The staff member looked at her suspiciously and went off to get the manager. yep totally with you on that. Frank never stopped talking about this strange experience. 18th May 1967. Or, as the saying goes, that they are Urban Tales. I looked for that place many times afterwards, and it wasn't there! The time slips seem to happen and change quickly. My daughter has the same experiences but gets auras, sometimes four in a morning, which the doctors have called Focal seizures. Last time I heard the lady in charge was having personal problems and n longer involved. Nell Rose (author) from England on February 27, 2020: Thanks Meg, yes it must be fascinating to experience a Time slip. as for the one when you arrived early I do believe time does these funny things. These spots are known as Devil's Corners, the most notorious of which being the Bermuda Triangle. apart from a few years ago on here with a hub, I think it was 25 dollars, it seems that Hubpages is my lucky place! If true I think the big question is whether there was any interaction with those people from the past. However, I was really freaked out and whilst others have said "I'd ask someone to look me up" I can assure you that the actual event is so disconcerting that you don't think along those lines - the first emotion you experience is fear and an overriding sense that something is VERY wrong. The Bold Street Time Slip is Real. Share URL. I loved this tale of time slips. I am sure some places do have a vibe that causes time slips. It is not marked on Horwood's map of 1803 but is depicted on Gore's map of 1814. thank you Tim for the compliment! Bold Street in Liverpool is place well-known for time slips. The Days Gone By newsletter will bring you stories and photo galleries looking back at life on Merseyside. The van gave out an old-fashioned beep from its horn as to proceeded up the road. The shops on Bold Street on 21st July 1993. Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on September 04, 2015: Hi Nell - congratulations on winning 2 hubbie awards! I've seen one of these Time Slips and can give a first hand account. I do think a lot of ghost stories are in fact time slips but I doubt if we will ever know, but thanks so much for reading, nell. I continued to walk up Bold Street but couldn't find the shop, turned round and walked back then went into Costa and asked in there about this new shop. I am a great believer in quantum physics, and that will show the answer eventually. but like all of us its a split second, then afterwards we say, damn, why didn't I? Suddenly, a small boxvan that looked like something out the 1950s sped across his path, beeping its horn as it narrowly missed him. Decades later I realized the hats that caught my attn were flat leather "slouched pork pie hats." And more startling? Just 10 years earlier, Frank and Carol, a married couple were out for a day shopping in Liverpools city centre. The hair on my legs went up. Soon he saw that the people around him were wearing strange clothes. It was a bank, just as her mother had told her. Congratulations! Speaking to a journalist, the guard mentioned that when he was chasing Sean, the pair had headed into the dead-end alleyway, where the guard visibly witnessed Sean suddenly and inexplicably vanish into thin air. science always tries to find an explanation but sooner or later quantum physics will show us the truth, nell. Only the UK version is available on Netflix. He looked in the window of Cripps and saw no books on display, but womens handbags and shoes. Eventually he began to really panic, but soon spotted a kiosk selling newspapers and headed over. Frank went into the shop, closely followed by the young woman. This may sound like an unlikely tale. Her landlady had a piano in the hall which had been played by John Lennon as Brian Steon had cpnnnectipns with that house. thanks so much for reading, nell. He carried on crossing the road and headed towards the store. Causally glancing around I wasn't really paying much attention - man on a mission, my lady was waiting! From the c.1830s onwards Bold Street became the most fashionable shopping street in Liverpool, as former residences were converted into retail premises. Then he remembered his cell phone. And why not? I would be thrilled to talk to some physicist over this. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 07, 2017: Thanks tony, yes me to! It wasn't that late and there were a few people around. Nell Rose (author) from England on October 01, 2016: Wow! I only once encountered a similar feeling and that was in Santa Fe New Mexico. The effect upon entrant observers would be quite the same. Could this be true? The bottom end contains more shops which are chain stores. I love quantum physics it does explain so much. Then before they went around a turn, I said, "Where does this Road go?" As they approached Bold Street, Frank decided to go to another shop first. I have since found out that this is called sleep paralysis where the dreamer is still awake. The second story concerns a young girl by the name of Imogen. a mobile/cell phone doing all those things, and speaking to people just by text let alone talking! thanks for reading. Crossing over to Bold Street, he noticed that there were traffic lights where they weren't before. I love to hear more stories! and proves a very good point, yes it probably is you or us that go back in time for a second, not the other way round! nell. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on August 11, 2016: After what I said in my previous comment, it occurs that perhaps Liverpool isn't the only English town with a recurring time slip. I'm quite certain that Glastonbury has something similar. There are also twelve spots along the oceans that are also believed to be time vortexes. Tenor.com has been translated based on your browser's language setting. She looked confused. There werent many parked cars around and I didnt feel any different. http . Heading to a bookshop, he found himself in a street, surrounded by people dressed in 1950s fashions, with 1950s and 1960s cars in the road. All were wearing black leather, head to toes and black leather vests and the last one had a full leather long coat. great to hear from you, nell. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 12, 2016: HIya JG exactly! They had a favorite pub they visited in Bold Street. Answer: I would suggest you read Edgar Cayce. I was going in to look at the clothes, and now it's a bookshop.". I also believe that one day when the energy of the whole of the universe collapses that the big bang will occur again and the whole of history will repeat itself, including our own personal lives. There are so many cases concerning Bold Street (and indeed just about anywhere else in Liverpool) that maybe, just maybe, they are all living on top of the biggest time slip phenomena in the world. Then he said, "Down to the ---." Learn the amazing true story of her search for the children of her former incarnation. I had a time slip up in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Bedford County on a trail heading south of the Blue Ridge Parkway. But the strange tale didn't end there. Nell Rose (author) from England on April 07, 2018: How fascinating! On my way home in Ullet Road I suddenly became aware of someone talking close to me. Evidently Cripps was a womens shop that sold clothes and other goods decades before! Right now I do not have a model or theory for what is going on or a set of theories to cover different types of slip. I do believe we live in a multi-layered universe, which would account for all kinds of paranormal events to slip into our reality. Nice one! I know absolutely that the universe is full of strange happenings, they are all around us. Is reincarnation real? It features pictures, stories and fond memories connected to Merseyside. Bold Street, Liverpool One of the most famous recent time slips is that of Bold Street, Liverpool. Subscriptions. Answer: I agree, there would definitely be no reason to make it up. Nell Rose (author) from England on April 09, 2017: Hi Thanks Mman, yes you could be right! Liverpool Blitz North John Street My Mum told me how Liverpool was so badly bombed during WW2 - a prime target for the German planes.My memories of being a Baby Boomer in the 1950`s are full of wasteland and bomb craters as a playground Disappointed, Imogen went and put the items back as she hadn't any money with her. your own Pins on Pinterest. But you could end up foundng a new religion :). now that is an encounter! The Strange Case of the House that Slips Through Time- There is an area between Bradfield St George and . I wish I could. Sure enough the store wasnt there. Carol decided that she wanted to go and buy a book at Waterstone'sthe large bookstoreand they started to walk towards the shop. There are many tales from around Liverpool that tell of time slips, ghosts and other strange phenomenon. The stories you shared about Liverpool were incredible and brought something strange to my mind I remember as a youth. Bold Street seems to have the highest incidences of time-slippages in the city, and I have been mapping the areas of that street with magnetometers and various other electronic sensors with. Maybe it was a case of mistaken roads, taking a wrong turning or just a glitch in the person's memory. long time since you were here? I lived there for four or five years in the early to mid 80's and you were forever hearing about people thinking they were going into one shop and it being completely different, odd sightings sounds around the Tor, and there was just a very weird energy. 08:00, 25 JUL 2020. Discover (and save!) I had never heard of Bold Street time slips before but on telling a friend what had happened to me he told me about the phenomena. For those who have not experienced it, it probably seems unbelievable. Slight edit - the ramp I walked down was the Ranelagh Street one, not the one from Bold street. Bold Street in Liverpool has been associated with time slips for decades, with many people having testified that this bustling, shop-lined high street contains a passageway to the past. lol! There on the right, was a cafe/coffee shop - it had sprung up out of nowhere. Carol decided she wanted to pop into a bookshop to purchase a book. Yes I have had that buzzing and sleep paralysis. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 05, 2018: Wow! It must be frustrating for those who have experienced this to not be believed when they feel so certain it happened. Something weird happened to me today in Bold Street. And, last but not least, it is possible that they really are experiencing this strange phenomena! The new . Had I not seen one with my own eyes I, like probably so many others would just put it down to various other factors and chalk it up against "odd stuff that people believe in". 'There is a bank there now. The most important point is that the very first person who had this experience obviously believed in what he saw, heard and felt. Read more about time slips in this fantastic article by Nia Jones. ;D. Nell Rose (author) from England on June 20, 2015: Thanks Annie, hopefully someone will read this and answer your question, nell. Nell Rose (author) from England on January 12, 2018: Excellent Reading ,, Thank Very Much ,,,. It was 1993 on the fall equinox date exactly Sept at 2PM. Why does it seem as though we have stepped back into the past in such instances? The young woman smiled, shook her head and said, 'that was strange, I thought it was a new clothes shop!' We will see our pram again, our parents, and things will be purer each time. But of course, that can't really be it if they can confirm the shops etc were really there years ago. ALL sorts of anomalies aren't there? I read that we could never go back in time through a wormhole because the feedback would destroy us, but what if the feedback can be directed elsewhere, like the feedback from music amps where we just point the mic. It's never happened to me but it's a well known thing in Liverpool. We have launched a Facebook group to bring you more photos, nostalgia and memories in one place. The perfect Timeslip Bold Street Tom Slemen Animated GIF for your conversation. Strangely though, he could still see people walking around in 1967 just down the end of the road. It is our conditioning and our wish to live in an ordered world that makes us adhere to time. but its pretty darn scary to say the least! She walked away looking extremely puzzled.
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