I didnt use Granite Grip on steps with vertical surfaces, but I did use it on the vertical sides of my half-moon patio. Luckily, I finished just in time, because temperatures hit the upper 90s and never looked back. Based on that experience, I wish I had taken the time to use concrete primer over the whole surface (after I etched). How do I effectively mix SpreadRock in the can? They should have someone who can give you tips on getting rid of that winter ice without ruining your granite grip surface. Im only a humble DIYer and this was my only experience with Granite Grip. Some diluted acid did splash on my left forearm, but I quickly washed it off with my water source. They pointed out the cracks on a few of my slabs. Do not substitute. None of the solution had dried overnight, so the roller was ready to go the next morning. How do you apply a genuine, finely pebbled stone finish onto concrete, cinder block, brick, drywall and more in a weekend - without breaking the budget? Since, you will be applying SpreadRock very thinly (to achieve correct coverage), it will dry fairly quickly. If it takes 3 or 4 coats, will each coat keep gettin more grittier. Let dry for 1-2 hours. It had made a red mark on my skin that went away after an hour. Thats slab heave. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; The texture is not deep, so there are no sharp parts that stick up. There are a lot of people out there who give StreadStone by Daich Coatings either shining or scathing reviews, and not many of the reviews I've read have been very helpful. One can of the "Stone Base Coat" (primer, basically), two cans of the "Decorative Stone Coat" (I didn't understand why I needed two cans until I started using it), and one can of the "Stone Clear Coat". All I have is this one experience with the product, and the touch-ups Ive done afterwards. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; It looks and feels like paint so I was fairly comfortable. What's the difference between these floor coatings? If that happened, the chalky white stuff (I dont know the technical name) would be redeposited on the surface, and that would keep the Granite Grip from adhering properly. After many decades, the carpet looked terrible. But, will it make it? The second coat really was making it look much better, so you can understand my excitement to finish. Dyes can be mixed in with the concrete before installation or an existing concrete floor will need etching before application. I yanked the outdoor carpet up in sections, and threw it in the trash. Designed by Hudson Valley Digital Marketing | Powered by Service Area Pro, Sealing Polished Concrete & Stone Flooring. Brownstone Satin Interior/Exterior Concrete Resurfacer and Sealer, Granite Stone Coating 1 Gal. The solution will bind to the crevices in the etched concrete and provide a good base for subsequent coats. I would bet that applying the second and third coats in direct sunlight in that area was the cause of the bubbles. That direct sunlight might have been the cause of bubbles which appeared in two areas. Scratches remain - even after application of the Clear Coat. There are two methods: There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to choosing the right covering for your garage floor renovation; budget, durability, ease of installation/application are but a few. How do you apply a genuine, finely pebbled stone finish onto concrete, cinder block, brick, drywall and more in a weekend without breaking the budget? Extreme Cold Resistant - Built Alaska Tough. Not black, as I was expecting, but I was looking forward to see how it looked after the sanding. Definitely a job for the professionals. The paint should be allowed to cure for a week before parking a car on the new surface. Your email address will not be published. Be diligent in researching the options to make the best choice and your reward will be a garage floor you can be proud of for years to come. Liquid Spread Rock Floor & Wall Coatings. As I rolled out the product, I did notice it became less easy to work with as the temperatures crept into the 80s. Once cured for 24 hours, everything is top-coated with a clear sealer. After I was finished, I wrapped my brush in a regular plastic shopping bag. Use either DAICH Ultra Clear Coat Sealer or for added slip resistance in wet conditions, use DAICH TracSafe Anti-Slip Sealer.Apply sealer only after your completed SpreadRock application has cured for 24 hours. I might even try a fifth coat and see if it looks even more luxurious. I mixed half-a-gallon of muriatic acid into half-a-gallon of water. Acid based concrete stains react with the calcium hydroxide found in concrete and penetrate into the flooring surface. Wanted to give my review of it to help in your research of the product! If you'd like to get creative and create stunning stone textures with a variety of fun faux finishing techniques, Spreadstone offers almost limitless possibilities. | Luxury Vinyl Plank 101, What is Laminate Flooring? To clean up, I only rubbed Jergens Ultra Healing Moisturizer on my hands for a few minutes. I dont know the answer to those questions, but when those events happen, I will post updates. Instead, SpreadRock lets you easily install a lightweight stone veneer anywhere a long lasting upgrade is desired at a fraction of the cost. It was expensive stuff, but was a little less expensive than competing brands. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; By taking the time to properly prepare your surface, I hoped to eliminate problems later on. Can I paint over a previous layer? Once the floor is clean, dry and the surface etched, the first coat of slightly thinned paint should be applied with a brush. Named and modeled after real granite countertop favorites, the colors available in the LuxROCK kits include Galaxy Black, Platinum White, Basalt Mist (a dark gray), Crystal Quartz (a light gray) and Carrara (a creamy beige). The unfinished concrete made an uninviting outdoor living area. Microtoppings and Polymer Cement Overlays. Epoxy floor treatments are available in one or two part formulas. They feel like a smaller company which gave me hope and reservations at the same time. However, to be sure it cured enough, I allowed it to dry 24 hours before I started with the second coat. It kind of upsets me that the manufacturer didnt recommend using a primer first, but I think they wanted to make the process sound as easy and inexpensive as possible. The preparation of the garage floor is identical to that for latex and masonry paint, stains, and dyes. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; Why does SpreadRock have to be sealed? SpreadRock | Exterior Stains & Floor Coatings . amzn_assoc_linkid = "5da0915b04343a89be25effb30b14603"; Other than the mistakes I made that I listed above, there might be other common errors that DIYers like myself could do to cause problems. There is one product available that was specifically developed as a durable and attractive coating for garage floors: Epoxy. SpreadRock is not speckled paint. My issues started with in a week of putting it on. Then, I used a grinder to remove the adhesive and roughen up the concrete surface. Toro Outdoor Power Equipment 303 Results Brand: Toro Review Rating: 3 & Up Clear All Sort by: Top Sellers Get It Fast In Stock at Store Today South Loop & nearby stores Free 2-Day Delivery Next-Day Delivery Availability Show Unavailable Products Department Outdoors Outdoor Power Equipment Outdoor Power Equipment Parts It also makes for a beautiful and incredibly tough garage floor or other interior surface that can last for years. In addition, I changed the direction as I rolled. If I need to do touch-ups in the future, Ill just use a clean brush that I have in the garage. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Home Flooring Pros is a consumer website that specializes in providing professional advice on different types of home flooring. It is an actual layer of rock that spreads on easily to add instant beauty and elegance to all kinds of existing concrete floor and wall surfaces as well as masonry, drywall, statuary, planters and more. However, since SpreadRock is an actual stone overlay and not paint, coverage can vary due to thicker application, surface roughness, pitting and other flaws that may consume more SpreadRock as you trowel in down. Occasional re-coats of the top clear coat sealer can be applied as desired every few years to freshen the surface nish and make it look like new. The Clear Coat is essentially watered-down rubber cement and "painting" with it wasn't fun. Let muriatic acid solution sit for about 5-to-10 minutes on concrete surface: Despite my misgivings and inexperience, I applied the acid to the concrete in about a 5-by-5 foot area, then worked it in with a push broom. the product page on the website for color images, SpreadStone is an excellent decorative option for most. I will be coating our front stoop and sidewalk next. amzn_assoc_asins = "B07JHQ4L4F"; One part epoxy is e available in water based and chemical (solvent) based formulas. As the grinding wheel got warm, the carpet adhesive would get sticky. I did my first coat on our 300 square foot patio at 3 pm and fought the heat the whole time. My honest observations are my own, and I did not receive compensation or free products for this review. Its a mess! But when our high heat started in May now I have blisters in about 10 spots. Follow enclosed instructions and all precautions on coating containers during use. You SpreadRock it!This elegantly beautiful REAL STONE finish looks just like speckled granite that would otherwise cost you thousands if you went with traditional installed materials. Choose Garage and Driveway Sealer to protect SpreadRock on garage and heavier duty surfaces. I did pressure wash then used muradic acid to etch, just waiting for it to dry now. Ft. When applied with the unique applicator, Decorative Concrete Coating creates a beautiful, multi-color finish that protects and enhances the appearance of concrete. You . Thanks for using Daich products! Where are you laocated that this bubbled so bad and was it also put on in hot weathermy issue will be moisture..lol go figure! The big problem I had was what to figure out what to do with the bare concrete. I like the grip it provides around the pool, but its still comfortable on your bare feet. SpreadRock's real stone composition is not applied by roller. I started Saturday around 6am with all the prep work, and am (at the time of writing) waiting out the last 24-hour period after the final Clear Coat. I noticed that the Granite Grip was getting a little tacky, and it did not roll on as smoothly. Whether you are troweling by hand with a standard metal pool trowel or using the SpreadRock Squeegee Trowel from a comfortable standing position the key is to press firmly with your chosen tool to spread the stone further. I was also able to remove the stains I wrote about with that same technique. Instead of washing the roller after the first coat, I wrapped it tightly in a plastic bag.
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