Is This The Future of The Airline Website? Dan Birman. Developing a brand identity involves more than just making a logo design. Without these cookies, services youve asked for cant be provided. Stay up to date with Spoon Graphics by having new content delivered to your email inbox. They draw you in from the first line, explaining why they were contacted, and walking you through the process from start to finish. Managing JavaScript on Responsive Websites, Jeremy Fields Say Hello to the New ISO, Andy Clarke Making the important data stand out is especially important when attracting a prospective customer with marketing case studies. GRAPHIC DESIGN CASE STUDIES Results: Driven by Strategic Design As a strategic branding firm, we thrive on driving business results for our clients. Make sure to demonstrate your versatility and the kind of work you are capable of. Amazing, thanks for sharing! Thomas shares fascinating insights about a production, banding and packaging process in which he only used colorless, organic and traditional tools and materials. Let me show you around and explain what you can expect to find on my blog. Customer feedback is the backbone of many Web services. Read about how Upstatement approached its first responsive design. Uber Scooters Platform By Bre Huang,. David Killoy shares his experience of designing the icon for his note-taking app Notorious. Read and learn how GravDept redesigned Skinny Ties creative and technical direction to propel shopping on every device. Case Study Example. Check out the image below for a quick summary: Related:What is a Case Study? But it's not easy doing what they do or knowing exactly how to show and tell who you are as designer. They're a great way to let potential clients know how you work, and they can also provide inspiration for other designers and developers; here are five of our favourite recent examples. Pieters designed an infographic about the Tour of France, and focused mainly on the question, What does a pro cycling team take with them to the Tour of France?. Using bold and bright colors as well as contrasting shapes, large bold fonts, and simple icons is a great way to highlight your wins. In this case study of the Whitney Museum of Arts logo, Experimental Jetset discusses the impact that a responsive logo can have on branding. Meaning, you have SECONDS to grab their attention, make an impression and entice them to read whatever it is you have to say. We use essential cookies to make Venngage work. Every successful marketing campaign relies on influencing a consumers behavior, and a great case study can be a great way to spotlight your biggest wins. This article explains what needs to be considered when designing them. If you want to create a design portfolio that says a lot about you and your work, take McNamaras as inspiration. Near the end of the project you will just want to press that launch button, so anything you write at that time will be rushed and lazy. Mark Boulton used the CERN redesign project as an occasion to define a new make mantra that would help him tackle projects. Why do people dislike reading case studies? She mainly used the French landscape which she had used for the Tour de France Infographic as a starting point. Responsive Design Case Study, Matt Berridge Why are case studies such an important tool in content marketing? Automatically add your brand colors to your infographic with VenngagesMy Brand Kit. The Anatomy of an Experience Map, Chris Risdon Learn how the Vesper app was designed and made. It serves millions of readers everyday with in-depth journalism and informed comment. As a way to say thanks, youll also gain instant access to my free bundle of design resources. This design principles and process I s. The first one, Interastar, reminds me of the E-trade logo. People images & pictures young worker young professional. What makes it even more special, the target audience is over 50 years old. How House Parties Helped Us Design Potluck, Cemre Gngr Case studies are important marketing tools but they shouldnt be the only tool in your toolbox. Dunst shares the process behind the creation of the Novel typeface. Then this templates the one for you. A portfolio of case studies is the standard barometer used to judge the quality of a professional. Mastering the Application Cache Manifest for Offline Web Apps and Performance, Julien Nicault Founded by Vitaly Friedman and Sven Lennartz. Writing a case study from the perspective of the client is another effective method. One of our very own graduates! These cookies help us provide enhanced functionality and personalisation, and remember your settings. Show how your clients traffic jumped from 100 people a day to 300. Cookies and similar technologies collect certain information about how youre using our website. Your audience probably has to read through enough technical docs in their day-to-day work, so why would they waste their time and attention on your long-winded lessons? They have so much to teach us all about design and how to use it to express authenticity and to understand and help others do the same. Everything TypeScript, with code walkthroughs and examples. In this example, the stat of Increase[d] lead quality by 90% is used as the header. It makes customers want to read more to find out how exactly lead quality was increased by such a massive amount. Like this business infographic below: As a part of yourcommunication strategy, infographics offer a creative solution for presenting what could otherwise be dry data or insights, keeping readers and potential customers engaged by enticing combination of text and images. Again, theyll stop trying and move on to something easier to understand. Looking to keep your branding consistent? Case . A graphic design portfolio is a visual collection of your work, showcasing what you have achieved thus far and what you hope to accomplish in the future. Or maybe you created a logo for your favorite doctors group practice. See how they neatly present the concept alongside stationery mockups and examples of real life usage. And that leads to more inquiries and even more clients. Case studies are an incredibly effective form of marketing that you can use to help promote your product. When we collaborate with marketing leaders in the luxury consumer goods, interior design products, B2B technology, and nonprofits, foundations and higher education. Listen to how agency Fresh Tilled Soil addressed real-world constraints, such as resources, time and budget, in its responsive design process. We must admit that this post is quite a long one, so weve decided to divide it into two parts to make it easier for you to navigate. The designs dominate each page, but small snippets of text give the viewer more information. When it comes to writing a case study, make sure you approach the company holistically and analyze everything from their social media to their sales. This case studys two column layout reads almost like a resume, which makes sense considering the subject is a person. 17. Pieters talks about her experimentation process with spirographs, inspired by the work of Andy Gilmore. Keep one on your hard drive or desktop, make it downloadable from your site, or both. Octicons is a icon font made by GitHub. This article shares seven UX considerations that were made in its design process. These cookies are always on, as theyre essential for making Venngage work, and making it safe. (+Infographic Templates). They are a diverse group of designers from different cultural, gender and socio-economic backgrounds. Now you should be well prepared for a couple of late reading sessions over the next weekends! Campaign Monitor analyzed the process behind a simple redesign that increased customer feedback by 65%. Taylor walks you through the design process of, including the progression of mockups in Photoshop. Pick out a catchy sentence or phrase, or the key piece of information your interview subject provided and use that as a way to drawa potential customerin. Research the company . Pay attention to the use of real estate and the names of navigation tabs. It leads with results. For businesses selling consumer goods, having raving reviews is a good way to get more customers. When creating your graphic design portfolio, consider some key basics. 25 Great Web Design Case Study Examples by Henri 25.10.2018 Creating compelling and engaging case studies is an important part of being a designer. Case studies are an incredibly effective form of marketing that you can use to help promote your product and plan your marketing strategy effectively. Concept sketches are then developed into a visual identity that represents the brand, which consists of not just the logomark, but also a complementary colour scheme and typography that provide consistency across the entire brand image. Especially since theres limited iconography and a duo tone palette. If youre conducting an in-person interview, you could highlight a direct quote or insight provided by your interview subject. Barry has launched five products in fewer than nine months. Using persuasive language like you would in a blog post. Heres a good example from the folks at Erskine Design. This study looks at how Theme Hybrid handles memberships after registration and payment. Hunt looks closely at the many simple security errors Tesco makes, analyzing how he would apply basic security principles to remedy them. BBC News: Responsive Web Design and Mustard, Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent Before you turn your hard work into a sleek package that captures your creative skill, you need to know what you want to include. To create truly useful designs, typographers need to examine not only how characters relate to each other within a style, but also how different styles relate to each other within a family. Note how this infographic followsthe typical format of a business case study. This infographic template employs a hybrid layout and color palette containing both contrasting and complementing hues to highlight the results. Translate common UI and UX patterns found in iPad apps to Windows 8 apps. You could use a Gantt chart or a project timeline to show how you have managed the project successfully. [+6 Types of Case Studies], the typical format of a business case study, 15+ Professional Case Study Examples [Design Tips + Templates], How to Use Instagram Infographics to Get More Engagement, 10 Tips to Make Eye-Catching Infographics for Social Media, 10+ Best Infographics To Inspire Marketing Campaigns, How to Write Great Copy for an Infographic, How Infographics Can Support Visual Learning, 10 Content Marketing Infographics for Your Strategy, Background information on the individual (or business) involved, A section discussing the main problem to be solved, A section about the solution, or intervention, used. A Systematic Approach to Logo Design, Adham Dannaway In this article, Im going to list over 15 marketing case study examples, case study tips, and case study templates to help you create a case study that converts. Great designs with fantastic color schemes and top class typography. OFlaherty-Chan looks at a better workflow for designing apps. Headscape increased sales on Wiltshire Farmfoods e-commerce website by over 10,000% in only five years. The Anatomy Of A Successful Logo Redesign, Belinda Lanks In well-written case study examples like the one below, the big wins are highlighted on the second page with a bright orange color and are highlighted in circles. Kyle Meyer shares his experience. By producing case studies featuring your current clients or customers, you are showcasing how your tool or product can be used. Grids, Flexibility and Responsiveness, Laura Kalbag Useful tips on front-end & UX. Making Your Site Responsive: Mastering Real-World Constraints, Alex Fedorov This study is about the design process behind the Moscow Metro map, a complex project that needed to meet the requirements of both Web and print. So, unless youre all about anime and random banner ads, less is more. Never post a blurry photo again with this no-nonsense guide to Facebook image sizes for cover photos, profile photos, posts, and more. The Making of FF Tundra, Ludwig bele tool can help you create consistently branded case study templates. For design inspiration, notice the layout, colors, typefaces, and image choices. The magazine covers, posters, logos, business cards, websites, and mobile apps are only a few examples of what graphic design businesses can deliver as their concept to their clients and audience. Login Screen Design: Behind the Scenes, Simon Tabor Its the words you use to describe yourself and your work, the fonts and colors you choose, your profile or other images you feature, and other little touches that hint at who you are. Imagine someone hiring you to define your own identity. 82% of marketers use case studies in their marketingbecause its such an effective tool to help quickly gain customers trust and to showcase the potential of your product. By using font size, colors and shapes to highlight data, and by housing the companys profile in a separate column, this case study makes it a breeze for readers to pick out the information theyre after. 5. And theyre easy to customize: just choose any template,sign up for a free accountand use Venngages drag-and-drop editor to swap outanyof the assets you see in seconds. Prospects who can read it and think, Thats my problem too! will immediately feel that you can really help them. But others are optional, and you get to choose whether we use them or not. Here is the process behing the Mad Manimation, an HTML- and CSS-based animation of the introduction to the Mad Men TV show. Check out the following 10 graphic design portfolio examples for inspiration. Lanks summarizes how Jessica Hische had freshened up the new logo for MailChimp with a slight facelift. working toronto workshop. So, how do you create a pro digital design portfolio that appeals to art directors, creative directors, a creative agency, a digital agency, and key decision makers? Steph is a product designer based in Toronto. The Globe and Mail is Canadas national newspaper of record. Rebuilding a University Homepage to Be Responsive. Everyone loves to hear a good story, whether its what your friend saw her neighbor doing on her lawn, or how that crazy SUV driver cut off your brother in traffic today. These cookies help us analyze how many people are using Venngage, where they come from and how they're using it. You can update your portfolio regularly and use SEO keywords to increase the potential for new clients to stumble upon your work through a simple Google search. Make sure you also check out our top web design tips. These templates contain an executive summary and other critical case study elements. The Modular Canvas: A Pragmatic Workflow for Designing Applications, by Gabriel OFlaherty-Chan a case study; a project timeline; . The same goes for the types of design you are comfortable championing. Subscribe to our newsletter. What will be your next step? Subscribe and get Smart Interface Design Checklists a free PDF deck with 150+ questions to ask yourself when designing and building almost anything. Make sure to show off your personal brand. Now, the grand finale: Give your portfolio a final proofread for errors. View the finished project. Use those design skills to lay them out in a thoughtful way. This makes your costumes really amazed at your creativity. The design process of my infographic for the Tour of France for Grinta!, Veerle Pieters By writing a case study youre telling potential customers that they can trust you because youre showing them that other people do. All Rights Reserved. Maybe its someone in the music industry because of all those record-label internships you had in college. My Notes on Writing an E-Book, Jonathan Snook Use a strong introductory paragraph to outline the overall strategy and goals before outlining the specific short-term and long-term goals to help with clarity. Some of them are essential, and The team at Potluck describes how it took inspiration from reality to design a house party on the Internet.. Kalbag shares her thoughts on the redesign of her own website, including her choice of typefaces. Its also important that your case study sits within your brand guidelines find out how Venngages My Brand Kit tool can help you create consistently branded case study templates. You should update your business case study examples often if you are sharing them on your website. Think about every avenue your product or service has been of use to your case study company, and ask them about the impact this has had on their widercompany goals. For example, put your best work only in the portfolio. Once youve done all of the above, youre armed with a pro portfolio. Treehouse is the primary sponsor of CSS-Tricks, and this case study looks at its interactive ad using jQuery. It also condenses all the text components down to a few sentences of varying lengths along with bullet points for easy, engaged reading. This is at a glance information and it allows people to gain a top-level understanding of the content immediately. More after jump! If so, ditch them. As you scroll through these eye-catching online portfolios, notice how they are organized and what graphic design work they feature. Meseguer writes how she created Magasin, a typefaces inspired by fluid handwriting. This contributes to the potential customers better understanding of the report. As well as being valuable marketing tools, case studies are a good way to evaluate your product as it allows you to objectively examine how others are using it. And if they are happy, nature is happy too. This simple yet beautiful statement belongs to Mein Honig (My Honey), a personal project of Thomas Lichtblau from Austria. Using a past project that you are particularly proud of, briefly explain the project assignment, then show how you got from the beginning (the assignment) to the end (the final deliverable). You might glance at it, flip through a couple pages, then put it aside for later. education Book images & photos library. Goals, Constraints, and Concept in a Redesign, Steven Bradley Responsibly Responsive: Developing the Greenbelt Website, Rachel Andrew They are transparent about their processes, thoughtful in their communication about it and not afraid to show what worked and what didn't. This is a smart tactic that ensures your first impression counts especially if theres huge figures to grab the audiences attention. Designing an Instant Interface, Luke Wroblewski One of the great things about networking as a graphic designer is that your work speaks for you. Brown is a warm and stabilizing neutral color. The GiftRocket team eventually recruited Mike Kus as a designer. And they supercharge your storytelling, employing the same principles known for boosting learning and informationby up to 400% percent. Rather than presenting just the final logo graphic in their portfolios, the designers featured in todays showcase have produced thorough case studies that completely breakdown their brand designs. Keep It Simple So if you have a customer or client who cant stop singing your praises, make sure you get a direct quote from them and include it in your case study. Then share, download, send and print, and youre ready to make your case. Dyn shows how it improved it simply by cleaning up the CSS, HTML and images. Several people predicted that 2013 would be the year of self-publishing. The Art of Launching an App, John Casey This is a splendid example of a simple yet effective design portfoliocreated using Adobe Expressthat is both visually appealing, interesting to scroll through, and to the point. Pieters shares her experience of the design process behind the infographic on womens cycling that she produced for Grinta magazine. Luminaire Jar By Joanne Chen |. 2023 Shutterstock Inc. All rights reserved. Selling My E-Book on Amazon, Jonathan Snook As you continue to get new jobs and have new work to share, do not forget to update your portfolio. By the way, who is the mighty designer behind all this,. Many design portfolios consist of short project summaries and process images, but case studies are a way for designers to show their problem-solving skills to clients in greater detail. Lens Hawk is a massive DSLR lens database. They draw you in from the first line, explaining why they were contacted, and walking you through the process from start to finish. Whether youre a B2B or B2C company, business case studies can be a powerful resource to help with your sales, marketing, and even internal departmental awareness. This short and effective design portfolio is a great way to pass along basic yet critical information to the viewer while opening the door for further discussion and potential work. Browse our search . iOS Icon Design: A Designers Exploration, Harvey: A Second Face for Your JavaScript, Joschka Kintscher Rohit outlines his process for creating an MVP for his digital product from scratch, which serves as a sort of physical and virtual library for the poorest class of India. Theyre not just logos but rather the birthchild of a creator. With Venngage, you can choose from a huge selectioninfographic case study templatesand swap in your own content in a snap. Like. that is Awesome! She presently works at Noun Project as a Senior Marketing Manager. Lets say your audience actually gives your case study a chance. Another great design portoflio utilizing the one landing page strategy is that of Naomi Umezu. We have nursing case study ideas and examples for your psychology, science, and biology project. The study includes topics such as progressive enhancement, responsive and responsible Web design, SVG, and the HTML5 History API. How often do you use our tool or service? A Responsive Design Case Study, David Bushell Designing a New Playground Brand, Ryan Bannon This example of balancing old ideas like Roman numerals with modern technology makes these watch faces instant classics. But others are optional, and you get to choose whether we use them or not. Just tell a good story about how you took a client with a problem and effectively solved that problem for them, along with why you made some of the choices you did. There are some gaps in the way we work; the bigger the project, the more glaring the gaps become. Let potential clients know the breadth of your abilities in your creative portfolio. Type Study series, Adobe Typekit Currently working on Plantd and most recently at Square in San Francisco. Browse our collection of free UX/UI design crash courses and video lesson library, Watch free replays or our live UX/UI and Product Designer webinars and workshops, Download our Notion templates for UX/UI and Product Designers, Listen to the latest episodes of our DesignerUp Podcast about mindful design. Heres why. In fact, they should be beautifully and professionally designed. Cookies and similar technologies collect certain information about how youre using our website. Mein Honig Brand Identity, Thomas Lichtblau Charts make information easier to understand and to illustrate trends or patterns. Twitter Promoted Tweets, MailChimp Vestal's digital portfolio is a perfect example of the fact that your work is a visual of you and your personality. Case Study Format:, Process, Goal and Task Oriented that varies with each project. Business case studies shouldnt be boring. This is achieved by defining the client's problem and the designer's role, along with an overview of the designer's process. Experience maps are becoming increasingly useful for gaining insight in order to orchestrate service touch points over time and space. Seeing how designers work, create, build and play is great, and furthermore, you can learn how to write a great case study yourself and how to use one to spice up your portfolio. Solomon shares the process of creating a Disney website that is flexible enough to showcase the widest range of offerings imaginable in other words, a website that can do everything. This portfolio is displayed through a scrolling homepage using Adobe Express. But case study content doesnt have to be as demanding as the text-heavy documents of yesteryear. Peter Bilak discusses how to achieve this. Note how this case study employs a pared-down palette and plenty of data visualizations to back up each point. Kuznetsov's portfolio combines product design, user experience, and graphic design to create something entirely new. A content marketing infographic template like this one does this well. Are you into letterpress, psychedelic 1960s hand lettering, book layout, website design, logo design, package design, video animation, or all the above? You can also use it as a form of customer analysis or as a sales tool to inspire potential customers. After working with many designers throughout my own career and helping many more build their job-ready portfolios, there are a few designers that I keep coming back to for inspiration and some that are inspiring a new generation of UI/UX and Product Designers to enter the field. Copyright 2022 DesignerUp. Use catchy language to sum up this information in a sentence, and present this sentence at the top of your page. While keywords can help with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so you surface in design-related search results, social media is also a fantastic way to share your visual talents. The Design Thinking Behind the New, Bobby Solomon Enroll in our Product Design Course today! Their unique backgrounds and journey bring something special to our industry and illustrate how we can all do more meaningful, interesting and impactful work: There are 10 things in particular that make these 10 designers really stand out: Case Study Format: Visual Exploration Behind Signal vs. Noise, Mig Reyes But your audience has a limited amount of time and plenty of easygoing content to consume as an alternative. Why a case study infographic is your key to captivating and converting readers, 10 engaging case study infographic examples and templates, Win customers over with these case study infographics, What is a Case Study? Scaling Pinterest From 0 to 10s of Billions of Page Views a Month in Two Years, Todd Hoff In Praise of Lost Time, Dan Hill The geometric and blocky layout is a great way to display a lot of work at once without overwhelming the viewer, with each image linking to its own individual design page. Gleb Kuznetsov. Once you launch the builder, select the business category that best describes your business. The cover spotlights an illustration and headlines of what readers will find inside, while the inner pages do a great job of visualizing the content and calling out main points while still ensuring the copy is the star of the show. Creative Nights is a UX design consultancy and creative studio headquartered in Prague, with an impressive roster of international projects. Learn how Teenhan+Lax helped refresh and enrich the way users experience and engage with the news today. Thank you for sharing Chris : ), Wow! You will find a recording of the talk below the slides. Illustrator Full Spectrum Spirograph, Veerle Pieters Want more inspiration? Weekly tips on front-end & UX.Trusted by 200,000+ folks. This strategy can also be handy when creating a consulting case study. Writing about the specific issues that made them come to you in the first place is a great place to start. Using bold and bright colors as well as contrasting shapes, large bold fonts, and simple icons is a great way to highlight your wins. The first page may be easy enough, provided your scope is quickly understandable. Its not just your designs that showcase your personality. Not only that, but if you have a SaaS product, business case studies are a great way to show how other people are effectively using your product in their company. Whats more, doing so detracts from the whole point of using data to underscore your story. Increase Online Sales on Your Ecommerce Website,
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