Activity 3.2.3 Beam Analysis was completed and 3.2.4 Beam Analysis shortcuts began - you only need to calculate the beam reaction forces and max moments using the shortcut equations. Make sure to include your control loop error and calculate the tolerance for you loop. CEA - Cupp PLTW Portfolio Activity 3.1.6 - Floor systems was reviewed and discussed. The only things that were needed in the library were offices, a main circulation desk, stairs, an elevator, two lounges, restrooms, a front door overhang, and a green roof. The existing building was about 76 ft. by 124 ft. and 20 ft. tall. Please share the description on google drive with me so that I can give you feedback/help, Students finished 2.3.10 Waste Water management and worked on REVIT final documents, If you missed class you will need to make up the 2.3.6 - 2.3.9 Quiz, Class time was spent working on 2.1.10 Waste water managment. Be sure to practice your presentation and review the rubric! PDF Activity 3.1.6 Commercial Floor Systems - Troy Steinfest's PLTW Portfolio The industrial building was gutted, and none of the interior fixtures or walls remained. Nature of Business. Midterm information was provided including review ( a copy is in the file cabinet), Complete the 2.3.9 Residential Plumbing Plan, Class: Activity 2.3.9 Residential Plumbing # 1- 4 - Students began the Plumbing Plans for the affordable homes, Complete the 2.3.9 Residential Plumbing Notes Packet, Students completed 2.3.8 Water Supply Activity in engineering notebooks, Finish the 2.3.8 Practice Problems worksheet (#2-4), Work on 2.3.7 Site Development was finished, 2.3.8 Water supply practice calculation #2 completed, 2.3.8 Practice Problems worksheet #1 - if you were absent see me for a copy, Students finished 2.3.7 Site Planning Activity. For the purposes of this activity, you will assume that the primary, contaminant in the wastewater is organic matter and, wastewater from your project structure has unique characteristics (e.g., heavy metals, from electroplating or strong solvents from a dry-cleaning business), you need to. A3 . See the rubric I gave out today for detailed information, Resolve comments for the project descriptions, Continue working on Portfolio compilation - create a title page, table of contents, put your work in order, Finished 2.3.11 Calculating property drainage activity. 3.3.5 Electrical Systems - this is a great final exam review and a way to implement electrical codes into your renovation. 3.1.2_Land Use and Development Regulations.docx, This assignment will help you increase your level of self-awareness and the way you lead as well as develop your critical thinking skills, both of which are essential components of leadership. Elephant Congregation In Kabini Backwaters The Call Of The Wild! Structural Beam Design - Wide Flange I beam selection website, Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship for Seniors, Facing the 2030 Challenge - eco friendly, sustainable homes, R-Value of Materials Table:, Websites for Principles and Elements of Design,,, Friday 2/1- substitute work on REVIT and 2.3.11, Tuesday 1/29 - Begin 3rd Quarter/ 2nd Semester, Tuesday 4/9 and Wednesday 4/11- Substitutes, Wednesday August 29, 2018 and Thursday 8/30/18. endobj Bookshelves and computers were added into our design to give an approximate idea of where all the shelves and computers would be able to fit in the design. Please share additional files with me for your research if needed. endobj Begin the Summary, results pages, reflection, etc for the project. I hope you had an enjoyable Summer vacation. << /BM /Normal /CA 1 /LC 0 /LJ 0 /LW 0.6234 /ML 4 /SA true /Type /ExtGState /ca 1 >> The rubric has been modified slightly (3.1.1 Rubric) and a new one has been uploaded to the digital file cabinet. endstream 2.3.1 Affordable Home Project is Due Friday, Students completed 3.1.2 Land use and development Regulation - we will review all codes/answers next class, Continue activity 3.1.2 Land use and development Regulation, Continue working on Portfolio compilation, Class time was spent working on the 2.3.1 Affordable housing project final REVIT documents, Midterm review and work on 2.3.10 waste water management, Class time was spent working on 2.1.10 Waste water management. Activity 3.2.2 loads continued - we will finish up next class and then move on to beam analysis. Below are the calculations for the library. Keystone Partners, Advocates & Solicitors | 5,368 followers on LinkedIn. Parking lot design sketch for the Keystone / New Milford design project, Students continued work on Activity 3.2.3 Beam analysis and 3.2.4 Beam analysis short cuts. 0 A copy of the study list is in the file cabinet. NMHS has a recycled school supply program in the LLC or let me know if you need help acquiring a binder. 3 1 4 A Commercialroofsystems | PDF | Roof | Stormwater - Scribd xref 2.3.10 - 2.3.11 Quiz review worksheet - a copy is in the file cabinet. Read 2.3.10 WasteWaterManagement.ppt found in the 2.3.10 activity on Engineering notebook Internet access Pencil Printer Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building (student version).rvt. Describe how the home meets at least one credit in each category. 1.1.3 Architectural styles presentation (powerpoint/google doc) is due Wed 9/17. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Karnataka elections 2023 to elect the 224 member, Sri Krishna Dhyana Kendra in Mudipu, set on a, Bangalore welcomes summer each year with its flowering, Summer heralds the elephant congregation in Kabini, The Karnataka Assembly Elections of 2023 are scheduled, Libraries in Bangalore Paradise for Readers, Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023 Opinion Poll, Sri Krishna Dhyana Kendra, Mudipu (Near Mangalore) Of Spirituality, History And Culture, Bangalore in Bloom Flowering Trees In Bangalore In Summer. There are 3.2.6 Beam Design calculations. The existing building had been an industrial building and had been vacant for many years. Keystone Library - Weebly . 0000049413 00000 n 0000046659 00000 n << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter /FlateDecode /Height 75 /Subtype /Image /Type /XObject /Width 433 /Length 31572 >> Inaugurated in 1968, the library has an impressive inventory of more than 50,000 books, including a massive collection of academic material. Obtain instructorapproval; Calculate the heat loss through the new second floor wall in the Keystone Library Renovation. PDF Keystone Library: Codes and Regulations - Weebly 0000077196 00000 n Filed Under: Bangalore Tagged With: Bangalore, Bangalore libraries, libraries. Rs. 3.4.3 Soil Investigation continued - all we need to do next class is the crush/strength test. 0000076961 00000 n 3.1.2 - 3.1.6 Quiz review and review problem for floor systems. Below are the . This is a sample outline of the Keystone library Project for PLTW Activity 1.1.2 Design Elements and Principles Research and Poster Activity - students work in pairs reserached and creating posters defining and comparing 2 design elements and/or principles. The walls between development and operations The walls between business and architecture The walls between architecture and operations The, The Solution Intent captures what three types of information? 2010 Project Lead The Way, Inc. Civil Engineering and Architecture Activity 3.1.4 Commercial Roof Systems Page 2 2., endobj Keystone Library Project - PLTW Engineering see the 2.3.1 project handout or at for the description criteria. Library Renovation. 8 0 obj 3.1.3 a commercial wall systems assinments& answer - Studocu Come in with work that can be taped into your engineering notebook. Among its precious possessions are some rare and significant manuscripts in the Persian and Urdu languages. 9 0 obj Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Activity 2.3.4 Adding up to Green Continued, Fix/create a new to scale sketch of the final floor plan, Include doors and windows, check hallways are 42", kitchen and 1 bath has a 60" diameter turn around for universal accessibility, annotate the rooms. If you did not finished this today, you may need to come in after school. Founded in 1945, the Indian Institute of World Culture maintains a general library which caters to the varied tastes of the citys bibliophiles. Inaugurated in 1968, the library has an impressive inventory of more than 50,000 books, including a massive collection of academic material. To do this in the library we made the doors usable for all people. Students participated in a charrette, discussion the LEED credits. Students began group work on 1.2.2 Design Charrette and 4.1.2 Team Building. HW check 3.2.3 Beam Analysis packet pg 1-5, Beam Analysis discussion and practice problem from 3.2.3 powerpoint, A copy of notes from class and my work is in the digital file cabinet in a new 3.2 folder, Practice problem on the back of the 3.2.3 notes packet, Activity 3.2.2 loads - completed and the section view in REVIT updated with the new layers for the roof, 3.2.3 Beam Analysis Notes packet pages 1-5, Kimberly Clark engineering came to talk about what they do at the mill, college, and engineering, sketch floor 2 plan for the keystone project, If you missed class you need to make up the 3.1.2 - 3.1.6 Quiz, 1 sketch of possible floor plan for one floor (I would sketch a bubble diagram and then a sketch showing the locations and traffic flow of the rooms / spaces), 3.1.2 - 3.1.6 checklist was given out and students complied these activities for project portfolio preparations, Class discussion: 3.2.2 Load and Load paths, Quiz next class 3.1.2 - 3.1.6 - see study guide. This makes the library a preferred destination for students preparing for various competitive examinations. PDF Keystone 2nd Floor Framing Composite Slab - PLTW stream Although we went through the project fairly quickly, as well as the many activities that came with the project, I especially enjoyed the land surveying activity that included all the neat equipment that was needed. This project was primarily done on AutoDesk, but there was also a large amount of paper work that was done to be put in the project binder. Just write in the equation that would be used to find deflection. Pleasant Valley Civil Engineering and Architecture, Unit 1.1: Overview of Civil Engineering and Architecture, History of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Unit 1.2 Careers in Civil Engineering and Architecture, Careers in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2.1.3 Introduction to ReVit and Print Design, 2.3.1 Introduction to the Residential Design Project, 2.3.2 Green and Substainable Building Design, 3.1.2 Land Use and Development Regulations, 3.2.4 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Week 1 -2 4/13 - 4/24 2.3.8 Residential Water Supply, Week 3 4/27 5/1 2.3.9 Residential Plumbing. PLTW CEA Stormwater Runoff Calculation using Rational Method Below are the final drawings of the Keystone Library. << /BM /Normal /CA 1 /LC 0 /LJ 0 /LW 0.4128 /ML 4 /SA true /Type /ExtGState /ca 1 >> We added a childrens room, meeting rooms, and offices with a kitchen. Automobile Part. We also act for our clients on various other legal mandates, including pre-litigation strategy and correspondence . This project was primarily done on. Supplier of Automobile Part & Car Part by Keystone Automotive PDF Project 3.1.1 Keystone Library Renovation - Long Branch Public Schools Students worked on 2.3.6 Residential Electrical Systems, 2.3.5B Residential Foundation Cost Estimate Take Home Quiz due Friday 12/7, Take notes on 2.3.6 Residential Electrical Systems - any information you need/ don't know and complete #1 and #2 on the 2.3.6 Activity, LEED credit Activity 2.3.4 Building up to Green was due today! After a warm-up reviewing design elements and principles, we discussed the importance of teamwork and team norms. Keystone 2 nd Floor Framing Hollow Core Precast Keystone 2 nd Floor Framing Composite Slab Composite Floor Deck LoadSpan Table Hollow Core 8 LoadSpan Table Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building (student version).rvt as altered by student Procedure endobj << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 74 /Length 134 >> 0000179551 00000 n Keystone Library - Brock Sharrow Architecture and Civil Engineering PLTW I learn how to work well with a partner for a project. We were given much less time than we had for the affordable house design, so I was able to learn how to manage my time better for this project because there was less time given than other projects. Finish 3.2.6 Beam design if you did not in class. The existing building is approximately 76ft x 124ft and 20ft tall and is gutted. trailer << /Root 9 0 R /Size 37 /Prev 243193 /ID [<31415926535897932384626433832795><31415926535897932384626433832795>] >> about wastewater management and the Noblesville Code of Ordinances to choose a wastewater treatment method for the Keystone Library Renovation project. 0000000015 00000 n Keystone Partners, Advocates & Solicitors | LinkedIn Complete the Beam design for the Exterior beam for the 3.2.6 Activity hotel problem. Some of the rare manuscripts and books found in the library date back to more than 400 years. Finish the head gain/loss problem #8 and conclusion questions for 3.3.4 Energy Codes, Activity 3.3.4 Energy codes introduction and start. T.!80u:ne|x:!gD:u>7f> The existing structure will be fully utilized when possible. Even in todays era of e-books and online shopping, the libraries in Bangalore continue to retain their charm and attract scores of readers to explore their formidable literary treasures. The century-old Muslim Library is a unique place that preserves great literary works. Classwork: Activities 2.3.9 Residential Plumbing was finished and 2.3.10 Waste Water management began. o Columns on column line 3 will carry green roof loads, upper roof loads, and 2 nd. The Keystone Library was the project given for 3.1.1. << /Contents 15 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 7 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G0 16 0 R /G1 12 0 R /G2 13 0 R >> /Font << /F0 17 0 R /F1 18 0 R /F2 19 0 R /F3 20 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X0 14 0 R >> >> /Type /Page >> 29AADCK5392D1ZE. 3.4.5 StormWater Management (this is the first review problem on the final review packet). Established in 1915, the State Central Library in Bangalore is a readers nirvana. There was a partial 2nd floor added for more useable space in the building. Please take notes on the 3.2.2 loads powerpoint and use the floor plan grid to take notes on tributary width and are. &. The redeveloped building would serve as a public library, with additional components to make the building more safe and efficient. Procedure Part 1 - Utility Research 1. Parking lot and ingress/egress driveway sketch - include islands, landscaping and draw to scale (or close to it). endobj Annotate the Sewer Lateral Pipe Diagram and record the equation on the disarm sheet provided. PLTW 3.2.8 - Activity 3.2.8 Foundation Types and - Course Hero Midterm information was provided including review (a copy is in the file cabinet), Quiz Tuesday on 2.3.6 - 2.3.9 See the review sheet provided (also in the file cabinet), 2.3.9 Residential Plumbing Notes Packet and Finish the 2.3.8 Activity if needed, Students worked on 2.3.8 Water Supply Practice Problems. This activity guided me in creating a redevelopment plan to reuse the facility as a public library. Students finished and shared their work (posters) on 1.1.2 Design elements and principles. You only need to competed #1 -3 today in the packet. Karnataka is a state in Southern India. This was a nice feature to have for the Keystone Library. PLTW 3.2.10. I have become decent in using Revit (architecture structural building software), despite its many confusing restrictions and access it throws my way. Exam on 1.1 and 4.1.2 -Friday 9/28. There were many considerations that had gone into the process of renovating the library to insure that every person was able to use the library. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. City Central Library, Jayanagar . The bathrooms allow for the use of anyone. 0000001614 00000 n The redeveloped building would serve as a public library, with additional components to make the building more safe and efficient. Brock Sharrow Architecture and Civil Engineering PLTW. Sketch a plan for the outdoor area of the Green roof for the Keystone library (or NM) project; Finish researching green roofs if needed (3.1.4 #1-4 need to be completed) . If you need assumptions to do a practice / sample calculation a copy of the review packet is in the digital file cabinet. See the directions sheet I gave out last class or the powerpoint presentations on Karnataka is best known for its software industry and now biotechnology. Throughout the project, it became clearer and clearer to me that even though working with a group may be a hassle, it proved to be more efficient.
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