Et la civilisation berbre a connu des guerrires clbres. Reply. Seu culto originrio da Africa como os outros loas. With scarlet eyes that glow like burning embers, Erzulie Red Eyes is another aspect of the Voodoo goddess loas Erzulie Freda and Erzulie Dantor. Yuh have to at least rock to the beat. Sometimes Dantor will actually vomit blood while in the head of a possessed person. Escobas de bruja Para sacar energas negativas. Ty, see it here again and that one come up under Russian Orthodox saints images. Ela mais comumente representada pela imagem da Madona Negra de Czestochowa cujas origens so acreditadas ser em cpias do cone da Madona Negra de Czestochowa . Wonderful lens! Freda, in turn,removed the dagger and cut Dantors face, scarring her., Dantor is that strong, she is able to sustain seven stabs and still hold a basin and vomit blood., their characteristic traits are similar, as in aspects of nature, except the Haitians mix them with spirits from the cemetery so they are not pure like ORISHAS. She is also associated with other Madonnas who hold a child such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel andOur Lady of Czestochowa. He added: the skin pigmentation is characteristic of this stylized portraiture., I TINK IS BARON SAMDI, THE SPIRIT OF THE DEAD NUNU. Ezili Dantor (pronounced eh-zee-lee Dahn-tor) is by far one of the most popular female Petro Lwa. lol, I went to an antique show and saw a bunch of old catholic saint pictures and them black like me self yah. Her male counterpart is Ogun, a Baron Samedi is probably the most visually recognizable of all the loa, known for wearing a suit with tails and a top hat, and featuring a skull for a face. Erzulie Jan Petro: Violent spirit loa belonging to the Petro tradition. Mambo Dantor, or Mama Danto as I refer to her, is a wonderful Petro Lwa whom as I mentioned before usually requires little in return for blessings. [1] outras representaes de Ezili Dantor incluem a Madona Negra, assim como Nossa Senhora de Lourdes ou Nossa Senhora do Monte Carmelo. (LogOut/ Ohh!! However, facial scarring is commonly found among some African groups and so they also point to Dantor's African roots. You may find your home or an area that However, if Dantor throws up blood in a basin and hands it to someone, this is not a good thing. While all of them share in their role as Goddess of love, art, and sex, each has additional areas of life which is theirs to defend and assist. You may experience communications He also rules over sex, debauchery, and obscenity, and is known for smoking, drinking, and having a very dirty sense of humor. Condition: Pre-owned. Ezili Dantor. She generally does not She can be violent when she chooses to be, and has a personality not seeing which somehow works against you. clean and well-kept. Erzulie Ge Rogue - She is what happens when Erzulie Dantor is angry, she is still the Mother, but she is the disciplinarian, and the strongest protector of her . Good dreams too but ice cream freeor if dat work for you, work wid it. I LOVE pennie walliescaught a few once. Offerings of jewelry, perfume, colors of pink & white. pay attention to the call and response, this is 60 revival they will later enter into 61! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );, In other words, even the day I am defeated I will still punish them. and dem draw it with corn meal, so artictic. Thus, many traditions survived that were elsewhere eradicated. One of the cornerstones of Voodoo is the Loa. Her fierce love for all women and children makes her a respected loa, but she can also be quite fearful. Uma de suas principais caractersticas que ela capaz de fazer o que for preciso para proteger aqueles que a tem como me. (5% off), Sale Price 17.39 Erzulie Dantor is the compassionate mother of the oppressed, children, victims of sexual assault, the loveless and the forgotten. DEN NU MUSS NUNU, DOREEN AH HAITIAN JAMAICA! Described as one of the most beautiful Loas, she is notoriously vain, a touch lazy, has multiple lovers and prefers to receive lavish gifts of perfumes, sweet cakes, jewelry and flowers for her help with your requests. Erzulie es la rep resentacin femenina, de la delicadeza y la seduccin. She is a country woman, independent and strong. When I was looking for my image and Tys image I knew i saw the markings underneath other images where they lighten up the featuresis like painters couldnt resistthe streaks are there but the eyes have to be good to see them. Erzulie Freda is a Rada Lwa and she represents romantic love, sweetness, and luxury. Eyes dislikes most sweets, preferring cayenne peppers, pulled pork and rum. some adjustments in order to bring about this transformation over many areas of Whats going on in that last video? anger., Ty, see yu image here (apology if it nu show), You notice this image have 3 marks? Other items dear to Erzulie surround the heart. She is associated with other Madonnas who hold a child such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Lourdes, and the Patron Saint of New Orleans, Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Erzulie (ou Ezili) uma das loas da religio vodu. You know how mi love read, a going to look up the book, Iba Bookman correct or nah? Ezili Dantor considerada a lo da mecapuz, mes solteiras em particular. Erzulie Dantor is a mulatto woman who is often portrayed as the Black Madonna, or the Roman Catholic "Saint Barbara Africana". yu too bad Cami, Cami yuh too outta orda a di heaven light a shine inna him face mek it look so iridescent lol. who has been single for many years, or one who is a widow who may have some Who were the Vodou Lwa most closely syncretized to when they came to the new world in the New Orleans Voodoo tradition and in the Haitian Vodou religion? Pour cacher leur dvotion aux divinits vaudoues, les artistes les affublaient de symbles chrtiens. As we address in our history of the Louisiana Voodoo Religion and New Orleans Voodoo: The origins of Louisiana Voodoo and New Orleans Voodoo remain the subject of controversy, with much conflicting information available. 79.38, 88.20 Mambo Ezili Danto (aka Erzulie Dantor) Ezili Dantor (pronounced eh-zee-lee Dahn-tor) is by far one of the most popular female Petro Lwa. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. This is the best day to wear her colors and sing for her if you plan to serve her. Now, at the surface this is a graphic, repulsive song. Es una guerrera y especialmente protege con fiereza a mujeres y nios. Dantor is a mother figure and a protector of children, in addition to being a symbol of romance and love. She is invoked to help find a lover, or renew a love relationship. IT name Escape or (doan laugh) Flukt. is time to stand up for yourself and take those who have wronged you to task, so you Sua Irm Ezili Freda, retratada no cone Religioso Polons como Criana Jesus vestido de rosa. That ish nuh even make sense to dem much less should make sense to Black people O ma se ooo!!! She was sired by Yonaguska out of the Pulpit mare Belle Erzulie. Erzulie Dantr is the Queen of the Petro nation and the mother of "Ti Jean Petro", she is often depicted as a fearsome black woman, protectively holding "Ti Jean Petro" in her arms. She also loves Florida water, which she often drinks. No!! She can help you obtain new opportunities in business, success, and luck. downfall, not the rage of Erzulie Red Eyes. I would like to know why she has chosen me. Nuh mek Cami tell yuh no gossip bout no ice cream she mispoke! A gold dagger is seen coming out from her heart. While more public Voodoo rituals took place there, slaves seeking further privacy worshiped in other places such as Lake Pontchartrain and Bayou St. John. The Loa are divided into groups or "nations" known as Nanchons. Erzulie Red Eyes With scarlet eyes that glow like burning embers, Erzulie Red Eyes is another aspect of the Voodoo goddess loas Erzulie Freda and Erzulie Dantor. Lend me the basin so I can vomit my blood. This section serves as a basic primer of the Voodoo Spirits, the Vodou Lwa and their Catholic counterparts. Some will say that Mama Danto has seven children. My mother told me a maybe dantor's way of telling me something. lolol Fear not! They engaged in an all-out cat fight over him, which took a very violent turn. Erzulie Freda, ou zili Freda, est l'esprit de l'amour dans l'aspect Rada. As far as sacrifices, Dantor enjoys a black female Kreyol pig. (10% off), Sale Price 6.44 Si bien en el vud o vuduismo haitiano exis te n loas de las fuerzas elementales, Erzulie no es considerada de esta manera. I liken the Loa to angels or guardians. She is highly respected and much feared due to her Woman Power. Jah know! Set koud kouto, set koud pwenyad Okay, in case you are thinking my illustration of Dantor's Woman Power is lacking, consider this song: I will vomit my blood and give it to them. I loved it. me tuh, I think this week I will do Haitian weak where we learn about the loas, what do you all think? nighttime shadows and dawn mountain mists. Unfortunately, these recreations are usually caricatures and often give voodoo the reputation of being creepy and evil. Erzulie Dantor AEX 23.6K subscribers 2.6M views 9 years ago Erzulie Dantor, Ezili Danto, Ezili Ge Rouge, Black Madonna, St. Barbara Africana, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Voodoo Lwa of Love,. Il a beaucoup enseign, et form plus d'une centaine d'lves , comme Errol Louis et Alix Dorleus. card can be a good sign because it represents certain bonds what cannot be Mi naw call no name. Naw stay long wid unno but mi jus a check in for a bit. Pancocojams showcases the music, dances, language practices, & customs of African Americans and of other people of Black descent throughout the world. It is time to start over, and rebuild. Ezili Dantor, meanwhile, is the head of the Erzulie family. Obara do you understand the Ma at and the alchemy process that was in the African Spirituality article? Its important now to not Seven stabs of the knife, seven stabs of the sword July 16th- Saut DEau Our Lady Mount Carmel, Previous AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY Next YOUR DAILY PRAYERHERE, Thanks for posting Obara, I was actually looking her up When I see a picture that looks more like me, I get excited. Amosah Dominic toilet mouth lie isi lol him shuda burn n turn black like the paintings hehe. Obara, once the pact was madewas it followed through? Elle est reprsente le plus souvent sous l'apparence d'une trs belle multresse au dhanchement sensuel et provocateur, couverte de bijoux et de parfums [1].Elle est associe aux courtisanes de la vie mondaine et de ce fait, elle a plusieurs amants haut placs qui n'hsitent pas lui rendre . the shrine was destroyed by fire, but the picture was not burnedhowever, the flames and smoke had darkened it and from that day it has been known as the Black Madonna., Recall that Moss saw the image as Byzantine in form, dating from the Medieval period. Beauty, love, and sensuality are her Creations. In Voodoo ceremonies, the loas will often make an appearance by possessing one of the participants, a phenomenon referred to as "mounting the head". Autre piste: Erzulie Dantor est galement identifie dans de nombreuses sources la Vierge Noire et Notre Dame du Perptuel Secours, la Vierge d'Orient, la Madone Miraculeuse, comparaisons hrites de l'poque coloniale o la figuration et la matrialisation des loas et des anges du panthon vaudou se faisait par une reprsentation dtourne des saints catholiques connus. Dem peoole bad pon di hiding a history smh i love to see the images that look like a me. Price: US $250.00. Este texto disponibilizado nos termos da licena. Ezili Dantor (pronounced eh-zee-lee Dahn-tor) is by far one of the most popular female Petro Lwa. Other images include Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Perpetual Help. versa, there may be a score youd like to even out. Erzulie Dantor is considered to be an extremely though lady who is often wild, over bearing, aggressive, and very difficult to deal with.The goddess of Jealousy, romance and passion. Alafia from all of us at Erzulies! She has tribal scars on her cheek, and is considered heterosexual because she has children, but she is also the patron loa of lesbian women. For instance, the English translation for one comment was that a person was going to hire a group to perform at his or her dance day. Good night, Obara Meji and all. No one entirely knows why, because Erzulie Red Eyes remains shrouded in Erzulie Freda is the Vodou Goddess of love and beauty. She sells pigs in the market and is very successful in providing everything she and her children need. Blue and red are among the colors of Erzulie, the spirit of love for whom Tuesdays are sacred. She also has a scar on one cheek and is mute since her tongue was cut out to ensure she would keep secrets. In Voodoo ceremonies, the loas will often make an appearance by possessing one of the participants, a phenomenon referred to as "mounting the head". nuh the pope head back dat mi si! they see what they see, lol. The daughter most frequently seen in her arms is known as Anais. She has been angered and she seeks retribution.,,,, He is considered the gate-keeper to the loa world, standing on the crossroads between the human and spirit world. takes on a more caustic element, seeking both retribution and revenge when she This story is reflected in Freda's saint image where a gold knife is seen coming out of her heart, and is Dantor's saint image which has scars on her face. Erzulie Dantor est identifie parfois la Dmter-Crs africaine (culte de la desse des moissons et de sa fille Persphone introduit en Afrique par les Grecs via Carthage, les Cereres), figure sublime et Reine de la Terre. She is also usually pictured with her child and interpreter Anais, showing her care for children. Beauty, love, and sensuality are Her Creations. If me correct then red and black is universally that of Esu/ellegbua/legba? get involved in overt violence or destruction directly, but leaves her enemies to their Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Erzulie Red Eyes is not The Vodou Lwa, Voodoo Spirits and their Catholic Saint counterparts. Jou ma koule Si se observan las caractersticas que distinguen a las diosas africanas: Quizs uno de los aspectos ms sombros de. However, it illustrates the fortitude Erzulie possesses; to be able to sustain seven stab wounds, throw up blood in a sink, and still carry on. In matters of love, however, this Jan 31, 2004 3,963 1,813 Da Desert, literally Occupation The day I am run down While reading this post I got goosebumps up and down my left side, Orisha are pure nature energy and are regarded as kings and queens within the universe we so not wrap head before them it is like putting on a crown before a King and queen saying we are equal, Theirs is mixed spirit/dead they must wrap their head to protect it from their energy and vibration unless they are possessed, next week will be revival zion week and see the comparison, see ah lickle taste yah, this is a table, all will be explained next week. Dearest Sister, I have just learned that Erzulie Dantor is my patrient and she has been with me for a long time. Mi love the Oshun dance, the one fi Erzulie, the lady in white juss come een nice and easy an nah kill up harself! Among them is Erzulie Freda Dahomey, who is one of Dantor's sisters. Original Price 67.84 Ela a padroeira do amor, da beleza, das mulheres e da paixo. accumulated residue from candles], of which its age is primary., Broschart, by contrast, opines: This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. DEN DE TIDDAH WEEK WE DO SPIRITUAL BAPTIST!! You may have hidden opponents THANKS TY, ANY BLACK PERSON WHO HEAR DRUM, MUST RESPOND, DE DRUM SPEAKS TO THE MELANIN WITHIN US, Thats so true Obara! Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. Erzulie Dantor Voodoo Vodun Loa Unique Handmade Battle Jacket Punk Fashion. Many women who have suffered abuse will invoke her for her strong powers of protection, which she shows through her aggressive and wild side as well as a love for knives. According to legend, Dantor and Freda both loved a particular Ogou loa. Learn more. Metalwork reproducing Ezil Dantor's vev. changes you can expect them to happen soon. Approach and be Known. to herself. Time to shed a little light on them. In the Maya Daren video when dem a spin di chicken, one guy was dancing only on one leg, nuh bongo dat? (70% off), Sale Price 79.38 A fretful mother, she worries for them. But she is also a woman with infinite softness towards her children. Erzulie Red Eyes is more extreme when it comes to destructive urges and righteous anger. Some people marry both Freda and Dantor. (LogOut/ ohhh, I see, this is a petwo ceremony, hot ceremony, ok, I see, still the animal should not struggle! Bosou is a violent loa capable of defeating his enemies. Although she isnt rich, Dantor will bestow her sevite with opportunities to succeed. She walks between worlds like the other loas and at times witnesses Erzulie Freda is the loa of romantic love. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Are the Haitian Loas the one and the same as Yoruba Orishas? Red Eyes is more extreme when it comes to destructive urges and righteous She has been known to be a very destructive spirit and is associated with heavy rains and hurricanes that destroy everything in its wake. Outfits made of blue denim, known as Karabel in Haiti, are worn by Danto especially when she goes out selling in the market. children equally.   Germany   |   English (US)   |   (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. Qu significan los garabatos que hacemos inconsci Los Loas y la religin haitiana (10) Erzulie, la d Cmo influye la luna en tus emociones segn la neu LA INFLUENCIA DE LA LUNA EN TU CICLO MENSTRUAL. Les points communs toutefois existent: Erzulie Dantor est une guerrire, froce protectrice des femmes et des enfants, qui n'est pas sans rappeler le culte d'Ifri (desse guerrire de la Numidie antique rebaptise "Dea Africa" par les Romains, et qui aurait donn son nom au continent!). When Dantor mounts someone, she will sometimes vomit blood. She can be a tough lady, a little wild, but before all she is a mother. The lack of her support us what typically leads to the Erzulie Dantor is a 14 year old mare and has raced from 2012 to 2014. Maya Daren a white woman wrote a very good book, which i read a long time ago, it is called Divine horsemen, she was a actress and she went to Haiti to do a film on these people, she ended up becoming an initiate! Despite the abuse, the power of Woman Spirit is such that we carry on. I thought it was just showing in my minds eyes because I saw it in these 3 imagesincludes the one posted by Obara. She loves knives and is considered the protector of newly consecrated Voodoo priests and priestesses, as well as of women and children who are victims of domestic violence, and women who have been betrayed by a lover. Anyone calling on a spirit must go through him first, so he's usually one of the first loa saluted during a Voodoo ceremony. feels that she or her loved ones have been wronged. Although she vomits blood, she continues on. Erzulie Dantor. She is the most perfect mother one could wish to have. And enlightened men also serve Dantor, especially men who honor, love and respect women.
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