This would be a __________ merger. Explain the impact these laws, treatis, acts, and governing bodies have on their business. Ownership of the property up to this point has been: o Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent o Fee simple absolute Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. o Answer dependent on additional details not provided, o Trade secret does not exist (Incorrect). Jackie makes a post on Facebook saying she promises to pay $20 to whoever will come pull weeds in her garden. Tucker belongs to a __________ corporation. Ownership of the property up to this point has been: Fee simple determinable Indeterminable with the given information Als Fine Winery has had workers attempting to band together to form a union. Which of the following is true? Which of the following is true? Phyllis offers property to a university on condition that the space is used for recreational use only. Perry doesnt bother to register the trademark. Demonstrate your knowledge of the different types of remedy for breached contracts by filling in the blank. Which of the following would most likely be considered fair use? Which of the following would lead Lily to choose a sole proprietorship organization for her business? What is the fundamental philosophy of the Law and Economics school? Determine which moral standard of social responsibility the business is observing. Abigail is a manager at her company. The answer is dependent on additional details not provided. Determine the ownership status for the scenario below. Which of the following would most likely happen? o Copying a poem by an amateur poet and publishing it as your own in a poetry contest. Devon is accused of robbing a jewelry store and is summarily thrown in jail. Which of the following is the correct definition for tying arrangements? The company wants Jake to sign a non-disclosure agreement not to expose the system. Lauras contract with her neighbor is most likely: What is the most likely status of the contract for the scenario? The 5th Amendment requires the government to act with Due Diligence. He asks for an additional two weeks off from work. Define the terms: Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact. A design for a plate that turns into a bowl. Which of the following is NOT a case of negligence? Jerome, a minority member, applies for the job and is rejected. Nation A and Nation B want to form an agreement for enforcing safety standards in a worker exchange program between the two nations. This would be a __________ merger. Analyzing Business Organizational Structure. Rose has __________ over the camp trailer, which is ____________. The only good reason for rules here is to protect the donut-less among us. away on vacation. Which of the following is true? Gift or Inheritance This brown bag had contained fireworks. Orlando works for a manufacturing company in its research and development division. Want to read all 16 pages. A theory for an anti-gravity machine. Ownership of the property up to this point has been: Determine the ownership status for the scenario below. Amanda is babysitting when her charge Tomas leaps off a couch onto a glass table and breaks it, leaving him with many cuts. Phyllis does not repossess the property. Which of the following would qualify as valid consideration? He uses $15,000 from bong pipe sales to open a childrens toy store. Larry posts on the internet that he is offering in-home interior design consultations and that interested customers should schedule an appointment and pay a consultation fee on his website. Does the following pass the "test" of novelty? I passed my management class. Lilcorp manufactures budget speaker systems for Bigcorp. Lenny organized his business in Delaware. What constraints on investments for new businesses apply here? She has a fair amount of money to invest, but she does not want to be involved in management. What are the elements of an enforceable contract? Her business consists mostly of training services for in-home medical care personnel. Penn contracts with Lisa to do a landscape architecture project on Lisas property. Phyllis does not repossess the property. If the former rule of privity of contract were in place, which of the following would be true? Thank you! Lionel had a rental agreement with Kris for Kris to lease storefront space for 5 years. Penn contracts with Lisa to do a landscape architecture project on Lisa's property. Unbeknownst to her down on the railroad platform two railroad employees are negligently assisting a man with a brown paper bag onto a moving train. Dagan sneaks into an event center through an unlocked window to steal valuable items on display for an event the next day. o Insufficient information to determine. Explain how the law and constitution were applied in the resolution. A machine that folds shirt perfectly. Determine the most likely status of the contract for each scenario: Lauras contract with her neighbor is most likely: Jena is contracting with Brigham to purchase his car. The contract is most likely: Joy threatens Winston at knifepoint to sign a prenuptial agreement until he complies. Could be either federal or state. Which of the following places the events in the correct order? The contract is most likely: Match the status/existence of a contract with the scenario. o Marcy pays Jim a dollar for every bag of tin cans he picks up for recycling. Ten years later, the university builds a math lab on the property. Lionel had a rental agreement with Kris for Kris to lease storefront space for 5 years. The federal government passes a law which targets one specific company even though. Which of the following is most likely true? Which of the following is true? Noodleoo, a struggling restaurant chain, wants to enact a franchise agreement with Stephen to sell its product through a chain-style franchise. Discussion Question: Arbitration versus Mediation. The CEOs decide that they will no longer work with the unfair pricing of the manufacturer. Shannah is a facilities coordinator working for a public university. This law would be in pursuance of the tenets of the __________ school of jurisprudential thought. Tanner has too much work to do to fulfill his contract obligations to Fin. What is Jadens position in the company? The parties now need a(n) __________. Class, consider the following business entities: Sole proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, and Corporation. Matt is a manager for a seafood restaurant with a famous koi dish recipe the restaurant considers to be a trade secret. Which of the following is true of this action? Read the scenario and determine what needs to take place based on the resolutions described in the text. ETH/321T Week 1 Main Discussion Question: Applying Law and Constitution to Business In which part of Europe did the countries become satellite nations of the Soviet Union? He has used up all of his sick leave and vacation days, as well as 10 weeks of intermittent FMLA leave. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of that designation for the business. Mike is an agent making purchasing orders for Tami. If she has gained from the use of the trade secret, which of the following is true? university builds a math lab on the property. Which of the following is not a valid reason for Albus to choose a sole proprietorship organization for his business? Before the contract starts, a local city ordinance is instituted which severely limits citizens ability to plant certain types and numbers of plants in order to conserve water. Jewelcorp just began trading securities. Ten years later, the university builds a math lab on the property. Litigation? a.3-day c.30-day b.1-year d.24-hour ____ 10. III) Employees who have a company car must pick up someone who doesn't have a company car on the way to work. Apol wants to start or join a business but is not sure which business organization would be best. Dixonville has had fundamentally the same demographics, economic system, and social structure for decades. Eventually, Benson seeks relief and legal freedom from his contract. Phyllis offers property to a university on condition that the space is used for recreational use only. Our online dating, you and describes. Which of the following contracts are not required to be in writing? Which of the following is true? What requirements are necessary for the creation of a contract? Based on the details of the scenario, determine what will most likely occur. Mike has already done most of the work Tami assigned. We take the concerns surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously, and our online insurance continuing education solutions provide a safe and convenient learning environment. pull weeds in her garden. After years of research and testing, Orlando finally discovers the secret to a competitors efficient manufacturing process. Phyllis offers property to a university on condition that the space is used for recreational use only. Yolanda offers Mack $2 per pound for Macks peanuts. Ownership of the property up to this point has been: o Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent o Fee simple absolute Ten years later, the university builds a math lab on the property. He tells his employee Lil to take care of his duties instead. What are some specific examples of business crimes? Kenzie sells the building. She does, however, have a partner with which she could run a business. He has capital to invest. Let's discuss this idea of legal cause. Finley wants to make as many people happy as possible. UrbanoCorp fires Alyssa, a 40-year-old employee. She is asked to work more than 40 hours this week to meet a deadline. A prototype for a drone that can dig soil. Does the following pass the "test" of non-obviousness? While visiting Company B, the management team of Company A offers some of the foreign employees some free products from their company. Which of the following is exempt from the disclosure requirements of the Securities Act? Megans boss is out of town. Alonzos argues in court that because there is only one other cake shop in the region, a strike and other union activities would disrupt competition in the cake business. She is eventually caught. Ginger works at a shop as a mechanic. georgia forensic audit pulitzer; pelonis box fan manual DONUT DAY AT THE OFFICE, Which legal school of thought is illustrated in this dialogue? This agreement is probably too excessive to be enforceable. phyllis offers property to a university quizlet. What is so special about Outside Directors? Jack and Alice disclose multiple private facts about each other through the course of the argument. Discussion Question:Specific Business Crimes. Company A and Company B both work in the candy industry. What is Limited Liability? Hal makes a contract with a customer for a project one day while Miranda is absent and leaves on vacation the next day. Winston pays a yearly fee to Barbara to rent stall space for his horse at the fairgrounds. Great service! He wants the benefit of steady rent payments and the ease of evicting the tenant when he feels it would be convenient. The International Court of Justice is asked to offer a decision resolving the matter. The opposite of real property, it is movable or temporary. Which of the following situations would most likely receive a change of venue? Decide the legality of the company's decision or action in the following situation: Vericorp wants to increase its profitability. If U.S. law discriminates against a particular class of persons in order to achieve a critical, compelling state interest, it must pass the __________ test in order to be lawful. Phyllis does not repossess the property. Sandys position also entitles her to stock ownership in the company. Which of the following is the correct definition of utility? Cecil leaves his jacket on a bench in the park. Cleo has been the victim of continuous unfair dealings with his landlord for several years. When are states preempted from regulating commerce? The bartender notices someone slip a pill into Elizabeths drink. Sage files a complaint against Isabel, alleging that Isabel is responsible for damages to Sage's property. Tucker has invested a lot of his earnings into shares of the company. Damion works with Kimmie. The table gives the average annual wage, in thousands of dollars, for selected years from 201220122012 and projected to 205020502050. He has a good network of potential investors and partners. Based on the scenario, what is the classification of the tenancy? It regularly offers tours so people can come and observe the special equipment. Laura loses her job the next week and can no longer make the payments. Identify its business structure. passes away. What are C-Corps and S-Corps? Read the scenario and determine what needs to take place based on the resolutions described in the text. Carlie contracts with her landlord to pay for rent by landscaping the property and cleaning and painting empty apartments. Which of the following would be considered a situation of legal employment discrimination? Nation A makes is illegal for its citizens to own more than one vehicle in order to reduce emissions. For the scenario, determine if the party is guilty and what is "at play" related to agreement between parties. He does business in both the U.S. and Canada. Which of the following would most likely happen? Under UCC, what happens when Mack asks for the higher amount, assuming both parties are merchants? Gordon has already worked 40 hours this week and is asked to come in to work again. He is faced with a problem when a union member breaks a union bylaw. Red is a union official. 1321 Material Handling . Discussion Question: LLC and Small Business. Lou picks up a desktop mouse he finds lying on a desk at school. Which method of dispute resolution is most typically incorporated as a condition in business contracts for potential disputes? The ring is: Personal Property. When the bag lands on the tracks it is run over by the train and explodes violently. Demonstrate your knowledge of the different types of remedy for breached contracts by filling in the blank. brief memo outlining your opinion on doing that. Flippatech is a home furnishings manufacturer. Reed works for Marimart. Under the doctrine of contributory negligence: What is the definition of fraud in a business context? phyllis offers property to a university quizlet 13 Nov. phyllis offers property to a university quizlet. Before the sale, a tree falls on Brighams car, ruining it. She directs other employees but has no control of financial information or decision-making responsibilities. Choose an issue recently covered in the news faced by a business in the United States. When Victoria pays the last payment on her mortgage, her ownership interest in the property will be: Based on the scenario, what is the classification of the tenancy? A judge feels strongly that some of the jurors in a current trial have been responding with extreme bias against the defendant. Ownership transfered through Bill of Sale. Provide an example. For the scenario, determine if the party is guilty and what is "at play" related to agreement between parties. Hannah wants to submit the contracts she has made with her other customers as evidence of her fair dealings. Gilcorp wants to increase its profitability. Company A is in the U.S. and Company B is in foreign country. Determine the ownership status for the scenario below. A periodic tenancy is meant to have the possibility for an infinite duration. She oversees a dozen employees doing custodial work and often ends up working over 40 hours per week. Ewans nephew never finishes the renovations, and the property reverts. Hint: Outside directors on the Audit Committee is one specific change. He makes a stinging (and false) remark about his next opponent on TV by saying that his opponent is a coward who practices boxing by beating up his wife. Which of the following roles best fits the situation? Final Exam pt 2. o Target, a retail store: Non-Example; Band-aid, a bandage manufacture: Example, o Target, a retail store: Non-Example; Band-aid, a bandage manufacture: Non-Example, o Target, a retail store: Example; Band-aid, a bandage manufacture: Example, o Target, a retail store: Example; Band-aid, a bandage manufacture: Non-Example. Eleanor often borrows her roommates car without permission because she does not have one of her own. For the scenario, determine whether or not the person should be covered by worker's compensation protections. 7.6: Trade Secrets. When Victoria pays the last payment on her mortgage, her ownership interest in the property will be: o Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent. While on a hike with a tour group in the mountains, Derek gets mauled by a bear. Phyllis does not repossess the property. The company operates in several states, as well as outside of the U.S. Rusty is a landlord over the apartment Pierre lives in. Which of the following is true? The jacket is: Determine the type of property involved for each example. Which of the following is true? What is the correct definition of delegator? What is the result of frolic and detour? David: Bob, don't you see what's happening. What is an Undue Burden? Which of the following is the correct definition for concept release? NoreCorp decides to move forward with the merger. ETH/321T Week 2: Practice Quiz (Answers included), ETH/321T Week 2: Apply Quiz (Answers included), WK 2 Main Discussion Question: Analyzing Business Structure. When a competitor begins to use similar equipment, BooneTech sues the competitor for utilizing a trade secret. When the CEO meets with a foreign prime minister, he offers him a vacation package to show his goodwill toward the country. Lenny, an Italian chef, has his son Giovanni plant a camera in the kitchen of competitor in order to learn the competitors secret recipe. One day a customer comes in to file a new contract while Elaine is seated at her bosss desk. She sues the railroad for negligence because the railroad employees were negligent in the way they helped this man on the train. Which of the following is a definition of novelty? An archaeologist in Mexico who has previously been selling artifacts to American buyers: The Uniform Securities Act contains a number of security exemptions. Pierre is unable to make rent payments, so, Rusty makes Pierre do renovation labor on the apartments every day for 6 hours as payment, instead. A property owner wants to use the water from the river that runs through the property to irrigate a potato field to do this the owners required by the state to submit an application. The employee may share the trade secret with others outside the company. She decides the rate is unfair and files a complaint in court. Identify its business organizational structure. When it is discovered that Felipe is an illegal immigrant: Which statement corresponds to this specific situation? Research "salary negotiation" using the University of Phoenix Library or a search engine. Which of the following is true? Think: Statute of Frauds. Which of the following is true? Which of the following is false concerning LLCs? Macks net worth is $2,000,000 and he wants to invest $1,500,000. What is Double Taxation? After some disagreement on materials, location, and deadlines, they decide that the original contract is no longer valid. It rearranges its distribution services so that it can serve customers in certain areas better, while leaving other areas where competitors are stronger unattended. It makes an agreement that Blinkorp will only sell Ioncorp cabinets in its warehouses. The CFO reports on the financial status of a company project. Which of the following is the correct definition for price maintenance agreements? Miranda does not feel she has the time to perform the contract for the customer. phyllis offers property to a university quizlet. Which of the following is the primary responsibility of the World Bank? o Laura buys $100 worth of clothes from Martha on credit. Guncorp is selling rifles to a retailer Sportsacorp. She knows many unaccredited investors who she knows will help her jumpstart her business. Silvia must do the same when she borrows Clyde's motorcycle. Stetzon, a merchant, makes an unconscionably unfair deal with another merchant, Cheri. The rules are as follows: If Silvia bakes a cake, then Clyde can eat as much of it as he wants. Two retailers decide that they will both sell no more than 100 premium TVs per month in order to maintain the quality image of the TVs. He is trying to collect money for a project he completed, but the debtor does not want to pay the money owed to Federico. In the context of a court case process, which is the definition of, In the context of a court case process, what is the definition of. Wade and Hunter want to start a business. Als wants to avoid letting the workers gain too much power by eliminating new workers option to join a union at all. A year into their contract, it becomes illegal to buy or sell beaver pelts in the U.S. For the scenario, determine if the party is guilty and what is "at play" related to agreement between parties. Which is most likely true of this situation? In spite of the companys rules concerning sexual harassment, he attempted to inappropriately touch Kimmie several times, even though she repeatedly told him to stop. What is the Title VII test for religious discrimination? Rank these types of crimes from most to least serious: Beau is on his way to his favorite toy store when two clowns step in his way and tell him that if he does not spend his money at the carnival instead of the toy store, they will take away his ice cream. What are the exceptions to employment at will, and provide an example of each. Which of the following is most likely true? He has no partner with whom to form the business. While deciding on the project, the board of directors discusses the impact the annex would have on the local community, shareholders, company profits, and nearby landowners. Alecs tenancy is best described as: Based on the scenario, what is the classification of the tenancy? What is the definition of undue influence? Jaden works for LeoHart. Which of the following is true? Bret doesnt even notice Darlas presence until several months later. Cheri may have a court alter the contract. Stewie decides the contract is unfair and stops doing his chores. 5 years has passed, but Kris still uses the space and pays Lionel rent. They discuss the unfair costs of ordering from a manufacturer that supplies to both companies. Which of the following unambiguously qualifies as intrusion upon seclusion? Which of the following is true? When people begin complaining about the pollution, the company. Compare and Contrast. Because the railroad employees=negligence, the man trips and falls and the bag lands on the tracks. Elaine is a secretary for a business. The company is a widely-held corporation with 600 shareholders and $15 million in assets. Select a business you are familiar with or by conducting a search of the internet. Which of the following is true? Janice herself also publishes analyses on the financial security of individual investments. He also makes Pierre sign a contract that he will not move until he catches up to his late, Demonstrate your knowledge of the different types of remedy for breached contracts by filling, A party can receive __________ damages to restore itself to the position it would have been in if, Read the scenario and determine what needs to take place based on the resolutions described in, Kyle has already contracted with Vick on a construction project. What recourse does Cheri have under UCC? Elizabeth is out with her friends at a bar one night. Provide examples. What are some of the important advantages and disadvantages of each type? Which statement matches the following scenario? When can states regulate commerce? He slips on the belt and falls down, and his hand gets stuck in the belt and is injured. what challenges do advertisers face with product placement? Assume both arguments are true. What is the MIR? Jarvis godmother leaves him a family ring in her will when she passes away. Tyson gets his employees to sign an employment agreement which has extra contract obligations hidden in small, almost invisible type. While visiting the U.S., a foreign official visits Company A and lets it know that he can help the company make a useful business connection to Company B. It has several dozen shareholders and 49 million in assets. As the order ticket is being prepared, the agent notices that this is a non-exempt unregistered stock. Which of the following is false? Which of the following is likely true? Domination of another person so thoroughly as to remove free will. Which law or principle of law is not being properly upheld? If the goal is to facilitate planning, which of the following is the best tool that matches that goal? When a competitor begins to use similar equipment, BooneTech sues the competitor for utilizing a trade secret. Determine the legality of the transaction. Which of the following could result in the termination of a limited partnership? Which of the following shows the correct answer for examples of suggestive trademarks? Based on what he feels are their natural abilities, Quintin has his African American workers on the assembly line, his white workers in Packing, and Hispanic workers in Receiving. A ____________ may have an infinite duration. BONUS Discussion Questions (and Answers) that are included with Week 4 Tutorials: Discussion Question: Protecting Intellectual Property. Which of the following is restricted under the constraints of the Franchise Rule? Examine the scenarios to determine the protected status, unprotected status, existence, or non- existence of a trade secret. What is the fundamental philosophy of the Sociological school? Operations Management questions and answers, Determine the type of property involved for each example. Which of the following is the correct definition of boycott? Yolanda and Mack are negotiating a contract deal for sale of goods. Ten years later, the university builds a math lab on the property. Victoria has been paying a mortgage on her property for the past 30 years. Phyllis offers property to a university on condition that the space is used for recreational use only. Brenda sends in a letter with a payment and a scheduled time for Larry, Jackie makes a post on Facebook saying she promises to pay $20 to whoever will come. BONUS Discussion Questions (and Answers)that are included with Week 2 Tutorials: Discussion Question: Theories of Ethics? Tichatech is trying to pierce the global marketplace. He never goes back to look for it. Callie wants to work for an insurance firm. When the strike finally ends, Elsa wants her job back. How does the Supremacy Clause effect the regulation of the states? While she is gone, the company receives a critical tax bill from the state that must be paid immediately.
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