PD Personal Representatives Deed Deed Homebuyer PackageFull Chain of Title Report(Copy Of Deed) Doc ImageExpanded Title Search Report FS Financing Statement Mortgage, UCC, JTL A property record card displays and the map zooms to the property. RN Release of Notice Release, Notice 353 0 obj <>stream Box 535Concord, Massachusetts 01742-0535Tel: (978) 318-3070Fax: (978) 369-4760 www.concordma.gov The Assessment Process-FY20 INTRODUCTION This guide is to help you understand yourproperty record card with the assessedvaluations for the Fiscal 2020 tax year. <> In Bavaria (Bayern), they were started 1 January 1876. CI Certificate of Incorporation Certificate RCN: INDICATES THE REPLACEMENT COST NEW OF THE BUILDING. BDRM: INDICATES THE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS IN A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. Property Report Card Loading. The Tax Assessment Office updates the Property Record Cards (PRCs) annually. ROAD UTIL: ROAD/UTILITY TYPE DESCRIPTION CODE. %PDF-1.4 % Br brick. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site provides direct, online public access to all county property records and document images for the United States and U.S. territories. PRC - Property Record Card. Office Records 303.1 Good records are essential for the assessor to be able to locate, describe, and value properties in the taxing district. endstream endobj startxref Property Record Card listed as PRC. CODE: CODE USED TO IDENTIFY AN EXTRA FEATURE. The Assessor is required by state law to assess at 50% of true cash value all assessable property, as of December 31 of each year. Data Montana Cadastral Data is downloadable for use in your own software programs (we assume GIS software but there might be other applications). As the only national mass appraisal services company, we provide unmatched expertise - touting more than 85 years of in-depth industry experience and leadership - in both traditional and technology-driven property valuation services. Powered by webmasterWP.com. new jersey property tax system legend building description format: stories-structure-style-garage example: 1.5s-st-l-2ag means: 1 1/2 story stone limited exemptions code explanation colonial 2 car attached garage exempt property class codes deductions code explanation taxable property railroad property personal property class codes 0000004736 00000 n J_b@S aMFx_'BGu\_'M.jiCVop{299IbshX>Sh/hrIvj_AgB" ".2:(8D SPCD %: USED TO ENTER THE PERCENTAGE AMOUNTS IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE SPECIAL CONDITION CODE CONCERNING THE EXTRA FEATURE. On the flip side, however, a higher assessment of your property value means your family's primary investment has appreciated. Mobile Apps. This includes residential, commercial and personal property (machinery, furniture, fixtures, leasehold improvements and equipment for commercial and industrial properties). Real Estate And Property Record Acronyms-Abbreviation Descriptions, Real Estate, Real Estate Post, Title Reports, Personal Lien Report (Individual Or Entity). Concconcrete. PRF Partial Release Fixture File Release, UCC, UCC Termination LUD 1 LUD 2: USER DEFINED CODES FOR VALUE ADJUSTMENT PURPOSES. endobj PSR Partial Release of Statement of Judgment Release, Judgment, JTLPSL Partial Release of State Tax Lien Release, JTL, Release Tax Lien MKT USE: INDICATES THE MARKET VALUE OF THE AGRICULTURALLY CLASSIFIED LANDS. If your "Rfg" roofing is "Comp," or composite, make sure it is not assessed as "Met," or metal. 5 0 obj LOT: INDICATES THE LOT NUMBER OF THE PARCEL. endobj SUB: IDENTIFIES THE SUBAREAS OF THE BUILDING. If you have a large parcel, check that the assessment reflects the correct size by consulting the "Acg" entry for acreage. _i(ToQ-h| eil *}!. hb```f``@9Lz{a2 B;\W AJ Affidavit of Joint Tenant Deed L Left PROB Probate LK Lake PROD Produced LL Large Lot PROLNG Prolongation LAT Latitude PROP Property LBR Lumber PSH Primary State Highway LD Land PSE R/W Puget Sound Electric R/W LI Line PSPL Puget Sound Power & Light . The corresponding assessment document would list the correct category by numbers 1-4. Property Listing Abbreviations: AC or A/C - Air conditioning AEK - All electric kitchen APPLS - Appliances BA - Bathroom BR - Bedroom CATH - Cathedral ceilings CAC - Central air conditioning CDS - Cul de sac CH - Central heat C/VAC - Central vacuum CP - Carport D/D - Dishwasher and a garbage disposal DET - Detached garage DK - Deck 0000023338 00000 n The property record cards are current for fiscal 2023. 69 0 obj <> endobj DESIGN OF PROPERTY RECORD CARDS The basic design of property record cards by each class must be approved by ACD. 0000058734 00000 n Guests are users who have not purchased a subscription and therefore only have access to limited data. XFOB: INDICATES EXTRA FEATURE OR YARD ITEM VALUES. 591 aC1kh ;529C4#2 A=aEuaJ 2$`-Gw!5jL8}V)ns0vw#]?gF|Luy.CC }LT{qavMO29@v^4pmG!qwF!-hU&N`'?y:-Ik]ZOx_o}'vZ}uO2z/_CK95Ko=o_f~kR,wam4b]$,^AjqA]:qHVnAi{!i0IZmP mDDaPa0D0DC0`3)71n?P|hvjA9_alX)3Gge4uvJ(e`PsI%IW!*D)Zph, 0}*KwhdA,aOw]F}wb{i{n O{0M< aPiIwEh0@a3c8ahRF`dCg[f_ UT: INDICATES THE QUANTITY TYPE USED FOR CALCULATION. ADJ UT PRICE: INDICATES THE VALUE PER UNIT AFTER ADJUSTMENTS. 100 0 obj <>stream The Comptroller's office does not have access to your local property appraisal or tax information. Bpyf CG3 2|3c>z5hd'9*(dq`]\?]=vxB&0A |a%/:;h28&`]pxojX\8wnKi. https://www.UsTitleRecords.org. HQo0~0c,e0MTZS6U -k":@!q/}""~J-KZ.Wy6|6k/HS8J. ASG Assessment Assessment 0000000016 00000 n 3 0 obj v1.17.00 - 28 . enable you to print property records, create reports about them, or add them to lists. 4 0 obj PRM Partial Release of Mortgage Release xb``a``e =Y8@12? 6Xdc'(Ln54Lc.rm imZ%oL8`110z M7+D9@ endstream endobj 39 0 obj <> endobj 40 0 obj <> endobj 41 0 obj <>stream 0000058945 00000 n ` N{ 328 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[305 49]/Info 304 0 R/Length 104/Prev 95163/Root 306 0 R/Size 354/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream endobj Property Record Card Layout 1. FRME: INDICATES THE TYPE OF FRAMEWORK IN THE BUILDING. RE Release Release, JTL The APN should be the same as your parcel number on the county plat map, and may also be cited in your real estate deed, although this does not constitute the legal description of your property. LAND VALUE: INDICATES THE TOTAL LAND VALUE AFTER ALL APPLIED FACTORS AND PERCENTAGES. JTL SJ Statement of Judgment Judgment, JTL MA Mortgage Agreement/Ext Mortgage, Agreement To find the assessed value of your property, find the entry under "Land." For Real Estate Tax Relief for Veterans with 100% Service-Connected Disability or the Elderly or Permanently Disabled . RPL Release of Personal Property Lien Release, Lien, JTL C-W%: IDENTIFIES A PERCENTAGE OF EXTERIOR COMMON WALL. Going over this document to make sure that the facts are accurate can be critical to future assessments that are based on this initial data. If you type in a lot of information, the system might not understand your request. 55 0 obj <>stream HTD AREA: INDICATES THE AREA OF THE BUILDING THAT IS HEATED/COOLED. The Glossary of Terms is intended to assist in the understanding of abbreviations and descriptions utilized on the CCPAO property record cards. 0000059242 00000 n STR State Tax Lien Refile Tax Lien, JTL 305 0 obj <> endobj RFN Revocation Fictitious Name Fictitious Name BI Bond Indenture Agreement 0000003071 00000 n Full Property Lien ReportFull Property/Owner Lien Report The public is always welcome to visit the Clinton County Chief County Assessment Office weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or call us at (618) 594-6610, in order to take advantage of our services. endstream endobj 42 0 obj <>stream DESC: DESCRIPTION OF THE EXTRA FEATURE CODE. Property Record Cards contain many codes, notes and descriptions related to a particular property. ORR Overriding Royalty Interest Mineral / Oil & Gas ML Mechanics Lien Lien, Mechanics Lien, JTL ATL Attorneys Lien Lien, JTL It is Property Record Card. RT Restrictions (Declaration of) Notice, Plat A8Q0 'lHE4/lP.jg~R`Hh'h;YQ)Ve+zJbQ7t$(VqR\EJ62%*e:n(6v9. BLK: INDICATES THE BLOCK NUMBER OF THE PARCEL. SU Survey Plat BB Bail Bond Lien Lien, JTL ARI Articles of Incorporation Notice, certificate 0000001579 00000 n Property Record Card | Property Assessment Division Property Record Card John | GO To access your property information, enter a property number, assessment code, name, or address in the search box above. assessing The act of valuing a property for the purpose of establishing a tax base. Property record cards are linked to parcels within this system. s69s39Z.$h9e2eGB9\99mwibpl@4 b(S&L(-@Ic %: INDICATES THE PERCENTAGE OF ADDITIONAL EXTERIOR WALL THAT WILL APPLY TO THE BUILDING. Frframe. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Retrieving, please wait. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. AL Assignment of Lease Assignment Lease Civil registration records are records of births, marriages, and deaths kept by the government. Because the property you own is probably one of your most valuable assets, your ability to understand the abbreviations on your assessment form can be critical to wise management of your investments. Several government offices in Fall River and Massachusetts state maintain Property Records, which are a valuable tool for understanding the history of a property, finding property owner information, and evaluating a property as a buyer or seller. HGHT: INDICATES THE WALL HEIGHT OF A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDING. Welcome. EA Easement Easement, Comm. ECON: INDICATES IF AN ECONOMIC OBSOLESCENCE FACTOR IS APPLIED. Abbreviations . FTL Federal Tax Lien Tax Lien, JTL hbbd```b``"A$V , 2`10 & )f #7 9D:"?"Z"`0]"E^A"! Title Records Corp.160 Greentree DriveDover, DE 199041-302-269-3942office@ustitlerecords.com, #ustitlerecords #ustitlerecords #ustitlerecords. Legal Locator Service, U.S. stream Q/I: INDICATES IF TRANSACTION IS QUALIFIED OR UNQUALIFIED AND IF THE PARCEL WAS IMPROVED OR VACANT ON THE DATE OF TRANSACTION. Building Details: This section details the model/style of your home; heating; roofing; flooring, bedroom, and bathroom count, etc. AST Assessment Lien Lien, JTL Responsiveness. AM Assignment of Mortgage Assignment 0000005839 00000 n Permits: Any building permit taken out on the property will be recorded here. MM Mortgage Modification Mortgage, Agreement You have the right to expect questions will be responded . Gloucester County Administration Building 2 South Broad Street PO Box 337 Woodbury, NJ 08096 Phone: 856-853-3200 UNITS: INDICATES THE NUMBER OF UNITS THAT ARE TO BE VALUED. Division of Taxation - Department of the Treasury . endobj 0000049388 00000 n CD Contact for Deed Deed, Contract Adjusted Value - The product obtained by multiplying the unit value times the number of units, times the total adjustments AFD - Agreement for deed Neighborhood And Property Valuation RMS: INDICATES THE NUMBER OF MAIN ROOMS IN A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDING. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7c0a46909bae9918 STR: SECTION, TOWNSHIP & RANGE THE PARCEL IS LOCATED IN. AE? Land Valuation and Modeling Date: 12/07/2022 | Time: 1:30pm This episode will review the individual components of the land module as it pertains to residential valuations. <]>> D Deed Deed To ensure best search results please utilize the following abbreviations when searching for an address: AG Agreement Agreement Comm. To use the data anonymously, choose the GUEST option at left, retype the challenge phrase presented to you, and press the Login button. Tiletile. i5iC 4A" 4p`8 AFS Assignment of Financing Statements Assignment Miscellaneous P !/)&b5|S*K|lrz)11"4+[[;t*;n]E\_O:4ii'EvzZ_0 C3i EXW: INDICATES THE TYPE OF EXTERIOR WALL. xref You are hereby notified that properly identified representatives of the Chatham County Board of Assessors may enter upon your property during normal business hours for the purposes of collecting accurate data or verifications due to permits, business licenses issued, applications for preferential assessments, return of property value, revaluations, review of sales, audits, and review of appeals. %PDF-1.6 % RSJ Release Statement of Judgment Release, JTL Property Record Card is abbreviated as PRC Related abbreviations The list of abbreviations related to PRC - Property Record Card REIT Real Estate Investment Trust 3C 3 of Clubs CR Championship Record CR County Road PMVB Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau CDP Census-designated place CSA Combined Statistical Area AIW All In Wonder }Om)l@Y:R7>oS7k)gIB (P;kV>wxy'JseTyV~Ai)KeMujB#' s3C_w?o_.8endstream Click HERE to search Columbus County Tax Records. CLAS: INDICATES THE CLASSIFIED (AGRICULTURAL) USE VALUE OF THE PARCEL. 52 0 obj <> endobj FLOR: INDICATES THE TYPE OF FLOOR COVERING IN THE BUILDING. The Munich Central Collecting Point (MCCP) also produced property cards to <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Legal Description Parcel size Year the structure was built = Actual Year Built. Botetourt County provides a real estate tax relief program for the elderly and the disabled based on income and net worth. This site provides direct, online public access to all county property records and document images for the United States and U.S. territories. PRJ Partial Release Judgment Release, Judgment, JTL DC Death Certificate Certificate, Notice Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. The PTC will also list ownership and property location information such as: topography/ utilities/ street-road/ location, name and purchase price, property address and APN, exemptions (these are not listed due to privacy and must be verified with the municipality), neighborhood, and property use/land use code and characteristics. The tax billing year is based on a fiscal year and not a calendar year. An assessment of new construction will contain details that help the county assessor determine the value of property improvements. Ad Valorem* - Ad Valorem is a Latin term meaning "according to value."An ad valorem tax is a tax based on the value of property. RD Resale Deed Deed 2 0 obj RSL Release of State Tax Lien Release, Tax Lien, JTL, Release QTY: THE QUANTITY OR NUMBER OF EXTRA FEATURES OF THAT TYPE. 6tkKCP(ocwIz_HlOOx[$]~OkZO5mw^s5gh/l4mv4 i6i{iZbLUiM`q i5i&iWm4""!!j&j&ZhDZu;i5 V\)+ B@9h4dPh gs)"xtKBA %wADo."\ Ii{iB)U_^-BNk2u~[*YTI5xA4 f(>?fB@MlA7?4B/q O'i[3&a|7:.Hy;4oaZ. Property tax assessments. Online Help - Land Record Instrument Codes. RAL Release of Assessment Lien Release, Lien, JTL ABBREVIATION - MEANING A AAP - AT A POINT ABV - ABOVE ABTG - ABUTTING AC - ACRES ADD - ADDITION ADJ - ADJACENT ADJG - ADJOINING AGRMNT - AGREEMENT AKA - ALSO KNOWN AS ALG - ALONG ANG - ANGLE APPROX - APPROXIMATELY APPX - APPROXIMATE/LY ASSRS - ASSESSORS AVE - AVENUE B BK - BANK BCH - BEACH BAAP - BEGINNING AT A POINT BAT - BEGINNING AT THE 1 short forms of Property Record Card. ()z UC-UNDER CONSTRUCTION, AP ABNORMAL PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION & PD PREFERRED DEPRECIATION.). INDEX: NEIGHBORHOOD FACTOR USED TO ADJUST THE BUILDING VALUE. EXPT: INDICATES THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL EXEMPTIONS APPLIED. 0000000936 00000 n FwNi $,P(&8-(H+\H3*@ P County real estate and property records abbreviations and acronyms: AD Administrators Deed Notice hb```f``*f`e`x @16G~}`9 -=`t]b2:-nArdKL8SyLc[ykC3++$Neq|t({'$R+:`D0 *!L@6T!- b8H+:X$A!%eLXf0-cbZsm;^Ix/b`p4 04a%l%gh POR Revocation Power of Attorney Power of Attorney 0000048927 00000 n JUST: INDICATES THE TOTAL JUST OR MARKET VALUE OF THE PARCEL. PF Proof of Death & Heirship Notice, Mineral / Oil & Gas These records are kept by the civil registrar [German: Standesbeamte] at the civil . CBconcrete block. Parcel Identification Number Total Heated Square Footage OBXF = Other Buildings & Extra Features. assessment The value of taxable property to which the tax rate is to be applied in order to compute the amount of taxes. SUB VALUE: INDICATES THE DEPRECIATED VALUE OF EACH SUBAREA. 0000005242 00000 n RCVR: INDICATES THE TYPE OF COVERING ON THE ROOF STRUCTURE. PHL Physicians Lien Lien, Physicians Lien endstream endobj 53 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <> endobj 55 0 obj <>stream Fireplaces are not listed here but are listed under extra features #7. LUD 3 LUD 4: USER DEFINED CODES FOR VALUE ADJUSTMENT PURPOSES. RHL Release of Hospital Lien Release, Lien, Physicians Lien Moderator: RPH Release of Physicians Lien Release, Lien, Physicians Lien Abbreviation for Property Record Card: 9 Categories Suggest to this list Related acronyms and abbreviations Share Property Record Card Abbreviation page 0000049673 00000 n EXW: INDICATES THE TYPE OF EXTERIOR WALL. %PDF-1.5 % MT Memorandum of Trust Trust QUAL: INDICATES THE CONSTRUCTION QUALITY OF THE BUILDING. If you have a large parcel, check that the assessment reflects the correct size by consulting the "Acg" entry for acreage. SPCD: USED TO ENTER THE PERCENTAGE AMOUNTS IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE SPECIAL CONDITION CODE CONCERNING THE BUILDING (i.e. Miscellaneous 0000007085 00000 n Miscellaneous They are an excellent source for information on names and dates and places of births . MOD: INDICATES THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING. 0 You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. BATH: INDICATES THE NUMBER OF BATHS IN A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. The list below will provide you with a description of the abbreviated codes that are used with the property appraisal data. RWY Right of Way Agreement Easement, Agreement, Comm. ED Executors Deed Deed ABBREVIATIONS USED IN LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. These codes are . Personal Lien Report (Individual Or Entity) L OF DLC Ell of DLC POB Point of Beginning . PUD 1: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT VALUE ADJUSTMENT CODE. FN Fictitious Name Affidavit Fictitious Name NAME-1 - Assessed owner of record. 0 NPT Nunc Pro Tunc Order Order, Deed, Notice Check that construction materials are accurately listed, such as "Br" for masonry, or "Art br" for an artificial brick faade. Types of construction materials Art br artificial brick. 2023 All Rights Reserved. AMT: DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION ACTIVITY. Mapping information is also updated annually. xTMo0W R\="Ji*+%{"#yZ:=?"(P||=q``OAzP1F~Rt w|)lEta$n@q5E>/.abn^B$+\& I^`vlffLNP[+J$t\Sl";ArDVM:^eXbL&WV!R6EM YFhM7@ezLbaAR!pV:8K0l~E3" p6c>,9\o4T v E?,PV>Z8-fIu] Gl glass. Civil registration records are records of births, marriages, and deaths kept by the government. uSob4?~4qjc3}e0v^?bk{^0djG;iOWyc`k]%/U/6nWqv}7-45kpEc^m10vK|ubsRF1^z0 MtB'`{a^<8 Sa -mbYKx~@kO|HBNBh:}Y I| m0r`r9}Fh?p/=oo>\yG/ Z u -{mG&&\X]r7Lr'k8F^#YC~+}BJx%XN&y^OpI p}pl!>G;1XO5Q-;}cGd"}m'p[uoGqF"-R@ObF&yY9w/N}63.3%2SiSVp~,H 8 Y~;_OIcDdqV`!A%"sbA ?X$^' 303.2 Necessary Records. SA Subordination Agreement Agreement Record notice of proximity to farmlands. RO Release of Oil & Gas Lease Lease, Mineral / Oil & Gas, Release i00fDE^zm- hTn E{bD) Ja6.Pcq0;3Ksm@?,[0h.$ Gm{v9h0qj0C]w. %%EOF For an existing residence, you can view your property record card at the assessor's office to make sure the information is accurate. FIXT: INDICATES THE NUMBER OF PLUMBING FIXTURES IN A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDING. The Town of Norfolk has a quarterly tax billing schedule for real estate. %: INDICATES THE PERCENTAGE OF ADDITIONAL ROOF COVER THAT WILL APPLY TO THE ROOF. State of New Jersey . FD Decree of Final Distribution Deed, Order Office of the Clay County Property Appraiser Tracy Scott Drake. 0000002224 00000 n HTTP: INDICATES THE TYPE OF HEATING UNIT IN THE BUILDING. %%EOF Miscellaneous DEPTH DT: INDICATES THE DEPTH ADJUSTMENT FACTOR. Also referred to as assessed valuation. To determine your annual property taxes, your county assessor multiplies the property's taxable assessed value by your location's tax rate. <> CV Conveyance Deed, Mineral / Oil & Gas, Comm. zuc@!fz6>@hca9D-@ f2 Property Record Card Abbreviations Dwelling Upper level finishes 1 s Br = 1 story brick house 11/2 s Br = 1 story brick house 2 s Br = 2 story brick house 1 s Fr = 1 story frame house 11/2 s Fr = 1 story frame house 2 s Fr = 2 story frame house A (Fin) = Attic finished fX{o LnIRtgX!nhd X3dq_at$Arn@}JX Jqu1 8lq!`lS[NN"W;-vZmn^6,/+,IS_wzp)'5u6YntJTwjG3L>l4?p1TzxhNOaY:i2"6]g>ElFwYt\4P(%5 `W0(!B *!K|C `z+t ,Wyh6B[% nchO'c ASSD: INDICATES THE TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE OF THE PARCEL. 1-1/2sone and one-half (1 1/2) story.2stwo (2) story. The records reproduced here are in two formats: textual records (including property or inventory cards) and photographs. startxref (a) All counties shall require that land records include some form of notice reasonably calculated to . Property Records Information Property Records Information PLEASE BE ADVISED: Please see a copy of the document below that is being mailed out from a company called Local Records Office of Indianapolis. The Planning Department maintains an online list of parcel adjustments since last map update, Lots Subdivided or Adjusted 2016. nX>^}y)}6y'E^_Z^iz20 Data accuracy cannot be guaranteed. 0000002771 00000 n hbbd``b`$c`b d $ZDV&F F5 German terms for these records include Standesamtsregister, Zivilstandsregister, or Personenstandsregister. BN: INDICATES THE ASSOCIATED BUILDING NUMBER. : INDICATES IF THE BUILDING IS ELIGIBLE FOR AMENDMENT- 10 CAPPING. 6 0 obj OS Order Confirming Sale Order 0000006505 00000 n INT: INDICATES THE TYPE OF INTERIOR WALL. Apple; Android; Kindle; Windows; Windows Phone; Free Tools. %: INDICATES THE PERCENTAGE OF ADDITIONAL FLOOR COVERING IN THE BUILDING. 0000001896 00000 n How to Find a Property Index Number in Illinois, How to Find the Property Tax ID Number for a House. Please feel free to contact the Assessors office should you have any questions (775) 887-2130. Applications must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue annually by May 1st of the tax year. 21. Click to reveal Miscellaneous ARI Articles of Incorporation Notice, certificate AST Assessment Lien Lien, JTL ASG Assessment Assessment ABS Assessment / Bill of Sale Assessment, Mineral/Oil & Gas For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions; Word of the Day; Word Finder; Help; For webmasters: To find a copy of your properties' information the online Assessors database, we recommend that you type in minimal information. . RFT Release of Federal Tax Lien Release Tax Lien, Release, JTL Expert Property Valuation Services Tailored to Your Organization. State Name Abbreviation Baden-Wrttemberg BW Bavaria BY Berlin BE Brandenburg BB Bremen HB Hamburg HH Hesse HE Lower Saxony NI Mecklenburg-Vorpommern MV North R SUBD: USED FOR SUBDIVISION IDENTIFICATION. 0 RV Revocation Notice, JTL, Release Tax Lien, Release RSTR: INDICATES THE TYPE OF ROOF STRUCTURE. Record M/L More or Less REF . YR: INDICATES THE YEAR THE EXTRA FEATURE WAS CONSTRUCTED. CNDO: USED FOR CONDOMINIUM IDENTIFICATION. A sample property record card is attached with the areas labeled to correspond with the following explanations. QFr6a*|s9Ox{v!LdD?% _A*s/l3 XLBxL?~j4wm`H!^Tat>O~Xq2cvIxg/]0k@g):L>jcdGf`JAc;3EbY5R8r;9&[>q>^qi)jbL%"SVuWFqWmqJ=i1xb_J>J7j)O7;,0CNY,u?!W-S3:y! RAG Release of Agreement Release, Agreement Property Appraisal Category Abbreviation List. The Glossary of Terms is intended to assist in the understanding of abbreviations and descriptions utilized on the CCPAO property record cards. 0000003036 00000 n TD Trustees Deed Deed endobj <> The assessment data is updated periodically by the Town of South Hadley. (8LvEEW'ZWzhEIl$lku jo{Ijk.6vO4Nu^UW_wCI_zkjl)&izkM"r_-z+kP(yzB~"j~>]Do_o}vi? k[t'4q=wm/njo[%i^]}?Ft}s4**Xi+ik0a&Of|$ign^AS% (jIPkkWk0@h5QLSZOl$Ixad>LZ6.lPjP4iivMo{@8:aL+ Ma5@[M0 ki. %PDF-1.5 All GIS data contained herein has been compiled from the public records of the County and is subject to constant change. %%EOF WD Warranty Deed Deed, https://www.UsTitleRecords.com hbbd``b`S=:+@HBDj@b dH0*L1 V{ $"@F{00x%@ Qm MD Mineral Deed Deed, Mineral / Oil & GasM Mortgage Mortgage If your new assessment is noticeably higher or lower than the previously assessed value of your property, you may want to verify some key parameters. SOHD:INDICATES THE AMENDMENT 10 CAPPED VALUE. endstream endobj startxref endstream endobj startxref DV Decree of Divorce Deed, Order SIZE: INDICATES IF A SIZE ADJUSTMENT HAS BEEN APPLIED. HL Hospital Lien Lien, Physicians Lien Property Report Card . Please wait. Legal Data PARCEL ID LOCATION NAME-1 NAME-2 CLASS % DESCRIPTION BN CARD BCDEFGHI PARCEL ID - Map, Block, Parcel, Extension, and Property Type LOCATION - Parcel's street location. View my property record card; Find information about the Assessor's Office; View or pay my property tax bill ; Apply for a property tax deduction ; Find Marriage License or Divorce Decree; Find the tax rate for the township I live in; Look up court records; Find and apply for a job with Allen County ; Find out who represents me Databases available anonymously are provided as a service of Avitar Associates and the individual Municipality. PUSE: INDICATES THE PRIMARY USE OF THE PARCEL. Property Record Card Abbreviation - 1 Forms to Abbreviate Property Record Card Property Record Card Abbreviation How to abbreviate Property Record Card?
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