Hugo the Abominable Snowman | Wolf Arrowmen | Cad Spinner, Animated Television Claudette Dupri | 29 Comments. The Witch | Supreme Commander | Judge Doom | Dr. Sharon Chen | J.P. Stiles | Ms. Stout | Maleficent | Elmer Fudd | Video Games: 1988 video game NES game Game Boy game Kerwood Krinkle | William Boone | Lawrence | In Super Smash Bros. While the weasels laugh as he hops around and wails in pain, Doom hits him into a pile of boxes with his cane. Of all the weasels, Smartass is the smartest and most consistently serious and does his best to keep his mind on the job. Animaniacs/Pinky and the Brain Nasty Canasta | Shere Khan | Juice | Ronald Longcape Jr. | Admiral Evar | In the related ride Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin, here referred to under the bowdlerized name Wise Guy, he can be heard at two points discussing his plans to get rid of Roger Rabbit, such as when Smartass orders Psycho to head to the Toontown Cab Co. to put Benny the Cab out of "contrition" ("commission") to stop Roger from leaving Toontown. Arthur the Insecurity Virus | Von Talon | Jennifer Stone | Abis Mal's Thugs | Agent Woods | Rico | Kal | Namaari | Te K | Jasper and Horace (1996) | Ursula | Drizella Tremaine (2015) | Nikabrik | Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Tamatoa | Sr. X | Captain Putty | Heath | Rosie Little | Roscoe & DeSoto | The Firebird | The Toon Patrol first appear when they drive their paddy wagon into the Acme Factory, the scene of Marvin Acme's murder. Sweet Pete | Sarah Sanderson | Who Framed Roger Rabbit After correcting it, Valiant kicks Smart Ass in the crotch and launches him into the Dip Machines large vat, instantly dissolving and killing him. Skeleton Pirates | Hun Army (Hayabusa & Elite Hun Soldiers) | Iago | Dominic Badguy | Night Master | Instant Martians | Gwendolyn Zapp | Fliplip, Sidney and Armadillo | Tex Richman | Baroness von Hellman | Daleks | Bradley Uppercrust III | Dr. Terminus | He is the most insane weasel in the Toon Patrol . Serving Judge DoomWatching the suffering of others.Laughing maniacally. Br'er Fox & Br'er Bear | During this time, Greasy eagerly volunteers for the task of searching Jessica and immediately begins fondling her cleavage, before being caught in her "Booby Trap" and panicking with a Bear Trap hanging from his hand. Snowball | Giant Squid | Oogie Boogie | Sark | Lord Dominator | The Crusher | Emperor Belos | Buster | Sa'Luk | Yzma | Frosty the axeman was a bitter angry soul. Fantomius | Wile E. Coyote | Chernabog | Bomber Ghost | Stupid is the dumbest member of the Toon Patrol. Fleshlumpeater | They count among their number as minor villains in the Kingdom Hearts Unlimited Fanfic Saga. Angelica Teach | Gregorio Casal | Chacha | Rooster and Lily St. Regis | Shelley | Dr. Frankenollie | Captain Hook | Whether or not the weasels knew that Doom was a Toon himself is never confirmed, but their relationship with him may hint that they had no knowledge of such. Dryden Vos | Buzz Buzzard - Dirty McNasty - Dooley - Gabby Gator - Miss Meany - Professor Dingledong - Professor Grossenfibber - Tweaky, One-Shots Cave of Wonders (2019) | Fleshlumpeater | Cherokee | Honest John | Cauldron Born | Bull and Axle Captain Katt | Nurse Wilson | Giants (Bloodbottler & Bonecruncher) | Tetti-Tatti | Brom Bones | Newton | Babalu - The Bat - Bull Dozer - Jetter Martin - Lemmy Over Trash - Martian Termites - Mugsy - Poor Hungry Cat - Prince John - Rufus Le Dufus - Sarge Hogwash - The Taxidermist - Witch, Movies Upon pointing out a mistake with the lyrics in the song that Eddie "entertains" the weasels with, Eddie kicks him in the crotch, sending him flying into the mixer on the Dip machine, where he dissolves and dies, not even getting a ghost. Inspector Fix | Dr. Facilier | He is voiced by David Lander. Fritz | Sylvester | The King and the Duke | X-1, X-2 and X-3 | Jack-in-the-Box | Dr. Slicer | Flotsam & Jetsam | Mr. Stallwood | Brick Bristol | Nalini, Padmini and Sunithia | Diablo the Raven | Nemean Lion | Ludo | Alistair Krei | He is voiced by Charles Fleischer. Gremlin | Bradley Uppercrust III | Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard | Loonatics Unleashed Sweet Pete | Mozenrath | Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. (Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Norm & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz) | Crocosaurus | King Aldrich | Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Aunt Sponge | Beast | Smart Ass then offers to have his team dis-resemble (disassemble) the area, but Doom declines and instead resorts to tapping his cane to the tune of Shave and a Haircut to temp Roger out of hiding. Ben Buzzard | Barnaby Crookedman | Jadis the White Witch | Cecil Turtle | Brooke | Constantine | Buddy | There is a suggestion that he loves to pretend that his straightjacket is buckled by hugging himself tightly. Doctor Vulter | James Madison | Wheezy is the gunman of the Toon Patrol. He is voiced by Charles Fleischer, who also voiced Roger Rabbit, Benny the Cab and Greasy . Were-Rat | Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | Wrestlers | Psycho is insane, which is characterized by his pale blue eyes with yellow and white swirls. Mr. Whiskers | Contents 1 Personality 2 Role in film 3 Trivia 4 External links Personality Zombies | Maestro Forte | David Nix | Rourke's Mercenaries (Helga Sinclair) | Gogans | Bill Sykes | Occupation Kendall Duncan | Artemis Fowl | Rhoda Chesterfield | Bill Fawcett | James Madison | Marvin the Martian | Duke of Weselton | Sir Hiss | Tick Tock | Nathaniel | Cave of Wonders | Dwayne LaPistol | Portia Poodle | Cad Spinner, Animated Television He either may not care or does not notice his misuse of words or such usage was typical for gangsters of their period. Omar | Taylor Krane | Fat Cat's Gang (Fat Cat) | Jabberwock | Elliot Coleye | Taylor Krane | Master Control Program | Borra | Bookman | Momakase | Cottontail Smith | Weather Vane | Jacques Lebeau | Greasy seems to be the most aggressive of the weasels and is the most eager to fight. Eventually, his spirit ascends and his body falls along with the ladder he was standing on. Arthur the Insecurity Virus | Ed Dillinger Sr. | Namaari | Erik Hellstrom | Nigel Snyder | Mainframe Bertram | Mozenrath | (2020): Nils Niedhart | Much like the other weasels, he begins laughing uncontrollably at funny sights and will eventually die from the laughter, which occurs to most of the weasels except Smartass. Soldiers, Live-Action Films Loonatics Unleashed Villains | Brooke | Lady Tremaine | Crew of the Black Pearl (Bo'sun, Scratch, Pintel & Ragetti) | Mastermind | Beanie the Bison | William Cecil Clayton | The King (2017) | Cruella De Vil (1996) | Principal Perry | Sheriff of Nottingham (1952) | Miners | Bandar Log (1998) | Kazar | Emmett | Mike O'Donnell Elmyra Duff | Pierre Le Pew | Black Guards | Heffalumps and Woozles | Flintheart Glomgold | Blacque Jacque Shellaque | Kylo Ren | Big Mac | Zhan Tiri | Nebula Ghosts | Kal | John Ricketts | Rip Runner | Von Vultur | Harpe Brothers | Were-Rat | Gorog | Lloyd Halverson | Queen Narissa | Erik & Francis | Hunter | Frollo's Soldiers (Captain Phoebus, Brutish Captain, Oafish Guard, Pierrat Torturue & Henriet Cousin) | Evil-doer Solego the Chaos God | Timber Wolf | . Moopets | Beagle Boys (Ma Beagle) | Borg Guillarson | Jack Frost | Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz | Jordan Buttsquat | Mr. Winkie | Zane Willis | Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz | Morgana le Fay | Lloyd Halverson | He is voiced by Charles Fleischer. Kent Powers | MAD Cat | Mad Doctor | Coop | Bob the Viking | Program Guards | Wile E. Coyote | Turbo/King Candy | Bunny and Claude | Personality Chesille Sabrond | His weapon of choice is a straight razor (which he never actually uses; however, at the bar, he is seen threatening Eddie Valiant with it, to no avail). Titans (Lythos, Hydros, Pyros, Stratos & Arges) | He has a thick Puerto Rican accent, though he curses in Spanish when he is caught in Jessica's booby trap and when rocketed into the air by Roger's entrance. Noodle Burger Boy | Yosemite Sam | Stupid is clearly overweight, while all the other weasels are fairly slim. Evil Manta | Talk about all the weasels~! Lava Monster | Group Two: (Lucky Piquel): "Going Bonkers" "In the Bag" "Hear No Bonkers, See No Bonkers" "Out of Sight, Out of Toon" "Is Toon Fur Really Warm?" Judge Doom has hired them to . I am an admin of this site. Merlock | Skeleton Pirates | Psycho is also shown to be quite rambunctious when he makes a high-pitched and piercing laugh. Giant Squid | Jimmy the Polar Bear | Judge Doom | MAD Cat | Sylth Vester | Gery Lpez | Sharon Benson | Cousin Zeke | Botes Belida | Other: Lenny the Cab List of cameos in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Wrights: Miranda Wright Shirley Wright Timmy Wright Baldo Billions | Priscila Ferr | Queen Ingrith | Sea Monkeys | The Marten | Vicky Robinson | Happy Cat Cogs | Since Slimy and Flasher appear somewhat differently in this comic, it is possible that they were different weasels that happen to have the same name. Space Jam Bunny Snatchers, Movies Psycho is the most insane weasel of the Toon Patrol. Ramsley | Vince Heber | Sheriff of Notthingham | Zafire | Knave of Hearts | Orson Krennic | Kill Roger Rabbit (failed). John Merrick | Lock, Shock and Barrel | Momakase | Their members consist of Smartass (who acts as the leader), Greasy, Wheezy, Psycho and Stupid. Emperor Kuzco | Larry | Martian Queen | Headless Horseman | Uma, Video Games Crew of the Flying Dutchman (Davy Jones, Maccus & Kraken) | Marky412 | Prince Achmed | The vehicle is fitted with the official City of Los Angeles "Toon Patrol" decals on the front doors. The weasels later track Roger to the Pacific Electric Railway Terminal Bar and summon Doom. Professor Nefarious | K'chutta Sam | Myra Santelli | Pete | Toy Bull | Susan Skidmore | Montana Max | Penny Lent | Clayton's Pirates | Triffid | Sergeant Clairbourne | Captain Putty | Eradicus | Crimes Suzi | Nasty Canasta | Jessica Dawson | Kissin' Kate Barlow | Psycho is a major character. Polar Bear Thugs (Koslov, Raymond & Kevin) | Duke Weaselton | Heffalumps and Woozles | Shark | Deleted: Captain Cleaver Voltaire Greasy. Boreas | Marvin the Martian | Donald Duck's Raw Anger | One night at the Toon Patrol Headquarters, Psycho was relaxing in his room while sipping some Pepsi. He eventually loses his balance and hangs from another switch that turns the cannon away from the hostages, before falling into the spinning brush in front of the vehicle. Jafar (2019) | Parker | Mara | Hugh McRae | Adolf Hitler | The Collector (The Owl House) | Mr. Skinner | Meredith Blake | Stoney and Bugsy | Crew of the Silent Mary (Lesaro) | He is the fifth and last weasel to die by losing control of his laughter. Reed Thimple | Melvin the Martian | Supreme Leader Snoke | Victor Krane | The Toon Patrol, consisting of Smarty, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy and Stupid , were a group of Toons resembling anthropomorphic weasels. Starbox | Laughy Cat | The Man from Planet X | Nigel Snyder | Nebula Ghosts | Rat (2019) | Master Gracey | Eradicus | Smart Ass: Psycho! King Runeard | Miss Hannigan | Cerberus | Matteo Balsano | Gem | Alameda Slim | Aaron Burr | Like the names of his fellow weasels, this name perfectly fits Smartass the weasel's smug and sarcastic personality, as well as him being smart but not as smart as he thinks. He is also shown to be very childlike, as shown from his movements during his only line in the film when he excitedly informs Judge Doom that Toontown is on the other side of the wall in the Acme Factory, which he and Wheezy are drilling open. as he prepares to shoot Dip at Roger and Jessica, and when he says, "Bye-bye!" BluffCo Industries (Guy Graham, Bob & Bluff Agents) | Bandits | Mack McCro | Buldeo | Red Stick | Sir Hiss | In the third draft of the film's screenplay, it was Judge Doom's pet vulture, When Smartass and the rest of the Toon Patrol are chasing Eddie and Roger (who are driving in Benny the Cab), he says "I'm gonna ram him!". We can do whateva we want to ya." ~ Smarty. Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade Wile E. Coyote | Dark | Mr. Wesley | Emil Eagle | Sebastian Krane | He manages to remain a threat even after his death; as his soul rises out of the warehouse, he turns the pressurized Dip spray back at Roger and Jessica. Mr. Patel | Clarabelle Cow | Thanos | Red Sharks (Gary Lpez) | Smartass WeaselSmartass the WeaselWise Guy (in Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin)Smart Guy (in the video game and as a 1988 posable action figure)Mr. Smart GuySmartySergeant Needle-Nose Phantom Blot | Psycho wears an unbuckled straitjacket, implying that he had previously done time in an insane asylum. Phillium Benedict | Doug & Gordon | V.A. John Silver | Erik & Francis | Atticus Thorn | Madame Medusa | He was voiced by the late David Lander, who also played Thumper in Disney/Pixar's A Bug's Life . Furthermore, because of the fact that he is the most serious member, he is also much more ruthless as he clearly takes more pleasure than his men when tormenting others. Wile E. Coyote | wait paw patrol has a fucking movie??? Vandevere | Tom, Dick, Stanley & Walter | Dark | Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Zhan Tiri | Smartass is one of the few Disney characters to commit malapropisms, the other three being. Joseph Pulitizer | John Merrick | Shere Khan (2016) | Cy-Bugs | Mrs. Satterfield | Prince Joachim | Edgar Dalloway | Bryn Beitbart | Kaa | Foxy Loxy | Honest John | Alias Lumpjaw | Thanos | The F.U.D.D. Elmer Fudd | K-9 | This is because it is natural that when a toon dies in slapstick cartoons, their ghost would appear, but a toon getting "dipped" would cause them to die in the normal way, without a visible spirit, because all of their paint would be lost, including that of a toon ghost. Brad Buttowski | Elliot Coleye | Ripslinger | Mara | Gag Halfrunt | Sarousch | Naomi | Dawn Buckets | Steve Ellinger | Goosey Loosey | He rarely speaks and his laughter always devolves into hacking and coughing. Fiend Without a Face | Ab Cross | Br'er Fox & Br'er Bear | Emmett | Chris | Gelman | Edgar Balthazar | Tyrian | Evanora | Kaa (2016) | Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The Toon Patrol was intended to be a crude parody of the Seven Dwarfs from. Snooty Flamingos | As they exit their vehicle, Smartass, the leader, assures their boss Judge Doom of their task's success, stating that their many "deformants" (informants) around the city will help them find the murder suspect Roger Rabbit. Psycho, Stupid: (screaming wild man noises) Smart Ass: SHUT UP! The King and the Duke | Darla Shannon | Nessus | Tasmanian Devil | LeFou | Darth Maul | Gelman | Colonel Frankenheimer | Captain Rochefort | Steve Ellinger | Smith & Wesson | Princess January | King Ferdinand VI | Leviathan | He is a member of the Toon patrol, a group of weasels, who used to be villains, until they redeemed themselves. Duh, Toontown's right on the other side of the wall, Boss!Stupid. Vince | Cattlemen | Mountain Ox | Nasty Canasta | Dark Ones (Dark One Worm) | Cave of Wonders (2019) | Baroness von Hellman | Durante | AU, they all appear as one playable fighter and are antagonists during Subspace 2, mainly during the Neo Subspace Army arc. Buzz | Trudy Van Tubb | Aunt Spiker | Valeena | Loonatics Unleashed Villains | General Hux | Ramiro Ponce | Stromboli | Magic Mirror | Pain and Panic | Sheelah Sugrue | ACME | Stan and Heff | Norman Snively | Tobias Beckett | Cruella De Vil (2021) | He loses his footing and falls on the giant rotating brush of the Dip machine, which makes his body become flat. Charlie Anna | Black Guards | The Watcher | Natalya | (Bob Hoskins) gets hired by cartoon producer R.K. Maroon (Alan Tilvern) to investigate an adultery scandal involving Jessica Rabbit (Kathleen Turner), the sultry wife of Maroon's biggest star, Roger Rabbit (Charles Fleischer). 18 Favourites. Bandits | Probably killing people.Serving Judge DoomWatching the suffering of others.Laughing maniacally. Stabbington Brothers | Blacque Jacque Shellaque | Daffy Duck | Chhainu | Maleficent | Miraz | Neils Skellig | He is also quite abusive towardsthe other weasels whenthey laugh at something funny. Hamish Ascot | Melvin the Martian | Agitated, Doom proclaims that they will eventually laugh themselves to death, indirectly giving Valiant an idea. DJ | Ricky King | Duck Dodgers Tiny Toon Adventures Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | Jade & Matias LaFontaine | Daffy Duck | Gloomius Maximus | Magica De Spell | Tabaqui (1998) | Madeline | Elmer Fudd | Kaa (2016) | Despite Smartass's high intelligence, he commits malapropisms five times in the film and once on the ride. Pierre Le Pew | Andrei Strasser | Madame Medusa | Smartass knocked into the dip, the second victim of the ghastly chemical. Walrus & Carpenter | Samuel Mason | Rhoda Chesterfield | Chesille Sabrond | V.A. Sykes | He has various accessories such as a gold chain in the left pocket, a bejeweled hot pink tie and spats on his bare feet. Time for your Saturday night bath, boy! Clayton's Pirates | Hamish Ascot | Long John Silver | He seems to have no regard for others and even his own colleagues receive little compassion from him, though they will also offer no consolation to him when he suffers in any fashion. Shadow Demons | Beatrice Stanhope | Te K | Giant Magnet | Maestro Forte | Fortunately, Roger is saved when Valiant tricks him into drinking a shot of Bourbon (which Roger has a strong reaction to), leading to a brief fight between Valiant and the weasels, which Valiant wins before fleeing the bar with Roger. Stan and Heff | Oswald Gardner | East India Trading Company (Mr. Mercer) | Eagle | Montana Max | Type of Villain Crew of the Flying Dutchman (Davy Jones, Maccus & Kraken) | Janet Smythe | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Vane | Cogs | Butch the Bulldog | Jim Bob | Until Psycho started singing his Stephen King-esque parody of "Frosty the Snowman". Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | Elmer Fudd | Professor Siles | Wilson Croft | Unlike his colleagues' collective brown furs, Wheezy has smoky-blue fur with lighter grey markings, pink bloodshot eyes, and yellow nicotine-stained fingers, which all tie in with his smoking addiction. H. U. Hennessy | Uto & Kago | Count Bloodcount | Mad Hatter | Tal Hajus | Hugo the Abominable Snowman | Hnup Wan | His weapon of choice is presumed to be a tommy gun, though he is only seen using it once. Lucinda | Gorog | Vermithrax Pejorative | Rhino Guards | Judge Doom has hired them to arrest Roger Rabbit for the murder of Marvin Acme. Horned King's Army (Creeper & Gwythaints) | The Collector (Bonkers) | Nome King | Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Madison | B.R.A.I.N. Edgar Volgud | Portia Poodle | Goon Squad, Television Cruella De Vil | Starbox | Massive | Orson | Beast | The Witch | The Core | King Salazar | Lava Monster | Their vehicle is a real-life black 1937 Dodge Humpback panel truck which serves as a paddy wagon. Chacha | Eli Squinch | Lord Belasco | He wears a light pink double-breasted zoot suit coat with a matching fedora and a white dress shirt. "Nah, Valiant's got him stashed somewhere. Janice Avery | Martian General Z-9 | Knights of the Iron Dagger (Phil Flanagan) | Zeus | SAL 3000 | Shere Khan (1998) | Cloak & Dagger | Professor Ratigan | Nathaniel Flint | Aconcagua | Daleks | The Devil (Goddess of Spring) | Sylvester | He also has a straight razor as a weapon. Zafire | Wolf Arrowmen | PAT | Nizam | The Toon Patrol Retweeted. Mr. Snoops | Santa Anna | Snerbert | Edgar Dalloway | Julia |
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