A. Enemy forces in these environments will employ middle- to low-end industrial-age forces characterized by limited armored forces, mostly equipped with small numbers of early generation tanks, some mechanized forces, but predominately motorized infantry. Fundamental, Level 1 Anti-terrorism Awareness Training (JK, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. B. Enemy attack helicopter pilots follow concealed routes that allow them to approach the flank or rear of each antiarmor unit undetected. Figure 1-4. f. Employment in Depth. B. Developing and synchronizing CSS to include supply, transportation, maintenance, and services. D. Units do not transition from an offensive operation, Which of the following are primary characteristics of urban terrain that enhance the defense? E. Inform and influence audiences This ATGM Company employs tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided (TOW) systems mounted on Strykers and is highly effective at destroying armor at a range of 3,750 meters.2 Many times this force is held in reserve or placed by the brigade commander to reinforce his main effort operation. (1) Infantry. A. Correlated information b. Full-Spectrum Operations in an SSC. The TOW gunners engage targets in vulnerable areas when possible. Antiarmor units often are positioned throughout the depth of the decisive operation's area of operation to cover likely armor avenues of approach. Positioning support elements for fire support special characters Antiarmor units can be positioned forward of the defensive sector to participate in security operations or to overwatch reconnaissance units or obstacles. The armor and motorized threat of potential enemies has led to organizing light, airborne, and air assault battalions, and the SBCTs, with antiarmor units. Force protection encompasses those actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against personnel, resources, facilities, and critical information. The platoon establishes an ABF positions and uses direct fires, supported by indirect fires, to engage an enemy force without closing with the enemy to destroy, suppress, fix, or deceive the. False, A search and cover team consists of a minimum of ____ personnel. These rounds have a maximum range of 15,300 to 17,000 meters. These purposes form the basis of the commander's concept of operations. FUNDAMENTALS OF ANTIARMOR UNIT EMPLOYMENT. The section must be proactive when executing the counterfire program to significantly reduce or eliminate the enemy's indirect fire capabilities before they can be brought to bear against SBCT forces. fragmentary orders EPMS is the system that balances the needs of the Army with the developmental requirements of Armor force.EPMS shapes the professional enlisted force through programs that govern the. The second organic system, the Mobile Gun System (MGS), may look like a tank to the casual observer, but this vehicle was built as an Infantry support system. Reduces problems with deconfliction of fires var alS = 1021 % 1000; all of the above, Analysis always focuses on commander's __________________ . Planning and supervising morale support activities, postal services, awards, and administration of discipline. Shaping operations may occur simultaneously or in sequence with the decisive operation and may involve any combination of forces. BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS COMPANY. Rules of interaction are directives that govern the SBCT soldiers' interaction with civilians. c. Staff. Enemy forces make use of contours in the terrain (dead space) to reduce their exposure to TOWs. In addition to enhancing the SBCT's ability to accomplish its assigned mission, reach also enhances its operational agility. False, All of the following are advantages to incorporating HNSF into a cordon and search EXCEPT ____________ . Recommending and coordinating locations for main supply routes (MSRs) and logistics support areas. The intelligence cell gathers, analyzes, and disseminates information collected on the enemy, terrain, and civilian population and maintains the enemy component of the COP. The push and pull technique allowed the battalion to defeat enemy armor by maneuvering the dismounted Infantry with Javelins to positions of advantage and overwatch the movement of vehicles as they bounded forward. The SBCT can be deployed rapidly and can be sustained by an austere support structure for up to 72 hours of independent operations. Consolidate isolate the threat before or after they have penetrated the initial screen line The mission of the fires and effects element is to plan, coordinate, and synchronize lethal and selected non-lethal (smoke and illumination only) fire support in support of SBCT operations. This capability gives the SBCT greater depth and allows for simultaneous action. During offensive operations, MPs best support the brigade's maneuver and mobility by facilitating movement control and refugee, casualty, and or enemy prisoner of war (EPW) evacuation and control. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); Monitoring the status of communications, to include WAN, combat net radio (CNR), near-term digital radio (NTDR), enhanced position locating reporting system (EPLRS)/TI, and global broadcast service (GBS). The commander's principal assistant Air assault (or airborne) infantry battalion antiarmor company. In September 2016 the 81st Brigade began the transition to a Stryker Brigade Combat Team. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, operation orders (OPORDs), fragmentary orders (FRAGOs), warning orders (WARNOs), and other products involving contribution from other staff sections. Current and predicted trends indicate the presence of more sophisticated and advanced information technology. E. Spoiling attack, Generally, an offensive operation will transition to what type(s) of operation? Furthermore, the Infantry battalions within the SBCT are only authorized to have nine of these systems. ), The signal company (Figure 1-10) is organic to the SBCT and provides its C2 operations support. Cover and concealment are critical to the survival of antiarmor weapon systems and must be analyzed along with the other factors of METT-TC. Figure 1-17. The S2x provides focus and technical support for all CI and HUMINT activities. Operations in rear areas assure freedom of action and continuity of operations, sustainment, and C2. D. Exploit, During the F3EAD targeting process, when are target locations secured? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); He ensures that coordination is conducted with echelons above division (EAD) engineers and military police and is responsible to the brigade commander for all maneuver support efforts and requirements within the AO. A. This block of instruction covered employment and troubleshooting of the system. The decisive operation is normally weighted while economizing on the effort allocated to concurrent shaping operations. The company configures and manages the tactical internet (TI) and command post to command post data networks. What type of organization is the battalion sniper squad? ), The engineer company (Figure 1-9) serves as the SBCT's primary means for mobility. The enemy has difficulty seeing a position with a low silhouette. Additionally, the terrain may not provide the fields of fire to support standoff distance engagements. The staff structure of an SBCT consists of a personal staff group, coordinating staff group, and special staff group. All of the following are capabilities of the SBCT infantry battalion EXCEPT: Which of the following are SBCT infantry battalion limitations? The brigade support battalion (BSB) performs distribution-based and centralized logistics while providing health service support (HSS) and Class VIII resupply for the brigade. The Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) is a mechanized infantry force structured around the Stryker eight-wheeled variant of the General Dynamics LAV III. With the vital interests of the nation at stake, it is the one scenario that must result in victory. Eight Lower level commanders, Which of the following are principles of the Operations Process? However, multiple actions conducted simultaneously throughout the depth of the AO may facilitate a decisive operation. Key functions of the S3 section include. Preparing communications network security plans, instructions, and SOPs. Some armies have 122-mm and 152-mm howitzers to fire flechette rounds that are effective against unprotected soldiers and equipment. He provides and coordinates privileged and sensitive personal counseling and pastoral care to the unit's command, soldiers, authorized civilians, and families. (f) Alter Familiar Outlines. Full-spectrum flexibility and augmentation. The MGS does have a M68A1E4 105mm cannon, but it was built to operate independently and support Infantrymen in the fight. Training users to establish and interconnect networks. The TOW weapon system has a slow rate of fire and requires time to track. Pattern analysis must be conducted at company level. While the SSC environment will typically be characterized by noncontiguous areas of operation, there will be situations, primarily MTW, where the commander must describe decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations in spatial (linear) terms and time. These systems do not protect the vehicle from all directions. The staff aids the commander with recognizing and anticipating battlefield events so he can make better decisions and act on those decisions faster than the enemy can act. Operations in support of peacetime engagement are normally interagency in character and are designed to address the fundamental causes of instability that can lead to regional conflict. Stop and Frisk search (a) Deputy Effects Coordinator. Use of mortars and artillery may destroy externally mounted sensors and countermeasure dispensers. Commanders of forces operating within the deep area may designate their own close, deep, and rear areas, depending upon circumstance. Build and maintain situational understanding Additionally, because of the XO's unique relationship with the commander, he understands the commander's intent better than, or at least as well as, the subordinate commanders. A. Enemy actions taken before the TOW gunner fires. The support operations officer's primary role is to coordinate, synchronize, and supervise execution of direct logistic support (all classes of supply, maintenance, medical, transportation, and field services) for the SBCT and divisional and or corps units operating within the SBCT AO. The BSS is also responsible for, 1-1. The gunner is vulnerable because he is exposed while employing the weapon systems (TOW, M2, and MK19). Mission Analysis The FECC is a product of the effects-based fires concept and is a standing organization within the SBCT headquarters. Anti-tank Section (3) Engineers. Preparing pre-determined fires layout, How do commanders lead Soldiers and organizations? By date During counterattacks, the antiarmor unit provides overwatching fires for the maneuvering element. On the nonlinear battlefield that typifies an SSC, it is difficult to define "rear areas" spatially in a traditional sense. If one squad is attacked or forced to displace, the other squad continues covering the assigned sector. Antiarmor organization options. The Enemy. In filling this combat role, the antiarmor unit integrates with combat, combat support (CS), and combat service support (CSS) elements. Soft-kill active protection systems cause the munitions to miss. The battle focus Although the Army was capable of full-spectrum dominance, it had not optimized its organization and force structure for discrete and rapid strategic response in the face of an increasingly broad range of operational demands posed by its participation in an MTW, SSC, or PME (Figure 1-1). Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. The S3 (c) The MANSPT cell also supports the SBCT with terrain analysis products. Fire white phosphorous/hexachloroethane (WP/HC) smoke to conceal weapon system firing signatures and to cover the movement of antiarmor squads between positions. They are the Army's basic tactical maneuver unit, lowest level of a combined arms unit that can be deployed independently. This team functions as the coordinator for all HUMINT and CI functions within the SBCT (see FM 2-19.402 for a detailed discussion of the S2x and S2x team). increase the probability of creating desired effects while diminishing undesired or adverse collateral effects True D. Search based on Hot Pursuit B. a. (2) An armored vehicle's firepower and crew are normally oriented to the front. The brigade surgeon and his staff are located within the brigade main tactical operations center (TOC) where they work with the brigade S3 to develop the HSS input to the brigade OPORD and operation plan (OPLAN). In addition, RSTA operations allow the commander to shape the battlefield, accepting or initiating combat at the time and place of his choosing. analytical pattern graphic information True This design allows the SBCT to fight combined arms down to company level to create combat power with flexibility in complex and urban terrain. D. Safeguard the detainee When laser range finders are used, they select an object at least three-vehicle lengths away from the target. The cell works under the direction of the ECOORD (the artillery battalion commander) and consists of a fire and effects section, a targeting and counterfire (T&C) section, an IO section, and the TACP. b. Antiarmor Company in the Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT). When employing antiarmor weapon systems, leaders should avoid conspicuous terrain, disperse weapons laterally and in depth so that no single enemy weapon can suppress two antiarmor squads, and disperse antiarmor squads to reduce casualties and equipment damage that could result from enemy mortar and artillery fires (Figure 1-6). Mission Command As part of your OPORD, you address many of the fundamentals of urban operations. This chapter addresses antiarmor doctrine, organization, fundamentals, and capabilities and limitations. The S2, Which product is generally NOT a result of target development? Antiarmor units must be positioned near friendly infantry units for protection against possible attack by dismounted enemy infantry. Brigade support battalion. Sniper Team, What does the company headquarters section provide for all organic and attached elements? Which characteristics reflect the societal factors that must be considered? What is NOT a key operational capability of the SBCT Infantry battalion? Ground forces share boundaries and orient against a similarly organized enemy force while protecting sustainment functions. Situational understanding facilitates decision-making by identifying opportunities for mission accomplishment, threats to the force and mission accomplishment, and gaps in information. (2) Chaplain. tactical and non-tactical, Which targeting method or process is especially well suited and is the primary means for engaging personalities or high-value individuals? The SBCT must continue to maximize the employment of the Javelin by training Soldiers and leaders on the operations and employment of the system. Based on the competencies and skill sets our unit retained post deployment to Afghanistan in 2012, we took risk in training stability operations. Its array of direct and indirect fire systems allows the SBCT to shape the AO and achieve decisive outcomes using the MGS; tube-launched, optically tracked wire-guided (TOW) IIA/B antiarmor missiles; Javelin antiarmor missiles; 120-mm, 81-mm, and 60-mm mortars; and 155-mm artillery. A. Discipline, justice, and fairness, What best describes understanding to the commander's ability to establish a situation's context? (d) Expose Nothing That Is Reflective. Left unchecked, an SSC can quickly escalate into an MTW. The antiarmor capability (antitank company and Javelin missiles) within the SBCT mitigates the presence of enemy armored forces within the area of operations. B. Using the eight-step training model, we developed a four-day program of instruction (POI) to teach designated battalion personnel how to employ and operate the Javelin prior to the NTC rotation. METT-TC These forces are primarily equipped with ATGM systems, MANPAD systems, mortars, machine guns, and explosives. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. 4, Pattern analysis is the process of deducing the doctrinal principles and TTP that enemy forces prefer to employ by careful observation and evaluation of patterns in their activities. All of the following are capabilities of the SBCT infantry battalion EXCEPT: Dismounted assault and close fight Ability to conduct forced entry Enhanced information superiority Force protection and survivability Unified action Ability to conduct forced entry Which of the following are SBCT infantry battalion limitations? It is also important to note that only 143 MGS have been produced for the U.S. Army. Additionally, training with the JBST and FTT should be conducted prior to maneuver situational training exercises (STX) and live-fire exercises (LFX) through courses like the described home-station Javelin POI. METT-TC Through the use of the Training Audiovisual Support Center (TASC) Javelin Basic Skills Trainer (JBST) and Field Tactical Trainer (FTT), we were able to allow Javelin firers to shoot at targets and receive feedback on their performance. This assistance is especially important when building vehicle (high mobility, multi-purpose wheeled vehicle [HMMWV] or ICV) fighting positions. The SBCT's lethality is derived from its ability to focus overmatching combined arms support to the infantry assault at identified decisive points. No organic maintenance sections Units should maximize the ability to send one to two weapons squad leaders per company to the Heavy Weapons Leaders Course at Fort Benning (http://www.benning.army.mil/infantry/197th/229/HWLC/). The COP is an operational picture tailored to the SBCT commander's requirements for information of friendly forces, enemy forces, and the terrain. NATO and Non-NATO, What action does the decision process of D3A start with? COMBINED ARMS ASSAULT IN THE CLOSE FIGHT, 1-8. Which answers describe infrastructure considerations? The SBCT has three organic systems capable of destroying enemy armor and can employ lethal fires to disrupt and neutralize armored forces. Understanding the human dimension Developing a HPTL, What targeting product provides attack guidance to weapon system managers? b. The Enemy. Association and activities matrices E. Operational art, What type of information does the staff analyze that is collected through monitoring and evaluating the operation's progress? Continue with Recommended Cookies. They may originate in law, treaty, or settlement terms and commanders' guidance. Noises, such as talking, idling vehicles, or touching metal to metal, can be heard by enemy patrols or listening posts. commanders vision of METT-TC In the light infantry division, each infantry battalion has one antiarmor platoon (Figure 1-3). assessing the threat isolating humanitarian efforts Who serves as the SBCT's primary means for mobility? To be effective, the obstacles must be covered by both direct and indirect fire. C. Authority to Search and Seize sequential, multidirectional Crucial The Squadron XO This course trains Soldiers in the rank of sergeant through lieutenant on the tactical employment of an anti-armor platoon and technical proficiency of the Javelin, Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS) and heavy machine guns while operating in a decentralized competitive environment. The success of ATGMs in the Persian Gulf War has resulted in the design and production of ATGM-CM devices. In many situations, the SBCT will benefit from exploiting the knowledge and capabilities residing within these organizations. It includes using camouflage to disguise, conceal, or distort; using darkness, weather, and obscurants to mask operations; using decoy equipment; masking light and sound; conducting diversionary actions or demonstrations; and practicing communications security. 3Javelin Portable Anti-Tank Missile, http://www.army-technology.com/projects/javelin. B. Taking the warfighting function of mission command into account, what task do you need to perform to ensure your unit is task organized and coordination has been made to help you accomplish your mission? (9) Medical Plans and Operations Cell. The intelligence cell works with the current operations and future planning cells as well as the cavalry squadron (RSTA) commander, S3, and S2 to plan and synchronize the reconnaissance and surveillance plan in support of the PIR. Brigade operational legal team. Less dependence on active infrared (IR) during limited visibility. The cavalry squadron (RSTA) of the SBCT is carefully designed to provide accurate and timely information over a large operating environment (Figure 1-6). Once a decision is made, the commander depends on his staff to communicate his decision to subordinates, synchronize and coordinate supporting actions, and supervise execution to ensure his decision is carried out according to his intent. (f) Information Operations Element. Classified The BSB commander's support operations officer serves as the focal point for all logistics support to the SBCT. assess infrastructure to see what needs to be repaired, destroy enemy reconnaissance elements before or after they have penetrated the initial screen line, What is the order for a defensive urban operations sequence for company and below? b. The Pennsylvania Army National Guard's 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, the only National Guard SBCT, deployed to Iraq in February 2009. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; This allows it to anticipate future ISR requirements and keep the commander informed of planning being conducted beyond 24 hours. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. Coordinating with the entire staff and recommending PIR for the CCIR. Antiarmor units have limitations that apply to both offensive and defensive situations. Providing personnel service support including finance and legal services. The primary rationale for expanded equilibrium among BCT types, or at least prevention of further reduction in mechanized density, stems from optimized capabilities that infantry (IBCT), Stryker. (2) Concealment. The company and platoons are capable of deploying as part of the Army's force projection requirements.
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