Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the InstallAssistService.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application. How can I reinstall the software in a new computer? The program uses ports to connect to or from a LAN or the Internet. Therefore the technical safety score is 31% dangerous. installassistservice.exe is usually located in the 'c:\programdata\wondershare\service\' folder. Now is it safe to remove it from the computer or disable it during startup? After PC restart, let me know if you notice any improvement. what is wondershare install assistnebraska state fair attendance 2021nebraska state fair attendance 2021 (10 Reasons), Why Is Quicken Software So Expensive? To completely remove the program from your computer the following procedure must be taken: 1. Disable. You have 1 active Wondershare service and 1 leftover. Wondershare studio is a video editing software program, which belongs to at least one the wonderahare softwares. Once the code has been activated, you must download the Dr.Fone Wondershare app in order to access the features. If this is not useful to you, then you can uninstall it as you may have installed something that is packaged with it. Users who have this installed may want to disable it from launching during startup in order to prevent conflicts with other programs that may also launch automatically when you power up your computer or login remotely from another location. Tip: Windows 10 comes with default antivirus software, Windows Defender. Get help downloading and installing Wondershare products including Filmora, Uniconverter, DemoCreator, and more. Delete them. I want to let you know about the FreeFixer program. The instruction at "0xXXXXXXXX" referenced memory at "0xXXXXXXXX". Install Dr.Fone on Windows Download Dr.Fone on your computer. - After PC restarts and loads in Safe Mode, open Windows Explorer (This PC), go to, Locate and manually delete the entire folder wondershare, - open Start > msconfig System Configuration. based on 2 votes with 2 user comments. Get started > Download and Install Install Reports and Feedback The program executes in the background, and can only be terminated using Windows Task Manager. Method 2: I suggest you to run the below fixit to uninstall the program related to Wondershare Filmora using the below link and check if it helps. (yes, it's multiple parts in multiple places). Once the files and folder are deleted, restart your computer and check if the Wondershare Helper Compact Mac is removed. It has been a while since anyone has replied. Scroll down to select option 4 or press F4. Alternatively, try to remove the app manually using the steps listed in the article above. According to several forum officials, this is a 'legal' program which you presumably install yourself on your computer. ** "WsAppService" "Wondershare Application Framework Service" "Wondershare" "c:\program files (x86)\wondershare\waf\\wsappservice.exe" "24/11/2016 19:33" ""** "WsDrvInst" "Wondershare Driver Install Service" "" "File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\dr.fone toolkit for Android\Library\DriverInstaller\DriverInstall.exe" "" "", - uncheck them both - a.k.a remove the checkmarks, - click on Start button (Windows Start button), - open the app System Configuration which will appear after the search, - check "Safe boot" and ensure "Safe boot" and "Minimal" are selected. InstallAssistService.exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. (Explained), Does Zoom Record Your Screen Or Just The Meeting? 07-18-2017 It is the WsAppService service: Wondershare Application Framework Service. Attention please: Before you uninstall, you need to exit this software. It actually worked fairly well and I was considering purchasing it. The app seems to serve no real purpose but runs in the background wasting system resources and at times causing serious issues with the system, including frequent crashes. Do let me know if you require any further help on this. Unfortunately, for most people, the Helper Compact has caused the system to crash soon after installing the app. Ask the community. The file WSHelper.Exe is positioned in a subfolder of "C:Program FilesCommon Files" (e.G. exe belongs to Wonderostudio or Wondershare Helper Compact or Pinnacle studio software. This software is produced by Wondershare. To get rid of WonderShare on a Mac system . WsAppService.exe appears to be a file that was compressed by an EXE-Packer. pdfsvc.exe hpzipm12.exe guardmailru.exe InstallAssistService.exe nvtray.exe searchprotocolhost.exe hookkey32.dll aahmsvc.exe browser_assistant.exe wpdshserviceobj.dll msseces.exe [all], Uninstalling this variant: If you're not sure which antivirus software you have, use the following instructions to get to Control Panel to find the name of your antivirus software. Because the uninstaller automatically creates a backup, there is no risk of anything going wrong. CTR+A), copy it and, visit to paste it there. Your account also allows you to connect with HP support faster, access a personal dashboard to manage all of your devices in one place, view warranty information, case status and more. Click OK to terminate the application. The InstallAssistService.exe file is located in a subfolder of "C:\ProgramData" or sometimes in a subfolder of the user's profile folder (primarily C:\ProgramData\Wondershare\Service\). Important: Some malware also uses the file name InstallAssistService.exe, for example (detected by Kaspersky), and W32.Fixflo.B!inf (detected by Symantec). The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. Clicking on the appropriate program will produce a box under the programs name with the option to. Therefore the technical security rating is 78% dangerous, but you should also take into account the user reviews. Wondershare studio is generally with certain software programs from the pinnacle. " More about Wondershare 1-Click PC Care. All rights reserved. Click on the installer and click Install on the pop-up window to start to install recoverit. Then start Windows Explorer and see if there is still a folder with the name of the software under C:\Program Files. Let me know if you have any further questions and if this works for you >> Your FEEDBACK is important. The video editing program features several features to make the user's experience with video editing more efficient and streamlined. The Uninstall item can be found in the Wondershare section. Any information that will help to document this file is welcome. Click in the following screen " Update " to obtain the latest malware definitions. As discussed earlier, the Wondershare Helper Compact is part of the Wondershare Video Converter app installed during the app installation. DemoCreator All our products use the default mechanism for installing and uninstalling on the platform they're used on. InstallAssistService.exe is certified by a trustworthy company. The application failed to initialize properly (0xXXXXXXXX). how to uninstall wondershare in windows 10 - Microsoft Rentals Details: Web- close Autoruns - Press Start and type msconfig - open the app System Configuration which will appear after the search - go to "Boot" tab - check "Safe boot" wsdrvinst wondershare driver install service Verified 3 days ago Url: Go Now . It is a Verisign signed document. Check the network connection to keep the Internet connection alive, For Windows download:, Please kindly notice the difference here: Yes. Once there find the Wondershare Studio program or one of its components listed in Startup Programs tab and uncheck it so that it would not start up automatically again when you restart your computer. Sign in with Wondershare ID to get invoice, redeem serial number, cancel subscription, etc. Based on votes from 38 users. Warning - Do NOT install or buy any Wondershare products. Locate and manually delete the entire folder wondershare - open Start > msconfig System Configuration. A WsAppService.exe file has a 84% certainty of being dangerous if it is found in a subdirectory of "C:\Users\USERNAME". It is known as Wondershare Helper Compact or Pinnacle Studio (model 18 Add-Ons) via Wondershare. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Sometimes, the installation gets stuck due to a network connection error. Copyright And you can get invoice, get keycode, redeem the serial number, cancel subscription, contact support team in Account Center. Here's the URL for the logs - You can safely remove this app as it will not affect your computer. Search for Wondershare or video converter there and select it, uninstall it. An obsolete or defective version of WsAppService.exe can cause problems for your computer that can range from slowness to error messages such as these: Take advantage of our Free Computer Check to identify problems with WsAppService.exe. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Then just follow the onscreen instruction to install recoverit. You can safely store and share photos, videos, files and other contents without the device limitation. Wondershare Support Center - Download & Install FamiSafe Support Center / Wondershare FAQs - FamiSafe - General FamiSafe Account & Order Presales Help Download & Install Product Uses Technical Issues Products Recommended Download & Install Quick Links Retrieve Product Registration Code - computer will then restart in a special mode known as Safe Mode. Locate if any app\program related to Wondershare Filmora, once you find right click on the program and 'Uninstall' it. An advanced version must be purchased. document.querySelector('#copyright-year').outerHTML = new Date().getFullYear() Get started > Account Center Sign in with Wondershare ID to get invoice, redeem serial number, cancel subscription, etc. For this reason, 33% of all experts consider this file to be a possible threat. WonderShare is a video converter application that allows users to convert their video files from one format into another, according to their needs. installassistservice.exe's description is " Wondershare InstallAssist " installassistservice.exe is digitally signed by Wondershare Technology Co.,Ltd. how to uninstall wondershare app service? Studio does not require any particular parts or pieces to master its skill to edit videos. Remember to turn it On again. Wondershare Install Assist Service is an extended service offered by Wondershare to help customers with the installation and configuration of their products such as Filmora and PDFelement. Go under "edit" and hit "find" - type in Wondershare and it will call up instances of the file (one by one). Choose the most recently created system restore that was created before installing the Wondershare app. This sometimes slows down the performance of the application. Please review Outbyte EULA and Privacy Policy. Learn How to Post and More, Printing Errors or Lights & Stuck Print Jobs, DesignJet, Large Format Printers & Digital Press, Business PCs, Workstations and Point of Sale Systems, Simply ask a new question if you would like to start the discussion again. The Wondershare Helper Compact is part of the Wondershare Video Converter and works in the background. Known file sizes on Windows 10/11/7 are 269,200bytes (47% of all occurrences), 262,880bytes and 7 more variants. Identify InstallAssistService.exe related errors. None of the 73 anti-virus programs at VirusTotal detected the installassistservice.exe file. C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesWondershareWondershare Helper Compact). The company was established in 2003, with the headquarters placed in Hongkong, China. InstallAssistService.exe is part of WondershareInstallAssist and developed by Wondershare according to the InstallAssistService.exe file information. Wondershare studio may not be malware buy it certainly is with multiple pops up that are displayed whenever you open the wonder share video converter software. The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. If you want to remove the program completely, go to. Note: After upgrading to Windows 8, the Uninstall tile may not be represented on the new Start screen. Wondershare 1-Click PC Care Version 7.5.0. Open the Start menu in the lower left corner of your desktop. Supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows.If you have questions, feedback on FreeFixer or the website, need help analyzing FreeFixer's scan result or just want to say hello, please contact me. I installed their streaming audio recorder program and used the trial. Really happy with the support via this forum , There is an uninstall exe program (unst000.exe or something like that) in. Scroll down until you see the appropriate Wondershare product you wish to uninstall and click on it. Go to the installation folder of Wondershare PDF Password Remover. Restart the computer after restart. You can download FreeFixer here. installassistservice.exe's description is "Wondershare InstallAssist". Install Wondershare Filmora 1. Read of address 00000000. What does this file do? The process is known as Wondershare studio or Wondershare Helper Compact. Note: After upgrading to Windows 8, the Uninstall tile may not be represented on the new Start screen. Solution 2:Temporarily turn off antivirus software. Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with some other software? Wondershare Helper Compact is part of the package of Wondershare Video converter. Choose the, This will open the troubleshoot dialogue box. However, a quick search through the Internet and you would find the app is usually in the news for causing errors and issues with the Windows 10 and Mac computers. The app prevents the users from performing any tasks on their computer and at times may force shutdown the computer resulting in crashes. Click on the installer and click Install on the pop-up window to start to install Dr.Fone. Wondershare AppService has stopped working. Is it running smoothly or do you get some error message? Click on the Windows icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. Find solutions for common problems or get fast support from a professional. All rights reserved. I failed to download the software from Follow the same steps you did to remove an application to remove the Wondershare program. Wondershare support will be happy to help!
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