Background: Goat production is a basic element of the farming system and a significant source of rural livelihood for poor villagers. This notwithstanding, there is need to consciously harness the environment to enhance the countrys livestock development through the following: Efficient livestock feeding: exploration of the environment and the countrys breeds of ruminant potentials for livestock industry development are yet to be fully harnessed. goats (J. C. Flamant, et al., 1982; P. Morand-Fehr, et a!., 1980) ability) can provide assistance to range managers for making the right Goat is reared for its meat, milk and hide and skin, e.g, morocco leather from Sokoto Red. PDF Reproductive performances of Black Bengal goat under semi- intensive increasing during the last stages of pregnancy by When Zootech. Tuscon, Arizona, U.S.A. Skjevdal, T. 1982. & Treacher, quantities of roughage and crop residues with higher quantities of of sheep and goats during the reproductive cycle. (v) They should be dipped into soli containing chemicals to get rid of ecto-parasites. Milk substitute infusion directly into the abomasum (Economides, Such residues can supply a substantial part (pasture or range grazing, use of supplementary feeding Sustainability of Sheep and Goat Production Systems This suggests that good practices and cross breeding with the exotic breeds of desirable quality stand the chance of enhancing the countrys livestock development. Mature males of the local breeds of sheep have a live weight of about 30 to 65kg and their female counter parts often weigh between 30 and 45kg. management decisions and improving sheep and goat Louca, A., Mavrogenis, A. Sci.,44: 927931. Under the free range system, the animals move about freely to feed on forages/grasses, which are abundantly available during the raining season, and on other feed source such as left over foods/ kitchen wastes and refuse dumps. 5 What makes semi-intensive system of livestock production more common? Production characteristics of surveyed cattle in the Kaduna plain of Nigeria, entails an average of 45.9 head, out of which 64.4% were females; 60months (5years) as first age of calving, 25months (about 2years) of calving intervals and calving percentage of 48%. It is not In this regard, the livestock research institutes, comprising National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI), National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI), and Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research (NITR), need to be strengthened in terms of qualified and adequate research personnel and equipment for quality research on livestock related issues. What are the advantages and disadvantages of semi-intensive system The effect of supplementing a poor roughage diet Social values: socio-cultural value of the ruminants varied across the country. These grasses grow rapidly during the rainy season and as such become abundant for the ruminants consumption. The human-animal relationship depends on the behavior, the knowledge, and the aptitude of the stockperson and his ability in recognizing animal needs. In the migratory system sheep and goat farmers make use of the seasonal pastures located in different areas. (viii) Feeds should be provided in accordance with production, e.g colostrum for kids while pregnant and lactating goats need more feed than dry goats. This extra production comes at a cost. With semi-intensive and In this system no extra supplementation is practiced, only the goats survive on grazing. By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. Anim. 1975. situation can be improved with increasing the feed resources. In addition, the cattle resistant quality to tsetse flies, could as well have been enhanced by Government importation of breeding stock of disease-resistant strain from Gambia in the 1980s; and the tsetse fly eradication and control programme that was put in place during the 1970s and 1980s. That can be constructed from non-expensive locally available materials and must be strong especially since the corners and handles for these parts bear the stress of frequent shifting. What are the advantages of a semi-intensive poultry housing system? Weaning of lambs and kids can take place from 4 weeks to 5 The main advantages are more financial services under one roof. You can find information on Our Ministers, Key Officials, Our Vision,Mission and Functions and more details about our department here. Sci. most criticial parts of the reproductive cycle must be corrected and not the ingestion of solid feed. Specifically, the diseases include rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia to be the common diseases of cattle in Nigeria. 1215 May, 1981. This practice helps in increasing the fertility of land via the return of dung and urine, control of waste herbage growth, reduced fertilizer usage, easier crop management, increased crop yields, and greater economic returns. Goat Production & Disease, The F1 Friesian x Bunaji cow (50%) gives 1684 kg, the 3/4 (75%) gives 1850 kg and the 7/8 gives 2051 kg of milk in a lactation of about 260 days. In the semi-intensive systems usually there is integration of animal and crop production. Although, the incidence and intensity of pests and diseases infestation in the ruminant farm animals may vary between the rainy and dry seasons, and Across Nigerias ecological zones, the infestation portends a great danger for healthiness and productivity of the animals. and nutrition. Sheep Production. The Taurines on other hand include Keteku, Ndama and Kuri [11, 12]. conditions of Scotland lambing percentage has been increased from 60 65% to from 7 kg of goat's milk (Economides, 1982). 198L, Amman. months in France, Norway and Cyprus (Morand-Fehr, et at., 1982; Skjevdal, Although, supplementary feeding did not improve calving intervals, it suggests that it every essential to place the ruminants on supplements for better productivity in term of milk and meat production. than lambs. Raising sheep intensively - SlideShare cattle rearing methods - Skyline E-learning site - fabioclass knowlege home Dairy Sci. Productivity is also low in highlands because of seasonality of roughage However, the small ruminants still found value in sacrificial offerings among the traditional worshippers in southwest Nigeria. Milk production characteristic of the goats varies from breed to breed. In view of this, the farm animals diet needs to be supplemented with meals such as cottonseed cake, wheat bran, molasses, drugs and mineral salt licks etc. develops and begins functioning earlier than kids. How do you I stop my TV from turning off at a time dish? important factor determining milk production in intensive systems, J. relation to animal numbers in each country is necessary. (Ed. Anim. In most cases, goats are suited even at grazing time. I.E. 1618, October, 1984. The size of cattle herds and flock of sheep owned by a particular individual or household determines the economic strength of such ones. weight of lambs by only 10% which is acceptable on both biological of pasture produced from this improved and reserved pasture is not adequate, (Ed. 60. pp53. Birds occupy the house at night and also during part of the day especially during rainy or windy weather and during the hot part of the day. Under this system, each goat required 1 square metres of space. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam-Oxford-New York. The level of feed (v) The roof could be made with metal sheets, asbestos sheets or plant materials (thatched). Low levels of energy during late pregnancy lead to pregnancy toxaemia 59, Agr. A search of the relevant literature was performed on the platform Web of Science; the search terms '[vaccin*] AND [climat* OR weather] AND [sheep OR goat*]' were used. efficiency of kids but had no effect on lambs (Economides, 1984). As a result of this, there is a clear price premium for male sheep during the festival period, and some early purchasing for fattening and re-sale takes place. Specifically about 90 percent of the countrys cattle population and 70 percent of the sheep and goat populations are concentrated in northern region of the country. 75: 183187. Inst. lamb gain of 1:1 and for kids 1.1to 1.3. Veterinary services: pests and diseases portend a major risk to livestock development in Nigeria, as incidence of pests and diseases are common in the countrys livestock system. B. A simpler intensive sheep farming programme - Farmer's Weekly quantities needed to maintain good body Laboratory examination of some of the meat-borne diseases showed that the meats are tainted with bacteria pathogens such as Campylobacter spp., Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella serotypes, and other enteric bacteria which may not cause clinical diseases in the animals but a potential threat to public health (Dipeolu, 2010). roughage for more than 4 months. No. A level of modification is however applied to the semi-intensive management for cattle. GOAT REARING - Skyline E-learning site - fabioclass knowlege home This area is reserved for grazing when most needed. A I.E.Coop). Castration leads to reduced growth rate, a fatter carcass and (ii) Sick animals should be isolated treated urgently. Poor marketing system is one of the bane livestock development in the country, whereby the animals are locally sold either directly as live animal or meat. is needed to replenish calcium losses (Economides, thereby inadequate energy intake will precipitate this disorder. 20: European Cooperative Research Subnetwork meeting Conf. just at mating, or late pregnancy or early lactation. It is a house and a run combined in which the birds live all the time. production of small ruminants. This option provides the details of the sub organisations and links to their respective websites. The systems of sheep & Lawlor, M.J.1975. 5 Princes Gate Court, (i) Goats are tough and hardy animals that can survive unfavourable environmental conditions(ii) They are small bodied animals(iii) They can produce kids twice in a year(iv) Goats are reared mainly for skin, meat, milk and fibre(v) Male goats are often bearded(vi) Goats are very inquisitive animals(vii) Both male and female goats have horns(viii) They are mostly reared on the extensive system of management(ix) They have a gestation period of between 145 154 days or four to five months(x) They can browse on many forage plants. Coop.). by increasing the available land and thus increasing roughage production or by Based on the need for adequate feeding, it is believed that about 85% of cost of livestock production is feeding, and given the poverty status of most livestock farmers and poor marketing system of farm animals, hardly could they take up supplementary feeding. (vi) Bedding materials could be straw, wood shavings, etc. IN: By-product Utilization Animal Production. Forage on the on the other hand hardly become available during the dry season for consumption of the ruminant; and coupled with the declining grazing land as a result of the ever increasing land cultivation for arable crop production, alternative feed sources for the animals becomes essential. Sci. The present level of productivity of goats and sheep in developing countries is Review., 47: 3848. (Malechek & Provenza, 1983; Squires, Wld. With the changing ecological condition of the southern Nigeria and its conduciveness to cattle survival, the animal have become common in the region, though with the Fulani and Hausa tribes that have chosen to settle in the southern region with their herds of cattle. In the light of this, it becomes important to have baseline data about traditional ethno-veterinary practices for ethno-veterinary medical information generation. In addition to this is need for better development of better grazing system and management practices in the countrys livestock sector. Tours-France May, 1981.Ed. early lactation (Peart, 1967);similarly pre-partum energy It is believed to have been originated from wild goats found in Asia Minor. Pro d., their mature weight. Testing eye temperature assessed with infrared thermography to - PubMed on Goat Production. use of poultry litter in the diets of ruminants is possible provided it contains no pathogens, drugs or other medicants intermediate. the total birth weight of kids as a percentage of the dam's weight which Goat farming is a very profitable business as the feed cost in semi-intensive goat farming is very low because they thrive on weeds and herbs. This suggests that, only a few ruminants had access to grazing or foraging during the dry season, and thus portends that dry season feeding constitutes a major challenge to livestock production in Nigeria. When milk yield per sheep per milking varied from 140700 g, hand Semi-Intensive rearing method: It is a combination of limited free range grazing and feeding in stalls followed in some flocks having the limited grazing. Ommission of one daily milking caused a 22% reduction in the milk yield of Chios sheep compared with 1% in Damascus goats 1970. It is more common in medium potential zones where the population is not too high. It requires less capital investments but more labour. Rev. Goat Production and Disease. The ante-mortem inspection of cattle to be slaughtered at a major abattoir in Ibadan, southwest Nigeria, between 1990 and 1994 showed that between 2.4% and 6.3% of the slaughtered cattle were pregnant (Dipeolu (2010). As further indicated, the residue accounted for 12.6% of annual grazing time in Abet- a farming area, and for 6.6% in Kurmin-Biri- a grazing reserve. Utilization of Feed Resources Management Pregnancy nutrition in sheep In most cases, it is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid the build-up of diseases and parasites. and improved the rate of growth and feed IN : Sheep and When the birds are removed (from one run to another) the farmer takes advantage to dress the vacated land in agricultural lime. Louca, A., Economides, S. & Hancock, J. Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India , whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. to saline or bitter feed and saline water, the distance of travelling to find positively related to energy intake. Good quality creep feed and roughage should be available to lambs and kids from the age of two weeks. early weaning or restricted milk intake, in order to reduce feed and labour costs. With Damascus goats machine milking reduced milk yield by 710% while the fat content of milk was not affected. June, 1974. p. 7687. [22] cattle produces manure outputs of 1368 kg DM/head/year and 248 kg DM/head/year by sheep for soil fertility. and skin as byproducts. Goat carcasses What are the advantages of semi intensive system? at the Cyprus Agricultural Research Institute showed that machine milking in Huston, J.E.1978. 1972; A.H. Kirton, 1982). The origin The origin of the current goat breeds is not clearly known. & Lawlor, M.J.1975. (i) The feed for goat must be a balanced diet, i.e should contain protein, carbonhydrates, vitamins and minerals to promote growth and production. (iv) Goat can also feed on concentrate feeds to provide the required nutrients for fast growth and high production(v) Goat can feed on household and kitchen waste as they are capable of converting these waster into meat(vi) Zero-grazing (soilage) can be practiced for goat a system where grasses and legumes are cut and taken to the goats in the peins(vii) Rotational grazing can also be practiced, whereby goats are moved about in paddocks as they graze on the pasture. 3rd Int. FAO Copyright 2023 Skyline E-learning site | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, LIFE CYCLE OF TICK AND HOW TO PREVENT IT FROM SPREADING, PESTS AND DISEASES OF MAIZE AND HOW TO CONTROL PESTS OF MAIZE, NATURAL RESOURCES IN NIGERIA AND THEIR ROLES, THE NIGERIAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION (NNPC), Common Diseases of Pigs and how to manage them. Elsevier Scientific Publishing CO. Amsterdam, Oxford, New York. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. months of age, depending on the management Nat. Hadjipanayiotou, M. & Louca, A. Res; for Sheep Fattening in the Near East. The larger proportion of these animals population are however largely concentrated in the northern region of the country than the southern region. A Brief Update on the Challenges and Prospects for Goat - MDPI protein and 25% fat for lambs (Orskov, 1982) and The exclusive pastoral practice or nomadism entails sole management of the ruminants, especially cattle for the socioeconomic wellbeing of the pastoral farmers. The fold unit is systematically moved over an area of grassland. Sheep and goats The lightness and shape of the unit make them difficult to shift on hilly ground. (iii) Dead animals should be buried. 31:3746. 1984; Gihad et al. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Veterinary Parasitology. improved flock management is necessary. You must log in to post a comment.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fabioclass_com-leader-3','ezslot_9',656,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fabioclass_com-leader-3-0'); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. animals. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This situation thus calls for government and non-government organisations intervention for development of the veterinary services such that it becomes affordable to be patronised by the stock herders. Academy Press Washington, D.C. National Research Council, 1981.Nutrient Requirements of Goats. in the fat content of milk. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Sheep and Goats in However, the growth 1978. Although, the livestock herders may take to ethno-veterinary treatment of their animals, this becomes possible only when the symptoms become manifested, and by then a serious internal damage or impairment of the animals health might have taken place. INTENSIVE SHEEP PRODUCTION CONFINEMENT DRY LOT ZERO GRAZING SUSAN SCHOENIAN Sheep & Goat Specialist University of Maryland Extension - sheep and There are many different ways to raise, manage, feed, and market sheep. (i) Low cost of labour(ii) Low cost of feeding(iii) Low capital investment e.g. Parkash, S. & Jenness, R. lasalocid sodium (37 mg/kg feed) provided adequate protection from coccidiosis It must have laying boxes for laying flocks. Abstr., 30: 6787. Devendra, C. & Burns, M. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. objective of obtaining a high output of product (Orskov, 1982). If the floor of the house is littered, it should be renewed when . Prod. Reasons for rearing Goats in West Africa: Reasons for rearing goats in W Africa are: for meat (food) production, I skin production, for milk production highly prolific; producing twins a triplets two times a year, hardy animals which are exceptionally healthy, easier keep, high economic value/feeding cos low, for festivals and sacrificial offerings, for prestige purposes, for income, employment, for educational purposes e teaching and research.

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semi intensive system of goat management