Allard, who created the consumer database Consodata almost 30 years ago before then selling it for 500 million euros, has never aimed low. When Satan Gives Judas the Financial Seat at the Table, A Challenge For You In English, Welsh and Gaelic. Aprenda o portugus do brasil. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. She has been trying to get the approval for three years, but she's still waiting. But she underscores it is not a convincing, controlled experiment. Within a few months, it began to unfold in ways that would turn our world and our lives upside-down. Instagram is a big issue for the Wilians family. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. All Rights Reserved. She hopes to move the viaducts underground or eliminate them altogether, and to "sensibly reroute" the traffic. "Im not selling anything. Daily Prophetic Word June - Replenished Hope Ministries | Facebook ebook. Im so grateful God has used your personal struggles in Transition to help those of us in the wilderness! They spread throughout the city like the tentacles of a giant octopus, yet there is no coherent connection between them, a situation that results in daily traffic chaos. These silently infected cells may persist, perhaps indefinitely, because they have stem cell-like properties and can make clones of themselves. My two books below carry much of the same spirit and feel that you will read in my Daily Prophetic social media posts, only written in a more detailed, personal and practical format. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a "light that shines in a dark place until the dawn and the morning star rises in your hearts", knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scriptures is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Start learning Brazilian Portug. Testimonies are the result of the powerful things that The LORD has been doing in the lives of those who testify of what has happened in their lives. Most of the organizations present in the territory criticize the current approach of those in power and think that all those resources spent on bombs and police operations could be invested in effective rehabilitation projects instead. Jan 2 January 2, 2023 Prophetic Word The Lord says, "Stones are worthless if you do not know what to do with what is in your hand. You're feeling STUCK and FRUSTRATED because nothing is happening. And you will be equipped and empowered to be part of the great harvest that we can expect to see as Gods Spirit is poured out. Daily Prophetic Word October 30, 2021 By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries The Lord says, "I will build your confidence to go forth into a time of stretching and uncomfortable moments, but know this, what happens next will astonish the minds of those onlooking. In it I take you on a journey through our transition, and in 30 chapters I explore some of the lessons I learned during this prolonged and often difficult season. "Interesting anecdotes have long driven the HIV cure field, and they should be considered largely as hypothesis-generating observations that can simulate new areas of investigation," says Deeks, who also conducts HIV cure research. A 36-year-old man in Brazil has seemingly cleared an HIV infectionmaking him the proof of principle in humans of a novel drug strategy designed to flush the AIDS virus out of all of its reservoirs in the body. Here is just some of the completely genuine, unsolicited feedback from those who have read the book. The purpose of Prophecy is to encourage, strengthen and comfort people according to 1 Corinthians 14:3: But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.. How can I receive real-time revelation for my everyday life? replenished hope provides services to help in your daily walk and to reach your destiny with the lord. Our prophetic team will go to the Father on your behalf and send our response to the e-mail you provide. The Earth is rumbling. "We need to move beyond case reports of HIV remission," Lewin says. Its impossible to hide from an ecosystem. What about the one-world system and one-world religion? That doesnt help much in winter, when some even freeze to death because the weather here in So Paulo is also extreme. With so much confusion around sexuality and gender identity how can I live and speak the truth while still showing the love of Christ? If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. We require fresh manna - practical prophetic wisdom and insights for each day. The murder rate, to be sure, has sunk dramatically in the last 20 years, with many middle-class neighborhoods considered quite safe, at least during the daylight hours if you ignore minor muggings aimed at stealing mobile phones. Cracolndia is a disputed territory between those who control drug trafficking in the area and the public powers that be, represented by the police. Youve walked away from places and people. How can I prepare for the next 58 years? Amid the pandemic, I believe solidarity in the community increased. January 2, 2023 Prophetic Word Aprende el portugus de Brasil. I couldnt understand. In the Bible, we are told that the sons of Issachar stood out in their time because they understood the times and knew what Israel should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32). He has an improvised salon, and one of Meolas portraits hangs proudly on the wall. "As city planners, we have to believe that there's a way," says Barbara. These 30 chapters are full of prophetic insight, personal stories, Scripture, illustrations, inspiration and helpful wisdom to help you fully embrace all that God wants to do in you and through you. 2022 Replenished Hope. It is His nature to speak. Thank you Thank you Thank you!, I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. Especially if they are close friends or even family members? January 1, 2023 Prophetic Word The reality is - these are unfamiliar paths. You and both books have been heaven sent! It is prophetic and personal, relevant and relatable, honest and vulnerable, as well as challenging and thought-provoking. Once, when he ran out of bread, he offered items from his own lunchbox. What are the signs we will see before Jesus returns? "The stench is gone," she says, smiling. You can purchase and download them by clicking on any of the links below. "I used to have hair," Wilians says, again laughing out loud. But, he adds, he cant solve all the problems in the world. You see, our God is not silent. In August, I followed the activity of Mdicos do Mundo, a philanthropic initiative that aims to provide humanitarian assistance to people in situations of social vulnerability. Thus, they were able to prosper, advance, increase, and experience Gods blessing in an unusual way. Food shortages. What has been hidden is coming forth from the Depths of My Spirit. They even employ their own photographer for the purpose. Anne Wilians, for her part, asks not to be described as an "it girl.". That process has now become 'SPIRIT SPEAK: 100 DAYS OF DAILY PROPHETIC'.This book is 100 daily prophetic words of encouragement, inspiration, insight, warning, and motivation. HIV has proven particularly difficult to eliminate because the virus weaves its genetic material into human chromosomes, where it can lie dormant, escaping the immune surveillance that typically eliminates foreign invaders. We dont need pre-packaged, out-of-date directions. Jnio started with pixo as a nine-year-old boy. The area came to be known as Boca do Lixo (boca of garbage) due to the amount of garbage that passed through its streets before being loaded onto trains. If transformation is possible here, it is possible anywhere. From a poor, rural background, Wilians has worked his way to the top. I am flipping the switch and just watch and see. I am revealing the plots and schemes that have remained hidden out of sight. Wilians has just returned from the center of the city. How can I move forward? The problem was - we had nowhere or nothing to go to. Thousands of multimillionaires live in So Paulo. The city has approved many projects in the past that were subsequently dropped for lack of money or will such as the transformation of Avenida Paulista, an iconically ugly shopping street, into a pedestrian zone. The So Paulo Patient started treatment 2 months after being diagnosed in October 2012. "I love the city with all of its virtues and vices," he says. That all the security personnel, walls, cameras and electric fences are useless. Among many other things, this was part of what the Lord spoke to me: The key word that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is "PIVOTAL". How did you first learn about Cracolndia, and what initially sparked your interest? In the midst of a pandemic, removing this one source of clean water and toilets from crack users only seemed to leave these people in even more misery, abandoning them to die from Covid-19. Learn Brazilian Portuguese. All Posts. Quiet yourself! Absolutely nothing." We are seeing much more of The Glory Cloud The Shekinah Glory at the moment. When she was 12, Carro started reading architecture magazines that her grandmother would bring home from her cleaning job in the home of a wealthy woman. Sharon Lewin, an HIV cure researcher who directs the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia, finds the antibody response intriguing. Join my Facebook community: HOME | dailypropheticword These displacements often lead to conflict and riots. Supply chain issues. To request a prophetic word for yourself or a loved one fill out the form. I wanted to share with you because your very words have caused a release in our situation as well. My goal was never to criminalize this place but to humanize and understand it. When those cells make new HIV, they either self-destruct or are vulnerable to immune attack. And food shortages? Diaz discussed the patient today at a press conference for AIDS 2020, the 23rd International AIDS Conference taking place virtually this week, and he plans to present the study in full tomorrow. Allard points to a building interlaced with concrete vines, designed by the architect Rudy Ricciotti. How the people of Cracolndia have not been decimated remains a great mystery. I became very intense about it and even believed that it was because of my lack of devotion or even sin that God was staying quiet. The most aggressive approach, used in this man and four others, added two ARVs to the three they were already taking, in the hope this would rout out any HIV that might have dodged the standard treatment. Are we on the brink of a revival, reformation, or awakening? The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years. So Paulo is a dystopia. Have you been sensing that there is a SHIFT OF SEASONS in your life? Every morning, Jos Carlos leaves home at 5:00 AM and takes several buses into the heart of So Paulo to deliver bread and juice to the people living on the streets of Cracolndia, or "Crackland," where more than a thousand people gather daily to sell or consume crack cocaine. Your portion is Daily Prophetic Word 5/16/2016 The Father says, Decide in your mind and heart what you desire and start walking towards it. How do I place boundaries around relationships that are no longer life-giving or fruitful? "We have no security here, no good healthcare or education. What pioneering and prophetic voices is God raising up in this new era? I am the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way. Can you tell us more about the police presence here? These days, for example, a man named Cirilo works for an evangelical NGO in this neighborhood, but he really wanted me to reprint a photo I took of him back in 2018, when he was on the street consuming drugs himself. Jesus is Resurrecting me and you, as we die to self and come alive in Him! People wind through the cars stuck in traffic here in the center of So Paulo, offering drivers chewing gum or Kleenex. Then adds: "Im not the only one who thinks so, thats what everyone says.". Many wait We Offer Many Services To Help In Your Christian Walk, Healing & Wholeness. ARE WE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS?ARE YOU EQUIPPED TO IDENTIFY THE SIGNS OF THE END TIMES AS REVEALED IN THE BIBLE?Everything has changed. The foundation exerts no influence whatsoever on the stories and other elements that appear in the series. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. I hope you like it. There is a kind of pax mafiosa, the result of a situation whereby the city is basically dominated by a single gang, the Primeiro Comando da Capital. Almost trapped in transition. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will We Offer Many Services To Help In Your Christian Walk, Healing & Wholeness. How much U.S. forest is old growth? The bread shepherd was one of the first people to introduce the photojournalist Luca Meola to the community three years ago, when he started documenting life in Cracolndia. Here is just a sample of the FEEDBACK I have received so far from those who are reading SPIRIT SPEAK: Your Spirit Speak words have certainly helped both my husband and myself make sense of a seemingly senseless situation!, Every word speaks of my current situation., I was wondering why I was feeling the way you have described here. Or when they do hear Him speak, they dont know how to interpret what He is saying so they can take the appropriate action and move forward into the good future He has for them. The white people who actually live here seldom make an appearance. They will never again be able to loan money from a bank." Those who live in the fluxo call her the godmother of Cracolndia.. That's exactly where I found myself just a few years ago. Apprenez le portugais du Brsil. "The central bus station over there, this scar in the middle of the city, is to be relocated," she says. The Lord says, "Rest in the Knowing that All things will work out for good. Jnio started getting involved with pixo as a nine-year-old, and relatives constantly had to get him out of police custody when he was a teenager. The transplants cleared their infections and gave them new immune systems that resist infection with the virus. But I have found that many Christians simply dont know how to recognize or understand the many ways God is communicating with them. The dilapidated buildings in the neighborhood host poor families, who have lived in this region for decades and have seen all its transformations.. By MaryEllen McCloud, Replenished Hope Ministries. All Posts; Prophetic Word; Teachings; House of the Prophets; Search On this evening, someone has hacked her Instagram account and she has to call the technicians. Cracolndia is often treated as an urgent issue, and in the last few decades, various municipal administrations have tried to deal with the problems related to this territory. It is my best attempt to express and impart what God is showing me about the times we are living in. Should I move? This book is 100 daily prophetic words of encouragement, inspiration, insight, warning, and motivation. I have watched as a prophetic word has unlocked destiny, brought healing from the past, provided direction in times of confusion, spoken hope into times of fear and uncertainty, and helped me in my own walk to discern where God was leading me and my family. Prophetic Word. But he notes his team has not sampled the man's lymph nodes or gut for the virus since he stopped treatment. He dreams of "a place of empathy, where everyone can meet." I was so determined to know Gods will and what He was saying. An intriguingbut far from provenHIV cure in the 'So - Science This tribe had a prophetic advantage - a unique divine discernment - of the era they were living in. The Frenchmans team visited more than 100 sites in Brazil to get just the look they wanted. Everything has changed and it is not going back to the way it was before 2020. Some of them then sent those little printed photos to the families they had abandoned, just to say, Its not that bad, and I am alive., Shooting in Cracolndia, I realized the power of a simple photograph. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Society here has failed . Through a fresh study of prophecy in the Bible, many interactions with prophetic people, stepping out and making mistakes, reading and studying many books from seasoned prophets, praying with and ministering to hundreds of people in various settings, and a year of intense spiritual warfare in our own family situation, God revealed to me how he was speaking to me every day. With additional reporting by Letcia Bilard. Read my blog:*Speaking Brazilian Language School specializes in Brazilian Portuguese. Its very important to remember a prophetic word will never contradict the Word of God. You have given us the power over satan, who will not trample all over us, but he will be crushed under our feet. On the outside, I looked like a happy, successful pastor with a wonderful, perfect family. He has named it after the herbal drug ayahuasca. Police attack with tear gas bombs and rubber bullets, and the fluxo might respond by throwing objects and sometimes with bottle rockets. It is, in her eyes, a city full of possibility, and of networks "a pioneer," as she says. If The LORD didnt give us the condemnation, then who did may I ask? Another unknown is how soon the man started ARVs after becoming infected with HIV. I think that this approach, together with a great deal of patience, made the difference.. Among them are Instituto Sonhe, Projeto Ao Retorno, and Projetocracolandia. But theres also another side of Cracolndia; despite its flaws, its a community where people look after each other. Economic instability. How and when to share a word from God with someone else. The sun is blazing down from the midday sky. The first week I arrived in So Paulo, in December 2014, as I was getting to know my new city, someone told me about the existence of this neighborhood, famous for the sale and consumption of crack cocaine in the open air. At the end of the 19th century, So Paulo was a city of 200,000 residents, full of picturesque, colonial-style homes. A street sweeper by trade and a resident of one of the citys suburbs, hes been visiting the area for five years now, always with fresh food in hand. His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. "He is hyperactive," says his wife. All is quiet in the Jardim Europa neighborhood. Some organizations distributed words of comfort and donated food and blankets. We Offer Many Services To Help In Your Christian Walk, Healing & Wholeness. This does nothing but criminalize and increase stereotypes. He wants to beautify the favelas with his art and teach children to paint and spray. The daughter of an entrepreneur, she always knew that she belonged here and not in Belm in Para far to the north. Every morning, Jos Carlos leaves home at 5:00 AM and takes several buses into the heart of So Paulo to deliver bread and juice to the people living on the streets of Cracolndia, or Crackland, where more than a thousand people gather daily to sell or consume crack cocaine. Every weekday, they commute from the infrastructure-poor favelas on the outskirts to central neighborhoods, where there is money to be made. At the beginning of the 20th century, this region of So Paulo began to develop thanks to its proximity to the train station and the old bus station. The construction of a new subway line, meanwhile, was recently delayed because the company digging the tunnel ruptured a sewer line and the tunnel literally filled up with shit. I have not forsaken you! Are we experiencing the birth pangs of the last days that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24? These words bring peace and joy to my heart,all my life I've been battle with insecurity worry and fears, I don't have confident in myself because I'm struggle with self doubt and unbelief, I've been through many battle with spiritual warefare. How was He at work in our lives? Yes. My interest has always been with the people who live in Cracolndia and their stories, which are extremely unique and varied. It's not uncommon for him to be leaning out from roofs dozens of meters above the ground, with no protection whatsoever. But its also a kairos moment of unique opportunity that will shape your future. How did you gain access to this community? Among the visitors of the fluxo are those who sleep on the sidewalk, those who rent rooms or beds in the hotels in the area, and those who camp in tents in a square within the neighborhood. What are the signs to watch out for? Impara il portoghese brasiliano. Brother in Christ, As we pray for you here at this ministry, we are concerned about you and what you may be going through. I've also been a full-time pastor since 2006. Today, large parts of it are a concrete desert of high-rises, stinking rivers and multilane, raised highways known as viaducts. The next 12 months will also shape the next decade.. A man is kneeling on the sidewalk, bending forward to pound his head against the pavement. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. For those mired in poverty, the city is a merciless beast that threatens to swallow them up at any moment. A Picasso is hanging on the wall and a cook is preparing a meal of shrimp and duck in the kitchen. We are not just living in a new season. Eradicating HIV From a Patient: Not Just a Dream? How to know if its really God speaking, or simply you making it up (or even the enemy trying to deceive you). "Instead, it has been a continuous state-of-emergency, where improvements are only made where things are especially bad." The many, many ways God speaks to you every day. This is a right on word, I'm so graceful and encourage for this powerful prophetic word. Helicopters take off in So Paulo by the minute. I am the God who opens doors that no man can shut. An INNER STIRRING that something is changing? I though I had to sit in a room, all alone, in silence for hours and then I might be one of the privileged few who would hear from Heaven. Priest Jlio Lancellotti hands out food to the homeless. Ester Carro wants to make her neighborhood, the favela Paraispolis, more liveable. How can I prepare now for the events I read about in Revelation? The first draft of THE BLUEPRINT is now complete and available as a PDF E-book. In May 2016, I walked away from leading of the largest and fastest growing churches in our country (Ireland). "Its crazy," she says. The intense shifting and shaking have been birthing something the worldand in your life. In my work, the consumption and the sale of crack take place only in the background. The first draft of SPIRIT SPEAK is now complete and is around 680 pages! Just like the favela architect Ester Carro, Priest Julio Lancellotti and the urban planner Fernanda Barbara are doing. No. These are unprecedented times and events that are being released in My Kingdom. War. If so, how will I know where to go? Society here has failed miserably in making a dignified life possible for everyone. Anne Wilians wanted to move to So Paulo even as a young girl. My Love speaks the truth to shine light in the darkness where sin and lies "The Joy of the Redeemed" Japan, My heart is bigger than most could ever conceive of; for you. . April 24, 2023. Heaven is celebrating all around you and for you. Intriguingly, during the intensification period with nicotinamide, this man was the only one of the five who twice had the virus detected on standard blood tests.

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daily prophetic word replenished hope