In the event of a petroleum release or spill from an APSA tank facility, contact the California Office of Emergency Services (State Warning Center 1-800-852-7550) and the UPA or 911. EPA has developed resources to help UST owners and operators prepare for, prevent, or lessen catastrophic effects and environmental harm from natural disasters. Assemblymember John Laird's letter, dated September 11, 2007,provided clarification on the nature of the program being transferred from the state to the UPAs. All of the information formerly contained in the LUSTIS database now resides in the GeoTracker database. These staff perform inspections and recommend enforcement action where needed. UST Finder allows users to find UST facilities and LUST sites, resulting in better understanding and assessment of vulnerability to human health and the environment. 13,239 As Needed, Active Water Quality Projects, Strategic This system consists of a relational database, on-line compliance reporting features, a geographical information system (GIS) interface and other features that are utilized by the State Board, regional boards, local agencies, regulated industry and the public to input, manage, or access compliance and regulatory tracking data. completeness, or usefulness of any information, data apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Geographic Environmental Information Management System (GEIMS/GeoTracker). Bill, Water Wastes contained at land disposal sites are characterized as Class I (hazardous), Class II (designated), Class III (non-hazardous), or Unclassified (inert) pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22. The OPS Petroleum Program regulates petroleum storage facilities with USTs (underground storage tanks) that hold 110 gallons or more and ASTs (aboveground storage tanks) that hold between 660 and 40,000 gallons. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. UST Finder: National Underground Storage Tanks and Releases Web Map (pdf). Assists with installing, removing, and upgrading state-owned fuel storage tanks. Proof of tank registration from the Data Management Unit, at (213) 978-3680. If you have any questions, contact the Environmental Programs Public Counter at (626) 458-3517, Monday to Thursday, 8 . COVID-19 Implications for USEPA's Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Programand Addendum on Termination, Letters on USEPA Temporary Enforcement Compliance Guidance, California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.67, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 9 (California Fire Code), U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 112 (SPCC Rule), 2014 Memorandum of Agreement between CalGEM (formerly Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources) and OSFM on Jurisdiction over Tanks and Pipelines at Production Facilities, Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists (BPELSG), Information Bulletin on Underground Storage Tanks Prohibited for Use as Aboveground Storage Tanks and Addendum (Contact for Information), Steel Tank Institute SP001 Monthly and Annual Inspection Checklists (Refer to Question 5), TIUGA Monthly Inspection Checklist-Less than 1,320 Gal. The most recent report is the fiscal 2022 Public Record Summary Information on Underground Storage Tanks. Water is a precious resource in California, and maintaining its quality is of utmost importance to safeguard the health of the public and the environment. Contact the GeoTracker Help Desk The Water Boards PFAS Team is focused on investigating where PFAS is being collected across the state. An underground storage tank (UST) system is a tank (or a combination of tanks) and connected underground piping having at least 10 percent of their combined volume underground. This system consists of a relational database, on-line compliance reporting features, a geographical information system (GIS) interface and other features that are utilized by the State Water Board, Regional Water Boards, local agencies, regulated industry and the public to input, manage, or access compliance and regulatory tracking data. For information about this page, please contact Steven Mullery or (916) 341-5508. The California Public Records Act requires public agencies to provide access to public records held by the Los Angeles Fire Department CUPA. The SWRCB licenses and regulates tank testers under California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, Section 25284.4, and California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter . The data is collected from various sources . The program oversees the installation, retrofitting, and removal of underground storage tank systems to verify the work is completed properly and by qualified, trained, and certified individuals and companies. Announcements. The web mapping application providesusers with geospatial information about UST facilities and LUST sites that may be subject to extreme weather events, such as floods, wildfires, and earthquakes. Such sites include active and inactive gasoline stations, agricultural sites, brownfield redevelopment sites, airports, bulk The State Water Board has prepared FAQs for both the Regulator Users Portal and the Business Users Portal. In order to maintain facility capacity we have implemented an online appointment system. When should re-inspections be reported to CERS? For a Permit or Plan Check through The Fuel Storage Tank Program (FSTP) serves as the central management office for state agencies and institutions with fuel storage tanks, and is responsible for more than 600 underground and aboveground storage tanks at different locations throughout the state. Since 1985, local government agencies with UST programs have been . petrochemical storage terminals, pipeline facilities, and various chemical and industrial facilities. Reporting UST Repairs and New UST Installations, Reporting Non-Inspection Related Violations, How to Report Multi-Day Inspections in CERS, Citations for Failure to Report UP Information, Determining Unified Program Element Regulated Facility Count, Assigning Existing USTs to a New Facility, Reporting Closed USTs When No Business Lead is Available, Using CERS Reports to Ensure Accurate UST Facility and Tank Counts. Clean Services, Water As the state transitions from the COVID-19 emergency, please contact your local Water Board to arrange necessary file reviews. APSA regulates tank facilities that are subject to the federal SPCC rule or tank facilities with an aggregatestorage capacity of 1,320 gallons or more of petroleum in aboveground storage containers or tanks with a shell capacity equal to or greater than 55 gallons. UST Finder is available via EPAs GeoPlatform Tentative Orders/Documents for Public Comment, AB 304 - Local Agency Oversight for Site Cleanup, Irrigated Agricultural Land Discharge Permitting, Non-point Source Pollution Planning, Grants, and Implementation, Surface Water Quality Assessment to Water Quality. Please see the EDT Services Manual for technical details. As the state transitions from the COVID-19 emergency, please contact your local Water Board to arrange necessary file reviews. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. GeoTracker is an online database that (1) provides access to statewide environmental data and (2) tracks regulatory data for the following types of sites: The tools built into GeoTracker can quickly identify and display the number of public drinking water wells within various distances of LUFT sites. For the agriculture community, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has an SPCC Train-the-Trainer for agriculture. EPA, states, territories, and tribes work in partnership with industry to protect the environment and human health from potential releases. The APSA Basic Inspector Training is limited to Unified Program Agency staff. Opens in new window. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Debris Recycling & Reuse Program, Industrial / Solid We plan, design, build, and maintain modern infrastructure that Submit the following items in order to obtain; (1) approval to take the soil samples, (2) final approval to remove or abandonment in place any underground storage tank. This program is currently only implemented in the Central Valley Regional Water Board (Region 5), but it may roll out to other regions in the future. CUPA. Please click here to see any active alerts. The State Water Board maintains statewide authority over the program, adopting cleanup policies and regulations. The greatest potential threat from a leaking UST is contamination of groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. You can also access it via EPAs UST website. Releases are required by law to be reported to the statewide emergency spill line at 800-642-3074. Colusa County Health and Human Services. HMCD has oversight over Underground Storage Tank Closures in Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Saratoga, Palo Alto, San Jose, and unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County (including Moffett Field, San Martin, and Stanford). Airports, Road 2025 according to Health and Safety Code Section 25292.05, which was amended in 2014 by California Senate Bill 445. For more information about UST Finder, contact Alex Hall at Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. the Regional Board to manage cases in their jurisdiction. Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Underground Storage Tank (UST) clean-up . As the state transitions from the COVID-19 emergency, please contact your local Water Board to arrange necessary file reviews. For Petroleum releases can also cause vapor intrusion affecting household air quality. In addition, HMCD handles County-owned or County-operated facilities regardless of location. 1213 Market St. Colusa, CA 95932. Employment Grievance Procedure, Board Priorities Now, GeoTracker includes data for non-UST cleanup cases in addition to LUST cases. Conditionally-exempt tank facilities are not required to prepare an SPCC Plan under APSA if they meet certain conditions, but conditionally-exempt tank facilities still have reporting and fee requirements. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) PROGRAM The program currently has an inventory of 148 facilities with underground storage tanks 96 above ground storage tanks. Subscribe to our email lists to receive notifications and the latest updates. CAL FIRE guidelines for access to public records, Information on facilities with aboveground petroleum storage tanks or hazardous materials, Information on hazardous materials spills or releases from facilities or locations/areas that have been reported to the State Warning Center may be found on the Governors Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) HazMat Spill Release Reporting Database. Opens in new window. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. For Underground Storage Tanks questions or submissions, email us at Unauthorized release source and cause data is collected using State Water Boards Geotracker. Such sites include active and inactive gasoline stations, agricultural sites, brownfield redevelopment sites, airports, bulk petrochemical storage terminals, pipeline facilities, and various chemical and industrial facilities. Have a program-specific question? Includes all sites that discharge agricultural runoff. California regulation requires all cases where an unauthorized release of non-petroleum compounds has occurred to submit soil, vapor, and groundwater data to the State Water Boards GeoTracker database. There are also APSA and SPCC training videos posted by the California CUPA Forum on YouTube. This system consists of a relational database, on-line compliance reporting features, a geographical information system (GIS) interface and other features that are utilized by the State Water Board, Regional Water Boards, local agencies, regulated industry and the public to input, manage, or access compliance and regulatory tracking data. This handbook was written for inspectors and managers of California's local underground storage tank (UST) programs. GeoTracker is the State Boards Internet-accessible database system used by the State Board, regional boards, and local agencies to track and archive compliance data from authorized or unauthorized discharges of waste to land, or unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from underground storage tanks. Contracting, Clean Development Services, Building Decisions Pending and Opportunities for Public Comment. Other non-reportable violations, such as those not meeting specific state UST regulations, may also be included in the compliance percentage. The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-CAL FIRE site. General questions pertaining to these lists can be directed to GeoTracker was initially developed in 2000 pursuant to a mandate by the California State Legislature (AB 592, SB 1189) to investigate the feasibility of establishing a statewide GIS for LUST sites. The percent of UST systems in compliance is further measured using the Federal Technical Compliance Rate (TCR) as clarified by the State Water Board guidance on TCR criteria in LG-164-4. Underground storage tanks determined to have a significant violation that poses an imminent threat to health, safety of the environment may have a red tags affix by the local implementing agency preventing that UST system from either accepting fuel deliveries or dispensing fuel. The design and policies of states' assurance funds differ. Help / Business Help Includes all cleanup sites that are located on existing military bases (Military Cleanup sites) or those that will to be transferred to non-military entities (Military Privatized sites). a Make a Payment Access plain language publications about the revised regulation, Introduction to underground storage tanks, Benefits of preventing and cleaning up UST releases, Compatibility requirements for storing biofuels, Corrosion issues in storing emerging fuels. Review our office's digitized files related to industrial waste, underground storage tanks, and stormwater certificates. GeoTracker is the Water Boards' data management system for sites that impact, or have the potential to impact, water quality in California, with emphasis on groundwater. Approximately 542,000 underground storage tanks (USTs) nationwide store petroleum or hazardous substances. 60.0% *. See the dropdown menus below for program-specific information. Waste, Trash Do I Need a Permit? PLEASE NOTE: All documents have not been uploaded to this webpage. Includes sites with solid and/or liquid wastes discharged to land such as landfills, mines, surface impoundments, waste piles, and land treatment facilities. a Waste Hauler, Industrial Leaking UST Cleanup Site Database; Leaking UST Cleanup Site Database Search Instructions; Permit Requirements for Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites; Cost Recovery; Tanks Cleanup Guidance; Calculating the One-Sided 90% Upper Confidence Limit of the Mean; Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Treatment; Generic Remedy Guidance and Cleanup Options Steel Tank Institute-Steel Plate Fabricators Association (STI/SPFA) also offers various training. Many ILRP sites in the Central Valley operate under general orders (broad-based WDRs) or commodity-specific orders designed to prevent discharges of agricultural runoff from causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives. Public Records Center. The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) hosted a webinar for state and regional UST stakeholders highlighting UST Finders features and data, Instructional Videos EPA developed three instructional videos for UST Finder. The greatest potential threat from a leaking UST is contamination of groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. Local Agencies manage the majority of leaking UST sites in the Region. Hazardous Materials oversees the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program throughout San Bernardino County. Flood Insurance Program, About Below are resources about this effort along with an interactive map that contains data collected so far. Nine files are associated with the PST Facility data, and three files are associated with the optional tank data. Aboveground Storage Tank Act Effective January 1st, 2008, Assembly Bill 1130 (the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act-APSA) authorized the administration and implementation of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank (APST) Program to the local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA). Information and data from oil and gas monitoring programs include: The Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) Policy authorizes subsurface disposal of domestic strength, and in limited instances high strength, wastewater.
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