If your sailboat doesnt have the same style of gooseneck fitting as a Catalina 22 or you cant use your boom for some other reason but you do have a spinnaker pole, you might be able to use it instead as this picture from a Westerly 21 owner shows. How far down is the second hole in the 1 tubing? Could you add me to whatever email list you use? If you use shock cord for at least one of the segments, I dont think it will transfer enough force to the spreaders to do them any harm. Please try following again and if the error repeats, send me the text or a screenshot of the error so I can investigate. Improve your sailboat's performance, safety, comfort, and appearance! When installing the gin pole hinge bracket you drill through the cabin roof. thanks for the reply,that is good to know ! The mast is supported on both ends and in the middle. How do you retrieve the midpoint of the shock to get it back on the hook? Catalina 22 - Mast Crutch and Mast Raising system. It should be close to the bottom of the mast, 1/4-1/2 from the bottom. Any thoughts on how I could achieve that effect? Brilliant. Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) This is a condition that can be associated with signs and symptoms involving the skin, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system and frequently neurologic complaints, such as cognitive fog. I tied nylon thimbles into the ends of the line segments with fishermans knots. Hi, I like your idea of the mast raising system without a gin pole. The mast will sit 2 lower but it shouldnt affect how you step the mast other than by making the crutch sturdier. And because the pintles are welded in place instead of adjustable, they cant accidentally loosen and drop the mast. Use on land or water. When the p Read More, Thank you for being what the word "doctor" means. Im making the mast crutch and downloaded the drawing. I was wondering if anyone in the years since you first posted has tried your suggested mods, eliminating the upper segment, its connection to the upper mast, the twings and connecting the jacks directly to the spreaders? I dont think I need that much strength or weight. By the end of this post, youll know everything about how I step the mast on Summer Dance single-handed in minutes, even on the water. You temporarily attach these to hooks and eyes on the boom during use. You can see it in action in the last two videos. The boat is held to the trailer using a stern ratchet strap and a turnbuckle on the bow, and the winch cable attached. Northern Virginia is the largest market for data center space in the U.S., home to 4.6 million square feet (SF) of commissioned data center space, representing 616 megawatts (MW) of commissioned power, according to market research from datacenterHawk. Ive been using this lazy jack system continuously for six years and I still like it. I bought the steel myself from the cutoff pile at a local metal distributor. Make sure you run your lazy jacks inboard of it if you add one. Reverse the process to lower. Raising and lowering the mast is a two-person job unless you have mast raising system with a gin-pole forward, a mast crutch aft, and a 4:1 block and tackle system (eg. Eliminating the upper segment also eliminated that problem. Thats an excellent question, Jim, since it wasnt shown on the drawing. Next tension the aft lowers until the Loos gauge reads 10. Mast . The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Ive had a great time but Im tired and theres many miles to go before I sleep. Wasnt sure whether that would be sent out automatically, or whether I needed to specifically ask for them. And it divides the mainsail width about in half with the lazy jacks spanning the whole width. JavaScript is disabled. Hmmm, this asks more questions for than answers. When you reef, the jack line goes slack allowing the reefed section of the luff to move . We are pleased to share the names of our 2022 Coca-Cola Scholar Semifinalists! Thats right, Jim. Well either Im very weak or i have the vang set up incorrect or my mast is made of different material when i go to raise my mast it will fall off to one side it just feels as though Im pulling a truck up a hill. I especially like the D rings, which make it simple to secure the top of the mast stepper to the aft mooring cleats while trailering. There are many lazy jack kits available, from simple stationary setups designed for boats that spend most of their lives in slips to complicated retractable systems that you can work from the cockpit. Use it as a starting point to add and remove items to make your own checklist. The mast step is nearly in-line with the tops of the stanchions, so the cords rotate around the same pivot point as the mast and the boom. What if you want to lower the mast to go under a bridge? After the mast is down, you need to unpin the mast step . I will give examples specific to a Catalina but most can easily be adapted to just about any sailboat. Thats why I always have at least one hand on the mast to keep it centered during the lower half of the lift. Mast Step Improved Stainless Steel, C-22 Shop by Category Back Shop by Category Deck Fill Pipes & Caps Engine Back Engine Fuel System Froli Bed Springs Garage Sale Back Garage Sale Line Remnants Back Line Remnants Dacron Line Halyard Line Wire Remnants Back Wire Remnants Coax Duplex Triplex Fourplex Handbooks Lifelines, Stanchions, Pulpits Its two pages of items that can help make sure you dont forget something important for your next cruise everything from an umbrella for the first mate while she waits for you to step the mast to step-by-step instructions that you can have on deck for the gin pole method described above. You werent receiving the newsletter initially because youre a WordPress user so if you follow, my posts should show up in your Reader list instead of by email. Some mechanical advantage to raise the mast and a way to keep it from swinging too far sideways until the shrouds tighten. That is, to cradle the mainsail when its lowered so that it doesnt spill onto the cabin and cockpit. If you dont get it, I dont know what more I can do on my end. Sailcloth is so slippery that the sail falls easily onto the mast. You'll also receive occasional newsletters with exclusive info and deals only for subscribers and the password to the Downloads page. I used 4" PVC with end caps to build mine. based on their academic excellence, leadership. Use Your Boat Hook to Sail Faster Downwind, 15 Perished in US Sailing Tragedies in 2018, http://www.catalinadirect.com/index.cfm/product/345_18/mast-step-c-22-cp-22brcp-18-wwelded-vang-loop.cfm, https://www.tropicalboating.com/2010/04/the-perfect-solo-mast-raising-system-for-small-sailboats, Add a Solar-Powered Flood Light in Your Cockpit. With your fingers crossed? You can unsubscribe at any time and I wont share your address with anyone, ever. The boom will then rotate with the mast as it raises and lowers. the reason i ask this is that i have never used a pop rivet tool & dont want to buy one unless its necessary. What do all these system have in common? Doing that modification would put the lazy jacks more in the way of a flag halyard so youd probably want to use one of the other options that I describe in Make a Flag Halyard to Fly Your Favorite Colors if you want to fly a flag. Whenthe mast is vertical, I reconnect the forestay and forward lower shrouds using quick release levers. See my other videos on how to rig the boom as a gin pole and to step. #Z4120. Not sure how to go about raising the mast without helpeven with this setup. BP little high, so he tweaked that med. at the mast step. Its also important that the mainsail batten ends dont catch in the system on the mainsails way up or down. I have a C-25 with swing keel so most of all your tips are applicable, very nice, and handy. In order to accomplish this our sailboat rudders incorporate a hydrofoil design, as a matter of course. pin in the turnbuckle, attach forward lowers to pad eyes and tune your Request a Price. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The spars should also be supported in the middle by the cabin top. That starts with securing the mast and rigging for trailering. You can shorten it more if you want it tighter. Use it to buildyour own and save some money for something else. No, I havent made that change yet but I might do it this winter while I have the mast down. also do you think that 3/16 shock cord & lines will be ok ?just out of curiosity what is the swivel block shown in the 2nd picture down, on the starboard spreader on your boat used for ? Mast Up telescopes to 9-1/2 feet. Thanks, Mick. Hammock Hooks, where did you get them? (LogOut/ That system may not work for you and you need an alternative. I use a combination of DIY mast supports, motorcycle straps, and inexpensive ball cords to secure the rig. If you build the lazy jacks like I describe here, with static rope for the upper segments and shock cord for the lowers, then the amount of shock cord is the same regardless of how you rig the uppers. For me, it has to be secure enough to tow for a hundred miles over bumpy state highways and county backroads to my favorite cruising spots. Making sure your lines and side stays are free, raise Ive had several readers ask about the mod but Ive not received any reports of anyone actually doing it yet. Do you use your mainsheet tackle when lowering? Factory-built gin poles, braces, guy wires, and mast-ups, DIY wooden gin poles with winches, bridles, and brace poles, Blocks attached to the pulpit to reusethe trailer winch cable, Electric winches on the trailer or in the tow vehicle, Jumbo bungee cord connected tothe forestay, Assorted Rube Goldberg variations on all the above, A peg on oneend of the pole that fits in ahole in the mast (the factory system for 2nd generation C-22s), A saddle on the end of the gin pole that fits around and is strapped to the mast (most DIY systems). We are pleased to share the names of our 2022 Coca-Cola Scholar Semifinalists! Thanks! I like your use of the ball ties for securing the rigging on the trailer. Otherwise, you might be looking at extensive fabrications or commercial mast stepping hardware with a winch. I recommend starting with one foot and testing. Thats a lot of info. Since the loop is perpendicular to the line of the mast/boom rotation, it wont work well using only off the shelf parts. Just had lunch with a friend last night and she said she couldn't believe how much my health has c Read More, When I first met Dr. Shor, I was in intensive care, 29 years old, and frightened. If so, any concerns about the lazy jacks down force on the spreaders? But you could just as easily use 3/16 line or even 1/16 vinyl coated cable with rings instead of thimbles. The distance isnt critical but depending on how tight the fit is between the inner and the outer tube, the hole might work better even farther up the inner tube. Thanks. The total cost was half the price of the commercial version and in some ways, works even better. I raised the mast like that once or twice, but it was very difficult. I took your suggestion, bought a Highfield lever and rigged up a new forestay. Ive read about lots of different systems. 2023 Datacenters.com. Alex. My question is on the size of the shock cord you used and size and type of the line. You can even drill more holes at different heights for different purposes. that is an ingenious way to raise a mast,nice work ! First of all, thanks for all your tips, tricks, and videos. Ill describe two ways that I step the mast, including one way that doesnt use a gin pole at all. I see this as a miracle! But hey, its like having a built-in boom kicker! Basically you are matching the hardware on your rudder. When were tied off at the dock, the cradle makes flaking the mainsail properly easier than before because its partly done already. That, or use the outboard tiller instead of the rudder to get to the ramp if you can. This follows closely the Catalina 22 Owners Manual and General Handbookrecommendation. Can you suggest a structurally sound way to secure the boom to the loop for lifting/lowering? To check the mast for being in column sight up the main sail track and make the necessary adjustments so that the mast is not out of column at the spreaders. Storage: Mast Up holds your mast at the stern end for stowing and trailering. During testing, the mainsail battens fouled in the lazy jacks more often than not since the lazy jacks were only a few inches apart to start with. In good conditions (lightbreeze, level area, orcalm water), I skip over using the boom as a gin pole entirely and just use the main sheet to pull the mast up by the forestay. I lower the mast by the same method but in reverse, which helps to remember the steps in both directions. The idea is that when I'm trailering, the mast sits on a roller at the top of the 'A', which allows the mast to easily roll forward and aft. The owner of stingysailor.com will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. You definitely dont need much strength and as little weight as possible. Heres a tour of the rig tied down just before I step the mast. If youre lucky, its in your DNA and it comes easily to you. Raising the Catalina 22 Mast Without a Gin Pole Stingy Sailor 4.26K subscribers Subscribe 303K views 7 years ago Demonstration of how I step the mast of my Catalina 22 sailboat with. It holds the mast very solid that way. You might not want to do it that way your first few times, so hereswhat it looks like using the boom as a gin pole. I dont want to spend an hour lowering the mast andtyingthe rig down. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I shortened it a little too much, so the shock cord is pretty tight getting it into the hammock hooks from the cockpit with a boot hook and actually raises the boom a little when the main sheet is slack. Lay your material centered across the top of the pulpit, trace the railing edges onto the underside of the material, then cut a little at a time until the saddle sits down securely over the rails. Make sure aft lowers and uppers are connected to pad eye. The last newsletter went out on May 21 titled Whats Your Favorite DIY Project? Good morning, what a beautiful boat you have there ! Dr. Shor helped me get my life back. Hi Ken, I just found your site. If youre a follower of this blog and have the password, you can finda scale drawing of this bracket on the Downloads page. I need to carefully review your technique but it seems ones boom would remain upward; although Im sure you lower it when finished? Thats how the mast was designed to be stepped and it works well if youre young, strong, and there are two or more of you to do the job. If you believe in the rulethat you should have a backup for every critical part and system, then you also need a backup mast stepping plan even if you normally step the mast with the factory recommended method. Beats giving up sailing! A Chevy Bolt is ablaze in a garage near Ashburn, Virginia There were 6 Chevy Bolt fires last year that led to a recall, and the ink is still wet on the "final fix" announcement.Today news . Try using a long flat roller with uprights to contain the mast. With the mast erect, attach the forestay and forward lower shrouds. But I added your email address to the newsletter recipient list back on May 11. Step 1: Raise the Mast Up to its fullest height. Schock 23' mast raising system. $tingy. Required fields are marked *. Also, it only needs to be high enough to place the mast above the sliding hatch cover. I'm confused by that. But when I try to lift the mast with the forstay cant do. I added a close-up picture of the hinge bracket about midway through the post. Tie downthe mast and rigging for trailering. I really like the idea of using the boom as a gin pole. Appreciate your reply Stingy. I sealed the plate and hole perimeters with butyl tape, so no problems. Im guessing you are using a basic vang ? The reason that I tie them up at the top of the stanchions is so that the baby stays keep in relatively constant tension throughout the range of motion of the mast/boom. When the sail is at full hoist, the Jackline is tight and the sail is held against the mast. Ill also explain some topics that lead up to and follow mast stepping, like how I: When I started trailering Summer Dance years ago, I researched a lot about mast stepping. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. Im a DIY guy as well and love your site! But if you often sail short-handed or are just plain lazy, lazy jacks can make coming to a dock or anchorage a smoother, more pleasant event for everyone and it helps protect your mainsail. Good morning fellow sailor & thank you for the speedy reply & the information, hopefully ill put it to good use ! JavaScript is disabled. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The exterior has padded seats on the on-deck seating to join the Captain. But what if you dont normally have a second able crew member? Also, have you ever noticed the boom baby stays pulling too much on the stantions? Thank you, Carmen. It apears to . 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Our boat's previous owner had welded some gudgeons onto a steel 'T'-section fence-post, and welded a 'Y' to the top, painted the whole shebang black and that's our rear mast support for trailering. Catalina 22 Capri. US$20,000 *. Also, it's pretty much going to be my wife and me, and she's very leery of having to help me do it. The trick to this project is determining where to mount the hardware on the mast and boom and how long to make each line. Thanks for the blog. With theaddition of the2022class, theCoca-Cola Scholars Foundationwill have providedmore than6,600CokeScholarsnationwide withover$78million in scholarshipsover the course of 34years. Allan. At the end of the boom, rather than drill more holes for more hardware (on Summer Dance, its pretty busy there already if you look at this picture), I simply threaded a loop of cord through holes molded into the fairlead cleats that were already in about the right location. Hi. If you dont have the resources to make one yourself, maybe you can find a friend or a metal fabricator to help. Ill have a look at your mast crutch but I cant use the gudgeons for the rudder as Ill need to motor over to the Cave Run Lake (KY) boat launch for the haul out. I wanted to rig the lazy jacks up with something disposable first so that I can adjust the lengths, if necessary, without wasting more expensive line. If youve read this blog for very long at all, you know that Im really big on reusing or repurposing things for other uses. Could you send a pic of quick release on forward shrouds and forstay and the pin you spoke of in vid. I dont recall exactly where I got them but if you search for Sea Dog Hammock Hook, youll find multiple options. I also see the stress on the mast crutch essentially dictates one use the transom gudgeons for support. Either way, it takes quite a bit of strength to get the mast up that first few feet since youre not pulling directly vertically on the masthead. I havent yet devoted a blog post to it but it was pretty easy to make. I think aluminum would work great so long as the wall thickness of the tubes is adequate. What would you think about using aluminum to build it instead of steel? Her name is Christopher-Jin. With the shock cord that long installed, I stretch it about one foot to pull the middle of the M shape down to hook it onto the hammock hooks I show below. I think I will either get some more sail ties for securing the rigging on the trailer, or make up some velcro webbing straps. The Catalina 22 Experiment > Project Gallery > Mast Cradle You can buy a very nice Mast Cradle from Catalina Direct or you can build your own. Tying the baby stays to the stanchion bases would be more solid but then their pivot points would be too low. When its time to haul out and go home, you simply disconnect the shock cords, stow the system tight against the mast, and the boom can come off without any dangling lines attached. The Catalina 22 Experiment > Project Gallery > Mast Stepper The Mast Stepper is a must have item. Then I tie it all down in a few minutes like shown in the first video. Let me know how it goes! So I rigged twings from the ends of the spreaders to the upper eyes to pull the lazy jacks apart about 2. I have looked at the mast rising video countless times. 2015 Catalina 22 Capri. Read More, Dr. Shor, the medical and admin staff are all great. After I measure it, Ill update this comment soon with the amount that I used. How could your system be used with a furling 150 genoa on a Catalina 25? You wouldnt need to be concerned about painting or rust. Im wondering maybe your mast is lighter or do I have the wrong set up to raise mast. Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more! This is my first cruiser (purchased in July) and Ive much to learn from your blog. Documents filed with Loudoun County indicate the site will house two data centers, while COPT said both structures will be 148,600 square feet the same size as multiple data centers it has built for AWS in Northern Virginia. Im looking to install lazy jacks on a MacGregor Venture 2-24. It could be used in a similar way on your C-25 with a couple of adjustments. This is the first version and will be updated to improve video and audio as it is perfected. Step 3: Mast Up! I would like to do the same thing with my 1974 Ranger 20. class of Coca-Cola Scholars, the Foundation has provided more than $, 0 program alumni who together have become a powerful force for positive change. When released, theyre out of reach. There is no other doctor who treats you with respect the way Dr. Shor does. The small block that you see in the picture is for a flag halyard. If you have the tools and the ambition, you could replace your existing tabernacle with a custom made pivoting one. The other ends of the cords have loops tied into them that I tie to the upper ends of the midship lifeline stanchions with girth (cow) hitches. I am rigging a similar system to my Compac 16. Is there already a long, stiff, portable, stick onboard? With the main sheet cam cleat at the stem plate, I can easily stop raising the mast at any point, cleat the line with a sharp tug, and then clear snagsormoveto a better lifting position. The main sheet or the boom vang typically multiplies the force applied to it by four times. The channel should be just wide enough for the mast to sit into and the height a couple of inches. Thats awesome, Richie. Being an armchair engineer qualifiestoo. www.SailTrailers.com Sail-Trailers 6920 Macon Rd Columbus, GA 31907 sail-trailers.com Cant wait to try this! You could use a 6" section of PBC slipped over a 7" section of black pipe for a roller. You temporarily attach these to hooks and eyes on the boom during use. ie. I attached the stationary ends of the shock cords to eye straps angled up and aft on the mast at about boom height. Your email address will not be published. Can you manually add me, please? Besides being simpler, one of the basic principles of this system is to make launching and retrieving the boat as quick as possible while also being safe. The system I use relies on a small right angle bracket. It's sold by www.catalinadirect.com . if pop rivets are the only way to go would ss rivets have to be used & if so, what would you have to do to prevent corrosion between the different metals ? Copyright 2023. DIY trailerable sailboat restoration and improvement without throwing your budget overboard. They connect tothe sides of the boom with clips through the eye straps where my boom topping lift and jiffy reefing lines attach. A mast crutch doesnt have to be that strong, its only carrying 1/2 the weight of the mast which only weighs about 60 to 80 lbs. You'll also receive occasional newsletters with exclusive info and deals only for subscribers and the password to the Downloads page. Dear sir My name is Mark Monteverdi. Whew! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hi call for female speakers 2023, st joseph baby aspirin for dogs,
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