Eye Casualty opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm Saturday & Sunday, 8.30am to 12.30pm If your problem happens outside of these hours and you feel that it is urgent, you should come to the main Adult Emergency Department at Leicester Royal Infirmary. LOTS will involve an ophthalmic telephone/video triage and a group of participating community Independent Prescribing optometrists working within the Leicestershire urgent eyecare service (LUECS). We provide general and specialist ophthalmology services for adults and children in Leicestershire. For any TrustMed pharmacy enquiries, please call: 0116 254 1446, Email for all three sites:Trustmedpharmacy@uhl-tr.nhs.uk. The role of ophthalmic triage and the nurse practitioner in an eye-dedicated casualty department. The logistical arrangements of this bridging scheme are as follows: The triage/video conference access telephone line will be the same as the previous CUES telephone number (0116 326 5588). Epub 2017 Oct 31. Saudi J Ophthalmol. The number of self referrals in our patient group was high as in previous studies (85% versus 5889%).2, 5 This reflects the historic availability of an open access casualty at WEI and to a lesser extent, the unavailability of direct access dedicated eye casualty after hours in surrounding ophthalmic departments.9. In addition to this we provide an eye emergency service and 24-hour on-call ophthalmic specialists. The main diagnoses fell into two groups: trauma and acute infection/inflammation. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1986; 292: 188190. The authors are aware that limiting the eye casualty hours may influence the utilization of emergency care services by patients with non urgent health problems after hours.10 We also revised the triage criteria with the revised criteria having shortened symptom durations. The eye department is a very busy place; in the year up to March 2018: The Leicester Royal Infirmary is a teaching hospital, and we also work closely with our Professor of Ophthalmology in the University of Leicester. As previously, patients self-presenting to an optometry practice with ocular symptoms can be assessed for suitability at the reception desk by appropriately qualified staff. Please note: we may change the urgency of the referral once it is assessed by our clinician. Why is there so much misinformation re correct departmental phone numbers, even the switchboard seem to struggle? I arrived 10 minutes late for my appointment at theatre arrivals, but the staff were very nice about, I arrived on completely the wrong ward on Balmoral and then ran to child Orthoptics Windsor where, Arrived at the eye clinic on time, taken in for checking and eye drops inserting. Opening Times Entrance (ENT/EYE Outpatients Department) Waiting Room / Area (ENT/EYE Outpatients Department) Waiting Room / Area (Eye Treatment Waiting Area) Inside Access Consultation / Treatment Room (Consultation) Consultation / Treatment Room (Eye Treatment) Consultation / Treatment Room (Triage) Accessible Toilet (Male - Right Hand Transfer) Google Scholar. Med Hypothesis Discov Innov Ophthalmol. 1962 Dec 29;2(7270):1351-3 They do not have an emergency eye service, so please follow the UHL protocols for emergency eye care. On one visit to the clinic during my mothers treatment her next appointment was issued there and then on the day and the appointment letter printed off to take home with us, what has changed? This was lower on the weekend (Saturday: 39 +/ 7, Sunday: 29 +/ 5). For more information, visit the CQC website. stream Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Posted via nhs.uk 7 years ago. Leicester Royal Infirmary Would you like email updates of new search results? For certain acute eye conditions/symptoms, patients can be directed to theCovid-19 Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES) on 0116 326 5588 to speak to an optometrist who can then determine whether the patient can be seen under CUES or if they need to visit the Eye Casualty department. MeSH Leicester Royal Infirmary Main duties of the job This post offers advanced specialist training for 1 year in Paediatric Ophthalmology to be based at the Leicester Royal Infirmary, at the University . At the Leicester Royal Infirmary we have 3 outpatient clinic areas, 3 operating theatres, and an eye emergency (eye casualty) department. The site is secure. We value all feedback as this allows us to continually review and improve our services. About: nhs.uk Leicester Royal Infirmary Chiapella AP, Rosenthal AR . Leicester An NHS.net email account meets all of the relevant standards and is therefore the preferred method of sending referrals. At Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital we now have private consultation room available for anyone who would like to speak with one of our pharmacists about anything they wish in confidence. Disclaimer. We have a range of inpatient and outpatient services as well as our accident and emergency department. Royal Wolverhampton Hospital Trust. But please state clearly that you have asked the patient to attend eye casualty, otherwise we have to spend time calling them. 2023 Feb 8;17:527-534. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S397504. Weekends 09.00am - 17.00pm A survey of patients visiting the eye casualty clinic of the Leicester Royal Infirmary was conducted during a one-year period. Data were recorded by both medical and clerical personnel during each patient visit. |8,_2rDZYGmiD 2+*q0|F&jK"$U,GkT:+e\Y[ an5\4;9avFwaVn,wav,'05ZFZw-b|Xn^_wl^ R'|[ In addition to this we provide an eye emergency service and 24-hour on-call ophthalmic specialists. The logistical arrangements of this "bridging" scheme are as follows: The triage/video conference access telephone line will be the same as the previous CUES telephone number ( 0116 326 5588 ). We counsel on medicines and provide advice. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009781.pub2. We studied the current utilization of our eye casualty services with special emphasis on the out-of-hours attendance. All new patients attending the casualty at WEI over a 4-week period (131 October 2004) had information collated on: demographic data, referral source, presentation time, symptom duration, diagnoses, and management. Leicester Royal Infirmary Eye Clinic 10m Ward 28-LRI 23m Leicester Royal Infirmary Children's Hospital 25m Ward 28 LRI 26m NCP Leicester Tigers 30m Leicester Royal Infirmary Childrens Outpatients 32m Leicester Royal Infirmary Windsor Building 32m LRI Childrens Unit 34m Leicester Royal Infirmary 38m Royal Leicester Infirmary 38m Self referral in a gate keeping system: patient's reasons for skipping the general-practitioner. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise for any recent issues you have experienced and to reassure you that we have made some developments to improve the way we deliver our service to patients. Our waiting times for over 95% of prescriptions is less than 20 minutes. -, Ugeskr Laeger. Those IP optometrists who were signed up to LUECS in the past, now have a contract for this bridging scheme. Opening times, locations and contact details. Website. If someone in your practice has the necessary IP qualifications and you wish your practice to be part of LOTS, please contact Tom Bocock/Zack Sentance, General Managers of Ophthalmology at UHL: tom.bocock@uhl-tr.nhs.uk & zack.sentance@uhl-tr.nhs.uk. Emerg Med J 2003; 20: 119120. Correspondence to Clinical Microbiology Level 6 Ophthalmology Suite (Eye Surgery) Paediatric ENT Undergraduate Teaching Centre Occupational Health. We did not receive a notification from Patient Opinion to let us know about your posting, however we would like to thank you for the review you left 'eye casualty' at Leicester Royal Infirmary. Thank you for taking the time to post your comments about our Ophthalmology department. We would encourage practices to use LOTS whenever appropriate, as this will help us when developing a longer term urgent eyecare solution. I was happy to wait 2 hours and grateful to be seen. I was impressed by the friendliness of the staff and efficient system of being given a number and waiting to check in so you could gauge where you were in the queue. NB. The frequency of eye trauma in males was twice that in females. My 85 year old mother has recently undergone a successful operation for removal of a cancerous growth on her lower eyelid, last week at a routine follow up appointment she was assessed as requiring a cataract operation, the consultant filled out the relevant paperwork and we left it with the departmental receptionist and were told the appointment would follow. % 3 Where is the Ophthalmology Suite? Leicester Royal Infirmary 9 years ago. Molecular Diagnostics Ward 35 (Infectious Diseases Unit) Wards 19, 21 & 22 Level 1 University of Leicester . the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in About: Leicester Royal Infirmary. Furthermore, over half of these patients were found to have had symptoms for longer than 12h with only three patients needing admission and urgent treatment. 1981 Jun;65(6):436-8 I was sent to eye casualty by my GP and found the service to be great. Emergency Department - A34 New Cross Hospital. All patients are triaged at presentation by a nurse practitioner using the local triage practice. We are so lucky to have these skilled practitioners there for us and I left the department full of gratitude and pride in the amazing service the NHS can provide. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The Eye Casualty department is based in the Windsor Eye Clinic, Windsor Building, Level 1 at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. Click here to submit your comments to us. This post does include Eye Casualty sessions, evening on call eye casualty session and you may be required to join the registrar on-call rota subject to service demands. 2, 3 . Symptoms duration categories: 1up to 6h, 2>6h up to 12h, 3>12h to 1 day, 4>1 day and up to 2 days, 5>2 days to 1 week, and 6>1 week. Telephone. Who has Care Opinion told about this story? Validity of an Ocular Emergency Triage System Compared to the Existing Grading System at the Emergency Unit of a Tertiary Eye Hospital in Saudi Arabia. Ir Med J 2001; 94: 265266. 1983 Jun 27;145(26):2051-3 We have to request interpreters in advance of patients attending, as they are not available on the day at short notice. The Stoneygate Eye Hospital. Kind regards. 4 0 obj In addition to reporting the main demographic variables in the study, the most common diagnoses and occupations were analysed separately. We want to hear from you on how to improve our service and provide the best care possible. 1983 Aug 31;35(15-16):747-52 There have been recent changes in how to refer into UHL Ophthalmology please see the attached. Infections were in general distributed evenly throughout the population. 2 0 obj Management of traumatic corneal abrasion by a sample of practicing ophthalmologists in Saudi Arabia. Leicester Royal Infirmary Google Scholar. 2013 Oct;61(10):541-5. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.121066. Questions Is the Eye clinic booking dept short staffed, are the waiting numbers I was told correct? The most common infection reported was acute conjunctivitis. I was impressed by the friendliness of the staff and efficient system of being given a number and waiting to check in so you could gauge where you were in the queue. They also took time on my return a few days later to answer my questions with patience and were kind and compassionate. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal eCollection 2023. All of the above inboxes are monitored during weekday opening hours by staff and appointments are arranged depending on the level of urgency and availability. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Eye (Eye) Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Please send your suggestions and comments totrustmedpharmacy@uhl-tr.nhs.uk. Any patients presenting with potential sight threatening conditions should be referred to the eye casualty department, as per college of optometrist guidance on urgency of referral. This may be advice on need for a sight test/contact lens appointment, referral to the triage service (LOTS) or referral to eye casualty at UHL. Opening hours: Main pharmacy: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 12:30pm Sunday 10:00am - 12:30pm Medicines Helpline for Patients Careers. 1 0 obj J Epidemiol Community Health 1993; 47: 382387. Pattern of ophthalmological accidents and emergencies presenting to hospitals. cgUgn/enM}`.U+u8s;Uo`,\`/!xlC9dEZ=Xjb V\h zh$tn$L*hu1xZ?cZi8Ix@ jE"4' MD+=EV8:60dm&. Have you experienced something like this, here or elsewhere? We're one team with shared values providing the best care possible. A R Rosenthal Abstract A survey of patients visiting the eye casualty clinic of the Leicester Royal Infirmary was conducted during a one-year period. Outside these times emergency patients can attend the main Accident and Emergency Department and will be referred to the on-call eye team if necessary. We saw almost 20,000 patients in Eye Casualty. The Leicester Royal Infirmary is a teaching hospital, and we also work closely with our Professor of Ophthalmology in the University of Leicester. An official website of the United States government. Out of hours was defined as after 1700 till 2100. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Ninety-nine patients were studied who presented to the Leicester Royal Infirmary A&E Department with a corneal abrasion; 49 were given an eye pad and 50 were not given an eye pad. Orthopaedics. xo#?=v~oa,mRFw{:iOxxx?~Y+6A{ Br J Ophthalmol. Don't throw triage out with the bathwater. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. We saw almost 20,000 patients in Eye Casualty. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.eye.6702609, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.eye.6702609. However, please note that Loughborough hospital now has an email referral system: LBeyesdept@uhl-tr.nhs.uk. Our Eye Infirmary is one of the leading providers of eye health care services in the UK. Common occupations presenting with eye injury were press and machine tool operators, motor vehicle and aircraft mechanics, metal and sheet metal workers, construction and general labourers, electricians, welders, bus/lorry drivers and painter/decorators. and JavaScript. National Library of Medicine Article Edwards RS . Windle J, Mackway-Jones K . If referring to LOTS telephone/video triage service, please provide the patient with the above telephone number and the times of availability as above. Communications Officer, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust 7 years ago, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. Article Would someone from the hospital authority like to explain? Data were recorded by both medical and clerical personnel during each patient visit. Here are some telephone numbers which you may find useful: Enquiries about clinic appointments - 0116 258 6763 Enquiries about surgery - 0116 248 5930 General information - 0116 258 6468 FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY Emergency Eye Casualty - 0116 258 6273 We are aware that patients have been facing some are difficulty in contacting us on these numbers at Emergency Department Eye Casualty Maternity Independent Review into Maternity Services at the Trust Improving our maternity services Maternity Covid-19 Information Your Pregnancy and Birth Parent and antenatal classes Patient information leaflets All Maternity Sexual Health Services Sexual Health Clinics Get Tested Sexual Health Contraception Close menu. Please follow the links on the left of the page to browse through our pages. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Bhopal RS, Parkin DW, Gillie RF, Han KH . A Kadyan. -, Minerva Pediatr. -. ISSN 1476-5454 (online) visibility, More responses from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, This means that some features of Care Opinion won't work, We recommend you enable JavaScript in your browser and then. Royal Leicester Infirmary Hospital Infirmary Square Leicester LE1 5WW (Get directions here) +44 (0) 3003031573. . Internet Explorer). We're one team with shared values providing the best care possible. We want to hear from you on how to improve our service and provide the best care possible. We area large department of 14 consultant ophthalmologists and their teams of doctors, nurses, optometrists, orthoptists, photographers, technicians, clerical staff and management. Bookshelf In addition to reporting Duration of presenting symptoms in the eye casualty. Correct patient details: name, address, DOB and phone number, A clear reason for referral and relevant clinical findings, Best Corrected Visual Acuity and up-to-date refraction result, Ensure the referral is legible when scanned from a printed sheet. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Data were recorded by both medical and clerical personnel during each patient visit. 2023 University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, We dispense all white outpatient prescriptions issued in clinics (please note - we do not dispense green FP10 prescriptions). 2014 Winter;3(4):103-10. We performed over 5,600 operations, the majority being done as day cases. When sending referrals via email, please ensure they are either in Word or PDF format. Leicester Royal Infirmary Ophthalmology Overview Departments and services Ophthalmology Facilities Ratings and reviews Leave a review Contact department Phone 0300 303 1573 Treatments and services Cataract Cataract surgery treatment Cornea Diabetic Medical Retina External Eye Disease Glaucoma Laser (YAG capsulotomy) Low Vision Neuro-Ophthalmology Wakai A, Lawrenson JG, Lawrenson AL, Wang Y, Brown MD, Quirke M, Ghandour O, McCormick R, Walsh CD, Amayem A, Lang E, Harrison N. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Monday to Friday - 08:30 to 16:30 Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays - 8:30 to 12:30 Outside these times emergency patients can attend the main Accident and Emergency Department, and will be referred to the on-call eye team if necessary or you can call NHS 111 service first. The care I received was excellent. Most eye casualty departments provide a service far in excess of their capacity; 1, 2 and review patients having non-urgent problems more appropriate for primary care or outpatient clinics. (Purple), High Demographic and clinical data were collected for 6576 patients. Emerg Med J 2003; 20: 184187. endobj The doctors were professional and efficient and were able to diagnose the problem quickly and then took time to explain what the implications of this were. x\ QT77$24xO.g/@$N"@no/_|Uxq-!N7o?\^mgucVtG5///SZv:h+~Bn]$~H V- c@T%~k Urgent Eye Care in the UK Increased Demand and Challenges for the Future. volume21,pages 441442 (2007)Cite this article. to help ascertain the level of urgency required for the referral. If your patient wants to be seen in one of the hospitals in the county, for the most part, please refer via the GP stating at which hospital the patient wishes to be seen. Data collection was complete for 1295 (81%) new patients. Most eye casualty departments provide a service far in excess of their capacity;1, 2 and review patients having non-urgent problems more appropriate for primary care or outpatient clinics.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Historically, the accident and emergency (A&E) department at the Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary (WEI) has provided an open access casualty service from 09002100, on all days of the week. The service will run between 08:30 to 16:00 except weekends and bank holidays. Visit https://www.careopinion.org.uk Kulu-Glasgow I, Delnoij D, de Bakker D . Trauma in adults was strongly influenced by occupation. Here are some telephone numbers which you may find useful: Enquiries about clinic appointments 0116 258 6763 Enquiries about surgery 0116 248 5930 General information 0116 258 6468 FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY Emergency Eye Casualty 0116 258 6273 We are aware that patients have been facing some are difficulty in contacting us on these numbers at peak times due to the volume of calls but we will make every effort to answer your call and resolve any concerns. The service will run between 08:30 to 16:00 except weekends and bank holidays. GPS Coordinates Health and Beauty; Hospitals; Leicester General Hospital. Out of 2546 patient contacts in the study period, 1597 patients were new and 949 patients had review appointments. TrustMed Pharmacy is located in the main car park on Havelock Street, next to Osborne and Windsor buildings. Demographic and clinical data were collected for 6576 patients. Our team are a competent and highly-trained team of pharmacists, dispensers and technicians who have patient safety and quality of services at heart. Health Policy 1998; 45: 221238. PMC The .gov means its official. Please include the following: Optometrists can use their own business email address if it is encrypted and is suitable for sharing patient identifiable and sensitive information. 2017 May 18;5(5):CD009781. Name and practice address of the referring optometrist. 2018 Apr-Jun;32(2):105-109. doi: 10.1016/j.sjopt.2017.10.007. The necessary examinations and interventions cannot be carried out if there is difficulty with communication. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles We hope this website will provide you with helpful information and offer you an insight into our department and commitment to eye care in Leicestershire. We received almost 28,000 new outpatient referrals. All patients received chloramphenicol (1%) ointment. <> van Uden CJT, Winkens RAG, Wesseling GJ, Crebolder HFJM, van Schayck CP . I persevered and a dozen or so attempts later a lady eventually answered my call, her response to my question of why the appointment had not arrived was astounding ' Oh we are short staffed I am on my own today doing the jobs of 2.5 people I know we have not put anyone on the list for at least a week, your mother only came in last week so try ringing back in another 2 weeks we might be able to tell you more then, but be aware there are in excess of 400 people waiting to get on the list !!' Leicester Royal Infirmary Monday to Friday 8:30am - 8:00pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00am - 7:00pm TrustMed Pharmacy is located in the main car park on Havelock Street, next to Osborne and Windsor buildings. Ophthalmic emergencies in a district general hospital casualty department. LOTS is being introduced as a temporary replacement for CUES which was withdrawn in Dec 2022. The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters, for patients, their families and their carers. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Google Scholar. Eye Casualty Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 08:30 to 16:30 Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays - 8:30 to 12:30 Outside these times emergency patients can attend the main Accident and Emergency Department and will be referred to the on-call eye team if necessary. Industrial action Due to industrial action taking place the eye emergency department will be operating a limited service on 15 and 20 December. Accessibility <> County hospitals are part of the Alliance and not UHL NHS Trust. The demand for out- of -hours emergency care was examined and the number of new patients that registered out-of-hours was much lower than during the regular hours. Time of presentation, duration of symptoms, and diagnosis are shown in Figures 1 and 2 and Table 1, respectively. I was so grateful for their skill and expertise which probably saved me my sight and they were amazing. Seven hundred and thirty-eight patients (57%) were minor emergencies and discharged at first attendance by nurse practitioners. Click here to submit your comments to us. Med Hypothesis Discov Innov Ophthalmol. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Eye 1998; 12: 880882. For any TrustMed pharmacy enquiries, please call: 0116 254 1446 Email for all three sites: Trustmedpharmacy@uhl-tr.nhs.uk Share your views In conclusion, a dedicated out-of-hours eye casualty seems to have a limited role We recommend such a reorganization to other units only after the respective units have similarly examined the demand for eye care in their casualty as part of the reorganization process. Eye About: The eye department is based at Leicester Royal Infirmary. Royal Eye Infirmary Overview Overview Departments and services Facilities Ratings and reviews Leave a review Contact us Address Derriford Road Crownhill Plymouth Devon PL6 8DH Get directions (opens in Google Maps) Phone 01752 202082 Online Visit Hospital website Find another hospital What patients say Latest reviews for Royal Eye Infirmary. Share your experiences of UK health and care services, Published on nhs.uk on 10/10/2013 at 04:00, other people have had similar experiences, Default Patients will either self-refer or be referred by their primary care health professional. Leicester Demographic and clinical data were collected for 6576 patients. The Ophthalmology Suite is in the Balmoral building on level 6. To obtain Visit https://www.careopinion.org.uk There was no significance difference between the two groups in terms of the duration of pain (p > 0.2). -, Surv Ophthalmol. I was sent to eye casualty by my GP and found the service to be great. - we'll pass your stories to the people in health and social care who can make a difference. Analysis of all new cases seen in a busy regional centre ophthalmic casualty department during 24-week period.
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