C) monochronic They had to pick out their colors, their shoes, their fingernails. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. We are more likely to perceive outgroupers as more trustworthy, Co-cultures have all of the following features EXCEPT. Blank refers to the loudness of your voice. Its to wonder why you were engaging in this behavior. D) spend time getting to know a person before doing business with her or him. laws., as laws are not part of religion, The contingency model of leadership effectiveness is an example of the person-situation interaction. Texas A&M University, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02a_kwok.mp3, KaMalcris Cottrell But for me, what Ive experienced is its OK to ask a question and not to have malice behind it. chapter13- trauma and stressor related disord, KEP-Dienste - wichtige Begriffe kurz erklrt. These subjective interpretations lead to negative outcomes for students that further exclude them from learning opportunities, including higher rates of suspensions, expulsions, and even students leaving school. The chart on the right is labeled Teachers and is divided as follows: 79% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 9% Hispanic (gray), 7% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 3% other (green), and 2% Asian/non-Hispanic (yellow). So understanding ones own culture allows us to see that culture itself isnt neutral, that everybody has their own culture and their own ways of understanding, not just people we deem as different than us. Values that influence decision-making. Weegy: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time. Question what kind of fragment is "near the computer"? C) polychronic D) costly, Skylar is a very organized and timely individual. Lets talk about why that is and what changes need to be made, again either in the rules or in the behaviors. Take a moment to read through the table below. In short, what I am trying to say is that culture influence ALL of the OPTIONS in the question above,that is option 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'. This information can be gathered formally or informally through: Meetings (Meet the Teacher night, parent-teacher conferences), Frequent two-way communication (emails, phone calls). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In a low-uncertainty-avoidance culture, members prefer structured work with clear delineation of power and authority., If maintaining harmonious relationships takes precedence over a strict adherence to a time schedule, you are demonstrating a monochronic time orientation., Co-cultures do not include gender, age, or sexual . Providing directions in the form of a question (e.g., Can you join us for group time?) implies an expectation to comply. Someone who is diagnosed with adjustment disorder (AD) _____. a learned predisposition to respond to an object or class of objects in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way is a(n) _____. Score 1 User: Which of the following electronic and information technology products is not required to meet . And that has opened many doors just in my personal life and in my work life with my colleagues. 1 Answer/Comment. Instruct students to write an autobiography. Teachers may not realize how much of their daily routines and practices are influenced by their cultural practices and upbringing. There is a clear distinction between the role of the teacher and that of the family: Academics is the sole responsibility of the teachers while families provide instruction on skills and knowledge needed at home and in the community. The third chart is labeled Out-of-School Suspensions and is divided as follows: 39% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 31% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 23% Hispanic (gray), 6% other (green), and 1% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). Next, KaMalcris Cottrell highlights how her school creates a safe space where students are able to share their beliefs and values. Length of time that has passed since the disaster. Its really important to understand ones own culture and think about the ways that impacts students. Encourage students to discuss how their cultural practices or beliefs may differ from how they are depicted in literature and other media. Culture is such a powerful influence on our outlooks and behaviors that often we are not even aware of it, instead believing our perspectives are just the way things are. In the context of increasingly diverse classroom settings, such unexamined beliefs can lead to avoidable conflict and a loss of valuable instructional time. All department members can share their suggestions for increasing sales. Ask students or families for recommendations of books that represent their cultures and languages. Build relationships with students When teachers and students learn more about and develop a mutual respect for each other: Teachers gain a better understanding of what students need to engage in class and to succeed, Students gain a better understanding of why particular rules and procedures are necessary to help the class run smoothly and to help the class succeed. And so the more that teachers can invest towards getting to know their students and their cultures, the more that theyll be able to bring that information into the classroom and be able to apply it in meaningful ways so that their students can engage and participate and feel like a part of that classroom community and feel like they are being integrated and part of the learning process, as opposed to being individuals who are being spoken at and having to do learning one specific way. These conflicts can have a range of effects: Lets explore the effects of teachers misinterpreting student behavior in more depth. And so that, I think, is the difference between really thinking about culturally responsive, which is responding to who students are and where theyre coming from and their experiences and their different ways of being. Eliminating implicit bias, which is, like it or not, we all have them. Note: If you have worked through Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices, you may have completed this assessment. Listen as Andrew Kwok discusses the importance of teachers understanding their students cultures. Providing directions in the form of a question (e.g., Can you join us for group time?) implies an expectation to comply. Personal influence, reference groups, family influence, and culture are types of _____ influence on the consumer purchase decision process. And if you are a young person coming from a family where youre told to be deferent to the educator or to adults in general, and youre really told not to speak unless youre asked a question then youre not going to know to advocate for yourself. User: Can I get a better answer Weegy: Weegy: Y/y^3 = 1/y^2. Lets talk about why a students behavior or students behavior more generally may not align with the school and may not align with what those expectations are. b) Are the necessary assumptions to perform inference satisfied? Being a good teacher means that you need to understand who youre going to teach. Finally, he talks about developing a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan. To support ELLs in understanding classroom rules and procedures, teachers should: The preferred term for a student engaged in learning English as his or her second language. FALSE. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Culture is a word we use to describe any of the practices, beliefs and norms characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. User: Mateo did poorly on a test. A) monochronic Co-cultures do not include gender, age, or sexual orientation. Is this strong proof that they have failed to attain their fuel economy goal? Operations Management questions and answers. Then the last bit would be to also consider families and community and peer teachers in considering additional factors that can help teachers succeed in building an effective classroom management plan. However, Black students were overrepresented in disciplinary actions. Read these books together as a class. That means seeing the value of everything that theyre bringing in, and not seeking to change them but seeking to support them in developing who they are in concert with all the things that theyre learning in the classroom. Other ways that behavior management plans can be more culturally sustaining would be to have the teacher build relationships with the students or to have the students have positive interactions with one another. Project Officer, Sarah Allen. Once we are aware of the possibility of these culture gapsand the problems that might arise because of themwe can take thoughtful steps toward a better, more thorough understanding of them. To notice if the goal is being met, they check the gasoline usage for 50 company trips chosen at random, finding a mean of 25.02mpg25.02 \mathrm{mpg}25.02mpg and a standard deviation of 4.83mpg4.83 \mathrm{mpg}4.83mpg. The fourth chart is labeled Expulsions and is divided as follows: 38% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 35% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 21% Hispanic (gray), 5% other (green), and 1% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). Members of a low-context culture feel the need to make information clear, direct, and explicit, as they view themselves as individuals, World-mindedness is the opposite of ethnocentrism, Culture is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT. Incorporate the cultures of the students in the classroom by: Making sure that the curricula and materials reflect the historical and contemporary cultures of the children represented in the classroom and in the community, Bringing in community and family members as part of regular classroom practice. Page 1: Creating a Classroom Behavior Management Plan, Page 2: Cultural Considerations and Behavior, Page 10: References & Additional Resources, Click here to view examples that illustrate certain specific perspectives and approaches that might result in cultural gaps, Classroom Diversity: An Introduction to Student Differences, Cultural and Linguistic Differences: What Teachers Should Know, Teaching English Language Learners: Effective Instructional Practices, Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices (Page 3), Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Influence the behavior of teachers and students alike, Influence the behaviors and actions that occur daily in the classroom setting, Impact the extent to which teachers are able to manage behavior, Identify areas in which students may need more support and explicit teaching of behavior rules and procedures, Create rules and consequences that align with students cultural beliefs and practices. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. How can a seller organization influence perceptions of a buyer organization? He felt disappointed but decided to study an hour each night Weegy: The best time to weigh yourself is in the: morning after you exercise. Julie is concerned about the thoughts and feelings of others; however, she often does not get her own needs met and is perceived as being too nice. D. Beliefs and reactions to situations. Although culturally sustaining practices may look different depending on the context, teachers can: Many districts have personnel who can offer teachers information, training, and supports on topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. And how can I best support that? If you believe that all people on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) are inherently lazy and don't deserve governmental assistance, what type of prejudice does your belief reflect? Texas A&M University, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_elem_p02b_oconner.mp3, Discrepancies between classroom and students cultures, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02b_kwok.mp3, Developing a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02d_kwok.mp3. Some ways to make the plan more culturally sustaining are to: Practices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. She was very open and super excited to share with us all the pieces that were going into this quinceaera, and the other students had wonderful questions. Andrew Kwok, PhD Identify the foundations of existing practices, Review practices to determine and reduce potential areas of culturally based conflict, If cultural gaps exist, determine whether practices have to be done in a particular way or whether changes can be made, Establish and teach clear classroom expectations that help students feel safe and secure, Be open with students about differences in school practices and expectations and those in the home or community. Operations Management. Any significant disparity in world views, values, and expectations that exist between a teacher (or the school culture as a whole) and racially and ethnically diverse students. Which of the following best explains why Mae does not want to sell How was Chinese communism different from European communism? In a high-context culture such as Japan, a verbal "OK" does not necessarily mean agreement or consenting to a request. Cultural gaps can cause teachers to misinterpret students behavior, which can lead to conflict. gender.age., Culture can be lived. The largest number of Native Americans in the region is found in the corners Arizona and California both We talk about our behavior. But its taking it an additional step further and saying, not only do we value that and talk about it in the classroom but lets see how we can connect our classroom practices so that your space and your family and your community is enhanced by what were doing in the classroom. B. Notions of time Its difficult for the teacher to be able to differentiate one lesson 20, 30 different ways for each individual within the classroom, but if they can think about collective similarities across students and see how they interact with one another and how they can help one another to learn and grow, that will allow for opportunities to change and adapt these structures within the system. The U.S.and Canada are typical examples of high-context cultures. Next, listen as she explains how culture plays a role in classroom behavior management practices and why it is important to examine these practices with a cultural lens. And it made me realize that in the church that I attend everyone is to sit and be quiet. School of Education, Andrew Kwok, PhD If maintaining harmonious relationships takes precedence over a strict adherence to a time schedule, you are demonstrating a monochronic time orientation. One or two specific ways of how to behave and how to act within a classroom or a school environment, those sort of ways of acting and behaving does not necessarily always align with how other cultures think about or process appropriate behavior. And I would hope people feel the same way about my culture. Listen as Ashley Lloyd discusses strategies for identifying cultural gaps and describes an experience that she had that lead to a deeper understanding of how culture might influence behavior. We have a quiet hand raised if you would like to ask a question at the end. , exhibiting symptoms for at least six months c. may be exhibiting mood or behavioral symptoms d. may be exhibiting a normal grief response after the loss of a loved one. So to examine that gives us a better understanding first of what it is. B) high-context Page 2: Cultural Considerations and Behavior. So in a situation where there is a gap of information when it comes to me and another students culture, Ill make sure that in a separate environment during a separate time period, not necessarily in front of the rest of the classroom with that student, to ask questions, to both ask how they were feeling about what happened in that moment, but then also how to better my understanding of that moment. They include __________, Teams, Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies. -the preferred brand is on sale. A long chain of islands is known as what? The culture of schools and classrooms is really important for teachers to consider, particularly in thinking about the structures that make up education and schooling. Students who listen and remain quiet are respectfully engaged. And similarly for young people there is an expectation of how you might advocate for yourself. -is the amount of blood pumped out with each hearbeat. And those vary across time and space. She was very nice and patient and did a wonderful job of explaining it. Which of the following ways of saying "no" illustrates a high-context culture? Jordan, on the other hand, has been taught that making eye contact is disrespectful to adults, and so he looks at the ground when Ms. Amry speaks to him. Students and teachers may have similar cultural backgrounds and experiences, share only certain cultural experiences, or be altogether different from one another. Cultural differences are particularly important to understand as the U.S. student population becomes more and more racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse. And we may as a result demean ways of being and knowing that are different than ours as abnormal as sub-standard. TRUE. To learn more about cultural influences on behavior and how demographic differences can lead to cultural gaps that negatively impact students, we encourage you to listen to Lori Delale-OConnor in this extended IRIS Interview. The best time to weigh yourself is in the. In a low-uncertainty-avoidance culture, members prefer structured work with clear delineation of power and authority. They can do this by implementing culturally sustaining practicespractices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. Ideal culture can be defined as ? Cultural gaps can cause teachers to misinterpret students behaviorespecially more subjective behaviors (e.g., disrespect, noncompliance)which can lead to conflict. And every day she came back, we had a new question for her, and we were just as excited for the event as she was. To learn more about student diversity, view the following IRIS Modules: Even teachers who believe that they engage in culturally sustaining practices can benefit from taking the time to reflect on their knowledge, attitudes, and practices. According to Bevan and Sole (2014), culture influences all except the following. D) using the most up-to-date methods. Members of a polychronic culture would probably: In low-power-distance cultures, differences in power are minimized, whereas in high-power-distance cultures, differences in power are accentuated. Which of the following statements about culture is most accurate? In Scandinavian countries,whose culture is classified as "feminine," work teams tend to emphasize: Which statement is FALSE regarding ingroup versus outgroup distinctions? Our own culture impacts our behaviors significantly,yet it is hard for us to describe those cultural expectations,because we follow them unconsciously. Recognizing and understanding why students behave in certain ways can prevent misunderstandings based on cultural differences. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Notions of time B. In polychronic cultures,being punctual is not considered important at all. Culture is a word we use to loosely describe any of the beliefs, norms, and practices characteristic of a particular society . This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Culture is the unseen thread that binds people together. B. Notions of time C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors.
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