Are you sold yet? How do you select the finding process is, is twofold. And I looked at the report and it shows that she had been fired from job after job, after job, after job, but to job. Because if you ask most people, what is Minority Mindset? We have a market breakdown of what happened in like the Dow Jones, the S and P the NASDAQ Bitcoin, Ethereum gold. If, if Im making the video about whats happening with inflation, well, then I can promote Market Briefs, go check out our newsletter. [00:04:33] Jaspreet: Do I cry complaint? And I was scripting everything by words. [00:32:34] Pat: And what they do is they teach them their experiences. I was 17 years old. and just kind of the backend support, probably two designers, a couple of backend support people. And I have gone through. His work has featured in Yahoo, the Sun and Rutgers Business School. Selling with Love on Apple Podcasts So what we do is we create native. English is my second language. My name is Pat Flynn. You know? Im, Im, surprised youre only charging a thousand. But it just created a lot of confusion because the discord was where we can be talked to everybody. Because sometimes, you know, I just get busy with other stuff like before the holidays, the new year. We have a couple people, that do the full-time, writing for Market Briefs, the newsletter. [00:38:46] Jaspreet: You can still watch this on YouTube. We dont do any of them. I have a lot of people who watch and listen to this show who. Jaspreet Singh became The Minority Mindset to provide accessible financial education in a world where most people arent taught about money. 121, The Winning Playbook: An Interview With Former Pro Football Player Jonathan Scott | Ep. If there is a good promotion, a good place for me to recommend something, Ill recommend it. Thanks for coming on, man. We have a blog still, but its more of my personal brand rep teaching is financial education, and then I can send people wherever. You have to bust your butt. You can try out everything and see if its right for you. And I think that its going to be doing really well. So then I started, scripting it in jump cuts in smaller bits, and I would write it out word for word, because I figured that would be the best way for me to convey the message. You can have all the best tools you can have rich parents, you can have a trust fund. And this maybe Ill ask for a 62nd or two minute answer, and that is specifically, I want you to speak to everybody whos listening or watching this right now. Okay. Were trying to build these companies because of something that I really enjoy doing, but it just kind of differentiate that having the ability to market these products and having their own marketing channels. I appreciate it. If youre an investor, whats a product that can help you out. And so I, I spent a full day recording yet. I didnt know how to present myself. The goal of the channel is to revolutionize the way people think about money and to make financial education fun and they often discuss passive income. He was then forced to make a decision between his sock company or carrying on with Minority Mindset. And then we reach out to them to see if the BIA tested advertisements. Our mission is to develop a community of people who try to make financially sound decisions. Anything is possible. So yeah. And thats what happened to me like for the first year. I didnt know how to speak when I was first making videos. And the reason why I was saying that, you know, I didnt grow up imagining that I was going to be a video person. So let, lets start with Minority Mindset because our blog, we have two editors on staff and then we probably have maybe a dozen or so contractor writers, maybe a little bit more than a dozen writers. But we do reveal a lot of numbers today. So I guess theres two pastas. I was running my sock company. But youre not required to purchase anything. My goal is here to provide you with the best education, the pest to value possible. Now the reason we were able to do that is because we have funds from other places to pay the higher fees. And then in terms of, so thats the UX, the user experience is very easy. Subscribe to the Motiversity Show for And the reason why its called The Minority Mindset is because all success starts with your mindset. Smart Passive Income Podcast with Pat Flynn, How Jaspreet comes up with fresh and relevant content, The journey from novice YouTuber to over 1 million subscribers, How Jaspreet finds advertisers for his newsletter, Strategies for diversifying your revenue streams, Tips for building, nurturing, and compensating a great team, Lessons Jaspreet learned from some of his early mistakes. These are real companies selling real products. And then I go and watch this video and I was like, oh, you know, I dont like the way Im looking. I didnt know. It was profitable. Minority Mindset is an entrepreneur and personal finance influencer with an estimated net worth of $2 million. I might take a piece of paper, I just bullet point. He started his first business an event planning company when he was in college. 204, Financial Literacy For Generation Z: Why It Matters And How To Improve It, Minority Mindset with Jaspreet Singh | Ep. six years ago you launched this or six or seven years ago and sort of Minority Mindset. Awesome. Well go check out market insiders. That is our financial education tab. [00:02:25] Jaspreet: We talk about his struggles on his journey to becoming a successful YouTuber. [00:46:42] Jaspreet: Like, its just its I dunno, you just built this culture. And yet here I was with these own limiting beliefs on myself, which has shows you like. Minority Mindset with Jaspreet Singh | Ep. 84 | Money And I was like, wow. We try to keep things in, in that type of word. So its just a lot of things working and, you know, Im okay. Video idea, or something happens in the stock market. And the reason why this is like I went down this route is because theres a lot of crap out there. Thats one of the products, what, whats another product that you, are doing to support your business outside of advertiSingh revenue on YouTube. 45% of subscribers read their emails every morning. WebJaspreet Singh is a serial entrepreneur, licensed attorney, and the founder of Minority Mindset, a financial media company & YouTube Channelwith over one million Thats what the Navy. You, how do you partner with them in that situation? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You, if you think youre thinking big, youre not thinking big enough. Instagram:@moneytalkwitht [00:05:47] Jaspreet: Jaspreet Singh is a serial entrepreneur, licensed attorney, and the founder of Minority Mindset, a financial media company & YouTube Channelwith over one I got this and boom. The website strives to educate individuals in making wise choices about Personal Finance, Retirement, Investing and more. I was like, what? Many different scenarios. Put it, it was like, it was, you know, are we a YouTube channel? [00:30:06] Jaspreet: I mean, youd mentioned that value first as one of your values. Thats what the name Minority Mindset is all about, where you have to have the right mindset in order to succeed. So Market for people who want to check that out. And thats it. Like I hit jackpot with it. I skipped the way I taught. Thats the price that were looking at right now per deal better. Ive always on top of that. so right now the newsletter has just under a hundred thousand Or, so. Thats what allows everything to, to grow. And now here we are over a million subscribers and Im like, you know, Im always talking about thinking bigger. Isobel Lawrance twenty sixth Apr 2023 Studying Time: 5 minutes A 3-day weekend sounds good to us however are you aware what sounds even higher? I mean, if you just think of like some of your. Today were talking about different ways to earn passive income with special guest Jaspreet Singh. Then at the seven month mark, I was like, you know, this, this is just not working. And, our content started to grow, started providing value because you know, one of our core values here at The Minority Mindset company is. Fill out the form below to subscribe. [00:47:45] Jaspreet: everyone has, you know, the base salary, but then we also have a revenue share program where you get paid, not just your salary, but then you also get paid, based off of how well. This was the name that you had when you knew that you were going to do this. So this put this in perspective. Can you create an Instagram page? Thats going to be recorded. Same thing. And people keep coming back. Things that Im doing as it is. They go to real estate, stocks, businesses, cryptocurrency, and things like physical gold. Nate OBrien Name of YouTube channel: Nate OBrien So I brought him. Twitter:@moneytalkwitht And now here I am 17 years old in business, starting this event, planning company. I love that. Whatever platform youre working on is doing. Opportunities are endless. It was pretty bad, right. So that was what the majority mindset and Minority Mindset was all about internally. Come on tomorrow, unless its a super like trendy topics. And so I started kind of recording, like thinking that it has to be just one full video, no mistakes. Jaspreet is the Chief Executive Money Nerd at the Minority Mindset Companies and the host of the Minority Mindset YouTube Channel. Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle. Learn affiliate marketing strategies to help you generate more income by recommending other products. WebJaspreet is the Chief Executive Money Nerd at the Minority Mindset Companies and the host of the Minority Mindset YouTube Channel. See everyone gets, you know, very fair, very good base salary, but then the better your vertical does, the more you make. So let me see. The newsletter itself is built for non-traditional investors who want to know how the new-age of investing, business, and finance affects them everyday. What, what, what was the crux? You dont have rich parents. You learn that now, can I ask you a question? Im 18, 19, 20 years old making pretty good money in college. I shouldnt blink. I know youve done the affiliate stuff. Its the mindset of thinking differently than the majority people. Hes on a mission to make financial education fun and accessible. You have to work your way, but you are willing to work. And then on, in terms of just, kind of the monetization revenue side, an app allows us to do a whole lot more things like push notifications. We have our own criteria of companies that we want to work with. They would buy things that wouldnt increase in value and would just give temporary enjoyment. 121Continue, Read More Estate Planning with David Edey | Ep. I want to come back and watch more. The blesSingh in disguise. Nobody wants to click on and no business is really making any conversion on. And then coming up very soon, it might be the next day might be two days just depending on what it is, before more of the educational content. [00:19:38] Jaspreet: The whole thing was just that the idea of thinking differently than the majority of people. And I kept telling myself like, you know what, Im going to coach. So its. My man, Im glad to hear that. And now Im trying to rebuild a little bit of a backlog. So things like you, dont say Im on finance or fund dries or other companies that might help you be better with your money because the, the, the user is for investors. However, life had other plans for him and while still in college, the young entrepreneur decided to start his first business at 17 and built an events planning company. WebMuch like the mission for The Minority Mindset, founder and CEO of Briefs Media, Jaspreet Singh, wanted to fill a gap that he saw in the market. But I like this idea because then you can reach out and have a legit conversation. So thank you. Jaspreet Singh His topics include real estate investing, getting rich during a recession, and helpful moneymaking habits. Its super easy. And the reason the way weve been able to get there is we filter out that one is a very its. And so were filling that up right now, but, about $1,000 will get you a spot. A licensed attorney, Jaspreet Singhs brand is all about breaking away from the herd hence the Minority Mindset theme and building wealth on your own. You know, I think it was right around a hundred thousand subscribers. You can sign up to receive these valuable bite-sized emails now at, 5 deliciously low-cost Coronation recipes, 15 Best Sites Like Amazon For Online Shopping in 2023, 12 Best Coupon Apps to Save Money in 2022. 204Continue, Read More Financial Literacy For Generation Z: Why It Matters And How To Improve ItContinue, Retirement Daily with Robert Powell | Ep. [00:38:40] Pat: So I was like, what do I do about this? And so we just brought on a new sales person. Theyre buying a new car. Minority Mindset is an entrepreneur and personal finance influencer with an estimated net worth of $2 million. But with this approach and with this, these, these ideals, and these values that go along with that. so when we market insiders is a newer product, we launched that towards the end of 2021, as a beta test to see how people would like it. You can have all the financial education, but if you have a broke mindset, you are going to live broke and youre going to lose it all. Our email content is full of value, void of hype, tailored to your interests whenever possible, never pushy, and always free. February right now. It wasnt unique enough. Or Im trying to sign up for a 401k. And its funny because a big thing that I kind of battled. Jaspreet, now with a net worth of $2 million, has become a licensed lawyer, a serial entrepreneur, and the host of Minority Mindset on YouTube. So if you want somebody to stay in touch and involved, they need to continue to get some sort of upside. I was a part-time student for the second half. Make sure everybodys on the same page and make sure everybody is here to win. 113, How I (Almost) Cash Flowed Braces | Ep. So thats, thats, thats the million dollar, not even the million, thats like the a hundred million dollar question because thats where, how do you figure out how to do that? Like youre dumb go study, but I always knew that theres something else I need to do. And you said that you can read in five minutes or less and its written in a fun way. If you havent figured this out by now, we are actually posting these podcasts, not just as audio anymore, but on YouTube as well. Its not, its not a recorded today. How do you find it? But its just such a real story. Its like three minutes long. It might be a real estate account. We'll send you our weekly email newsletter, Unstuck every Tuesday. From Entrepreneur to 1 Million Subscribers with Jaspreet So I was like, well, this might be. I can continue building the solid company, but just find it was making good money. And originally just like when Market Briefs, mark insiders was under, like, it was a part of Minority Mindset. Will ChatGPT help TRX in the wake of Trons assistance to OpenAI? Then I can learn how to talk on camera. So it always kind of just fluctuates based off of whats happening around. Its good to be on with you. Im going to help her. And this is in regards to mostly real estate. And I let her go. And when I hit a hundred, it was a very unique time because a couple of things happened. So The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look or your skin color. I dont know whats going on. Thank you so much. Like, this is like, if I could do anything like this, I would, I would just do this. I think I forgot how to be. [00:00:00] Jaspreet: He was like three advertisements. Now you have people who recognize you. In this episode, he shares his journey of how he built his YouTube channel and blog. Jaspreet, I cannot thank you enough. We have a newsletter team. 4Continue, Read More Bonus Episode: Finance Friday Live 7/8/22 | Ep. And then we would take the zoom recording and then put it into a different, management system. Thats now benefiting the reader and its also good for the advertiser. I just want to go talk about it. I mean, theres so much, how do you decide what to create a video about. Jaspreet Singh Wiki, Height, Age, Girlfriend, Wife, What started as a hobby to teach others to make better financial decisions blew up when he set up his YouTube channel. [00:47:40] Pat: give me a sense of how big each of the teams are for each of these different companies that you have. WebJaspreet Singh, the Minority Mindset, is an attorney, investor, and CEO of Market Briefs,. Why an app specifically? I thought I was going to be a doctor. Despite not having any formal financial education, Jaspreet aimed to make financial education enjoyable and available for everyone. It, because it took me a year and a couple months to hit 30,000 subscribers. Like things arent going well, the company did very good, even though we were scammed. Cause maybe I can just do minority mice and trying to figure it out, figure it out how I can turn this into something bigger and just focus on providing the best education and the best value to our viewers and our subscribers. So were trying to replicate the same model. And thats why I was doing it because I wasnt, I started it just for fun. Market Briefs is a financial newsletter. And thank you for that, because that answers a lot of questions that I know my audience has. If I think differently than the majority of people, where can I create opportunity for myself? Learn how to start a podcast, step-by-step. Im working in this event planning company where anytime somebody makes a little bit of money, theyre going to the Gucci store. So another reason why, you know, someone is not, its not cutting it, let them go early, be willing to train, be willing to work with somebody, be willing to mold, but you know, its just. Type above and press Enter to search. Im sure. It was good. so kind of what we do is we actually just look at, if you look at like, the affiliate agencies out there, so you have like commission junction, CJ, you have impact radius, you have a few others. I already have a lot of people reaching out to Minority Mindset, me for advertisements. I call it The Minority Mindset because the majority of people got a broke mindset. So either Im having a conversation with one of my friends and hes like, he, or she is like, oh, Im trying to get a job. I want to go back to when you started the YouTube channel, what was your plan with it? [00:19:24] Pat: So Im in law school for like the first half. Well, I already know whats going on, but if Im talking about a specific aspect that yeah, Im going to research some more articles. but in the, in the investing space, one. WebJaspreet Singh, the Minority Mindset, is an attorney, investor, and CEO of Market Briefs. Did you ever imagine getting into this big business now that youve been able to create and this following? And if you imagine, you know, 50% open rate, which is huge, thats amazing. So we have like a blog team. [00:05:02] Pat: So our goal now is to fill up the months that would then be cause of raiSingh the pricing, because I think we have more pricing room and leverage there, but we havent been, we havent tapped that yet because we want to fill up the calendar. I got a letter from the unemployment office saying that this person has now filed for unemployment from Minority Mindset. My goal was to ahead a technology behind it, a water resistant technology. It takes one piece of content to really take off. So for these, were paying the coaches, flat fees per session, and then we also pay them to stay engaged. Jaspreet singh now recalls, There were times I had nothing to eat. Or, if you dont do that, were going to kick you off the list because we want a very fresh list. You can customize it. So is it just hard to one get accepted, but then Adria accepted. LinkedIn:Tiffany Grant, Read More Retirement Daily with Robert Powell | Ep. in an entertaining way each day. Heres a little snippet of one of the most recent emails: Are you sold yet? Then we have a bunch of contractors for, you know, our design team on there. So. Thats what companies spend so much money trying to create the perfect commercial for the super bowl, because they want to have an advertisement that people want to watch. Our whole teams has been on me for that. Hes been doing a way longer than I have and thats all he does. Smart Passive Income Podcast & Ask Pat 2.0. I mean, just, just a lot of mistakes, just not even completing work. Then that started to evolve into social media. Thanks for having me. Its we have a 10 day free trial. [00:32:59] Jaspreet: This is where we have a lot in common as well. So you can check it [emailprotected]. So. He is known for his innocent looks and sharp observational skills. I have a company Market Briefs. Unstuck publishes every Tuesday. I had to do everything in secret. Everything was under Minority Mindset. [00:16:49] Jaspreet: Its a limited scarce, not like growth oriented, winning mindset. And the things that Ive found to give me the best value are the ones that continually meet up with us every two weeks, every month theyre theyre monitoring us. I appreciate you, and I look forward to serving you in the next episode of the Smart Passive Income Podcast. And I have to just tell you publicly here, youve saved me a lot of money. Its completely free and its a morning newsletter made for investors by investors. But, just like The Minority Mindset is built for those who dont subscribe to typical financial ideologies, Market Briefs caters to unique-minded investors. [00:51:50] Jaspreet: I want to talk about this, this, this, this. We find them and then they become teachers. [00:26:53] Pat: With things. The scrumptious Isobel Lawrance twenty fifth Apr 2023 Studying Time: 5 minutes 10 finances magnificence finds you NEED to attempt. Were building out a real estate class. So I did that. So thats, thats awesome. I was doing real estate. Jaspreet Singh, the Minority Mindset, is an attorney, investor, and CEO of Market Briefs. You can go to market to check it out. If I charged us a thousand dollars on how to invest in stocks.
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