I am a publisher by trade, and after watching one friend after another offer Leslie his or her advice or reflections about turning fifty, an idea popped into my mind for a book, which I would call Fifty Things To Do When You Turn Fifty. I would find fifty luminaries from various backgrounds to offer their recollections as well as their advice about the experience of turning fifty. Did any of your friends go on All Your Own? The former Chic founder and producer has given the world some of the most memorable sounds of the 70s and 80s including Le Freak, Everybody Dance and Dance, Dance, Dance. 01 of 20. Public Domain, Join over 50,000 other subscribers and get the latest ideas and stories straight to your inbox. Can you believe it turns 70 in 2022?r. They absolutely took it to the next level when they founded their frozen food division: It's easy to see how and why it became so popular, and it all started when they opened their doors a century ago. Flanked by the wonderful Dorothy Lamour the boys roll out their usual wisecracks and crooning blend of entertainment. Honorable Inventions: Velcro, TV remote control. Thanks to more than six and a half decades of remarkable scientific and technological innovation, 2022 looks very little like 1954. When James Joyce finally published "Ulysses" in 1922, the world went, "What?" Old leather lungs spent 3 weeks in the UK top 10 with this Western classic. While most people might have 24/7 access to the news, weather, and sports scores today, it's easy to forget that wasn't always the case. It has sold hundreds of thousands of copies and is still my companys top selling book. A year after it was released, we began adding other titles to the series, including Sixty Things To Do When You Turn Sixty, Sixty Five Things To Do When Your Retire, and Eighty Things To Do When You Turn Eighty. These books, thanks to the many erudite, witty and knowledgeable people who contributed to them, have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations for a variety of cancer related organizations while they were offering advice, entertainment and comfort to the people who purchased and read them. Telstar is launched as the first active communications satelliteactive as in amplifying and retransmitting incoming signals, rather than passively bouncing them back to Earth. Not everything that makes it to a 100th birthday is a good thing, and case in point? Adidas purchased its famous 3-stripe logo from Finnish sports company Karhu Sports for two bottles of whiskey and less than 1600 euros. Birth Year Themed Party. The term fiber optic is coined in 1956, but it isnt until 1970 that scientists at Corning produce a fiber of ultrapure glass that transmits light well enough to be used for telecommunications. Over the years, the Time Inc. empire has included Life magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Sports Illustrated, and through the acquisition of Warner Communications (which became Time Warner), they developed pay-per-view television and premium channels like HBO. The picture houses of the UK were teaming with people visiting them, sometimes two or three times a week. Potato Head became fantastically plastic. The Most Famous Inventions the Past 69 Years Have Given Us. John D. Rockefeller had just done something unthinkable when his personal wealth crossed the billion-dollar threshold, and how about those speed limits? In the spirit of celebration, Bright Side brings you a list of famous soon-to-be 70-year-olds. Honorable Inventions: Smoke Detector, Charge-Coupled Device, Automated Teller Machine. While social media and the internet have conditioned 21st-century minds to like little bite-sized pieces of news and entertainment, Reader's Digest was doing that way back in 1922. Do you remember the words to You Belong to Me? Nathan Swartz founded Timberland in 1952 and helped to design the brands durable boot. The Boeing 707-120 debuts as the worlds first successful commercial jet airliner, ushering in the era of accessible mass air travel. An epic adventure film, this vintage classic was shot in technicolour and featured some big stars (Robert Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Fontaine and George Sanders to name a few). These are the most impactful inventions of our time. When he places popcorn kernels in front of the magnetron, the kernels explode all over the lab. A nostalgic look at the 1950s with this excellent scrapbook style collection of the past. However, its only the jubilee celebrations that will get us a prolonged bank holiday weekend. Many were, and the movie almost didn't survive. In separate stories, five married couples find out that theyre not actually married. The name change came just in time for the dessert's 100th birthday: According to the Smithsonian, the Eskimo Pie was patented on January 24, 1922. Joan Crawford and Jack Palance take the lead in this brilliant film noir. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. About eight-in-ten U.S. murders in 2021 - 20,958 out of 26,031, or 81% - involved a firearm. A full 100 years after that first invention, DeWalt remains an industry leader. Honestly, all of these 2002 things feel like they happened 10 years ago, not 20. The film is romantic fiction but is inspired by the Danish poet and scholar who wrote numerous famous fairy tales. Alongside his smouldering good looks and screen presence his ability to reinvigorate the '80s Hollywood scene with a bad boy image was second to none. 4. You can unsubscribe at any time. That was in July of 1922, and Samuelson went on to not only become the first to jump while water skiing, but when he hit 80 mph, he became the first speed water skier, too. Join us to share ideas, wisdom and stories to make life easier & brighter. Telling jokes to an audience. ET. Record attendance at the venue was set in 1936, when 26,410 people turned up to see the French singer Lily Pons. The penultimate of Hope and Crosbys hugely successful Road To series. Fun! Modeled after the Parthenon in ancient Greece, the Lincoln Memorial was made with a variety of stone pink marble from Tennessee, granite from Massachusetts, marble from Colorado, Georgia, and Alabama, and limestone from Indiana to symbolize not just one of the nation's most influential presidents, but the importance that the union of states held for him. Caution: only proceed if youre happy to be catapulted back to 1952. 2. It's open to the public most of the time, even during many rehearsals and sound checks. Avoid daytime naps. The Old Man and the Sea was the last major work of fiction that Hemingway wrote that was published during his lifetime. No one decides to turn 70, they just happen to be lucky enough to still be able to breathe. 'When he was good, he was very good but when he was bad' well you get the gist. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Welcome to the community!We can't wait to share ideas, wisdom, and stories that make life easier and brighter with you. Copyright 2022 Spring Chicken Direct Limited. My Wife Jacqueline was one of the first British sitcoms airing on the BBC in 1952. Heres a fun fact to tell the grandkids: in its original form, Mr. Vampire movies of all different kinds and with different levels of sparkle have been all the rage in the 21st century, but they're all pale imitations of the original, which turns 100 in 2022. Goldblums unique acting style and handsome good looks assured that he would rarely be off the big screen for the next three decades. Book published by Sellers Publishing. According to the National Museum Australia, it's long been marketed as a national symbol that embodies "Australian vitality and innocence," and when it comes to the food that makes ex-pats dream of home, it's Vegemite. The birth of Prince William It was not the definitive chart as other rival publications The Record Mirror and Melody Maker also released their own best-selling charts over the subsequent years. popular trending video trivia random. Launching for the very first time on March 7th. A century ago, things like hamburgers and Coca-Cola were the hip new things that all the kids were into. PLUS: The Holy Grail Is Here: A Stable, Solid-State, Lithium-Metal Battery. As you would expect, there was lots of champagne consumed, lots of dancing, and lots of reminiscing. But as the night progressed, I noticed that there was a lot of advice being offered to Leslie as well from friends who had already passed their fifty-year mile marker. The first of a 15 string of top 30 hits for Doris Day in The UK charts. When they dig up the surprisingly well-preserved skeleton, they see it's been buried with a jade amulet: " we recognized it as the thing hinted of in the forbidden "Necronomicon" of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred;" That's really all it takes to make your skin crawl, and that's it for the mention of the book that went to be featured throughout the horror genre as the bound-in-skin source of all that is evil in this world and all others. Honorable Inventions: Industrial Robot, Carbon Fiber Composites. In 1960 the FDA approves Enovid for use as the first oral contraceptive. Biden is tied for second-lowest approval rating of any president in the past 70 years. The year 1952 saw the birth of several classic novels for both old and young alike, including: This childrens book was illustrated by Gareth Williams and was first published on the 15th October 1952 by Harper &Brothers. 1. The world has come a long way in just 100 years, so let's take a look at some of the things that will be celebrating their 100th birthday in 2022. "Being 70 is not a sin." Golda Meir. In 1956, Wilson Greatbatch grabs the wrong resistor and connects it to a device he is building to record heartbeats. You might even end up feeling the same way I did: happy to be alive and eager to make the next years of your life productive, meaningful, and fun! When you're older, you spend less time each night in deep sleep and more in lighter phases. This comedy stars the famous duo, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Why? If that hits your nostalgic feels, you might . This gothic tale of natures prowess over mankind is chilling to the last page. After a successful amateur career, Rourke was told to take a rest to recover from several concussions. Should it be as different as possible? Fifty Things To Do When You Turn Fifty was an immediate success. The short story is a modern classic detailing man's struggle against nature and his will to survive. The hugely talented Nile Rogers continues to entertain and create to this very day performing at Hyde Park in July 2022. It was the day before Samuelson's 19th birthday when he and his brother were experimenting with boats and skis on Minnesota's Lake Pepin. It was, unfortunately, drained in 1972. You should sign up for Social Security The Social Security benefit you're entitled to during. Developing this series has, without question, been one of the most satisfying experiences of my professional career, and until recently I was very focused on figuring out ways to promote awareness of the books.. And then I realized that it wouldnt be long before Id be turning seventy! If a time traveler got picked up out of 1922 and dropped into 2022, it's kind of mind-blowing to think about everything that would look different. Those of you who are hitting 70 this year are joining some of the biggest names in the world of entertainment who are also marking the major milestone this year. Don't stay in bed awake for more than five to 10 minutes. 1. However, in a story that weirdly parallels Dracula's own tale, copies of the film were taken overseas (to the U.S., and it's nice to imagine there was a coffin involved), where an accidentally expired copyright meant the story was in the public domain. 70 years ago, Austin-Healey was established as a British sports car maker. As we warm up for the Coronation, we all know nothing beats nostalgia. Most roads were capped at a death-defying 10 mph. Musicians and singers who will be 70 years old in 2023 69 70 this year 71 Pat Benatar She is 70 years 3 months 21 days old Born 10 January 1953 Singer (pop rock), who had the 1983 hit song Love Is A Battlefield Mike Stern He is 70 years 3 months 21 days old Born 10 January 1953 Honorable Inventions: Computer Mouse, LED, Video Games. Raymond DeWalt was working at a place called Seabrook Farms when he invented the radial arm saw in 1922, and as one of the higher-ups, he'd been looking for something to make his employees more productive. Turning fifty represents a major milestone for most people. When my wife, Leslie turned fifty, I hired a nine piece Salsa band, took all of the furniture out of the living room of our house and moved it into the garage, then invited 150 of our friends to come and celebrate Leslies big day. All rights reserved.. A swashbuckler of the kind Hollywood used to make every week. It's one of the most famous buildings in the United States, and it's turning 100 years old in 2022. On SNOW's Website Formulated by dentists Designed for every smile with a simple 4 step process Designed to remove deep stains such as wine, coffee and smoking stains LED blue light wired mouthpiece. What's going on here is pretty fascinating: The Hollywood Bowl was built in a location in the Hollywood Hills that has some incredible, naturally occurring acoustic properties. She celebrates her 70th birthday on 9th October. Even though The New York Times called it the "most important contribution that has been made to fictional literature in the 20th century," they also said in their 1922 review: "the most attentive and diligent reader would eventually get some comprehension of Mr. Joyce's message. Sadly, IMDB says that much of the original, 20-minute short about a group of kids who step in to help a shopkeeper targeted by an unscrupulous rival has been lost over the years. But Boots No7 have not been resting on their laurels since then. Then, let the rest of the world know what it's about. 212 Best Dad Jokes of 2023 You'll Love to Hate. Formed in 1952 by William Russell and Peter Hobbs, Russell Hobbs became the primary kettle maker in the UK. Which Celebrities Still Have Twitter Checkmarks? Prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill announces that the UK are the third country to get a nuclear bomb behind the United States and Russia after successful testing on the 3rd October 1952 on The Montebello Island in Western Australia. Between 1942 and 1944, around 56 tons of Zyklon B was sold to and used in Nazi concentration camps. Starting a seniors' dance troupe. It was also one of the first programs to use a graphical user interface, as opposed to a text-based oneif youre reading this on a computer without knowing a single line of code, you can thank Sutherland and Sketchpad. Network / Courtesy Everett Collection, Craig Sjodin / Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images, Ashanti's "Foolish," Nelly's "Dilemma," and Vanessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles" were some of the. The shows influence was still to be witnessed some 70 years later on the comedy circuit. Reading books to groups of young kids. April 26, 2023, 5:00 a.m. As the earliest iteration of a computer-aided design (CAD) program, Sketchpad pioneered the use of geometric constraints (fixing the length of a line or an angle between two segments). Can Americas Fastest Supercomputer Defeat Covid for Good? Posted on Jul 11, 2022 45 Things That Will Make Every Millennial And Old Gen Z'er Feel Like They're 99 Years Old You might want to sit down before reading this. Do you share any birthdays with them? Sharon Osbourne Reality Star. I will see if Ican see. So, considering that, lets take a stroll down Memory Lane. By subscribing you agree to with our Privacy Policy and provide consent to receive updates from our company. Alongside Gary Cooper, a strong supporting cast including Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges and Lon Chaney insured the film is often ranked among the top films ever made. Popular songs that everyone would have known and sung along to around the piano. Again, the rather primitive special effects wowed children of the era and Superman became a favourite in Saturday Morning Picture Clubs. Who knows what else might be in store for us from Rourke as he marches on through his 70s! In true Spring Chicken style, were having a flick through the history books and stirring up a nice dose of nostalgia for all those born in 1952. Not precisely: According to the Jewish Women's Archive, the modern bra was only created in the 1920s. Comics have never looked back. After a ton of experimentation, Christian Kent Nelson found a way to combine the two, and the rest is history but like a lot of history, there's a footnote to this one. The programme's surreal, absurdist humour was much loved by all generations and to this day is quoted by comedians paying homage. It was only in 1916, says Futurism, that the first supermarket opened it was the Piggly Wiggly, and it opened in Memphis, Tennessee. (At least Mars bars are only four pence, hey?) The show was hugely successful lasting nearly 10 years on the BBC. The Gibson Les Paul is probably the most popular guitar of all time with an estimated 2 million of them in circulation. (Why? For the past 3 decades, Liam Neeson has worked on some of the biggest projects and with some of the best directors in Hollywood, including Martin Scorsese, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Live it up, brother. The legendary comedy show featuring Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, and Michael Bentine first took to the airwaves on January 22, 1952. Dwayne Johnson is turning 50 ADVERTISEMENT The Rock The Fossil. Ray was one of the most popular imports from across the pond. In 1945, Raytheons Percy Spencer stands in front of a magnetron (the power tube of radar) and feels a candy bar start to melt in his pocket: He is intrigued. She believed that no one could grow up, mature, and change without a little sadness, and so this incredibly sad tale has now been giving kids a complex about their stuffed toys for 100 years. Many people get adequate amounts of vitamin D from sunlight. He then confirmed his place in UK TV history in the decade-long series, Baywatch. The four-engine plane carries 181 passengers and cruises at 600 mph for up to 5,280 miles on a full tank. The BBC didn't have a general manager until exactly a month later, and Charles Walsham Reith later explained, "I hadn't the remotest idea as to what broadcasting was.". What was that first radio broadcast? There are things that have been around us our whole lives that perhaps we havent even given a second thought to. The longest-running West End play of all time, Agatha Christies Mousetrap begins its run at the Ambassador Theatre in London on the 25th November 1952. Oberlo says that in 2021, the number of smartphone users across the globe rose to 6.4 billion. At a glance, there aren't many similarities between the vampires themselves, Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and the ghoulish Count Orlock. Think you know everything about the Coronation? It wasn't until a 1937 contest that promised cars and other prizes to the winners that people started reaching for Vegemite over Marmite. Also in the mix was Hollywood giant Warner Bros., the Turner Broadcasting System, and much, much later, AOL. The show was hugely successful and launched the careers of Beryl Reid and Benny Hill. Add in the surrounding scenery and bandshells that have throughout the years been designed like people including the son of Frank Lloyd Wright, it's safe to say that it isn't just a venue, it's an experience. Do you know all 18 of these fun facts about the arcane mystery that is the crowning ceremony of our monarch? It also made a star out of precocious Drew Barrymore (she hosted Saturday Night Live that November at age 7! In 1952, George Santanya (philosopher, poet and novelist) said, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. It ran from 1952 until 1960, and was presented by Huw Wheldon and, later, Brian Johnston. There's another chocolate-covered ice cream treat turning 100 in 1922, and that's the Klondike bar. That was when Yale classmates Henry Luce and Briton Hadden started the company that would start publishing Time magazine the following year, but that was far from it. A quarter of aniseed balls? It was the order which I had to follow.". You will be shaking your head in disbelief at the 70 things that turn 70 in 2022. When "Nosferatu" was released in 1922, it helped define what horror movies could and should be, but it almost didn't see the light of day. Rene Favaloro performs the first coronary bypass surgery in 1967, taking a length of vein from a leg and grafting it onto the coronary artery. As you turn seventy, you have an opportunity to experience life fully, and to redefine what it means to embark on this next stage of your journey. Sweet, sweet penny sweets! Stars Turning 60 in 2022. Network / E! Ready to escape your everyday life? From films and music to technology and culture, it seems like theres something for everyone on this list. Edited by Ronnie Sellers., Age Brilliantly is an interactional platform for people who wants to lead fulfilling 100-year lives. More than half of all suicides in 2021 - 26,328 out of 48,183, or 55% - also involved a gun, the highest percentage since 2001. Our Community has over 400k followers sharing ideas and thoughts join us on facebook! Join Wonderwall.com as we take a look at all the celebrities turning 70 in 2022 "The Partridge Family" and "L.A. Law" actress Susan Dey, who retired from acting in 2004, celebrated her 70th. Have a Luau. 70-year-old people still have the whole rest of their lives ahead of them. Maintain a regular sleep routine. Actor and professional wrestler, we cant quite believe hes 70! We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Find out what the perfect British biscuit is to take away with you on your desert island adventure! Just like 'Budgie', he was always looking to change and do better. I never had any second thoughts about killing the Soviet prisoners. Zyklon B. It Sure Looks Like It. British actor, Jenny Agutter turns 70 in 2022 although she still looks as youthful as she did in the Railway Children. Its rated PG, which is a true sign of the good old days. 2. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Bali is a paradise for all who visit with postcard-perfect beaches, lush greenery, waterfalls, countless magnificent temples, and much more. The Baywatch star celebrates his milestone birthday on 17th July. British comedy was never to be the same again. The enigmatic leading man shot to stardom in the 1986 version of The Fly. Colin Chapman and Colin Dare were to fulfil their dreams, Lotus racing cars were to become the best in the world over the next 7 decades. Ivan SutherlandThe Father of Computer Graphicsrevolutionized 3D computer modeling and simulation when he created the Sketchpad program. Basta! We're happy to share our birth year (and our 100th anniversary ) with the Lincoln Memorial, Jack Kerouac, the BBC, the blender, Wimbledon's Centre Court, the Harlem Renaissance, The Velveteen. This mystery-thriller was an excellent espionage tale. Before that can happen, a fairy appears and grants the rabbit's wish: to become a real rabbit. Put it this way, our first introduction to Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark came out 40 years ago. 3. (At least Mars bars are only four pence, hey?). Singin in the Rain was directed and choreographed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen and showed a glorious story of Hollywood in the late 1920s. That initial group of short films delighted Depression-era and World War II-era children right up to 1944, and according to The Wall Street Journal, there were a lot of them: 221, to be precise. Donald OConnor won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor, and Jean Hagen was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. As we push forward into the year 2021, there are some things that will stand out to make you feel ancient. Stouffer's lasagna has been a staple in the freezers of busy homes for decades, and it all started in 1922. by Brian Galindo. Marmite was already wildly popular in Australia, and the weird thing is, this titular Aussie staple languished in near obscurity for years. Many believe that Raymond Damadian establishes the machines medical merit in 1973, when he first uses magnetic resonance to discern healthy tissue from cancer. Just about 100 years ago in 1917 just 8% of American homes had a telephone landline. Since it was unveiled, it's hosted equally monumental events (like MartinLuther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech) and is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year. Famous personalities featured on this list, include political leaders, actors, actresses and directors and from other domains of life. Potato Head is 70 years old. And so on, and so on. There are also double-digit differences between the views of adults younger than 30 and those ages 50 or older when it comes to finding a spouse or partner (52% of 18- to 29-year-olds say this is harder for young adults today vs. 42% in the older group) and getting into college (45% vs. 27%, respectively). Which of these two flowerpot men, was it Bill or was it Ben?. Best-known for her surreal and digressive stand-up, British comedian and actor Eddie Izzard was born on February 7, 1962, in Aden, Yemen, where her English parents -- Dorothy Ella, a nurse and midwife, and Harold John Izzard, an accountant -- worked for British Petroleum. The U.S. admitted only 11,411 refugees in fiscal year 2021, the lowest number since Congress passed the 1980 Refugee Act for those fleeing persecution in their home countries. Are you ready for the Great Little Film Quiz of 1952? In recent years Goldblum has side-lined his acting career to pursue his love for Jazz piano, releasing several albums for Decca records and playing Glastonbury. Can Science Cure Death? The list of famous owners is endless including Jimmy Page, Peter Green, Eric Clapton and Pete Townshend. . We endured challenges, loss, closures, and are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Some? (Getty Images) It's not . This allows blood to flow around the blocked section. Fifteen Streets is a historical romance novel set against the backdrop of a working-class northern city. Potato Head was offered as separate plastic parts - to be pushed into a real potato or vegetable. Mom, I'm so happy to be your daughter/son so I can wish you a Happy 70 th Birthday. Now He's Solving the World's Hardest Equations. It was about the same time that Maidenform became another first: When they kicked off a massive 1940s-era marketing campaign, they became the first women's intimate apparel company to advertise. The 1952 version starred a portly George Reeves as the muscled body stockinged boy wonder. How and why does it work? It sounds like an ancient and mystical process, right? And Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle" was a big alt-rock hit. 70 Things To Do When You Turn 70 Author: AB Staff As you turn seventy, you have an opportunity to experience life fully, and to redefine what it means to embark on this next stage of your journey. The year Jonas Salk finds a way to prevent polio, there are 28,985 global cases; by 2021, the number drops to six. See: 10 Ways to Celebrate Your Retirement. Report. No matter if you have white hair, silver hair, or mostly grey hair, you shouldn't accessorize your look with gold jewelry. In a landmark December 1968 demonstration, later known as The Mother of all Demos, engineer Douglas Engelbart illustrates the use of lots of recent technologies in conjunction with each other, including: on-screen windows, hypertext, graphics, file linking, revision control, video conferencing, the computer mouse, and word processing. Photos of the event seem to show her walking across what looks like a pool, because there was a pool. By subscribing you agree to with our Privacy Policy and provide consent to receive updates from our company. The silver screen of 1952 offered us some gems. That's when the then-named British Broadcasting Company made their very first broadcast, and a century later, they remain a go-to for everything from news to entertainment to sport, have an international presence, and employ around 23,000 people. Read more. Participating in comedic improv. Empower Your Future-Self: Join the Revolution, Share With the Community your experiences or knowledge, 3 Retirees Gives Back by Volunteering with Children, Make And Keep Friends From Outside Your Normal Circle. David Hasselhoff rocketed to fame in the 80s adventure series Knight Rider. A classic Hollywood musical, starring Danny Kaye. Happy birthday! I was petrified by the sight. Everyone agrees that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a brilliant inventionbut no one agrees on who invented it. The story is about two grave robbers who head to Holland and a 500-year-old tomb. Stouffer had died in 1931 and didn't get to see this part of the business's success, but it had remained in the hands of his sons. The on-screen chemistry between Wayne and OHara is electric and the film is a true Hollywood classic. Mr T was the lynchpin to the hugely successful 80s adventure series The A-Team. A hard-boiled hatchet job on the crazy world of Hollywood. Chrysler paves the way for the era of electronicrather than mechanicaladvances in automobiles with the electronic ignition. Getting to grips with spring cleaning the easy way, with recommendations and tips from our columnist experts Granny Gets a Grip. ), not to mention Reese's Pieces candy. One of the few films of its time to tell the full story, warts and all. Others still seem somehow newfangled, even if they .
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