Harware, Marine Nuts, Bolts, & Seats, Offshore Boat Motors, Fishing Downriggers & 0000030992 00000 n 0000018032 00000 n gelcoat resin and catalyst - alameed-med-services.com High Back Reclining Helm Seat, Cabin and Easy! Again I'm not a fan of "drops" because its super subjective. PDF GELCOAT AND RESINS CATALYST RATIOS NCINSTGCCAT-v.2 - Multi-Tech Products It is typically used between 1.25% to 1.75% (1 2/3 ounce to 2 1/3 ounces per gallon). If there is a trim color, you should have a narrow trim brush on hand. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. as this one is). Applying Gelcoat by Brush or Roller: Choose a good pure (natural) resin-resistantbristle brush with tapered ends. Forums, Find Catalyzing Gelcoat with MEKP: The catalyst level (MEKP) should not exceed 3.0% or fall below 1.2 for proper cure. What happens if you put too much hardener in resin? Let's hope this works this time! If the gelcoat does not get enough catalyst it will not kick or begin to harden. Gel Coat Application Guide - How to apply gelcoat correctly You may purchase this item if you desire additional . of Fiberglass Resin (or for can of Fiberglass Resin, use tube of liquid hardener). This item is flammable and can only be shipped by ground. trailer of wax; 32 oz. The ratio is dependant on air temperature, resin thickness, temperature of resin and mold. This is one of the questions Bottom Paint Store is asked the most.Lets start with explaining that gelcoat is not a paint but a type of resin that is used to provide a protective layer over fiberglass. Mix thoroughly for at least one minute and apply immediately after. Start typing to see products you are looking for. It is typically used between 1.25% to 1.75% (1 2/3 ounce to 2 1/3 ounces per gallon). The cc and oz values in the chart have been converted from weights of MEKP to volumes of MEKP. 0000013646 00000 n Fillers are added to help control peak exotherm, shrinkage, and cure rate. Gelcoat that is . FREE MEKP Calculator for Quarts and Ounces. Darker colors need a little more catalyst for the same reaction, so you can catalyze up to 2%. Adding too much of either resin or hardener will alter the chemical reaction and the mixture will not cure properly. How much MEKP is needed to catalyze TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Catalyze your material so that it has a longer pot life. Covers, Boat Cover When working on the deck or cabin, tarp off the adjacent areas. Compound and polish with Aquabuff 2000 then happy a wax such as Collinite 925 UV for protection. Does resin need hardener? therefore by my calculations you'll need 10 drops. Free shipping for many products! Deals, Electronics The drops fogged vision in right eye versus using simple artificial tears. Gelcoat needs to be applied evenly. You can mix your material right in the lined cup and then simply insert the cast aluminum lid onto the lined cup, attach the cup to the gun and you are ready to spray. Mix thoroughly to ensure that all gel coat is properly catalyzed. Under or over catalyzation retards curing and causes fading and chalking. However, I can NOT guarantee you will achieve the same results as I would. Gelcoat needs to be applied evenly. The warmer the temperature the less MEKp you would to activate the gelcoat/resin. This should be added after all other additives just prior to application. It will take a minimum of two coats of gelcoat if you are changing colors. I want to say poly resin needs 10 drops of MEKP per 1 oz. I tried 12 drops of MEKP Catalyst per oz my first try in about 80 degrees F. Then I found a MEKP Catalyst pdf with great instructions. Beside above,how many drops of resin are in an ounce of mekp? #3. Caulking, Marine Engine . Marine Battery Chargers, Shop Upgrade the Premium MEKP Catalyst Calculator by WEIGHT EXCLUSIVELY offered by Vernese Customs. Clean the fiberglass surface with ajax or comet and water. Terminals, Marine Fuse Blocks & Parts, Rule 1500 GPH Automatic 0000001553 00000 n & Rings, Prop Nut Kits & Grills, Boat Drink Copyright 2019 IBOATS. At 77F, TotalBoat Gelcoat requires the addition of 2% MEKP catalyst, by volume: 14-16 drops per ounce, or 2 teaspoons per pint, for a working time of 10-15 minutes. Then use a rubbing compound to remove the rest of the scratches. Less MEKP gives a slower cure, more gives a faster cure. %%EOF Gelcoat should be applied at temperatures of 60F to 80F. How to choose the right bottom paint for my boat, Painting Your Boat with Interlux Bottom Paint: A Step-By-Step Guide. Hardware, Boat Cabin How Many Drops Of Mekp Is 1 Oz Of Gelcoat 625 CC per ounce of gelcoat. Description. It is also needed with all gel coats. PDF AMOUNT OF RESIN OR GELCOA T HARDENER AMOUNT 1 OUNCE 10 DROPS (Colored Transom Oz = fluid ounce . Add 2% catalyst to your chosen quantity of gel coat, stir very thoroughly and note the time. Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP) MEKP is a clear hardener/catalyst for the room temperature cure of unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins. This morning not even tacky and hard enough to sand already! All the essential pizza ingredients the crust, sauce, and cheese contain a lot of salt. Meters, Marine Electrical Panels OUNCE 20 DROPSWhen using Surfacing Wax with your resin/gelcoat, youmust also add the MEKP(Hardener). The ratio is on the hardener container. Category, View The amount of MEKp that you add to gelcoat and resin will vary with outside weather conditions. CATALYST LARGE QUANTITY CHART Catalyst Concentration Resin Quantity Quart Gallon 5 Gallon 1/2% 1/16 oz 2/3 oz 1 1/3 oz 3/4% 1/4 oz 1 oz 5 oz 1% 1/3 oz 1 1/3 oz 6 2/3 oz 1 1/2% 1/2 oz 2 oz 10 oz CATALYST SMALL QUANTITY CHART CatalystConcentration Resin Quantity30 drops = 1 cc 2 oz 4 oz 8 oz 12 oz 16 oz 1/2 % 9 drops 18 0000003724 00000 n Mix thoroughly and methodically into the resin otherwise some portions of resin may not be catalysed and thus not cure properly. You can over-spray with PVA before gel coal reaches its gel stage (5-10 min. That's really hard to weigh! Do not work in direct sunlight. GEL COAT REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS. You should mix about 4 oz and that will be 1.375 cc/ml. How many drops of MEKP is 1 oz of gelcoat? & Circuit If you decide to Double or Triple the Volume to do a larger project or portion, the Calculator does the math for you! %PDF-1.4 % Seats, Fishing Boat How much does a gallon of polyester resin weight? The most common sticky problems are: Tacky, Sticky Resin: the problem occurs when two components A and B are measured and mixed inaccurate or curing in cold temperatures. This will avoid unnecessary sanding scratches. Or UPGRADE! Gel Coat Instructions - Marine Gel Coat Repair Product | Marine Products Take steps to cover and protect the rest of the boat before starting. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 0000023127 00000 n 0000012247 00000 n Marble, Engine Okay, so how is this MEKP Catalyst Chart or these handy Calculators useful? 1 Oz is recommended for 1 Quart of Gel Coat or Resin. 0000003502 00000 n startxref Sign up for newsletter: You've just added this product to the cart: FIRST QUALITY FIBERGLASS MATERIALS AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD! Our technicians suggest the use of Dyekum Steel Blue Dye to be really thorough. Read all warnings on product labels and only use additives recommended as described per each product. (2% of MEKP for colder temperatures.) 0000003380 00000 n MEK, short for MEKP, is the "Hardener" or catalyst for Polyester Resin and Vinylester Resin Systems including Isothalic and Gelcoat. Maintenance, Pumps and cloth = 2.84 or 3 pieces). 27. Parts, Boat Tubing & & Sonar, Trolling The car polishers wont work if theyre spinning too slowly, so you want to check the speed of the spin. We suggest 1-1/4% to 1-1/2% by volume, i.e. The cabin top is 9 feet wide by 10 feet long (910=90 square feet). Looking for Feedback. of Gelcoat = 1.5% @ 75F. = 1.17 polyester resin= 1.09 gelcoat = 1.3, Equivalent Boat, Boat Buyers Otherwise, one coat will do. Helm Seats, Shop Mekp is too hard to measure by drops to me, so I use a syringe and do it by ml instead. Grande Mastere Dreade Snag's spellchecker 20,728 5,208 3026'36.2"N 8832'13.8"W Watch on. Starters, Marine Solar Power 7. Well it was not cured this morning after applying it last night which is either one of two things old hardener that came with the gelcoat or not enough hardener. A forum community dedicated to Small Skiff owners and enthusiasts. TIP: You can also use these to calculate the correct amount of Wax Additives or other surfacing agents like Patch-Aid (3-4%) or as recommended. The higher the temperature, the less hardener you need. If you brush on the gel coat, make sure to use a solvent-resistant brush. 0 If one CC is roughly 30 drops as stated below that would put me at roughly 18.75 drops of MEKP per ounce of gelcoat. Distribution, ProMariner ProNautic How Many Drops Of Mekp Is 1 Oz Of Gelcoat. Tags: MEKP > MEKP for gel coat > gel coat catalyst > gel coat hardener > hardener for gel coat > 132662 > 132661. Sand it down with 80 grit sandpaper until it's flush with the surface of the fiberglass. 0000001463 00000 n Depending on the orifice size of the bottle your using 10 drops could equal .5cc, 1cc, 1.5cc.. using a $0.89 syringe is cheap insurance to me. I used acetone and sanded off the old gelcoat. Guide, Boat If the gelcoat is in good condition with no major cracking or crazing, the job is relatively straightforwardclean and prepare the surface, apply an epoxy primer, sand the primer, remove the sanding residue and then apply the topcoat. If the surface is already coated with gelcoat, or if the surface is a fiberglass or polyester resin, then the application of gelcoat is a snap. Outboards, Shop Parts, Sacrificial Anodes & Charts & For the Water Clear Casting Polyester Resin, this drops to 1.5% or 15ml for every 1kg. It has to be mixed at a 1:1 ratio with gelcoat. The two componants when mixed will react with each other to crosslink and polymerise into a solid plastic. 0000006855 00000 n That is what target for. Please follow the instructions located on the products page or the label. The secret to a good finish is to apply the gelcoat properly. Steel Blue is a dye youre going to wipe on or you can use the blue dye spray. Ropes, Boat Catalyzing Gelcoat with MEKP: All gelcoat MUST be catalyzed with MEKP to cure. You want to use a buffer that turns 1600-3000 RPM. Once the fill area is level or contoured to the desired shape, sand with 100 grit paper to remove the course scratches from 40 or 80 grit. Poly products need to be sealed from air to fully cure. Mixed 3 new ounces of gelcoat and put between 1.8-1.9 ccs (0.625 ccs per oz) of MEKP in the mix for two minutes. They are sturdy and smooth on the inside to help with complete mixing. MEKP Chart and Calculators. Try for FREE! - Vernese Customs As soon as you are done spraying, clean your sprayer fully with acetone. Racks, Fish Finders, Sounders As mentioned above, the plastic is to help with the cure. 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Marine Coat One Iso/Npg Marine Gel Coat White with Wax with MEKP Catalyst for Hardening, Plus 6 Color Tinting Pigments for Your Perfect White Match (1 Quart) 4.4 out of 5 stars 352 3 offers from $33.99 Rollers, Boat Trailer 0000030800 00000 n Once the coating (gelcoat) has cured, it should be block sanded using 250 wet grit paper to remove all brush marks and high spots. Sparky568 Junior Member. How many drops of Polyener resin are in an ounce of hardener? When spraying to a radius, flow the gelcoat to the tape. . MEK Calculator (mekp catalyst ratio calculator) Try it for FREE! Keep in mind that you have a limited time to apply what you have mixed (usually between 5-15 minutes). For each teaspoon (1/6 oz) of blended gelcoat paste, add four drops of hardener. Catalyze gel coat with #69 MEKP at 1.5%. endstream endobj 140 0 obj <>/Size 114/Type/XRef>>stream Once your repair is covered, feather a flow or sanding coat on the masked-off area making layered passes to avoid a buildup of gel coat in any one area. MEKP Liquid Hardener - Jamestown Distributors Acessories, Fishing Outriggers & Accessories, Marine Electrical As nouns the difference between catalyst and hardener is that catalyst is (chemistry) a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process while hardener is one who, or that which, hardens. %PDF-1.4 % Beside this,how many drops of hardener do i need for gelcoat? 1 TBS = 1/2 oz. <]>> ADD TO CART. So bought a quart of MarPro gelcoat with wax with the MEKP hardener included. We recommend 1.5% - 2.0 % by volume. This is about 1% which is tuned for 80 degrees or higher. 0000000836 00000 n All, Boat Bimini Accessories, Pontoon Bimini Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Ear Therapy 4 oz. For Dogs - eBay Every 10 feet or so, youre going to want to clean your pad with a spur or some air to make sure the contaminants dont scratch your surface.If you want a perfect, glossy shine, use a machine glaze and then two wax coats,and youll have a stunning, glossy professional finish. For example, four drops of hardener will be 1 percent of 1 ounce of resin. . d23 ?P90. MEKP Catalyst Quantity Chart - Fiberglass Warehouse Pot life (amount of time for application of the product) shortens dramatically as you mix larger batch sizes. 625 CC per ounce of gelcoat. I used the other MEKP and it seemed to be working and got a tad bit on my skin and could feel it burning a little. of Gelcoat w/o Wax = 1/4 oz. Epoxy activators are all proprietary, depending on the product. Pot life at 75F is approximately ten minutes. t,efR*o*3nsq5#eRY^_~Y-j8oC/vFTvH*S Spraying gel coat is recommended for more accurate and consistent coverage. Mixing SMALL amounts of gel [Archive] - Scream And Fly Powerboat and If you change colors, it will require at least two gelcoat coats.If this is going over a patch, at least 2 coats are recommended to get a uniform surface. Resin that cures still in the mixing pot is unusable. Seats, Pontoon Boat Seats & Enter the amount of Resin in quarts then adjust % of MEKP using the slider. This will accurately measure the proper amount of catalyst. Hardware, Marine Do you need to add catalyst to resin? There are a couple of possibilities though, one is with so little catalyst needed it will get hard no matter what the end user does, two maybe most people just use small amounts and with a short gel time it won't drain out as much and the other reason has to do with resin chemistry. Initially spray a cover coat as smooth and evenly as you can to cover your repair. Polyester requires a 1-2% hardener ratio depending on temperature, so mixing 10 grams of gel at 1.5% means you have to measure 0.15 grams of MEKP. Gelcoat should not be used when temperature conditions are below 60F, as curing may be adversely affected. 0000018269 00000 n Polyester resin is not nearly as forgiving as epoxy so you really gotta be on the money with the mix. The standard ratio is 1 oz. Lighting, Marine Teak RESIN, Quarts. usually a material called surfacing agent (wax/styrene) or P V A. Can I spray gelcoat with an airless sprayer? Below are some things to consider when trying to figure out how many drops of mekp is 1 oz of gelcoat. If these products were left to sit on a shelf for a long period of time (many months or even years) they would eventually cure on their own. Now, once again, I know that we have been using 0.75% for our recommended minimum, and that has been successful all these years. The specific gravity of MEKP is 1.045. Epoxies are much simpler to get a good ratio by weight. When MEKP is mixed with polyester or vinylester resin, the resulting chemical reaction causes heat to build up and cure or harden the resin. I would forget the drops and using ounces. ounce of gelcoat will give you 2% ratio at gel time of 20 to 30 minutes at. Put the bottle in the sun or in front ofa lamp to reliquify. You will need to thin the gelcoat for it to run through the spray gun. 20ml for every 1kg of Resin in working conditions at room temperature. per Volume). Under- or over-catalyzed gel coat will cure slower and look faded or chalky. The minimum recommendation from Dow is 1% MEKP to resin by weight, with a maximum of 2.5%. Blocks, Marine How Many Drops Of MEKP Is 1 Oz Of Gelcoat? 0000001832 00000 n Gel time at 1.8% MEKP is 10-17 minutes. Apply gel coat to mold surface. We sell. Gelcoat Putty Repair Spider Cracks And Fill Gouges! Approximately ten drops of MEKP to each 1/2oz. MEKP speeds up the curing reaction of the polyester resin in these . Acessories, Fish Cleaning The MEKP Calculators by WEIGHT are Dead-On when it comes to precision and Superior to any Catalyst Chart. Patch booster is used with a 5:1 ratio or about 20% by volume. Below are some charts to help you figure out how much MEKP will be needed for the project. UV inhibitor is added to increase weathering stability. Fenders, Boat Trailer We encourage the use of Acetone, because it does not leave residue and evaporates easily. 0000010798 00000 n This is eye needs cataract surgery; thought it would help - actually . Can you apply second coat of gelcoat? Combos, Fishing Tools & Apply gel coat to your part. 0000003263 00000 n Start by sanding the surface with 150 grit or sandpaper. Add the MEKP . . Deals, Camping & RV <<2369ebe0f6fbc740aa2d803257e02535>]>> They range from a 1:1 ratio, like with our Table Top Epoxy, to our standard laminating epoxy allowing a 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 and 5:1, allowing for different ratios that effect hardness and gel time. Boat Gel Coat - Spectrum Color, Pumps and 0000003099 00000 n It is mixed with a gel coat of one .. Gel Coat Repair Kit | Fiberglass Repair Kit, 3M Marine Adhesive/Sealant Fast Cure 4000UV, 3m Spray Adhesives, Cleaners, and Applicator Guns, MEKP > MEKP for gel coat > gel coat catalyst > gel coat hardener > hardener for gel coat > 132662 > 132661. All rights reserved. How to mix Fiberglass Resin & Clean Tools. At this point, the repair is ready to prep and spray/brush with gelcoat. The cabin top width is 108 inches. Use these calculators and mix very small batches until you achieve the desired result. Location. Amazon.com: Fiberglass Warehouse Gel Coat - 1 Gallon White Gelcoat (No Tubes, Shop Shop online or request a free catalog. and gelcoat needs twice as much catalyist. Measurements need to be exact so you can be confident the gelcoat is mixed properly before applying it to the surface. Its best to do a 4-foot by 4-foot area at a time. 0000023354 00000 n Mix in the MEKP at 1-1.5% and see if it works ok on a test panel. List Name . If adding pigment do so first and thoroughly stir in mixing well before adding catalyst, be careful not to under or over pigment. Plumbing, Fresh Water Boat 0000003945 00000 n One slice of pizza is about six ounces and 300 to 400 calories. Protection, Dock Storage & For example, if you are using a conventional spray gun, you should set the pressure between 30 and 50 psi. Gel coat is a polyester resin and uses MEKP as the catalyst. Should I use gelcoat with or without wax? Products, Carbon Monoxide & 0000002082 00000 n 0000006234 00000 n Keep in mind that it is best to mix in small quantities. Do not use any other wax additive when using Patch Booster. 0-2.2% MEKP based on the weight of the resin). Maintenance, Fiberglass & Epoxy The Ideal range is 1.8% @ 77F (approximately 12 drops per ounce of gelcoat.) Honda 5hp Outboard, Boat Generally, one heavy coat is sufficient. MEKP Hardener for Gel Coat and Resin - Bottom Paint Store Only catalyze slightly more than needed. Bilge Pumps, Shop Be sure not to use foam rollers because they tend to leave the bubbles. Add a New List . Apply gel coat in 4-5 layers at approximately 5 mils each, allowing 15-20 minutes between layers for a total thickness of 20-25 mils. Gelcoat without wax is commonly used for laminating gelcoat in stages, or when applied onto a waxed mold, where fiberglass (or another reinforcing fabric) saturated in polyester resin is laminated onto the unwaxed gelcoat. Protection, Ladders, Steps, & Gel coat/Catalyst ratio for small batch | WestCoastPaddler Forums I always go way over the amount needed. Note: All gel coats and resins from the Bottom Paint Store include MEKp with the applicable size of gelcoat/resin. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Resins MEKP - Number of cc per Volume), Catalyst Concentration by Usually 12 drops per ounce of gelcoat or 1.8% at 77F. Example: 20-30 minutes @ 77F for a 100g mass catalyzed with 1% MEKP. How to Mix Polyester Resin | eHow your boats Gel Coat Match, Shop Conversely, you will need moreMEKp for cooler temperatures. Gelcoat will not darken or change colors when it dries. In open flat areas, layer passes. How many drops of MEKP is 1 oz of gelcoat? - TimesMojo Terminal Also, they are used for the first sanding of gouges, dock dings, scratches, and blisters. The heavier fast-cut grits (40/80/100) are used to feather sand and ground out a routed area prior to filling. 1 GALLON 2 OUNCES (1) One Gallon Polyester Resin = 9.2 pounds (2) Specific Gravity MEKP = 1.13 (3) Drop from 1 oz. Thanks, Let the polyester filler cure until material is firm and tack free, about 10 minutes. How Many Slices Is 1 Oz Of Pepperoni - WHYIENJOY HELP! Gelcoat cure question | Boat Design Net There are about 20 drops in a cc/ml, so for 4oz of gelcoat you would mix 27 drops of MEKP. Holder, Anchor & Dock How do you know how many ml's per drops you are getting? Mix small batches at a time since too much MEKP will result in the hardening of the gelcoat way too fast! Use one or the other. rQ{.Z7. i[wk. Use the spreader to add the . This item has a shelf life of approximately 2-3 months. Flow -coat on the other hand will have wax added, I suspect this might be what you have, (Gel-coat = no wax. You should catalyze your material so that it cures as quickly as possible within your working time. 141 0 obj <>stream Instantly, you will gain predictable results. There are also disposable cup liners available that you can insert into the plastic Poly-Pro graduated cup or paper cup. Newbury, MA. Good news! 11 27 Tops, Bimini Top Below are two FREE MEKP Calculators and a MEKP CHART to simplify the process of determining the proper ratio of resin to catalyst or gelcoat to catalyst. Method of Application: Next, determine if you are going to brush, roll or spray your gelcoat so you can prepare the gelcoat for application. When mixing small batches, catalyze with 12-18 drops hardener per ounce of gelcoat. I don't know if age effects it or not. I genuinely do care about ALL my customers and hope everyone of you achieve the absolute best results possible. ), or add 1oz per quart/ 4 oz per gallon of wax additive sanding aid. Mix 2-3% of MEKP Hardener into the Gel Coat. How long do you wait between coats of gelcoat?
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