Old German in origin, the meaning of the name Aldona is old, possibly noble as well. Were here to highlight some of our favorites of both for Western parents looking for some beautifully original Lithuanian girl names. ], Dziarnovi, A. Want to name your baby boy a very sophisticated name? Victory of our people is what it implies. Bronislovas is a Lithuanian boys name that means glorious protector. n.d. "F6-63. They justify the baltic origin and the baltic tribe of the Lithuanian language. It comes from Hebrew, and it means life. It has biblical a reference too. "Iraas i emaitijos ems teismo knyg apie Jurgio Tomaeviiaus Vizgirdaviiaus byl su Ona ajevskiene ir jos snumis i pirmos santuokos Volodkeviiais dl Plui (su Orvydo ir Bileviiaus herbiniais antspaudais)" [Extract from the books of the Samogitian Land Court, about the case of Jurgis Tomaeviius Vizgirdaviius, with Ona ajevskiene and her sons, from the first marriage to Volodkeviius regarding Pluiai (with the heraldic seals of Orvydas and Bileviius). For example example, individuals in 1630 were recorded as Petrum Bludiunas, Stephanum Dauiunas (with their names in the Latin accusative case). The most popular Lithuanian boys name is Matis, which originates from Matthew, meaning gift of God. "Vietovardins kilms asmenvardiai ir prievardiai XVI a. Kauno akt knygose" [Toponymic names and nicknames in 16th century legal files from Kaunas], Rowell, S.C. 2014. It refers to an influential leader. The meaning of the name Stanislava is a woman who achieves fame. Stanislava is a girls name that has Serbian origins. It is a name that is unique to Lithuania. It comes from a Hebrew name Matthew. Conqueror or victory is the meaning of the name Viktoras. 2018b. A little tricky to pronounce, but these names are captivating. It means dew.. The Lithuanian spelling of the name Jacob is Jokubas. While King Jogaila took the name Wadysaw at his baptism in 1386, and only his newer Christian name was used "in all charters issued by the Polish chancery," other nobles used double names. You could really go down a linguistics rabbit hole with this one, but the basic answer is that Lithuanian and Greek are both old Indo-European languages, so they have some aspects in common. Entering foreign vernacular names is useful when you want to find all of the possible vernacular names an immigrant might have used, or you are looking for all the Hebrew, Yiddish and European secular names from which the vernacular name might have come -- this could turn out to be a large number of possibilities because many different European Jewish names were translated into the same English vernacular foreign name. This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 10:29. [Rebaptizatio Ruthenorum, double names and confessional identity of the nobility of Ruthenian origin in Galicia in the fifteenth century], Zinkeviius, Zigmas. Nina is a beautiful name which means little girl in Spanish. Beata is a name in Lithuania with a very cultural and historical hint. n.d. "F6-29. [Kheduts" Sukhols"] - 16th century - Modern Lithuanian: *Gedutis Sugaila(s) (Bga 1911:18,31; Senn 1945:129). Basically, there has been very little outside influence on the Lithuanian language, leaving it unchanged for centuries! Moze is an Egyptian boys name that means delivered from the water. ", Grumadien, Laima. Before going into some complex and outwardly names, let us check out common names that sound equally unique and amusing. However, D-M Soundex Search with input Morris would yield 29 hits because it finds a number of names of females that have the same D-M Soundex as Morris.In general, for English vernacular names, D-M Soundex Search is NOT a good choice because it was not set up for English names and does not work well with them. It means twin. It is derived from the European name Thomas. It means thought.. "A new faith and a new name? Consider it a feminine form of the name Linas, that comes from the word flax., It is a variation of Leah. Common names are generally opted for by a lot of people. Domantas is the best choice. It is the most fantastic name to give your boy as it belongs to one of the most talented and famous basketball players in Lithuanian, Domantas Sabonis. If you are a basketball fan, nothing can be edgier than choosing this name for your son. 6. Gabrielius It is a popular name in Lithuania, and it means giving life. Web15-16th Century Lithuanian Masculine Names from Vitsyebsk and Mahilyow districts, Belarus, by Rebecca Lucas (ffride wlffsdotter) Names with Lithuanian origins from what is now Belarus. Sulimierski, F., Chlebowski, B., Walewski, W. 1895. On the other hand, it may find lots of names in which you are not interested. All Ruthenian-language names have been Romanised using the Library of Congress (2012) system for Belarusian. Weve got plenty more Lithuanian girl names on our long list below, so stick around to learn more. Its Latin roots, paulus, means little or humble.. 2007. For example, in the Lithuania GNDB, searching on "Moshe" will lead to 29 records retrieved, but using [Mo]she to search will yield only 16 records -- you are limiting the search to only those hits which begin with the exact letters "Mo", but which have the desired DM Soundex code for Moshe. It means favour or grace. Your daughter is a grace and a favour from God. Eugenijus is a boys name of Greek origin, meaning well born. Formally, Lithuanian surnames are divided into two groupsLithuanian and non-Lithuanian ones. It is the most fantastic name to give your boy as it belongs to one of the most talented and famous basketball players in Lithuanian, Domantas Sabonis. It is a name from the Czech. [A 17th century Lithuanian anthroponymic suffix. The name itself means feminine., It is a polish version of the French name Camille. 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Important Baby Growth and Vaccination Milestones in 2nd Year of Life, Important Baby Growth and Vaccination Milestones in 1st Year of Life, Important Vaccination for Children Upto 1 Year. [Personal names of Jonikis women from the oldest Lithuanian baptismal register of Jonikis of 1599-1621 in the context of Lithuanian historical anthroponymy. awryn Gierdwi, awryn Girdwil - 1624 (x2) - Modern Lithuanian: *Laurynas Girdvilas. ], Ragauskait, Alma. Here is a trendy name and is a short form of Benedict or Benjamin. "The Lithuanian Water Spirits Revisited," in: Buni, Daniel. The name is a derivative of the Lithuanian word ramus, which means calm. Having a calm mind is a virtue you want your boy to have. Where individuals with two Christian names are mentioned multiple times in the surviving Galician records, often their second name is only occasionally mentioned, or they are recorded under different names at different times ( 2007: 288-9). It is the Lithuanian form of Gabrial present in the Bible. "Gender roles in Lithuanian society. The Lithuanian language uses traditional Indo-European masculine endings (-as, -is, -us) for boys names, while almost all Lithuanian girls names end in the vowels -a or -. "Dl asmenvardi su priesaga -(i)nas paplitimo XVII amiuje." It is the Lithuanian derivative of Joseph, Jesus father. Along with names where I have provided the nominative form of manuscript spellings, these names are marked with an asterisk to show that they have been modified from the spelling found in the referred source. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and 44 Striking Names That Mean Thunder (2023), 50 Beautiful Baby Names Starting With B (2023), 50 Girl Names Starting with the Letter L (2023), 41 Down-to-Earth Names That Mean Earth (2023). Margryta is quite a feminine name for a rare wonder, hinting at priceless grace. "XVII a. kdainiei lietuvikos kilms asmenvardiai." Women do not appear to have been identified with an occupational byname that described their work, instead they were recorded with bynames that indicated the occupation of a man, such as their husband or father. Although focused on examples of doubled given names from 15th century Galicia, outside of the territory of Lithuania, Zazuliak argues that, in the absence of other information, it is often difficult to know if these names truly indicate conversion, or if they were conveying something else about the bearer. [The formation of Tatar naming practices in Lithuania in the 15th-16th centuries. Specifically, a type of bynme that indicates who is a given woman's husband. Popular Lithuanian Names For Boys 1. Although the name can conjure up late summer images, its literal meaning is excellent and magnificent., The meaning of the infant boys Lithuanian name Azuolas is oak wood.. This name, which means crown, evokes the feeling of a beautiful bygone era with kingly laws and regal balls. Or maybe youre just a fan of the Baltics. Garva, K. 2008. Lithuanian boy names like Adomas, which means earth, Leonas, which means lion, and Rytas, which means morning, are great examples of Lithuanian Lithuanian noblity who had converted to Orthodox Catholic (Eastern Orthodox) Christianity could also be baptised with the names of Slavic saints, such as the sons of Grand Duke Gediminas; "Narimantas (d. 1348) became Gleb. Karijotas (d. c. 1360) recieved the new name Mikhail; Liubartas (d. 1383/1385) became Dmitri, and Jaunutis note 2 (d. after 1366) came to be called Ioann" (Selart 2016:7). All rights reserved. While most names are rooted in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, many come from pre-Christian pagan traditions as well. ], Maciejauskien, Vitalija. People speaking this dialect are called "Litvaks" and speak "Litvish." It means work.. Vasara is a girls name with Lithuanian origins, denoting summer. interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author Just keep reading and feel the fun throughout. 1981. Thus a name which forms part of a patronymic fulfils a double role as a sign of continuity of power and a form of memory preservation.". As Petrauskas (2019:96) explains: "patronymics also create a personal identity and complement a [given] name with a reference to an important father, while forming a memory to that forebear. The meaning of the name Daina, a girls name of Hebrew, Latvian, and Lithuanian origin, is God is my judgment; singing; melody., The meaning of the name Danuta, according to Hebrew baby names, is God has judged or God is the judge.. [Surnames in Gruzdiai: the history and the present. Have a look at these beautiful names. 30). Masculine patronyms, based on the father's name, could utilise the suffixes -(i)unas, -(i)unos, -(i)uns, -(i)un, -aitis, -uitis or -(i)ulis. The more famous grand duke, Vytautas the Great, had died in 1430 so this cannot be him (Fijaek and Semkowicz 1932: 553). This style of name has been interpreted as using an unmarked, inherited byname. Many boys names in Lithuania finish in the letters AS; however, not all do. It is mostly a masculine name of Lithuanian origin. Especially someone longing for biblical connotations or Christian names can use this Lithuanian name. Peacock is the connotation derived from Hebrew roots. Since we are all modern-day people reading this webpage, who do not necessarily know Old Lithuanian, I have tried to provide the modern Lithuanian forms as a gloss. This page gives traditional counterparts of given names in various languages. In general, a combination of the search options above would work the best and minimize the possibility of missing names of which you should be aware, but some of these trials may give you lots of false positives. If you want to go to the specifics, weve got you covered. Its vibrant capital city, Vilnius, is bursting at the seams with art, culture, and history. The Lithuanian names end in many suffixes and not just with -as. Most names have common suffixes. They include -as, -is, -us, -a, and -ys for a male family member. While -ien is a suffix used for married women, the suffixes -ait, -yt, -ut, and -it are used for unmarried women. Lithuania is a country with vibrant culture and history. "Sociolingvistinis vilgsnis XVI-XVII a. Ryt Lietuvos antroponimij." Ramunas is the Lithuanian word for the phrase boys will be boys. What can be more amusing than naming your son Ramunas and becoming the real hero of the game? It means spruce.. Baniulis Andrieiuns in 1599, Matulis aucuns, and Matulis Wiluns in 1600 (Ragauskait 2021:4,5)). Here is a name that sounds masculine and royal. Note that this pattern is presently not included in SENA's Appendix A. The Lithuanian name Danielius means God protects. Danielius is a boys name and has Lithuanian origin. Along with Kostas and Matis for boys and Janina for girls, here are some of the best Lithuanian baby names and meanings for boys and girls: So, there you have it: lot of powerful and inspiring Lithuanian names for girls and boys to choose from. irnait 2001, 2009a,b, 2011, 2012). It is a Lithuanian name of Hebrew origin. In contemporary Latin records he was also referred to as Martinus Moswid, Moswidius, and in Old Lithuanian with his patronymic, M. Mouids Waytkunas (Senn 1945:129-30; Mavydas 1549). 2012. ], Parchments' Digital Images Archive. "Kaltinn kratas XIV a. pabaigoje XV a. pradioje: istorins geografijos bruoai." Nastasha is a Russian baby girls name. There are two ways to search the Lithuania Given Names Database (GNDB): Each search method has different features. [The Lithuanian anthroponymy system of the 16th century. ], Ragauskait, Alma. It was also a revered Saint from Lithuania. This name originates from the word Zydra. It is derived from the Latin word, and the meaning of this name is glow or radiance.. "Lithuanian Language in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: between Function and Status". You can also opt for other languages and study them for at least 7 minutes per day. "XVII a. Kdainiei asmenvardi darybos tendencijos." "Lietuvos sukrikioninimas per Lenkij ir liaudies kalbos isaugojimas joje" [The Christianisation of Lithuania through Poland, and the preservation of vernacular speech.] They use the ending -iska with feminine names, and -iskis, or -(i)etis with masculine names. If thinking of your little girl as a queen isnt enough, though, then consider naming her Gabija, which is the namesake of Lithuanian mythologys goddess of fire! Ema derives from the Old German word and means whole or universal, alluding to some all-pervasive, unrestrained potential. How about this lovely name for your boy, who will grow into a handsome man one day? Lithuanian nobility in the second half of the 14th century indicated that they had converted to Christianity (either to Roman Catholicism, or to Orthodox Catholicism) by taking a baptismal name (Schmalstieg 1982). 2014. Lithuanian names have always been interesting to hear since most of them are Lithuanian words related to nature. The examples below are Romanised using the Library of Congress system for Belarusian: Maciejauskien (2008) examined the wedding records of Lankelikiai parish, in the modern-day county of Marijampol, between 1617 and 1692. The meaning of the girls name Dorota, a Greek variation of Dorothy, is the gift of God., Girls are given the Lithuanian name Drasa, which means courage., The Hebrew name Elizabeth connects to the girls name Elzbieta. Viktoras is a Latin boys name. Web230 penpals Top 100 Lithuanian names - Lithuania See also first names from Lithuania on Top-Names.info : [] - If you are looking for more ancient Lithuanian names with deep religious meanings, Gabrielius is the one. "Noble names: changes in Lithuanian aristocratic name-giving during the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries" In: Richard Butterwick, Wioletta Pawlikowska [Eds. 2014. 2008. Global Text Search allows for the use of logical constructs like AND or OR. Maciejauskien 1981; irnait 2010; Ragauskait 2021). This name comes from the German name Raymond. Despite the dearth of Lithuanian-language writings that mention people by name, onomatists and linguists have identified people with Lithuanian-language names in pre-1650 sources written in Polish, Ruthenian and Latin (eg. Alexandras is a Greek name that means protector or defender., The name derives from the Latin language, which in turn means blessed., Darius name of Greek and Persian origin, meaning possessing goodness., Elijah is rooted in the Old Testament of the Bible and is derived from a Hebrew phrase that means Jehovah is my God., Filip is a gender-neutral name with Slavic, Greek and Scandinavian origins, meaning horse lover., Henrika is a girls name have Old German origin. Hebrew and Latin both played a role in developing the name Tavas for boys. As later material shows, representatives of different social classes might have the same name.". The most common byname was a patronymic (a byname that indicates who your father is, like English "Johnson," or Russian "Stepanova") that could use a variety of suffixes. Lithuanian last names for males can have suffixes -as, -ys, -is, -us, -a and - added to them. Whether a little boy or a married woman, every name in Lithuanian is magical and has a hidden meaning one cannot miss knowing. 2012. It is an apt name for your daughter as it means wealthy. It is one of the perfect Lithuanian names in English. They give the example of "honestus Stanislaus de Wilna nuncupatus Iwan" [honourable Stanislaus of Vilnius having been called by the name Iwan] from the early 1500s (Rowell 2014:41, footnote 29). Domantas is the best choice. 2015. [Early features of the Samogitian administrative structures from the 14th century to the end of the 15th century. 2012. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "Church Court Records as Evidence for the Christianisation of Lithuanian Society in the Late-15th and Early-16th Century. Meaning: The spruce treeOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Flawless characterOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Desire for a songOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Arival or emulatingOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Refers to hide or protectOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Goddess of fireOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Dignified one or proudOrigin: South Slavic, Meaning: Goddess of Love and FriendshipOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: A mistress, a gentle-ladyOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: A girl from the forestOrigin: Lithuanian, Meaning: Favour or graceOrigin: Lithuanian. It originates from a Roman word. 2021. "Pre-Christian name giving in Lithuania. The most popular Lithuanian girls name, meanwhile, is Janina, which has Polish and Italian origins, and means God is gracious. It is a simple and short form that every other person would find pleasing. The name Arne originates from the old Norse name rni, which in turn is derived from the old Norse name for eagle.. "Christians in late Pagan, and Pagans in early Christian Lithuania: the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Morta is a Lithuanian female given a name meaning lady.. Personal names suffixed with -aitis or -uitis, Personal names suffixed with - or -, Descriptive bynames suffixed with -aitis or -uitis. It is derived from the Latin word or name Lustina. Andrius is a boys name with Spanish and Greek roots and is the variant of the name Andrew. This Lithuanian [Kondrat" Mont"] - 16th century - from a diminutive of a personal name beginning with. Furthermore, women in the 16th and early 17th centuries were only rarely named directly in records, and were instead defined solely in terms of their relationship to a man, to the extent that they were frequently not recorded with a given name at all (irnait 2009c; Endzelyt 2021). Luidvika is a baby girls name of Lithuanian origin, which means famous warrior. Here is one name that you can choose hands down. Galeti is a boys name of Lithuanian origin that means one who is able., Gediminas is derived from the Lithuanian words minti, which means to celebrate, and gedauti, which means to lament., Gelynas is a boys name of Lithuanian origin that means flower garden.. It is an ancient name that belongs to an old fairy tale where a woman marries a king of snakes living in the sea. ], Ragauskait, A. Finding a proper Lithuanian name for your baby boy or girl is now easy. The name Justina is a feminine form of a Lithuanian variant of Justinas. pradioje." This includes , , and . WebIt seems that Lithuanians were originally mononymous, and Girvilas (1978) says that in some places, people continued to be known by a single given name as late as the 18th century. Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex (D-M Search) will find names which sound like the name which you have entered based on the D-M Soundex Code. It is always fun to explore and discover new things daily. It is a well-known name in Lithuania and a popular name for saints. This name has Greek roots and it means lion strength or lion hearth. Names recorded using Polish orthography often have letters that are not used in the present-day language. Almonaitis, Vytenis. Zuzana is generally a female Slavic name meaning lily. "Lietuvi antroponimin sistema XVI a." It means gift from God or gift from Yahweh..
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