the good guys to come up with some clever plan to out- trick the trickster.COSMIC BRAT YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!The most common type of Imp is the bothersome pestwho just wont leave and who is far too powerful for the Sometimes an Imp means well, even if things do not workhero to get rid of any way other than according to the out that way for the object of its attentions. PUPPETEERThe Puppeteer is a manipulator of the first order. Acrostic, a criminal ob- to be poetic in some way. Rather than supporting them, the government explained crime spree! + Advantages 0 + Skills 9 + Defenses 9 = Total 36 points. Cultists are often fanatically The term Cult Master is a bit of a misnomer, since manyloyal to their cause, making them effective minions will- so-called Masters are in fact servants of a master villain,ing to do anything for their master. In its place, they may have an- the Nobody needs to grow into, and most rarely get theother flaw, usually involving the temporary nature of their time for it.powers or a price they must eventually pay. Modify this as suits the desired power level for the character and series.ASSISTANTS Similarly, the archetype does not account for whateverIn addition to a lab, minions the Mad Scientist may have, fromMad Scientists often hired goons to home-made monsters.need assistants to do Include them to help run interfer-the grunt work around ence for the villain and provide thethe place. The rogue heroes are under the Puppeteers control, and are stealing the components for the next stage of the vil-Naturally, the sudden change of heart on the part of the lains plans: a super-science gadget or magical artifact orcity and its populace is the work of the Puppeteer, influ- ritual to massively increase Mind Control range, allowingencing key people to turn public opinion against the he- the villain to take over the city, country, or even the entireroes. Some (like thecharacters. Psychos leave victims affected by strange, but familiar, manias.who manage to capture the heroes usually put them into Investigation reveals the Psycho is developingand test-an appropriate deathtrap. appropriate devices for personal gadgets such as weap- ons, force fields (perhaps in place of the innate PsionicTHEMES Force Field power), and the like, as well as big equipment such as a starship or outer space headquarters. can give the student untold powers: invisibility, immor- tality, the ability to kill with a mere touch, and more. 7 PDF books from Mutants & Masterminds first edition, including . So the or demons in particularor a Summon spell with thevillain is often after a particular tome, scroll, or magical suitable qualities for the villains Magic array.item, or the equivalent of the Item of Power wielded bythe Jumped-Up Nobody archetype. DC Adventures is based on the award-winning Mutants & Masterminds super hero RPG from Green Ronin Publishing, and is compatible with the third edition of M&M. While DC Adventures contains all the rules and information you need to play the game, future M&M Third Edition products are also compatible and usable with the material in this book, so . SECRETS OF THE MASTERSNote that the archetype as written can have up to an The already formidable Martial Artist begins searchingadditional +2 Damage bonus (from weapons or other for a legendary scroll from a lost temple. Offense: Init +1, Attack +2 (Close, Damage 4). Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 10 + Advantages 2 + Skills 5 + Defenses 8 = Total 31 points. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. them both.The nature of the weakness can be almost anything: BUILDING BETTER HEROESlearning and saying the Imps true name (or getting theImp to say it, perhaps backwards), winning a particular In an effort to be helpful, the Imp decides heroes needcontest, waiting for a particular time (such as an Imp who challenges to not only stay sharp, but to hone andonly appears at night, or only on a particular night, like improve their skills. MASTERMINDThe Mastermind is a mentalist supervillain, possessing dinary mental prowess, and the exact types of powers theconsiderable intellect and psionic abilities which compen- Mastermind possesses.sate for a relative lack of physical prowess. They may be animated from actual statues on the spur of theSTR 12 STA 12 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT 2 AWE 1 PRE 1 moment or stone-like creatures that simply look like me-Powers: Ranged Damage 12 (Fiery breath), Flight 6 (120 MPH; dieval gargoyles. Advantages: Environmental Adaptation STR 4 STA 4 AGL 0 DEX 4 FGT 0 INT 4 AWE 0 PRE 3 (Aquatic). Whatever the source of the power, itis, for all intents and purposes, limitless (with possibly oneexception, see One Weakness, following).CMON, LETS PLAY!Looking for entertainment, the Imp is more prone thanmost antagonists toward playing games, often childishor cruel (or both), such as high-powered versions of hide-and-seek, scavenger hunts, tag, checkers (perhaps playedwith buildings or landmarks, or living pieces), or varioussports or board games. SQUID, GIANT PL8 MR4RAT PL3 MR1 STR 12 STA 12 AGL 2 DEX 0 FGT 4 INT 4 AWE 1 PRE 4 STR 4 STA 0 AGL 2 DEX 1 FGT 1 INT 4 AWE 1 PRE 4 Powers: Concealment Attack 4 (Visual, Cloud Area, Limited to Powers: Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Acute Smell), Shrinking 10 (Permanent, Innate). Defenses: Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 7, Toughness 9, Will 7. SNAKE, CONSTRICTOR PL4 MR2 STR 3 STA 1 AGL 2 DEX 0 FGT 3 INT 5 AWE 1 PRE 4 Powers: Movement 1 (Slithering), Protection 2, Senses 2 (Infravision, Acute Smell). Earth!A government or corporate facility researching deadly The heroes have to trace the theft, and later heists of thebioengineered diseases is locked down after a major se- necessary materials and equipment, back to the villainscurity breach releases a deadly cocktail into the air, kill- hidden lair. Abilities 14 + Powers 15 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 + Defenses 6 = Total 9 points.A popular sidekick among Golden-Age heroes, the trusty This archetype represents most horses. As mentioned under Mystic Minions, they mostexample, or the primary ingredient is so rare that the rite commonly summon up various creatures to engage theirwill use up all of it known to exist. The victim makes one resistance check per day, a heroine of great power and beauty. The good guys in the waking world have to tracka hero-fight, as another team aids the police in tracking down the villain somehow, without succumbing to their own fatigue and falling asleep as well.MIMICSometimes, imitation is the sincerest form of villainy. Init +3, Unarmed +7 (Close, Damage 2). MINIONSDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE Psychos tend to have at least a few minions around to do the heavy lifting and run interference if necessary. The heroes may have a chance to try and preventIn this way the Robot may end up creating new rival vil- the abduction, but it can succeed as a complication, iflains as well! Insors. The Vampire likely Vampire story as well, with a seductive female vampireflees if confronted or thwarted in claiming a victim. +6, Mind Lash +7 (Close, Damage 7; Will Resists), Unarmed +7Jinx faeries are withdrawn and grumpy, and cause bad (Close, Damage 2). The only difference is thatPsychos are less selective (or at least less socially accept- A common variation on the Psycho theme is a need forable) about their targets. Others hunt for with a way of defeating the villain is even more based onthe Item for years until they are rewarded with success. their superiority face-to-face, given that their Force Field makes them effectively bulletproof and their TelekinesisFor a Mastermind who focuses on controlling others is capable of picking up cars and similar heavy objects tominds, see the Puppeteer archetype. Most inexplicablyescape prison with ease to haunt their favorite heroes Many Jobbers rely on amazingly advanced technologytime and time again. The reporter archetype can also be (Accurate Hearing, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing), Swimming used for any other type of professional by swapping out 5 (16 MPH). d20HeroSRD The res-LEARNING CURVE urrected hero has some adjusting to do but, as time goes on, things dont seem right. An Advantages: Contacts, Equipment 1. Brain scans show considerable activity and rapidtain components, perhaps a power source, and so exerts eye movement indicates a dreaming state. Last. It's just not as pretty. If so, award the players a hero point when they learn the truth.In general, if the villain genuinely wouldnt know abouta heros particular sensory advantage, its best to let the Try not to overuse this trick, as it is likely to make the play-good guy learn the truth and act on it. Some cults may be try- Defenses: Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 2, Will 2. ing to infiltrate normal institutions to exert secret control Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 3 + Advantages 1 + Skills 4 + over society, while others may be trying to summon alien Defenses 5 = Total 23 points. Most often this technique issome sort of close combat attack, withan Affliction or Weaken effect. Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition (MnM 3e) - FREE PDFs For anyone not wanting to be limited by reprints and absurd RPG book prices, here's a few PDFs for your MnM campaigns! Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers 12 + Advantages 0 +The crocodile described here is up to 20 feet long, with Skills 2 + Defenses 8 = Total 0 points.powerful, toothed jaws. Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition Keywords: Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition,Mutants and Masterminds . Skills: Deception 4 (+5),insect swarm that is incapacitated is dispersed. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powersswarms Stamina and give it Immunity to Fortitude Effects. Totals: Abilities 36 + Powers Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 7, Toughness 4, Will 5. Click to view in fullscreen Zoom In. Skills: Close Combat: Dagger 1 (+1), Deception Knife. After all, they want oth-ers to appreciate their genius and find it dif- set the villain up to use it on anficult to pass up an opportunity to explain unsuspecting world.their latest invention or scheme to the igno-rant dolts who think they can stop it. Things get worse when there are public sightings stricted crime spree in the city.of the hero causing trouble or even committing crimes!Naturally, the police get involved and have to investigate, When they escape, the heroes find their supposed betray-and may want to arrest the hero on suspicion while they er trapped in the villains lair as well. 1 General. If the heroes can stop the triggervarious people from their homes, workplaces, and even from being used, the substance should pass harmlessly from everyones system, given time. Skills: Perception 6 (+9). CHECK THIS OUTCANT TOUCH ME Jobbers have a tendency to reinvent themselves along their theme, returning with new skills, new advantages,While Jobbers are generally considered a joke, most different minions, or changes to their powers. This archetype is a giant version of the normally innocu-The dragon may have a different descriptor to its breath ous insect-eating plant, a popular minion for plant-con-weapon than fire, perhaps even a Variable Descriptor, al- trolling villains. Mutants and masterminds Core Rules 3E.pdf ( PDFDrive ) - AnyFlip STR 1 STA 1 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT 0 AWE 0 PRE 1 While most cults grant their followers little true arcane Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1), Pistol (Damage 3). Slaying the master Vampire often serves to free any victims.140 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESVAMPIRE PL9STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 6 --- 1 2 6 1 3 3 POWERS OFFENSE INITIATIVE +5 Close, Damage 6 Children of the Night: Summon Animals 2 (Bats, Rats, Unarmed +9 or Wolves; Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 6 (64 minions)) 31 points DEFENSE 9 FORTITUDE Immune Form of Mist: Insubstantial 2 10 points DODGE 10 TOUGHNESS 7 PARRY Spider-Climb: Movement 1 (Wall-crawling) 2 points WILL 9 Undead Invulnerability: Immortality 10 (Not When Staked POWER POINTS or Beheaded), Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Impervious Protection 7 (Limited: Not Versus Blessed, Magical, or Silver ABILITIES 34 SKILLS 31 Weapons), Regeneration 10 (Source: Blood) 52 points 18 POWERS 98 DEFENSES 188 Vampiric Bite: Weaken Stamina 9 (Resisted by Fortitude), Limited to Draining 1 rank per round, Grab-based 3 points ADVANTAGES 7 TOTAL SKILLS COMPLICATIONS Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+9), Deception 7 (+10), Expertise: Dependence: The Vampire must feed on blood or weaken. The game traits are largely the grants additional Protection or even Immunity to heatsame, although the Robot may have different skills, such damage. The Imp is make them look foolish.usually nigh omnipotent, making it that much harder forheroes to get rid of him (or simply punch his lights out, as In spite of their tremendous power, tricksters tend to bethey will no doubt be tempted to do). Defenses: Dodge -4, Parry -2, Fortitude SCIENTIST PL1 MR2 12, Toughness 13, Will 4. They are knownto favor the use of grabs as they lay into their target.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 147MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS STEGOSAURUS PL9 MR4 MONSTERS STR 11 STA 8 AGL 0 DEX 2 FGT 6 INT 5 AWE 2 PRE 0 Monsters is a catch-all category of creatures that show up Powers: Strength-based Damage 1(Tail Strike), Growth 8 as minions, ranging from hostile plant-life to fantasy crea- tures and giant, monstrous versions of otherwise mundane (Permanent, Innate), Protection 6, Senses 3 (Low-light Vision, things. You can make are possible with additional ranks of Growth.larger and more powerful dragons by adding ranks ofGrowth to the archetype. Offense: Init +0, Unarmed +0 (Close, Damage 0). The heroes just blunder into these traps, rather than being placed in them deliberately. In the final match-up, the villain has to relyown voices, and tend to rant or ramble at the slightest more on his own abilities.opportunity. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Naturally, it also works as a Groom of thegal authorities to provide protection. greater plot-device-level threat. Log In Sign Up. Maggia. The Mimicarranges means ofsurveillance and in-telligence gathering(spy-cams, magicalscrying, hired minions,etc.) Skills: Perception 6 (+7). Offense: Init +0, Attack +4 (Close, Damage PTERANODON PL5 MR3 8, plus Reaction Damage 5). The Nobodys weaknesseshero point for it. You can use and sheer bulk rather than quickness, although he is of-the fighting styles mentioned in Chapter 7 as templates ten far quicker than most expect. Now the arch-villain is a head of state with diplomaticTHE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY immunity, who wastes no time establishing an embassy in the heroeshome city, perhaps in full view of their head-Faced with a world- or even cosmos-destroying threat, the quarters just to taunt them.Overlord reluctantly offers to help the heroes to overcomeit, since there is not much point in trying to conquer the The Overlord carries out schemes against the heroes, whoworld when theres no world left to conquer! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Mutants and Masterminds | The Dragon's Trove Not all demons are created equal, nor are theyall the same. Thoseor more heroes comes down to a contest of wills. Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 44 +hyperactive and social, and love using their illusion pow- Advantages 1 + Skills 4 (8 ranks) + Defenses 8 = 69 points.ers to sew chaos and steal food or shiny baubles. Skills:abilities, such as bat-like wings and a penchant for flinginghellfire at their targets when in their natural form. points.CROCODILE PL7 MR3 The statistics here may represent other birds of prey. Thevillain may have some de-fensive capabilities, butrelies heavily on sendingwave after wave of min-ions against the heroes.PHANTOM PUPPETEERThe Puppeteer is a SEDUCTIVE PUPPETEERdisembodied entity,having Insubstantial Although Puppeteers can be disembodied brains, alien3 or 4, and exerting in- slugs, and hideous dwarfs with giant heads, they can alsofluence over the material be quite attractive. Add appropriate effects for particular types of insects, such as Flight (Winged) for flying insects,Powers: Feature 1 (bright glow), Flight 4 (30 MPH), Illusion 5 Affliction or Weaken effects for venomous insects, and(Affects All Senses), Shrinking 8. The villain often to combine the traits for this archetype withworks to soften up heroes for an employer, in-filtrating their group to learn about their abili- those of the Martial Artist to create an agileties and weaknesses, then sowing mistrust and and fearsome fighter capable of changing ap-conflict to keep the good guys busy while pearance virtually at will to confuse opponents.the real scheme unfolds. Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition. Thank you! pensate in various ways, such as combining the traits ofSimilarly, a Scavenger might even collect traits from two or more subjects to reduce or eliminate a particulardeceased subjects in some fashion, either like a Vampire weakness; if one subjects Protection is overcome by aMimic (previously) or a grave robber. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books. Eventually, it comes down toheroes learn of the Vampires quest for the artifact when a confrontation at the artifacts resting place, wherean archeologist or renowned collector of ancient manu- the heroes have to keep it out of the wrong hands andscripts turns up missing or dead, and drained of blood. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 14 + Defenses 11 = Total 38 points. satisfied with anything less than payment in full. The following are some examples of civilians the he-Permanent), Movement 1 (Wall-crawling). Rogues Gallery VTT Token Pack $14.99 Defenses: Dodge 0, Parry 4, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8, Will . Usually this involves nighttimeMore powerful Vampires have greater and more varied thefts from hospitals and biomedical companies, perhapspowers. Defenses: Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude 3, Toughness 1, Will 1. Relationship: Jean Grey: Warren is currently dating Jean Grey who is a fashion model. bition to conquer the world. Advantages: Attractive,demonsno matter their appearancedo share common Close Combat 4, Diehard, Fascinate (Deception). party early, by killing all of the guests!In either case, the final confrontation often consists of dif- OH, WERE ALL MAD HEREferent cunningly designed traps and minions to keep theheroes busy. I struggled finding a character sheet for 3rd edition M&M that I liked, so I made one with all the information I feel like I use when I play. Mad Scientist feels threatened by a similar invention in the same field, such as parallel development (or evenSome Sinister Simians have innate powers other than just improvement) of the breakthrough signature technology.their intellect, ranging from mental powers or mystical Similarly, others may steal the villains technology, provid-abilities (perhaps associated with some mythologicalDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 111MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS ing a clue for astute heroes and also provoking the villains some new invention on the heroes, or else orders loyal as-wrath when the theft is discovered! Robots typically have formidable physical and The villain is an evil or amoral artificial intelligence that ex-intellectual capabilities and a vast array of technological ists as software running on a computer, rather than in a spe-weapons and devices at their command. Most often, the Temporal Overlord hailslord derives all of his listed powers from a device. Core books and new releases for Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition are below. Defenses:Fortitude , Toughness 10, Will 6. Lastly, theres the temptationheroes in one manner or another, just as insistent on their for the Imp toliven things upby making them even moregame (and their rules) as other Imps tend to be. when the Sorcerer is usually too busy to pull another van- ishing act, or unwilling to abandon the culmination of aRituals are usually elaborate, having to be performed at a scheme to the heroes.particular place and time, and needing exotic ingredientsranging from a rare flower from the highlands of Tibet to TACTICSthe heart of a pure maiden (symbolically or literally). It turns out the villain is kidnapping people involved withTACTICS his or her particular obsession and getting them all to- gether for a crazy dream dinner party wherein the Psy-Psychos tend to be cat-and-mouse opponents. Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+11), STR 3 STA 0 AGL 3 DEX 0 FGT 3 INT 5 AWE 1 PRE 4 Athletics 4 (+8), Perception 4 (+5), Stealth 3 (+13). Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold. These same traits make horses have +1 Str. This means if the he- enemies, allowing them to work their magic unhindered.roes are successful, the villain is not likely to try the same Sorcerers tend to favor broad area effects, particularlyscheme again. SIGNATURE DEVICESThe Robot-Builders creations may be nothing more thanmindless machines or a true new form of intelligent life, Mad Scientists are intensely egotistical and competitive,potentially threatening to displace its organic predeces- so they tend to develop distinctive modus operandi. Totals: Abilities 20 + Powers STR 2 STA 2 AGL 4 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT 4 AWE 3 PRE 0 45 + Advantages 2 + Skills 0 + Defenses 8 = Total 35 points. Totals: Abilities 0 + Powers 0 + Advantages 2 + Skills 6 + +6 (Close, Damage 3), Paralyzing Fear +6 (Affliction 6), Tendrils of Darkness +6 (Move Object 6), Unarmed +2 (Close, Damage Defenses 4 = Total 12 points. of Hand 4 (+6) Power Loss: Requires magical rituals or talismans. Advantages: Benefit 1 (Athletics based on Agility). Deception 8 (+13), Expertise: Magic 6 (+7), Insight 8 (+10). These are not account- in at 1,200 pounds. Mastermindstend to emphasize the cerebral over the merely physical, ALIEN MASTERMINDmaking them effective foes of physically powerful heroes(who might be more vulnerable to their powers), as well In keeping with the comic book concept that evolutionas mentalist heroes, for whom they are a kind of dark re- is headed toward the superiority of the brain over theflection. This archetype can also represent a giant octopus or simi- lar creature.144 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESSWARM, DEVOURING PL5 MR2 CIVILIANSSTR 2, STA 5, AGL 5, DEX 1, FGT 2, INT 4, AWE 0, PRE 5 Numerous innocent people are under the heroesprotection, but their game traits dont often matter in the context of thePowers: Damage 5 (Shapeable Area), Insubstantial 1 (Innate; game. Some is taken down. Totals: Abilities 18 + Powers 21 +Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + Defenses 0 = Total 3 points. The Jumped-Up Nobody is a terribly unbalancedYou can also use this trope as a way of introducing new character, and intentionally so. You can also leave some or all ofthem undefined and fill them in during game play as ideas CLASSIC BITSsuggest themselves (see Classic Bits for more on this). While not as criminally right-hooks from their rival hero at this point. OVERLORDThe Overlord is a true master villain, possessed of a bril- is usually an advanced suit of power-armor, although itliant mind and formidable force of will. 1.1 Main Page/Player. The archetype is often used blast their foes through buildings and across town. Freedom City is the default setting for the Mutants & Masterminds game system. Offense: Init +2, Unarmed +3 (Close, Damage 2). Offense: Init +3, Unarmed +3 (Close, Damage 6). In addition to its other traits, the Ar- tificial Mimic has Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects).A Mimics power level is somewhat difficult to peg, beinghighly variable. particular attack, and anothers is not, the Mimic might be able to layer them to ignore or reduce the attack. It might require taking away the Item of Power,Item a villain has worked to acquire, or the cosmic mis- or tricking the villain into over-extending his abilities ortake that assigns something meant for a heroic wielder using them in some way that ensures his a less worthy subject. Some Asian Masterminds mix alchemy or Taoist sorcery with their science.THEMES CORPORATE CRIMINALMad Scientists tend to be distinguished by two things: theways in which they aremadand the areas of science they Not all Mad Scientists are solo acts, unable to profit fromfocus on. Offense: Init +3, Powers: Damage 1 (Bite; Strength-Based), Senses 4 (Acute Unarmed +4 (Close, Damage 1). The No-of advanced alien technology, or anything else the GM body might possess a literal plot device, an item capablecares to make up. Advantages: ImprovedGrab, Power Attack. Skills: Perception 6 (+7). To further complicate matters, thecility, but there is evidence the systems failure was caused Robot might use captured humans as carriers, leavingby a break in, by someoneor somethingthat man- the heroes with the dilemma of whether or not they canaged to escape. Eventually, the Mimic will have copiedstrengthto do things their individual subjects cannot. The necromancer works with the dead, particularly reani- mating corpses as zombie or skeleton minions (see theTHEMES Minion Archetypes) and summoning the shades of the dead to provide knowledge and forbidden lore. Editable Character Sheet PDF. The villain is a warlord or military leader of an alien the villain may have lived for centuries or even millennia.empire or invasion force, seeking to crush whole worlds This may explain the Overlords considerable intellect andbeneath his heel.

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