TOPIC: DIVINE PROVISION AND ASSISTANCE* DAY 26: SUNDAY 5TH FEBRUARY Psa 105:13-15, Father, I receive the mark of protection from you in the name of Jesus. Romans 8:6, Father give me the grace to forgive all that have offended me; and cause all those I have offended to forgive me as well in Jesus name. Father, please destroy every spirit of defilement among our youths, in Jesus name. Oh God of all flesh, arise and silence forever every evil mouth pronouncing evil into my destiny, in the name of Jesus. keeping me in the faith thus far. 8. Joe 1:13, 2:17, Father, make your ministers sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant and not of the law but of the spirit, in Jesus name. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Father, restore to Your church, the spirit of excellence in the lives of all our children in RCCG, in Jesus name. Mark 11:23-24, AY 42: TUESY 21ST FEBRUARY 8. Lord, I thank You because You are bigger than the biggest of my trials and challenges. Galatians 6: 17. BIBLE TEXT(S): MATTHEW 6:9-13, 25:34 36; 18:21 3, JOHN 18:36. Mat 18:18, Father, deliver me from the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. 4. John 14:6. 42:11, 5. You spirit of depression and suicide; I dismiss you from my life now in Jesus Name. 50 Days Fasting & Prayer Guide for RCCG 2023 Fasting and Prayer is here. 13. Micah 5:10-14, Father, silence every voice of the idols of our land crying for vengeance and destruction in the name of Jesus. 1 Samuel 5:2-5, Father, restore to me every divine virtue, I and every member of my family have lost for the past years, in Jesus name. BIBLE TEXT:And it came topass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. Ezekiel 9:4, Father, I thank you for the gift of life through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Psalm 23:2, Father, sow into our branches across the globe ideas, knowledge, strategies, wisdom we need to move Your church forward in Jesus name. 1. Father, terminate fear and depression in my life and family in Jesus name. Thy kingdom come. Father, bestow upon all our parents the grace to be a good example to our children in the mirror of the word of God in Jesus name. Psalm 79:11. Lord, by Your Holy Spirit, help me out of every thought and heart desire that is making me to sin against You, in Jesus name. Oh God of all flesh, please let every good thing the enemies have stolen from me be returned to me now, in the name of Jesus. God is the originator of the family. 9. Acts 19:11, Father, let our mind be genuinely renewed for your Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. 1. Psalm 35:1-6. You are here to fulfil destiny. 1 Cor 3:10-11, Father, let the blood of Jesus uproot and wash the source of every evil marks in my life and family in Jesus name. Proverbs 21:1. Psa 27:1-3, Every spirit of fear and worry, lose your hold over my family in Jesus name.In the name of Jesus Christ, I break out from the bondage of fear and worry. Psalms 18:2. BIBLE TEXT(S): MATTHEW 24:78, PSALM 33:12, ISAIAH 14:26, PSALM 22:8, JOEL 3:1-14. Such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, fire, tsunami, landslide, plaques, etc. 1 Peter 5:5, Thank God Almighty who is the giver of good and perfect gifts James 1:17, Thank the good God for His grace upon you to release unto you, what money cannot buy for free of charge, in Jesus name. Proverbs 13:21, Father, in your mercy, terminate every disaster that your judgement brought upon our nation in Jesus name. By faith, appreciate God for answered prayers. Psalm 98:1, Father whatever I have done that will make me not to be part of this your kingdom, please have mercy and forgive me in the name of Jesus. DAY 30: THURSDAY 9TH FEBRUARY 2Tim 1:7, Father, uproot every spirit of worry and fear in my life in the name of Jesus. 10. Eccl 7:9, Father, break every curse of failure at the edge of success in my life in Jesus name. Our Father; which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Father, you are the God that created the heaven and the Earth, we return all glory to your name in Jesus' name. Deuteronomy 8:18. Oh Lord, remove spiritual cataract from my eyes, in Jesus name. Psalms 85:8. Revelation 20:19, 6. Father have mercy on me and forgive me my iniquities, in Jesus name. It is only prayer that can bring about the expected revival that will make the church stand out in Jesus name. Psalm 103:3, Father, please forgive me all my sins both known and unknown that have brought this sickness and diseases (mention the name of sickness) upon me, in Jesus name. Prayer for New Beginnings Psalm 103:5 - Against the spirit of stagnation - When you desire that new things should begin in your life The end of your sinful, hopeless, helpless, weary and frustrating life is a new beginning of a vibrant and existing life in Christ. With the prophetic declarations for Year 2023, and because of the anointing for double portion that has been released for greater exploits, the year has promised to be a season of Wonderful encounters. RCCG Annual 21 Days Fasting and Prayer 2023 Click here to see prayers for today DAY 24: FRIDAY 3RD FEBRUARY Psa 31:15, Father, frustrate and disappoint every enemy of my success in Jesus name. RCCG FASTING PRAYER POINTS TUESDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2023 DAY 49, JOYCE MEYER DAILY DEVOTIONAL 28TH FEBRUARY 2023 HIGH PRAISES OF GOD. Psalm 71:4. DAY 4: SATURDAY 14TH JANUARY BIBLE TEXT(s): Psa 75:3-7, True promotion comes from God. Let us thank God for the vision for this project How it has brought about speedy development to the entire Agunfoye localities. Prov 14:16, 9:10, Father, by your love, cast out every spirit of fear tormenting me in Jesus. In Acts 3:1-10 when the man who has been lame for 40 years suddenly began to walk, leap and praise God, everybody around looked and rejoiced at him in amazement. Abraham was from a family of unbelievers that is, idol worshippers but God called him out in Genesis 12:1 to walk before Him. DAY 40: SUNDAY 19TH FEBRUARY Father, in this year 2023, let every family in the world enjoy your peace that passeth all understanding in Jesus name. Many nations are looking ahead for a period of generalelectionsin 2023 including Nigeria. Philippians 4:19, Father deliver our children from ungodly friends that will truncate their destiny in Jesus name. DIVINE PROMOTION 8. INTRODUCTION:Death is the departure of life from the body. Father, it does not matter what the economy of my nation says, make a way for us. By the power of the resurrection of Jesus, I command every buried destiny in my family to rise up, in Jesus name. PRAYER POINTS: 1. In the name of Jesus Christ, oh Lord destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every weapon of poverty fired against my life. John 14:6, Isa 45:1-3. Believers have the grace of His word that cheers us up whenever depression is about to set in. Oh God of all flesh, please remember me for good today, in the name of Jesus. Father help us to maintain the right spirit you have given us in Jesus name. Father, whatever sin in my life and family lineage that will want to affect my children destiny, I repent of it today and let the blood of Jesus wash us clean in the name of Jesus. programmed for this year in Jesus name. Jeremiah 50:2. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Father, thank you for your Divine visitation upon our life, Thank you for that visitation that brought your salvation to my life. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercy we thank you for saving us, in Jesus name. Psa 18:50, Father, give me the grace to separate myself from all alcoholic friends in Jesus name. 42:11. Father, thank You for all Your assistance in my life in ages past. Isaiah 40:30. Father, we ask for your mercies over every error we have committed in your church and our gatherings, in Jesus name. For everyone over 70 except the General Overseer, you are exempted. 23. Pro. Isaiah 44:25, Job.5:12. 14. in order to be a candidate of signs and wonders in Jesus name, Father; Whenever I face challenges of life, always strengthen me with fresh memory of the past miracles, signs and your wonders you did in my life in Jesus name, Father make me a candidate of your wonder to my generation in Jesus name, Father; Let your light shine in me to the world around me, to give you glory in all that I do, and wherever I go in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:16. Psalm 79:9, Let us pray for the grace to be holy and the desire to follow peace with all men. Every demon in charge of the social media manipulation we dethrone you in the name of Jesus. Joh 10:10, Father, I repent of the sin of disobedience and anger in Jesus name. You, the glory of my life that the wicked has turned to grass, change now, become fire and shine for others to see, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 28:2. Let us thank God for the success of all previous elections in nations, Let us thank God for keeping the nation together in spite of various challenges that had beguiled many of our past elections, Let us pray for free, fair and peaceful elections in all our nations, Let us pray that the electoral institutions will not compromise standard at the expense of free and fair election. INTRODUCTION:Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God through the demonstration or show of gratitude for His goodness and mercies. Hebrews 9:27. We cover ourselves, our family members and brethren in the blood of Jesus. Exodus 32:14, Father; we humble ourselves and seek your face, please hear us from heaven, heal our land and deliver us from natural disasters in Jesus name. Oh Lord arise and take total control of our climate in Jesus name. Man was enjoying smooth fellowship with God before man sinned and fell short of the glory and mercy of God, but Gods thought towards man is of good and not of evil. Father, I am tired of the valley, by your power take me to the mountain top of my life, ministry and career in Jesus name. 3:3. We thank you for answering our prayers whenever we call upon you Psalms 50:15. 24. My father, make my life a wonder to my generation in Jesus name. Obadiah 1:17, John 8:.32, 6. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Matthew 6:33, 7. Father, as You helped Joseph in the presence of Pharaoh, help me in the presence of my employer, in Jesus name. TOPIC: ACCIDENT AND SAFETY Father, teach them by yourself that they will have the fear of the Lord in their heart in Jesus name Isaiah 54:13. 14. Father, please cloth all our youths with the garment of humility, in Jesus name. Please have mercy on us according to your word in 2 Chronicles 7:14 heal us and our lands in the name of Jesus. Father, the way to everlasting life is narrow, no man walks through by himself. Matthew 26:41. Matthew 15:13, Father, please arise and do a new thing in the life of our children, in Jesus name. TOPIC: DIVINE VISITATION John 15:5, 8. Lord send your peace to the Middle east in Jesus name. Father I want to be a holy and be a sanctified vessel like Mary, Joseph, Samuel etc. BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALM 91:1- END. Father, by the authority and dominion you have given to us, we command that the weather will favour your church always throughout this year in Jesus name. In Jeremiah 1:4-5 we see that there were lots of things that happened before you were conceived. RCCG 50 Days Fasting and Prayer Points/Guide Below Fasting begins January 11 First installment of fasting is for 50 days only. Matthew 15, 5. Father I renounce every evil covenant entered into with the kingdom of darkness as a result of the spirit of idolatry in the name of Jesus. Psalm 57:1, Father, I your mercy, reverse the disaster that you spoke of bringing to us because of our iniquities. This project requires huge capital and requires payers to remove all forms of obstacles and delays. Exodus 15:26, Father, please destroy every yoke of sicknesses and diseases in my life, in Jesus name.- Acts 10:38, Isaiah 10:27, Lord Jesus, by Your resurrection power, I overcome every sickness and disease unto death upon my life, in Jesus name. Fresh glory of the living God and fresh fire from heaven envelope me now, in Jesus name. Every garment of reproach in my life catch FIRE and be consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Genesis 2:22-24, 3. 13. 8. I pray that every good thing the Lord has given to me will not become idol and lead me to untimely death in Jesus name. Father, thank You for supplying my needs according to Your riches in glory. RCCG Day 1 Fasting Prayer Points as Released by The Redeemed Christian Church of God Directorate of Prayer. Father, please raise more helpers for the work Psalm 20:2. Father, every curse attracted into my life as a result of alcoholism be broken by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 1 Thessalonians 1:8, Father we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for the support she is giving to the Ministry of your son, in Jesus name. 1. Father, have mercy on me and forgive all my sins of disobedience and lukewarmness, in Jesus name. 10. 11.Father, open the book of remembrance concerning me as You did for Mordecai and reward me for all my good deeds in Jesus name Est: 6:1-3, 12.Father, please put spirit of error upon my enemy that will overturn their wicked devise upon their own head in Jesus name. Psalms 89:5, Father I thank you for your word and your kingdom. Oh God of all flesh, I need help now. I refuse to be a failure in life, in Jesus name. Evil secret activities currently affecting my life, be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus. Psa 45:11, 66: 4. Genesis 37:22. Prov 18:9, 12.Lord deliver our children and youths from the foolishness of social media in Jesus name. Father thank you for your mercies that endures forever in Jesus name. Remember to save this page for updates. Father never allow us to be greedy in our business, help us to always pay our first fruit, tithe and offering. It is not negotiable; it is a command. Ecclesiastes 3:13, 15. BIBLE TEXT(S): MARK 16:17,20, HEBREWS 2:4, ACTS 4:30, 2:43. INTRODUCTION: Unemployment is one of the major problems we have in several nations of the world. 12. Joshua 6:20, I shall succeed; nothing shall pull me down in Jesus name. Joe 3:3, Father, put your light into my life to put in order, every disorderliness caused by the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Knowing well that, though man may plan and prepare, but the outcome of a matter is of God. PRAYER POINTS. God want to do many things on the earth today, but it can only be accomplished through active prayer ministry of the church. Arrow of afflictions GO back to sender in Jesus name. Every secret I need to know about my environment, be revealed, in Jesus name. God is the original giver of children. Psalm 115:13. Education is a process of systematic giving or receivinginstructions, especially at school. Matthew5:9. Oh Lord, You enabled Esther, Joseph, Levi to fulfil their destinies. Psalms 92:1. Lord help me to live above sin, in Jesus name. I declare in the name of Jesus that l will not die prematurely, but live to declare the works of God in the land of the living. Please scroll down for each day's prayer points. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Job 22:28. 1. Father, raise up our children with wisdom that come from above that they will know and understand the core values of education in Jesus name. Lord we thank you for your present peace in Jerusalem, inJesus name. Matthew 6:14-15, 14. Father, let every arrow of disagreement fired into marriages in Your church go back to sender, in the name of Jesus. Mark 10:50, Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that by Your stripes, Jesus, I am totally healed. Isaiah 19:1, Father, arise and cut off all the graven images, standing images, witchcraft, soothsayers, sorcerers from my family and nation in the name of Jesus. Psalm 24:1. Matthew 5:5. BIBLE TEXT: Eph 5:20, Psa 103:1-end. Job 5:12, Let us pray that God will guide and take control of the whole process, from beginning to the end and frustrate every plan to manipulate. Oh Lord arise in your mercy and renew this damaged world, in Jesus name. Psalm 103:2, Father, please cover us under your Mighty wings as eagle covers its young ones, wherever we go, in Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus, I render every evil, aggressive altars impotent in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you for the opportunity of learning in your household to rightly divide the word of truth 2 Timothy 2:15. Genesis 24:35, 2. BIBLE TEXT(S): PSALM 133:1-3, HEBREWS 13:1, GENESIS 11:4-5, JOHN 17:21, MATTHEW 12:25. The voice of the enemies will not prevail over Your Church in our nation, in Jesus name. Joshua 7:25, Father, I break by the blood of Jesus any generational curse affecting my family, in Jesus name. I command my star to come out of obscurity and to shine. Submit yourself and your personal petitions to God. TOPIC: O GOD OF ALL FLESH The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Exo 14:13, Father, increase faith in your church in the name of Jesus. Psalm 86:3, Father, release your warring angel to break down every denominational wall dividing the body of Christ in Jesus name. Lord, give your ministers the three-fold Spirit of Power, Love and of a sound mind in the process of serving you, in Jesus name, 2 Timothy 1:7, Father, let your church continue to march on and never let the gate of hell overcome your church, in Jesus name, Matthew 16:18, Father, let every ungodly power sitting in the position of authority in your Holy church be exposed, disgraced and uprooted, in Jesus name, Acts 16: 16 18, Every plant you have not planted in your church, Lord let them be uprooted by Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name. Ps. Judges 6:25, Father, please dont let any of my family member experience bitterness in their lives, in Jesus name. 7. Father, we thank you for You are the God of times and seasons, our times and seasons are in your hands in Jesus name. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Rom 8:15, I bind every spirit of fear, timidity and unbelief attacking my faith. Isaiah 47:11. TOPIC: PRAYER MINISTRY Psalm 118:17. Father, let Your favour single me out for miraculous employment, in Jesus name. When God promotes, neither man nor any power can bring down because God is the pillar upon which the promoted is sustained.
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