MP Glen Bennett was another guest of honour invited to speak, thanking the organisers for the invitation. "But that was just the way you had to do things.". Explore our Stories on Te Rangi Aoao Nunui - the Taranaki Knowledge Gateway. One was filmed dismantling a surveillance camera, and French police deployed drones exceptionally to film unrest, a move that has raised concerns among privacy defenders and activist groups. But that all changed once computers came in. "When Linotype was invented ". In Indonesia, demonstrators demanded the government repeal a job creation law they argue would benefit business at the expense of workers and the environment. In the last few years, lawyers have tweeted images of themselves working from hospital beds on IV drips to illustrate the problem. A worker holds up a smoke stick Monday during a May Day rally in Jakarta, Indonesia. INNZ provides descriptions and citations to articles in over 1000 New Zealand and South Pacific newspaper and journal titles from 1987 to the present. Workers and activists across Asia are marking May Day with protests calling for higher salaries and better . 1884-1959. We hold archives, images and objects at Puke Ariki. 1883. Public computing and Print services at the Library, State of Nature Picturing the Silent Forest, Whare Kahurangi Virtual Tour - online lesson. Taranaki v. Wellington at New Plymouth 1965 [result], 7. Newspapers are available in various formats including paper, microfilm, and digital. Traditionally the festival, which falls at the end of Ramadan, is marked by new clothes, delicious food and sweets, music and time with friends, and the community Eid gala included all those things. Climate activists spray-painted a Louis Vuitton museum in Paris, and protesters in Germany demonstrated against violence targeting women and LGBTQ+ people. Cover artwork for the Centennial Issue of the Taranaki Herald and proof copy of cover. September 30 1940, Taranaki Daily News farming supplement. "It's only oriented to benefit employers, not workers.". October 1981, Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. In Pakistan, authorities banned rallies in some cities because of a tense security situation or political atmosphere. Eid Mubarak - hundreds gather to celebrate festival of Eid in Taranaki "Bill n Rob" cartoons 1975. She said everyone looked beautiful and she is right, walking in you could feel this happy party atmosphere and the kids and I have felt so welcome.. B. Scanlan inscribed, the other is blank. A person died while tramping on Mount Taranaki on Sunday. Manuscript. Hawera 75th Anniversary. August 27 1892, Taranaki Herald and Budget Newspaper Supplement. Industries and commerce number. Centennial Reunion of the staff of The Taranaki Herald Company. The blood spilled on the tarmac has not dried yet but people from all over the . He said while people sometimes describe Eid-al-Fitr as being a time to celebrate the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting, it was in fact a way to continue building on the lessons and experience of Ramadan. Numerous further rallies by labor unions and leftist groups are planned in Germany on Monday. Leader for 'Our Centennial'. Across Asia, this year's May Day events unleashed pent-up frustration after three years of COVID-19 restrictions. Across France, thousands marched in what unions hope are the country's biggest May Day demonstrations in years, mobilized against President Emmanuel Macron's recent move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. 35 Years Ago: Construction of the new Taranaki Herald building in New Plymouth's Currie St took a backward step when a newly built brick wall toppled over in a gust of wind.The foreman on the job . Industries and commerce number. PARIS -- People squeezed by inflation and demanding economic justice took to the streets across Asia and Europe to mark May Day on Monday, in a global outpouring of worker discontent not seen since before the COVID-19 pandemic sent the world into lockdowns. An official feared children could die if they came into contact with the toxic chemicals. There were lots of similarities between the faiths he said, with Lent and Ramadan each focusing on a time of reflection and connection to a higher being and to their community. As a result alot ofjobs in the production area were displaced and people were made redundant, he says. Editorial, who were then known as the literary staff, worked upstairs on the top floor and the subeditors used to send theircopy down by a shute to the linotype operators on the ground floor where the printing press was, Garcia says. The National Newspaper Collection forms part of the Alexander Turnbull Library collections. Programme. Kevin Nielsen was general manager at the time. Russia's war in Ukraine overshadowed scaled-back events in Moscow, where Communist-led May Day celebrations were once massive affairs. 75th anniversary Newton King Ltd. October 15 1954, Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. or oonhlitiitwmni) Uniol ana Pains in lh Buck (iiininnlod lire (nuii Moirnr Bold iu bo es 4i Cd nu li by all Cliumibi and Patent Midinno Vendor Bolo Proprietors Thr Likooui add Muhaki Co 7 ti Dbua Co Lincoln Ergind 5 2 SUITA BLli FOR Dairy Factories CaEAMEKIES - -' - - - ' --i ICBULA BDIIEK The niysialana Cure tor Qout Rhonmatie Grout and Gravel tho aaftl and most genila Xedielno for Infkntn Ch'iJb ra Sollento Fe rcalea and tho Slclc-neaa of Fragnano7 MEScRS SOLE BROS Wish to call tbs ATTENTION of the PUBLIC to the Superior Quality of the Meat they have now on view INSPECTION INVITED OSCE TJIIFD ALWAYS USED The Quality cannot be equalled ic ton a 74Jiii For One Month Only In onler to clear out all surplus winter goo Is M- MAOKAY Ilns still 111 Liter reduced Ids prices fui CAbU 1 aw is your rhaneo to feuuniu real guod targsiiu of IIAXiMUM QUALITY at MINIMUM COST The follonini area few of tho numerous lines (fferad at loasirlerebly below usual prices : Dress Sergom fimi 1 Id per yard an CtbhmoiM- fii'in Is per yai J up Diagonal Dresi-piacos Is 4d por yard Velvet one Plushes Satins Ribbons Braids Glovos 1 oiwtx Ladioa' Foil lists at la (hi and la 9J each Black Fliana nt Kkl T adieu' Cashmere Uoho from Is up Flannels are all reduced in price Blankets a goo I assortment of best colonial vory cheap Flannelettes from 3 (id per doxen yards Luules' Ulsters very cheap C ALL AND EE 111 EM Men' Suits fiom 15 np Ttousers from 6 up Men s Shirty at Is 9d 2s Oil 3 6 1 6s A splendid lino of Mon s Tweed Nhirts at 6a each tho best value ever offurad in Taranaki Oilcoats (all sin) at 9a Gd 11s 15s 20s BOOTS &"SH0ES tlicM o aro now offering at lire thin all the cheap silver bed piic s in Taranaki A CALL RE KP EOT FULLY ht'LIOlTitD Sale commences on July 7th 1894 Note lho Address G9 1CKAV I'-GLEVOOD THE CORRECT THING AT LAW A TOBACCO h mndo tram tho finobt Virginia Loaf i here m tther lobnc t hLe ii JuiiN Avruv New Plymouth WhnleiHr Agent irri r nt: -nni: tuam hobbt To ervonf iiKiUd fcjHiti &c on yrui otti cd piu-saucs fur cxirt paint vour bnxo rr ngs with a solution of Panqliiie A snilliog pneket maker one gallon Odom ere ana harm 1dm told everywhere lronnongsry and Hardware AT WHOLES LE PRICES D BERRY & CO 3 g AVS much tlcame in call-A-fi- ing tho attention of the public to au immense reduction in price of their goods owing to decreased cost in the Fngiixh and American Markets and to the fact that freights by the direct steamers ate now costing less than half the rate previo- sly obtaining They have thsiefore rvgard'rs of old-r cats carefully reduced the prico of every item of'thcir large and vafied strek to the smallest working profit end trust to be recouped by an inci cased amount of business They would respectfully request an iaapection of stock and pi ices when every attention mill be shown to those favoring them with a call whether purchasing or not Country Storekeepers eon rely on netting yoods at or below those quoted from the larger cities with the difference of freight added ST: CIA UPVALUES In 1- lectroduted Goods direct from tho best 'nglisb makers suitable for Wedding and other presents Nows recommended without maker is Lnown CUTLERY By Jos Hodcrs Christopher Johnson Lockwood and other leading makers Furnishing Ironmongery Lamps Bedsteads Wire Mattresses Travelling Trunks Tinned and Enamelled Hol-lownro &o at prices never before sold at in New fly month Tito reduction n Builders Ironmongery and Tools only requires to be known to ho appreciated: O K B Brand Corrugated Iron the Best and much the Cheapest also curved for Tanks and to any pattern for verandahs Yfntet and Gas Pipes out and screwed to any lengths by machinery Oils Paints Colon Yarmshes and Painten Brush-ware and requisites Bricks ' ouimon and Fir I ime Cement and Fire Clay ccufo for Mr asm B'oth V -ic-'o-isMs C'-lobrated Spnvp and Diu Harrows Chaff uMrn rionhs Jono Hoara Wiud-mill ami cth r A jricaUaral lmple-yi nt Boid ft Grn- b Tann Imptome: ts at auik' rt price) Kauri Timber Co Doors Sashes and Joinery Jno Wilson ft Cos Uydronlio lima and Ccmect 8oott's Cob bratod Victor Stovos Gravo Fences and Ornamental Ironwork fiSflnden from England America or the Continent undertaken at -lowhg all discounts obtained at a commission to be ascertained upon inquiry iveraye time required four to five month N ) Pi THE ADDRES3 ' D BSUKY & CD Brougiiam-BtrLet New Plymouth and Broadway Stratford S SHUTTLE! Stratford-Eltham has moved into joint second place on the Taranaki premier club rugby ladder after a 32-22 win against Clifton at Victoria Park on Saturday. One of the few independent daily newspapers remaining in New Zealand.. Workers and activists across Asia are marking May Day with protests calling for higher salaries and better working conditions, among other demands. BKTWEEX ALL PORTS OF NEW ZEALAND AND LONDON I The Magnificent 88 7730 tona register horse-power Jennings BJliR Commander Will be despatched from Wellington 'FOB LONDON DIRECT OH THURSDAY JULY 26th To be fallowed by Lindsay Kidloy Evans Jennings Ang: 28 Bep 20 lOcL 18 Xor 15 8000 ll po hoOt steamers and the accommodation for all classes of passengers is unaurpasred TbeHozneward psssga will bo in Bio ' dS Janeiro and Teneriffe and the time occupied should not exceed 40 days An experienced surgeon will accompany I each steamer The above will bo supplemented by the j following end other firet-chne 8AILING VESSELS AND CARGO BTEAMEBS iking their departure from Wellington are all powerfnl new steel Tbs undersigned is cm powered to gr ni esangesfrom Low an to Now Zeeland pay-son tewfateh haa toon gssrsnieed in ibe JOHN Q1LMOTTB Afr ' if New PlVuoUth Cash BootShop INGLEWOOD 7 C IPeach in eommenoiog his nineteenth year in Inglewood thinks tho public (or a (hirinpportdorioR the pact eighteen years and irons to will merit a share of their palrocig by attention to baaiaess and applying g ojni(Lata moderate price JOP would call attention to his large stock of BOOTS and SHOES all marked AT LOW PRICES All sorts of Boots and Shoes ms? Ture whakahaere i nga tuku whenua Maori = Native land disposition : whakawhaititanga. 1857-1957. Extract from Kahiti, 15th March 1894 2 copies. The Taranaki Herald had set up shop in Currie St in May 1900 after its Devon St premises had been partially destroyed by fire a few months earlier. Folder 4. Letters to the Editor. New Zealand Gazette - Justice's of the Peace 1866 A-M & N-Z over 150 names here; includes name, city and region where they lived. A worker holds up a smoke stick Monday during a May Day rally in Jakarta, Indonesia. News from New Zealand and the world: breaking news, videos, sport, rugby, politics, business, entertainment, lifestyle, travel, and property. 1882-1932. Fifty years ago today: The headlines from October 12, 1969 Comprises two catechisms by William Yate revised and expanded ; the second Isaac Watts catechism ; and the Church Catechism. April 29, 1989 - Taranaki Herald closed. South Koreans pleaded for higher wages. Taranaki Education Board Centennial. Memories of New Plymouth and surrounding district as it appeared to Mr W. Devenish during period 1871/1886. Garcia started as office boy, then he worked as a copy holder. 1985 - Taranaki Herald demolished and new building built at a cost of $1.7 million. Migrant domestic workers in Lebanon marched in a country plunged in economic crisis. The Daily News building on the corner next to the old Herald building on Currie St, New Plymouth. 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand Some pre-1987 items are added retrospectively. V)' ORTH BROTHERS TIMBER MER0HANT8 ft (MPOBTE5 QAVX mi rtLE Builders Material and ' Buildon' Iroamongor PanuhaniGt ana Scrim Oil- Palate 1 rd Color Pi iluil C?mi nt 11 a crecned Coal Wire Lore i :t d Iron Also at the Albion Mills Fino Donodnafc of our own manufiw-taro (warranted gonninol Guano Crushed or Whole Oats Chaff aa Davox axd Qcmaa Snoncrs NOT TO KNOW IS NOT TO HAVE but once having used BUM Bakimi Pownan ynn will nevor bo without it tor it is tho but in tin markot both for purity and prico Sokl o very where Edward L Nr tli in VTIidivulnA'ent SowPlyniniA TEiiBGRAPHIO LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES BETWEEN New Plymouth and Hawera AN nnil after M NDAY 2nd January 1 o-irhus w i 1 leave Now PI) mouth for llviri 1 an 1 ini- r judin ajilirbi every Muqsy Wo'nrelar ani Frilay at 9 1 in nriirir i Opneako at 4 30 p10 atav :n ih 10 ill it m ht xn1 l avin for 'la-vt rur ran-rL-' UrPareh lrini itoin' NorM iiin finntli I'nuUiiB will leave lie era tor N- ll nvnnhand iat-rmo-Jiat- p!avB n Mmi ays and Wcdnesinjs a1 2 p m un I Fri-la s it 13 5 p tu stav log hi (icnik siune ni'ht reochin' Now riiiumith n 3 pin n xt dry Through Fans 20 fares to Opnnike 10- and iut riredlat- pluen lotwem Niw riiMcutli and Opanaka at ireual fins Ua'itrn tiVhetH will ba isxnod botnosn New Mynnuth nd Opurmkn and ixli iii-i'luio phcnu and wee rv'a st hvlf th usul fare aldrd Avoilahla for ono nunth from dote ot iuoo JOB VIIB T'rnin-itor PROFESSOR LI LB EG soys:1 Wo ala'1 beir Limn hu min worn first dir ot d to tho are i-t Codre but w- may conridcr lho article to retuarkabla for its action on thn brain end llm rnbriauce : tin urans ol motiun is anelamrnt 0 101 or i-ns)l nnkbowp which sr dentinad to convert tire bleed into nervous vnho'Hnres xpd time ropiuil (ho n rgy el lho evinu end tldn bin" farulti a" Ir yiii m ish to b ucG' jours1 If you i-onll pot du loilir itisn oiiiK a as: u 1 Corrrc Bold nv vbro in 1 and Ufi tins For it is tho nesi Lidword L Nathan Whakoik Aamt Raw Plymouth i PRICE ONE PENNY Business Cards ftc Olave Deacon (St Auiiyx Stiuiet) ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN Designs for Houses executed and their election superintended Plana and SpooiGcalions tor Patents 241 prepared JJIRANK jyj-ESSENGER ARCHITECT (Eight years uith O-kdon and Kemp Molbonrno Drawing and Specifications prepared Office : nest to Mr R C HuaxF&i Kings Building Devon street P a SMITH ARC HIT LOT BUILDING SURVEYOB rw ilyinorids OFtCD Upper Biongliam-strrot (Office lately occupied iiv Mr T S Weston solicitor) a jT& vv jenkinson CARRIAGE BUILDERS Gonm Fzbuez (Near the Red House Hotel) NEW PLYMOUTH Every dmniption of (kirr'sges) Carts fto built to order at very reasonable priors 25:n Mrs Lashford EATS of HEW PLYMOUTH Private Boarding Establishment Maybhook House 27 Uizabcth -street Sydney Bath Piano Gas and evaiy convenienoe Terms Moderate A MOFFLLN J 0 in e b 8HOP ANDjOFFIOE FITTEB AXD CABlNET-MAKjR Turnery and Scroll Cattiug Patterns made for all desoriptions of Caatinga Address : Brougham-street South a31Sm Y'YLLIE ft gOUNTRE AUCTIONEERS STOCK SALESMEN Yalostors Seed and Produce Merchants Land Rotate and Gtnenq Commission Merchants WEST QUAY WAITABA HOLD regular fortnightly stock sales at their yards Wutara and a solo of Produce Furniture Poultry Pigs and General Merchandise at their Commercial Sals Rooms every Sntorday at 2 pm Sales conducted in all part of tho district on tho moat favorable conditions Loans negotiated Solo Agents for Trmnahi for tho North Qn ens'snu Insurance La Limited Agents tor Messrs Cousins ft Atkins Biesm Cairisge Woiks Auckland and Agents for the Kanri Timber Co Limited Auckland We act ai Formers' Agents generally and give epeoial attention' to our land busineu We have on our Land Register at pro sente largo number of Fat ms both for sale and on louse acd selectors would do well to giro as a call before purchasing land WYLLIK ft ROUNTREE 666a A Frtn Perry W E Pkmuval Percival LA3D rsrATE FIHASC1AL IXjURAKCE AXD QEXERAL AUEXT8 AOOOUXTAMS &0 MOA -STREET INGLEWOOD 85 aero 40 in gnn 4 roomed house ono mile from school nnd railway on metal road Price 50J 108 oric 60 in grau : 2 loomed bouse 1-f miles from miIiooI and railway on moti load Price 4 Ida per acre 115 acres 50 in grass 2-roomud house daily fta miles from school and factory dp 120 to pay in lSyeais Price 400 for interest 71 acres all in gnu bouse shed Ac Price 610 218 acres 120 in cries G mils from Inglowood Prire 4 5s per sera 167 sores 110 in gran 2-ioomed h ring fonced Prio- 5 5s per ai Terms can alwe) a bo arranged iE acre pur- desire it Township sections in Inglowood Waipnkn Midlvirsl end Stratford L0AX8 KCOOT1ATED Debts and Rents Collected Plans end Spool llcations pro pn red for Bu'Idings fto All communication regarded aa strictly confidential faflOOm ONE BOX OF Ofaris&s $ 41 ?ii te is warranted to enra all discharos froti tho Unnary Organs in 1 ithcr o-x (aeqaired or constitutional j Gravi-I an 1 Paine in thi Bscs Gnana1 el tree trom Urcniy Sola in Bcaos -Is Gd 1 nch by all Cheuiiet: end Patent Mulicino Venuors ttirongbout the World Pioprictors : Tun Lixcolv AND MlDLAXD L'ouxric DnUU COHPAhl Lincoln kauri and 4ATBON PCRCli AKERS of CTiABKKS BLOOL A X PURE should pop that they get 1 genuine articlo W 01 thlcrs imitations eosjetioies palmed oif by unprineipled voiulnr Tho wcnla u Lincoln sad Midland Counties Drnx Company Lincoln Eng land are engraved on the Government Stamp and CLARKES WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE" blown tho Poltlo withoat which nono trrni-w 5? "It is good that we don't celebrate this holiday like it was done during the Bolshevik times. It was something truly awful," said Anatolii Borsiuk, a 77-year-old in Kyiv. Taranaki. Taranaki Research Centre / Te Pua Wnanga o Taranaki is the gateway to Puke Ariki's non-lending collection. First Annual Dinner and presentation of Inkslingers' Cup. Patea Mail. Celebrations were forced indoors in Pakistan and tinged with political tensions in Turkey, as both countries face high-stakes elections. In Peshawar, in the country's restive northwest, labor organizations and trade unions held indoor events to demand better workers' rights amid high inflation. Wewere unique in that we hadtwo separate editorialteams,but shared a production area. Taranaki Newspapers building, corner of Currie Street, New Plymouth back in the day. A worker holds up a smoke stick Monday during a May Day rally in Jakarta, Indonesia. Concentrates on popular journals, scholarly journals in arts, humanities and social . fro tub Blood is thi Lins " OLARivEH WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE 1 warranted to cleaneo the tdoo'l from all iiupnriliia from w ha leva cauMJ arising For 8crofula Sonrvy Ecoiiia Skin end Blood Diseases ena Sores ofeli Kinds its effects are marvellous Thousand of tesrimoniala Bold in bottlwt 2s 9d and 11a each by Chomista and Patent Medicine Vendors everywhere 8oIs Proprietors Thi Luroour axd Mid-laxo Gouxties Diiua Go Linooin Eng-end Holds UOT'mtL'8 DEVON BTSEET U I V A T KNnftM of Booata J Familiar BA1H BOOMP ommodione 8ample Rooms for Cenu dal Trevelltrs Billianli Wines Spirits t the bee br-ra ' livery and Ed' Stabiae -V COTTIER Faonirro Imperial Hotel AUDUS RAYNKS Pkopriutob LATE Or AINXCLAXD (Late W Dinglo) HOilI3 COMFORT8ftr Tnrlfora wLi will reoei70'hebrat attention at all hours TSIYl oMFB providea all the Delicices of the S-sio: together with 1 le mliners Civil! Paris police detained 30 people, and clashes were reported in Lyon and Nantes. For Sammie Mackey, it was the first time she had attended an Eid celebration, but it wouldnt be the last she said. South Koreans pleaded for higher wages. 1987, Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. Wlecome to Taranaki . They also praised incentives to move Spain to a four-day working week. Description Kevin Moore claims he is a descendant of the coastal land and has a right to live on it. The first Taranaki War and Te Tau Ihu - The Prow Photographic proofs of Douglas Elliot photographs. New Zealand herald (Newspaper); Taranaki herald (Newspaper); Waikato Times (Newspaper) Reference: MSI-Papers-12482-5. Hawera Star. The Illustrious College of Lawyers of Madrid urged reforms of historic laws that require them to be on call 365 days of the year, regardless of the death of family members or medical emergencies. Includes photographs. To Lessees holding Leases of West Coast Settlement Reserves from the Public Trustee. A worker holds up a smoke stick Monday during a May Day rally in Jakarta, Indonesia. AJHR A-5A, Notice. "We don't need to go back to such a past.". an activist at a Seoul rally shouted at the podium. In 1938 a large Taranaki Daily News building was built on the corner of Powderham and Currie Streets. 1941, Certificate of the New Plymouth Harbour Board Loan and Debenture 1878, Agreement between Taranaki Herald Company Ltd and Leslie Duncan Taylor, Linotype Operator. But nearly 30 years later those computers are old and obsolete. A digital newsroom, and the internet, would have been beyond the comprehension of the journalists who worked for the paper when it first moved to the corner of Currie and Powderham streets in 1897, over the road from where it is now. The event took place in Taranaki, hence its name, yet its effects were felt throughout New Zealand and notably in Te Tau Ihu . H. K. Gruszning. ["Regulations applying to confiscated land in Taranaki under the West Coast Settlements Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887], Pamphlet. "The junior reporter of the day used to haveto physically plot each co-ordinate on a map and then draw anti-cyclones and cut outLsand H, and you used to have to do the fronts.". Explore the The Taranaki Herald online newspaper archive. "Ithink when we closed the Herald it was theoldest daily in the country. The victim suffers ongoing nightmares and fears for her safety. Organizers see the pension reform as a threat to hard-fought worker rights, while Macron argues it's economically necessary as the population ages. Leaks are being discovered across New Plymouths water network after the first 5000 meters have been installed. This term is the first time STDC has included Mori wards. Ramadan was a time of reflection and for people to focus on showing kindness and humbleness, he said. ca. About the same time as the Herald closed the Daily News changed to what was called 'direct editorial input', Nielsen says. "In my time the editorial departments were independent and you tried to beat them to stories. Italy's far-right premier, Giorgia Meloni, made a point of working on Monday -- as her Cabinet passed measures on Labor Day that it contends demonstrates concern for workers. Meanwhile, on the other side of the road,the Daily Newsgot its own new premises in 1938where it stayed until the early 1960s when it moved across Currie St and next to the Herald. Collection of Puke Ariki (A75.456). Taranaki v. Hawke's Bay at New Plymouth 1965 [result], 11. "It's only oriented to benefit employers, not workers.". Christians have it easier with Lent as we only give one thing up though!. 1878-1953. Former editor of the Taranaki Daily News, Denis Garcia. Boer War Honours List Extracts from London Gazette 1901 & 1902. "I've already been looking onTrademefor telescopes.". Taranaki Daily News. 1884. 9 December 1954, Notes to the Editor. March of progress. Already facing one of the largest rate increases in the country, New Plymouth residents will soon be asked to pay an extra 10% for most council services. Through self-awareness, self-sacrifice and self-reflection along with the quest for knowledge, all together help better our communities.. Celebrations were forced indoors in Pakistan and tinged with political tensions in Turkey, as both countries face high-stakes elections. Sandra Robinson was walking her dog when she noticed a dead eel, and another one, and another. A worker holds up a smoke stick Monday during a May Day rally in Jakarta, Indonesia. Springboks. Reply from the Editor A. Bingham started with the oldTaranaki Heraldbuilding in1971. November 12 1963, Taranaki Herald newspaper supplement. Hamerton, Public Trustee. But, as oftoday, that's history as the Taranaki Daily News changes address, writes Helen Harvey. 75th anniversary number of the Taranaki Herald. Simon Adams' motivation for hitting the roads is a heartbreaking one. Letter. 'Centennial '76 : 100 years of local government'. 75 years of settlement. They were always breaking down, Bingham says, remembering the drama when the lead story got stuck en route to production. The passenger lists were originally published in the Taranaki Herald. From Monday the Taranaki Daily News will be open from 11am to 2pm on the seventh floor of the Worley Parsons Building on Gill St. "When I started at the newsroom 10 years ago there were still about 170 people working there from 4am in the morning until 2am at night. Alla Liapkina described the flowers and balloons of Soviet May Day gatherings, but said it's time to move on. Centennial Feature. New Zealand Herald: Deaths extracted from the `New Zealand Herald' 1993 (over 20,000 names) N.Z HERALD 1863: names extracted. "The price of everything has increased except for our wages. New Zealander. He reflected on the speech by the high commissioner, saying he was really taken by them.
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