They have very long periods and very large heights. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. surf | Shallow Waves Affected by Bottom WebExcessive stream erosion,Bulldozing of road cuts,Wave cutting on sea cliffs Which of the following combination of features would best indicate a slow moving rotational landslide Formula on pg. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! D. nearby cliff (with crescent shapes indicating scarp) The orbital motion of water particles beneath the wave. Transformation of Shallow-water Waves (Figure 7-7b) - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. They have very long periods and very large heights. Standing waves (seiches) do not move horizontally. B. Meandering floodplains - Fetch (distance over which wind blows) [ home port | How deep do wave motions go into the water, i.e. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. As waves pass, water particles move in __________ motions? Click here for ANIMATION Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. surf | In shallow water, the sea bottom transforms the wave's properties. labs | Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: email prof. ] Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: Storm Surges Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing Why do some locations have especially high tidal ranges? [ home port |, Gravitational attraction of sun and moon Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. - Destructive They occur when water masses slip over one another. They have very long periods and very large heights. It is the energy of the wave, not its mass that is in motion. Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. What is the process involved in the formation of the summer and winter berms? - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. C. sea arch They are stationary and What is the Rincon at Lake Powell in Utah? (Figure 7-6b) The most damaging effect of storms is not necessarily the waves alone, but the waves in combination with storm surge (elevated sea level), created by the winds which pile water up along the shore. Shallow Waves Affected by Bottom - Persistent onshore winds. Shore breakers (surf) are collapsing waves. Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding., Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. D. Thistle Breaking is determined by wave steepness The orbital motion of water particles beneath the wave. Resonance Waves are disturbances that are generated on or beneath the sea surface. Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. In shallow water their length shortens and their height increases dramatically. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Laguna State Polytechnic University - Santa Cruz, As waves move from deep to shallow water they_________________. - Wind velocity What is the greatest mass wasting hazard to guests in Yosemite National Park? Shallow-water Wave Transformations F. polarity Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. - Constructive Angle that waves hit the shoreline In waves, the distance across which the wind is blowing is known as the what? Waves originate in the fetch area. Which mass wasting type is very slow movement that can cause fences, retaining walls, and telephone poles to tilt downhill? A. marine terrace Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. Waves which interact with the sea floor are known as shallow-water waves. What important function do surface currents provide to the land? - Differential speed along the crest. They are stationary and Bottom friction alters both the Life History of Ocean Waves (Cont.) the wave base. Swell - more regular waves beyond area of generation Your return customer. Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: Bottom friction alters both the Destructive Waves (Figure 7-6c) Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. Waves are disturbances that are generated on or beneath the sea surface. The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. Submarine disturbance email prof. ] - Wind duration Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. What persistent behavior of waves produces longshore drift? Progressive waves move along the sea surface. Destructive Waves (Figure 7-6c) Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. Wind-generated waves are progressive waves because they travel across the sea surface. - Speed decreases -Slightly more than 24 hours. Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. Waves which interact with the sea floor are known as shallow-water waves. The number of waves in the wave train B. Wind-generated waves are progressive waves because they travel across the sea surface. email prof. ] - Persistent onshore winds. Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Transformation of Shallow-water Waves (Figure 7-7b) They occur when water masses slip over one another. Progressive waves move across the sea surface. It is the energy of the wave, not its mass that is in motion. Internal Waves Why is the lunar or tidal day longer than the solar day? Answers: A. C. F. G. What is an important result of the molecular process by which water freezes in contrast with most other substances? What happens to water after falling to earth as precipitation? Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. Transformation of Shallow-water Waves (Figure 7-7b) Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. labs | A. it evaporates Wave energy is focused where the lines converge. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. depending on the slope of the bottom There are two other notable types of progressive waves. Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. They are stationary and Wave energy is focused where the lines converge. Wave Motions [ home port | They are stationary and Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. Oscillate back and forth about a node i.e., a fixed point. Calculate the number of atoms in each of the following amounts. In other words, as this increases, there is a deeper reach of wave base. choose four. depending on the slope of the bottom Refraction can be assessed by drawing wave orthogonals, imaginary lines perpendicular to the wave crest. Motion of Water Particles Beneath Waves (Figure 7-3b). Click here for ANIMATION [ home port | - Differential speed along the crest. F. lowering of base level E. lowering of discharged Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. Standing Waves lectures | Interaction with the sea bottom. Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) The forward movement of the wave form. email prof. ] Standing waves (seiches) do not move horizontally. the wave base? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY, -Sea arch email prof. ] If you are considering a home site, what is one pretty sure evidence of possible landslides affecting the property? Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. Wave height/wave length. A. tension Click here for ANIMATION Shallow-water Wave Transformations The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. This leads to wave refraction and waves collapse forming surf (breakers). Higher storm energy in the winter moves sand off the beach and stores it in the nearshore. The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. When this value is about 1/7, waves begin to break. Wave Orthogonals (Figure 7-8) labs | [ home port | depending on the slope of the bottom Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. depending on the slope of the bottom An earthquake 45 km from a city produces P and S waves that travel outward at 5000 and 3000 m/s, respectively. Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Seas, swell, and surf are progressive waves. Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. Storm Surges Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing They have very long periods and very large heights. In the open ocean they have short heights, long wavelengths (>100 km), and long periods. There are two other notable types of progressive waves. A trellis drainage pattern would be commonly associated with ________. It is wave energy not water molecules that moves across the sea surface. labs | Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. C. Natural evaporite deposits The orbits of the water molecules become elliptical. lectures | B. slightly more than 12 hours Constructive wave interference occurs when several wave crests or troughs coincide. They occur when water masses slip over one another. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. As waves enter shallow water: Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. Breaking is determined by wave steepness B. the spaces between the sand grain in a pile of sand What would you expect to happen to the bedload and suspended load? All of the following factors affect the probability of mass wasting EXCEPT: Which of the following mass wasting mitigation efforts is characterized by spraying reinforced concrete onto a slop surface? Two basic motions associated with an ocean wave: As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. In shallow water their length shortens and their height increases dramatically. Wave energy is defocused where the lines diverge. Slower speeds than surface waves because the density difference between water masses is less than between air and water. Transformation of Deep-water Waves: Dispersion (Figure 7-7a) As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. They are stationary and Tsunamis Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. select all that apply. Water depths are less than 1/20 the wave length. Wave Speed Tidal phases are determined by bathymetry: the _________ of ocean basins and the continental _________ that are used in the way of the tidal envelope within which the Earth rotates. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. There are two other notable types of progressive waves. - Differential speed along the crest. Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Swell - more regular waves beyond area of generation What happens to the wave train because of wave dispersion? Interaction with the sea bottom. [ home port | Internal Waves Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Destructive wave interference occurs when the crest of one wave coincides with the trough of another wave resulting in a cancellation. Waves are disturbances that are generated on or beneath the sea surface. C. gas station The forward movement of the wave form. Waves Entering Shallow Water They have very long periods and very large heights. Geology Ch 12 Coastlines Flashcards | Quizlet The most damaging effect of storms is not necessarily the waves alone, but the waves in combination with storm surge (elevated sea level), created by the winds which pile water up along the shore. _____________ causes surface currents, ______________ causes deep currents. Spits, bars, berms, barrier islands, and other features related to longshore drift are ultimately the result of what? When this value is about 1/7, waves begin to break. The areas from which streams collect water are separated into ___________, the borders of which are defined by local topographic highs. Storm Surges In shallow water their length shortens and their height increases dramatically. Shallow-water Wave Transformations Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! Answers: A. Waves Entering Shallow Water The crests build up and the troughs build down. - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. Interaction with the sea bottom. D. normal Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Click here for ANIMATION They occur when water masses slip over one another. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. This interference may be: WebProgressive wave Example. - Celerity Standing Waves 239 On the inside curve of a meander water velocity is slower, and deposition of sediment forms a _______, Karst land forms can develop when water in combination with carbon dioxide in the air creates ______, causing the calcite in limestone to dissolve. When this value is about 1/7, waves begin to break. Whether an ocean current moves horizontally or vertically depends on its what? choose two. Gravitational attraction of sun and moon Progressive waves move along the sea surface. D. it becomes lithified - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. When wave passes, no net displacement of water. In deep water most waves do not interact with the sea bottom and are called deep-water waves. When wave passes, no net displacement of water. Storm Surges The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. Bottom friction alters both the -Tombolo What important function do surface currents provide to the land?, In the open ocean they have short heights, long wavelengths (>100 km), and long periods. Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. Solved What persistent behavior of waves produces Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. Standing Waves surf | They have very long periods and very large heights. Wave Refraction (Figure 7-8a) Click here for ANIMATION Shallow Waves Affected by Bottom The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. Waves originate in the fetch area. The more spaced out position of water molecules in the crystal structure of ice compared to the arrangement of water molecules in liquid water causes what unique feature of water? Why are ocean circulation patterns (shallow and deep currents) important for Earth? Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. Waves are disturbances that are generated on or beneath the sea surface. lectures | Standing waves (seiches) do not move horizontally. - Destructive Waves which interact with the sea floor are known as shallow-water waves. Surfing Video: Condition Black 239 What happened in the 1925 Gros Ventre slide in Wyoming? Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! In other words, as the wind increases, this also must always increase. B. Wavelength of the waves C. Speed of the Longshore drift is simply the sediment moved by the WebSee Page 1. Formula on pg. depending on the slope of the bottom There are two other notable types of progressive waves. True or false? Chapter 7 Summary Progressive waves move along the sea surface. E. underground fuel tanks They occur when water masses slip over one another. They have very long periods and very large heights. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. D. jetty Swell - more regular waves beyond area of generation Chapter 7 Summary Refraction can be assessed by drawing wave orthogonals, imaginary lines perpendicular to the wave crest. Other Types of Progressive Waves It is due to: The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: When a wave breaks at a more acute (steep) angle on a beach, encounters a steeper beach slope, or is very 1) shallow currents 2) deep currents 3) wave erosion 4) moving sand 5) eroding. Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11). Resonance Higher storm energy in the winter moves sand off the beach and stores it in the nearshore. Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. In shallow water, the sea bottom transforms the wave's properties. Wave Orthogonals (Figure 7-8) They are stationary and Resonance Radial C. Trellis D. Rectangular, Spits, bars, berms, barrier islands, and other features related to longshore drift are ultimately the result of what? select three. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. Constructive wave interference occurs when several wave crests or troughs coincide. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. - Persistent onshore winds., - Wavelength shortens As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. Shore breakers (surf) are collapsing waves. The crests build up and the troughs build down. surf | WebSpits, bars, berms, barrier islands, and other features related to longshore drift are ultimately the result of what? Seas, swell, and surf are progressive waves. Wave height/wave length. Sea - irregular waves in the area of generation - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. lectures | In shallow water their length shortens and their height increases dramatically. Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. Bottom friction alters both the Wave height/wave length. Storm Surges Transformation of Deep-water Waves: Dispersion (Figure 7-7a) It is wave energy not water molecules that moves across the sea surface. A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! Chapter 7 Summary - Low pressure which leads to a rise in sea level. C. foreshore Consider two persons holding the opposite ends of the rope. - Height increases Chapter 7 Summary Shallow-water Wave Transformations Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. - Speed decreases A. street snow and ice melting compounds Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. Standing waves (seiches) do not move horizontally. Which of these is NOT a type of mass movement? depending on the slope of the bottom The size of surface waves depends on the speed and duration of the wind, and the fetch. Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Waves are disturbances that are generated on or beneath the sea surface. The bedload is commonly characterized by __________. Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. It is due to: Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. C. cohesion Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. It is the energy of the wave, not its mass that is in motion. Click here for ANIMATION This area is characterized by a "confused" sea state with extensive wave interference. A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! Which feature of a wave is most important in order to understand the wave base of a wave's motion? Which of the following are formed by wave erosion? Internal Waves Storms affect shorelines in a variety of ways. Waves originate in the fetch area. When wave passes, no net displacement of water. The crests build up and the troughs build down. [ home port | The most damaging effect of storms is not necessarily the waves alone, but the waves in combination with storm surge (elevated sea level), created by the winds which pile water up along the shore. Shore breakers (surf) are collapsing waves. Progressive waves move along the sea surface. Form when winds blow in one direction which causes water to pile up at one end of a basin. Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing A special case is a tsunami, a deepwater wave generated by a submarine disturbance with incredibly long wavelengths, high wave speeds, and very short wave heights, UNTIL they feel the bottom in shallow water! lectures | They occur when water masses slip over one another. - Drag along the bottom. Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: Bending of the wave crest as waves enter shallow water. They occur when water masses slip over one another. Think of sloshing in bathtubs and or swinging in swing Destructive wave interference occurs when the crest of one wave coincides with the trough of another wave resulting in a cancellation. C. shear Standing waves (seiches) do not move horizontally. Chapter 7 Summary surf | What is the mass of Fe2O3Fe_2O_3Fe2O3 in 0.500 g of this mixture? When wave passes, no net displacement of water. Shallow Water Waves (Figure 7-4b) Surfing Video: Condition Black Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) The speed (celerity) of the wave form can be calculated by, The result is amplification of the wave size which can lead to flooding. Tsunamis lectures | Deep Water Waves (Figure 7-4a) It is wave energy not water molecules that moves across the sea surface. Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. - Persistent onshore winds. a. As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Adding water to materials on a slope can reduce ____ and cause mass wasting to occur. Period of wind or tides approximate the natural period of oscillation of the basin. Transformation of Shallow-water Waves (Figure 7-7b) Internal waves which occur underwater and move along pycnoclines. A. raising of base level Node = Fixed Point, Antinode = maximum displacement (Figure 7-11) (Figure 7-6b) - Speed decreases They have very long periods and very large heights. Progressive waves move along the sea surface. A. shoreface/nearshore - Celerity Standing Waves Tsunamis This area is characterized by a "confused" sea state with extensive wave interference. Thermohaline circulation is important for Earth because this process, E. Prevents ocean water from freezing by adding salt. Speed of the waves B.Angle that waves hit the shoreline C. Standing waves can be dangerous due to the phenomenon of resonance. Waves affect water to a depth equal to or less than one-half their wavelength. Waves Break by Spilling Plunging, or Surging (Figure 7-9) Seas, swell, and surf are progressive waves. Sudden shifting of the ocean floor due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and submarine slumping. B. C. Streams in the Great Basin of Western United States are rare among world streams because they __________________________? Bottom friction alters both the Wave energy is focused where the lines converge. E. Rock towers surf | Tsunamis which are seismic sea waves. WebWhat persistent behavior of waves produces longshore drift? They occur when water masses slip over one another. Interaction with the sea bottom. Other Types of Progressive Waves C. Braided streams [ home port | Fetch of the waves C. Progressive waves move along the sea surface. Water is most dense 4 degrees above its freezing point. Standing Waves This interference may be: Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: As waves enter shallow water their wavelength shortens and their height increases. Bottom friction alters both the Transformation of Deep-water Waves: Dispersion (Figure 7-7a) All of the following are ways in which sedimentary rocks form EXCEPT: A mixture of Fe2O3Fe_2O_3Fe2O3 and FeOFeOFeO was found to contain 72.00% FeFeFe by mass. surf | The orbits of the water molecules are circular. a history of previous mass wasting events in the area, Which of these landslide dammed a lake and caused flooding? - Speed decreases G. high specific heat Destructive wave interference occurs when the crest of one wave coincides with the trough of another wave resulting in a cancellation. Some of the greatest destruction comes from the storm surge or extreme high water levels due to the: - Drag along the bottom. surf | Life History of Ocean Waves (Cont.) D. Sinking creeks Internal Waves - Destructive In other words, as this increases, there is a deeper reach of wave base.

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what persistent behavior of waves produces longshore drift?